Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1904, Image 1

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Czar Incensed at Sinking of Kin-
0 A urn m
shin Maru and May Court
Martial Admiral Yeszen
Jexicff Again in Favor With Nicholas Who
Prasscs Viceroy for His Success
Variag Survivors Receive Ova
tion at St. Petersburg
MiwwmiUM aew m m
Vladivostok, April 29. Admiral Yeszen's four cruisers, which made
a dash off the Corean coast, aro being cleaned here today.
Details of the cruise show that the squadron met the Japanese
transport Klnshlu Maru at 11 o'clock at night on the 27th. The com
mander of the transport mistook the Russians for a Japanese squad
ron, and signalled that she had coal for them. Admiral Yesien sig
nalled the order ot stop, whereupon, the Japanese discovering their
mistake, began to lower boats and steam launches In an effort to es
cape, but the Russians gave chase In their steam cutters, and cap-
tured them all. , Apparently, none were left on board the transport,
but an examination revealed six Infantry "officers In the cabin, and In
another part of the ship 130 Infantrymen, who refused to surrender,
Admiral Yeszen ordered the men to come away, when the Japanese
soldiers opened fire, wounding a Russian Coxswain. After that the
transport was sent to the bottom by a mechanical gun, together with
a few shells.
The Japanese aboard did not cease firing, and made no attempt to
save themselves, although they had one launch left
Shots were fired by the Japanese until the waters closed over the
heads of the Intrepid soldiers.
Jap Fleet Near Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, April 29. Viceroy
Uexloff reports this morning that the
foomy was seen six miles off Port Ar-
bur lajit night.
'This morning two Japanese cruisers
Kid six torpedo boat3 w.ro observed
Uszsrlnn Gulf, near Port Arthur.
I Vladivostok, April, 29. A Japanese
leot was sighted off this port this af-
Nicholas Is Indignant.
i St. Petersburg, April 29. St. Peters-
urg Is loaded with rumors regarding
ie sinking of the Japanese military
ansport Klnshlu Maru. One report
us It that 3C00 men were aboard tho.
snsport when she went down, but
admlrallty Insists that there wero
Sly 200. it Is Bald that the emperor
k highly Indignant over the affair,
jid ho will relieve Yeszen aud order
m to be court-martialed. This re-
Brt Jacks confirmation In responsible
val circles, where It Is reiterated no
per course could be pursued and
&at the admiral only fired when the
apanese categbrlcally refused to sur-
ender, and adopted a hostile attitude.
recalling tho viceroy, has commended
him for his work.
Tho order says: "I am happy to re
ceive at Mukden a dispatch from the
Emperor stating that his majesty is
watching attentively tho concentra
tion of troops for the Far East, and
that ho note3 with special pleasure
tho splendid success attained in this
respect." Tho Czar cqncludcd: "I at
tribute Its success only to your able
direction and Initiative work, and al
30 tho work of tho staff officials who
aro subordinate to you."
President O'Connell Says No Prospect
That Agreement Will Be Effected
Between Men and Officials
Denver, Colo., April 29. Boiler
makers and their apprentices, to
gether with the metal workers and
plpemen employed. In the Santa Fa
railroad shops at Albuquerquo, N. M.,
yesterday morning Joined the mach
inists who walked, out Wednesday.
Tho blacksmiths and their helpers
may Join the strike tonight. '
The machinists nt Trinidad, Colo.,
are still at work, as aro thoso at Rtn
con, N. M.,
All non-union men now employed
are heavily armed.
Last Overtures Made.
Washington, D. C... April 29. PrOsl
dent O'Connell, of the Machinists' As
sociation, stated this morning that
there was no prospect of avoiding a
striko of tho machinists employed by
the Santa Fe railroad, although tho
last overtures to the company are now
being made, pending a formal strike,
to be ordered about May 1st.
President O'Connell has Just re
turned from Denver.
Referring to the posted notices In
the company's shops, wnrnlng the men
against unlawful acts. President
O'Connell said the railroad company
Jumps at conclusions, and thinks It
Is going to meet some despcrnto meth
ods. "Tho officials know we aro op
posed to violence. While thoso hnnd
bills deserve no attontlon, It Is only
right to say that it Is an attempt at
Intimidation. In threatening lawsuits
the., company hopes to frighten tho
men who own homes In tho neighbor
hood of the shops. The warning is a
big pluff. Machinists have nothing to
do (with the operation of trains, so
cannot Interfere with the malls and
No Trespassing Allowed.
Albuquerque, N. M., April 29. On
application of the Santa Fo railroad,
District Judge Baker has Issued an in
Junction restraining tho striking shop
mon from any Interference- with
agonts employed by the company, or
In tho movement and operation of tho
company's engines or cars, and all
other machinery and nppllances.
The striking men nro also en
joined from entering tho company's
right of way, or other grounds or
Frank McCord of Brooks Came toSafemg
Last Week With Money -Has N&
Been Seen Since Tuesday . ,
Frank McCord, of Brooks, camo to
this olty last Saturday, aud since
Tuesday ho has been missing. Tho
police havo been working on tho case,
but, In splto of their efforts, no traco
of him can be found.
McCord has been w'orldng In tho
hop yards of fcrebs Bros., and Is said
to bo a very fine young man. Ho bor
rowed $131 from his mother, Mrs.
Mary McCord, last wcok( for business
purposes, and camo to this city with
tho money. Ho also Is said to havo
had some money of his own, and was
around with the "boys" on a fow ex
peditions, but was not leading a hilar
ious llfo to any great extent. On Tues
day he left his room, and when his
mother camo to town yesterday to
Inquire concerning his absence, sho
learned that ho had not been seen
slnco that time. His team, buggy and
harness woro at a livery stable, whore
they had been Blnco ho arrived In
town. His mother suspects foul play,
a? sho says that ho had no excuse
whatever to abscond. Tho police aro
of a different opinion, however, nnd
bellevo that ho Is finishing out his
llttlo tour In Portland. ID Ilr piss,
sesscd of several horses anL wUCcIcs.
and could easily havo soldi lilts otUfltt
for agrcat deal moro than tlio amount
borrowed from his mother. Mitt., Mc
Cord commonccd an actlara agafnsJt
him lost night In Justice TOnm'm.
court, and attachod tho property. tea
ordor to mako horself secitr nsjilnsfc
any posslblo loss.
Berlin, April 29, An attcnrni: w
mado by tho revolutionists tudiijr te
nssasslnato tho district gavrrnur oT
Estkhmjadaun, near Erlvan fa te
The governor was twice wuraufWl.
onco In the breast.
First Day May Be Wet
Bt. Louis, April 29. Thcr UUlUrir
St'at03 gunboat Nashville arrived here
this morning, and will participate! fo
tho opening coromonles of tho Fair.
Strong probabilities of rnln fa tins
prediction of tho weather forecaster
for tomorrow.
Naval Parade In His Honor
One of the Most Extensive
Ever Known
Johnny Came Marching Home.
St Petersburg, April 29. Six hun
dred survivors of the Variag and !Cor
letz naval disaster! at Chemulpo ar
rived hero this morning. j
Their reception at Nicholas station
was of a religious nature, wiNi no
speech or band of musje.
Grand Duko Alexis was present, and
shook hands with tho officers as Uioy
left the train.
Ho welcomed tho men with: "Gopd
day, brothers."
Outside tho station large crowds
gathered, and the mon were greeted
Will Only Frighten Japs.
St. Petersburg, April 29. The op-
Alexleff Still In Favor.
. London, April 29. Tho Central
Sews ng'ncy states that Admiral rations of tho Vladivostok squadron
llexleff has Issued a communication havo revived tho spirits of tho people.
Bdlcating that the Czar, instead of ' (Continued on fourth page.)
Hf I ii4--i 18 !! lBtltmlHMll
with most merchants now seems to bo to mark everything with
enough margin of profit to allow for reduction during "special
sales " Increasing tho prices doesn't increase the quality. Your
neighbors havo found that It pays to trade at a "cash store" where
they get special "cash prices" on everything every business day In
tho year.
Ctash Hats, Straw Hats,
New Spring Felt Hats,
In all the Newest Shapes
Snoes, Clotnfng, Dry Goods
Bit shipment of CORSETS ;;
Naple3, April 29. "I can never for
get this sight; It seems war, but tho
Inner meaning of it is profound
peaco," remarked President Loubet to
King Victor this morning, as they
stood watching tho manoeuvers of 60
warships in honor of the visit of the
French President.
The day was magnificent tho bay
at Its greatest beauty, and tho crowds
wero Immense. Tho battleship He
glna Margherlta carried King Victor,
President Loubet, tho royal princes
and suites, while the gunboat Euri
dlco had on board tho diplomatic!
corps. Tho Iteglha Magherlta passed
twice- between the lines Then Presi
dent Loubet went aboard tho French
cruiser and was saluted with a saluto
of 21 guns from each ship, as tho
French squadron left tho bay for Marseilles.
Prominent Ohio Official Short
in Accounts Kills Him
self and Wife
The biggest, best and brightest sale of muslin underwear over held In Salem began this morning1 all tho
now, good things. Every garment properly cut and mado to fit. Superior workmanship In nil its datalb.
and prices so low as to mako you wonder how wo can do it. Note tho assortment, seo tho prices, look at
tho Illustrations. They glvo but a faint Idea of tho many good things to be found at this great underwear
Toledo, Ohio, April 29. Captain W,
Martin, for 12 years tap clerk in tho
oiflce of tho water works, who was
yeetorday confronted with ovldence
of a shortage ot $300u in his accounts,
did not come to his oflico this morn
ing. Lator tho bodies of Martin nnd
his wlfo were found lying side by
sldo in their bedroom, where tho tips
from the gas burners had been re
moved with suicidal Intent. Lioth
wore asphyxiated.
Captain A.artln was a Civil War
veteran, and stood high in tho com
munity. Tho cause of his shortage Is
not "known.
After Two Days Fierce Fight
ing on Yalu Force Whisk
ered Russians to
Lot 4
n f jFY -" - iiri V V
50c m 4V J$
not !dfB tiit kut i kill ( lit tnil nlati tfftrd it 1Kb ult. Oixn llt iKIi irt itMea font ttl 1M rttltt.
jl 'I 5 Utttintuj 4kU iUH tiul uluttttinkmnti, wi niutmt (hO. ely rt Obuit o y nt H ti til.
iMtaitjiamitiita. U nt UtUuntfumtlt urn. tintt tit utiimiUm. lit i lot vkSi IW luL
The New Yotk Racket
Salem's Cheapest One Pr fee Cash Store.
E. T. Batces. Ptoptietot.
. i
HHfHHl"mHlllm driver, and tho Ituaalan retreated.
Toklo, April 29. It Is reported horo
that the Russians have suffered a dlv
jastrous repulse, after two days' hard
.fighting, on tho Y&Iu.
I Tbo Japanese forces crowed tho
Lot 3
) trtat U itnjdrtiy.. TH 4 P) lrantt'1 IU NMrttttf p . rwM tt (vm. M m tt 1.