Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 28, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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Suppose you fell over
board and someone let
down a rope just an inch
short. What would you
give for that extra inch?
"FORCE" goes a little
farther than any other
food. It just does what
others almost do.
ey r.
i Y&fietr
Sewet Pipe
Sand, Gravel
Garden Loam
What you buy from us of the fore-
I' going list, you buy the good kinds
f Successor to D. 3. Bentley. Phono
Illain C91. 'Wholesale and retail
If building material of the best.
181.183 Commercial St., Salem
California Latest Addition to
Uncle Sam's Navy Takes
to Water
Field Peas
The best hog feed raised in
the valley. We have some ex
tra choice seod peas that vre
I' are making a close price on.
May bo sown for the next
month and make a good crop,
Call or write for prices.
Seed Corn
Wo mako a specialty of han
dling the best seed corn to be
obtained, either for a crop or
for ensilage.
D. A. White &Son f
301 Commercial Street, Salem
jeefca &
he Yost
No. 10
(The Machine Behind the IFne Work.
Excels all others In
75,000 Sold
fast Writing Machine Co.
230 Stark Street, Portland.
-ocal Agent, 288 Commercial Street,
Balem, Oregon.
e Rent Wo 8ell. We Exchange
Wo Repair.
High Speed Combined With
Unusual Armor Protection
Are Her Features
San Francisco, Cal., April 28. Not
Blnco the launching of the battleship
Ohio, which- was attended by Presi
dent McKlnley and other distin
guished sohb of the Buckeye state,
has the shipyards of the Union Iron
Works seen such a gala event as to
day, when the magnificent armored
cruiser California was wedded to the
waters. The christening and launch
ing of the levlnthlan of the deep was
accomplished In the presenco of a
crowd of thousands of spectators made
largely of members of the socjety
known as Native Sons of tho Golden
West, who were practically In charge
oi tho days' ceremonies.
On the christening stand were Gov
ernor Pardee and other distinguished
officials of the state of California and
of tho leading dtles of the common
wealth. As the new warship swept
down the ways the assembled multi
tude wildly cheered the new cham
pion. The christening ceremony was
performed by Miss Florence May
Pardee, daughter of the governor. '
Tho interesting ceremony took
place shortly before 11 o'clock. With
tho first movement of tho big hull
Miss Pardee lifted the berlbboncd
champagne bottlo above her head and
sent It with a resounding crash
against the unyielding walls 'of steel,
at tho same time saying in clear
tones heard by all on the speaker's
"I christen thee California."
As the cruiser took her maiden
plungo In her native element sho
was greeted by a welcoming blast
from a large fleet of war vessels from
Mare Island, excursion steamers, tug
boats- and other craft of many de
scriptions. Tho cruiser California is similar in
type and dimensions to the Pennsyl
vania, recently launched at Cramps,
tho Maryland recently launched at
Newport News,, tho West Virginia
also recently launched, and the South
Dakota and Colorado now building.
When completed the California will
have a total displacement of nearly
14,000 tons. The type of the Cali
fornia derives pre-omlnonco from
two qualities speed and concentra
tion of fire. Her wonderful engines,
driving twin screws, will develop a
horsepowor of 23,000, capable of pro
pelling the ship at a speed of 23
knots an hour perhaps faster. This
speed at onco will take her outside
the reach of pursuing battleships.
while hor powerful battery will make
of her a dangorous antagonist, both
in engagements with vessels of hei
own class and those carrying heavier
Tho main battery of the California!
in the nature of a preludo to tho quad
rlennlal conference of tho Methodist
Episcopal church to open at Los
Angeles next week.
The participants in the conference
include a majority of tho blshopa of
the church, eminent lay workers and
missionaries to a total of several hun
dred, all of whom aro enrouto to the
Lo4 Angeles meeting. Tho prominent
missionaries who will speak include
Dlshop Hartzwell, of Africa; Bishops
Thoburn and Warno, of India, and
Bishop Moore, who comes from Corea.
Bishops Warren, Vincent, Andrews,
Warner and Joyce will also take part.
Sure Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, as well as
BUng, Blooding or Protruding Piles,
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile
Itemed. Stops itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors, BOc n Jar at drug
gists, or sent by mall. Treaties froo
Write mo about your caso. Dr. Bc
sanko, Phila, Pa,
- A i
N. Y. Chiropodists In Town.
Dr. and Mrs. O. O. Fletcher, expert
chiropodists, of Now York City, re
movo corns, bunions and Ingrowing
nails without pain. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Room 10, Salem Hotoli
Phone Main 1881. No extra chargo
for calls. 4-20-lwk
W. C. T. U. Option Social.
The W. C. T. U. will give a local
option social Friday night at their
hall at 8 o'clock. There will be some
good musical numbers and short ad
dresses' by T. T. Geer and others. Ev
erybody Is Invited to come.
Good Horses Sold.
Jas Skipton sold his three fine bug
gy horses yesterday afternoon to T.
D. Barlow, of Portland. Tho price
was $785, and the trio were well worth
that figure.
Case of Captain Williams Finished
and Will Be Referred to Gov.
ernor Chamberlain.
Eugene, Ore., April 27. Tho Ore
gon National Guard court martial In
session here to pass upon charges
made against Captain J. M. Williams,
of Company C, Lieutenant Raymond
Babb and Privates Ora and Wade
Wilson Is slowly grinding away. Tho
trial of Captain Williams was tho
first to be heard, Attorney L. T. Har
ris appearing as his counsel. A
number of witnesses were examined.
The finding or decision of tho court
will not be made public, but sent to
Governor Chamberlain for approval.
Tho trial of Wade Wilson, of Com
pany A, charged by Captain Williams
of Company C, with conduct preju
dicial to good order and military dis
cipline, Is now being hold.
E-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t-H-t IHIHIH'
'. '. Wo have mdre orders than
1 ; we can fill, and wo must have ; ;
; them.
; ; If yon -want tho highest prica ; ;
; ; In cash call on
:; Commercial Cream Co. J
225 Com'i St.
h-h iiiiiiimiinniim-r
Is to consist of four olght-lnch rifles,
mounted in pairs In turrets, fore and
aft. Those jjuns are to be of the
latest type, and will approxlmato as
closely to tho rapid-firing design as
can bo reachod In guns of that cali
bre. There aro in addition 14 six
inch guns of tho rapld-flro design,
whoso broadside fire seven guns on
a side concentrated on an enemy
would prove Irresistible
Her secondary battery consists of
18 three-Inch rapld-flro guns, 12 three
pounders, eight onc-poundors, two
three-Inch rapld-flro field guns, two
machine guns and six automatic guns
In all a most formidable array of
both heavy and light ordnance.
Recent tests made to prove tho
strength of armor such as will protect
the California's sides show that pro
jectiles fired with a velocity of 15C8
feet per second broke against tho
four-inch plate like eggs. So that
her great speed and her splendid bat
tery, tho California' will also be pro
tected by an armor bolt, making hor
a fighting machine of great defensive
strength as well as of offensive now.
Tho contract price of the Callfor.
nla Is $2,800,000. Her constructors,
tho Union Iron Works, were tb,o
builders also of the famous Oregon
and other of tho finest fighting ma
chines of tho United 8tates navy.
Tho wheat crop in Oregon and
Washington promises well.
Oregon potatoes at 'Frisco are low
er, selling at $1.60 to $1.75.
The town of Illlg, Soraallland, Afri
ca, has been bombarded by tho Brit
ish, and the sultan captured.
Speaker Cannon Is now considered
as llkoly to bo the Republican nomi
nee for vice-president.
Tho senato committee In chargo of
the measure has decided to let the
I eight-hour bill go over until Decem
Masked brutes killed 300 sheep out
of a band of 3000 breeding ewes near
Laramie, Wyoming.
La Grande 13 planning to build a
new city hall.
At Cincinnati tho weather Jus been
too cold to play ball.
At the Walla Walla primaries tho
Republican factions engaged in a (1st
Mormon Witness Testifies
That Apostle Hooked up
With His Hired Girls
President Smith Regrets He
Cannot Procure Attend'
ance of Well Posted
Witnes.es Who Fled
Washington, D. C, April 28. During
tho Smoot investigation today, L. E.
Abbott, a Mormon at Farmlngton,
Utah, when questioned regarding his
kuowledgo of Apostle J. W. Taylor,
said that Taylor was reputed to havo
flvo wives, and that two aro now liv
ing in Farmlngton, one with six and
tho other with flvo children. Witness
said that Taylor married two sisters,
Roda and Roxlo Wellington, two
years ago, according to public talk.
Prior to their marriage they had been
living with Tnylor'B wives as hired
When questioned further, Abbott
testified that J. M. Tanner, former
president of tho Utah Agricultural
college, and now connectel with tho
Mormon schools, also had plural
wives but witness could not tell how
A letter from President Smith to
Senator Burrows was then put on tho
records. In It ho regrets hU inability
to procure the attendance of John
Henry Smith, George Teasdalo, M. W.
Merrill. J. W. Taylor and Mj F. Cowley.
Tho committee then adjourned, sub.
Jcct to tho call of tho chairman.
E. F. Fonton, of Albany, has accept
ed a position in the store of Frank
Boworaox, and will reside In thlB city.
Mr. Fonton Is an experienced mer
chant and a very agreeable and pleas
ant gentleman.
Tell Me
the Name
XT ivlwC .
i h
"I b
Tell mo tho nnmo and address of your friend In tho East -wlfcv
might bo Induced to como West this spring or summer. I will for-
nlsh him, or her, with comploto information regarding tho low ox In
cursion rates and tho best routes; will reaervo norths, and do every
thing posslblo to insuro a comfortablo and pleasant journey.
If you're going East I shall bo glad to do as much for you.
Postal card will bring detailed Information end It today.
R, W. FOSTER, Ticket Agent
100 Third Street, corner Stark,
Portland, Oregon.
1 V
The Good of Medicine.
Peoplo insisting .that medicine does
no good, havo one stubborn fact to
contend with, that is, the people who
do bellevo aro greatly In the majority
We havo been so fortunate during the
past twonty years as to convinco thou-
sands of sufferers with weak watery
blood, who had all tho symptoms o(
a general breaking down of the sys
tem, that one medlclno at least does
good. Nervous and unsteady peoplo
can have strong Bteady nerves, and
solid healthy flesh by the use of Dr
Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. A
tablet to take at meal tlmo, it turns
tho food you oat Into ticb, red blood,
making solid flesh at the rate of 1 to
3 pounds per week. Sold by all drug
gists for 7Sc per box, or 3 boxes for
$2. This medicine saves doctor bills
and Insures health, giving tho ycry
best treatment possible.
Big Missionary Meeting.
San Francisco, Cal., April 28. What
is probably tho largest and most not
able missionary convention ever held
on tho Pacific coast opened this after
noon Ifl the Albambra theater. Tho
convention, which, will remain In ses
sion nntil next Monday afternoon, is
appeals particu
larly to those
who enjoy good
coffee. It is coffee
Sold in I and 2 lb, aroma.tight
tint by high grade groccri,
San Francisco
Importers of Fin Coffees
Reg. No.
Tri'l 2:06
Rec. 2:10
Sired by Red Heart 2:194, the sire of Chain Shot 2:0CJ
Red Seal 2:10, Etc. ,
Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25 ....by Mark Field (son of Geo. Wilkes),
Dam of Rod Seal 2:10 Al- slro of Daisy Fields 2:08Ut Mnm
lawood 2:19. brlno Flold 2:HH utc.
Second dam DAY BELL by Advance, sire of Malraska2:25,etc,
Dam of Veritas 2:10, VIndex 2:29.
Third dam daughter of Tlppo Salb, a thoroughbred.
Red Heart Is by Fred Wilkes, out of Sweetheart, by Sultnn; second
dam Minnehaha, tho dam of Boautlful Bolls, etc. RED SEAL stands
15.1, compactly built, with great quality and a suro slro of great
speed. He will mako tho season of 1904 at tho
Terms, $40 Season
With the usual return privilege
to mares sent from a distance
Good pasture at reasonable ratos
SAM CASTO, Fate Grounds, Or,
Now We've Got It!
Something that every housewife ought to have, and
WILL HAVE when they find out what a fine thing it is.
The Universal Bread Maker
Sold and Recommended by
R. M. Wade & Co.
For Infants and Children.
tti M Yw Him Always BttigM
Signature of t&jci&jf7Ce&&t( 1
I Take a Little Walk
Some 'Nice Day
- Go out and seo those fruit
farms we are selling at 15.00 a
A- plank walk from the street
cars will take you right there.
These tracts aro all under the
plow, and comprise the best) j
land in Marlon county,
Over halt of them are sold, f
bo do not delay buying at once, f
They ar
$ 3 Minutes
Walk from the street cars. $5
a month, and bo interest
Salem Abstract
and Land Co.
F.W. WATERS, Mfijr. ;
HfWfftw ffff mi
yttreoooycp sieM-tflHNb
I! Porto Rice Coffee
! We recommend this particular kind for it's fine flavor,
J ; 'strength and color.
II 2 Grades 25 and 30c per lb. I
! ! Try a pound and let the coffee speak for itself ! 1,
O '
I Yokohama Tea Store ?
I ; i
Fresh roasted coffees and fine grades of tea a specialty ; j
i Phone 24 it Black. Free delivery.
r" -hw
I Silver Plume Blend
r""1 ' Jta x "" "
I 11J.IL J' 'l"aLl i"g
Is the strongest 26c coffee on tho market. Ha'.UfacUon iroaran
teed. Frco delivery to all parts of tho city. Always fresh roasted
at tho Balem Coffee Houston
I Johnson & O'Flyng, P op. i
Phone 2291 Main,
I. O. O. F. Temple Court 8t.
W&ottaje Kttau famuy JLtquoraxofe
E. ECKERLEN, 258 CommrclI Street.
Full line of liquors end wlnea. Codarbrook whisky fornwrJy tie
I McBrler brand the bst for family., use. All order filled and 'Je
T Urorod in the city limits, 'Phono Main 1161.
4 1 1 1 II 1 1 H i H 1 M I HI t--H-t"H
i i