ry r-v r r "'" p - ' rV' 'V W"tV Yg WWZ'ty m FOUR DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1904. fk A TRUE STORY. f r SHow a Young Wife Regained Her Healti TRAGEDY CAUSED BY HOODLUIWSM r OUR GREAT i and Beauty. Opportunity Details of Corvallis Gun Bat tle Show That Lawless Element Exists Ready Had Previously Said He Would Shoot Sheriff Burnett If They Tried to Arrest Him ALE n. n Mfc I: ft It- fo V "WTS. Birch, Aiton,Va., an extensive nhrtfi growor of that placo, writes tho 1 tallowing lottor to thq Peruna Medicine W3. .ot Goluinbus, Ohio. Wo print tho t&KMirtafull: 1 Aftin, Va., Jnno A, 1000. X&oTenuin. Mcdlcino Co., Columbus, O. t Oontlomon "Tho country la so flooded varith patent modiclno9 of ovory kind that roTVortlilcHB and a humbug, that I for ono, am glad to bo abla to say I havo tonndono that la ovory thing and moro kthan is claimed for It. 'Xy wife was voiy much run down mxuitml of oorU In ovory way. Bho had i rjalvio dlsordor which loft her vory vrvnlt, norvous and no appetite at all. Ono dr.y I happonod to bo at my fathor'fl store, S. A. iJlrch, Coresvlllo, .Alb county, Va., and noticed your modi , siao ho haa thoro for solo. , " 1 thought it might help my wife, bo Mbrought a bottio of it homo and within i'vi week oho commenced to eat and now oho 1 hungry all tho tlmo and not half iho mcdlcino has boon taken. Wo both mgreo that it boata any mcdlcino to bring on U appetite and to put tho norveu in ,jjood slmpii fchat wo havo over had any rlilng to dot -wllli. Wo had our family Vtfnr to Ivo hoi nmllclno and lio did tll ho could, but sho did not improve tho least. Sho has con sumption In her fam ily and sho was In such bad shape t so run down, nervous, weak, and could not eat, that I had begun to got very uneasy, but your modiolus mado on ontiroly now woman of her. bollovo sho oats and feels hotter no-n than sho has for years. " havo not the slightest doubt bm that your medicine has saved her from a long spell ot sickness, it nothing more. All my family had begun to get uneasy, but, of course, she did not know It and I have only Just told het of It since sho has improved so much. I had no Idea It would do halt what i has and don't think there is anothei medicine mado that will begin to com pare with lt."V. B. Birch, Fruit Grower, Ation, Alb county, Va. If yon do not derlvo' prompt and satl factory results from tho uao of Peruna, wrltoalonco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statemont of your caso and lie will bo pleased to glvo yoa his valuable ad vlco gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President ol Tho Ilartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O EYE RESTORED TO ITS COLOR. Tatoolng Operation Proves Success, ful In Boston Hospital. Boston, April 7. Tlint tho color of tho human oyo can bo changed by tho Ubo of tattoo noedlcs has boon shown by an operation performed at tho Massachusetts Eye and Ear In firmary. A patient has Buflored for somo itimo with an affection which partly ucstroyod the color of one oyo, but affected IiIb sight only slightly. Tho oyo contained a whlto streak, ex tend almost around the pupil. An instrument consisting of flvo ordinary cambric noodles placod side by slilo was uosd. Tho ncodol points being Inserted Into tho sclorotfc coat ing of tho oyo to a depth of not mora than a slxty-fouth on an Inch. Each jiisortlon miulo flvo tiny holes. This wftB ropeatod several times. A solution of India Ink previously -uhaded to match tho eyos as nearly -&s posslhlo, was thon rubbed In with tho finger and worked Into each of tho holos mnJo by ncodlo points. Tho patient fult no HI effects. NO PHYSICIAN NEED APPLY. La Grande Woman Says the Lord Will Care for Injured Son. oASTonx. 'SmtiUi Slgs&uro of Ilia Kind You Haw Always Bought j ins mm tou iiare wwayj La Grando, Or., April 27. A lad named Bruce Borders, aged 11 years of ago, whllo playing about the school house Monday evening, met with quite a sovero accldont. A crowd of boy3 woro playing with a 10-pound weight, throwing IL Ono of tho boys was tak ing a last shot, when young Border hurriedly ran by him, and was struck with tho weight in tho back of the shoulder and knocked Insensible. He was taken to tho school building, and his mother and a doctor were sent for. Tho boy rallied nt first, hut soon was unconscious again. His mother arrived, and whon sho was told that tho doctor would soon bo thoro she declared that no doctor should touch nor boy, declaring that tho "Lord would tako caro of him." Tho boy's shoulder blade and a rib woro broken, and at last accounts to day ho Is in a serious condition, but ho has had no doctor. "Stubs" Wllklns and "Happy SI" Davis will "whirl tlip whirl" If they got In a tight placo during tho games. It is a brand now feat, aud promises to bo an attraction. In speaking of tho fatal shooting affray which occurred In that city, tho Corvallis Times says that hoodlum Ism, In which a gang of Corvallis boys have engaged for two or three years past, is what led up to tho tragedy which occurred there Sunday night. Chester Keady was often a partici pant In the doings of the gang, and. on soveral occasions, fell into the hands of tho authorities. Though less than 19 years of nge, he was of great physical strength, and tho equal of any ordinary man In a fist fight. Saturday night Keady was under the Influenco of liquor. He wanted to renew hostilities with Ben Guler, with whom Keady and his gang pro--vlously had trouble. A crowd was gathored In front of Brodor's saloon. Keady and Outer were among tho crowd, and a general question aroso as to whether Keady could whip Guler. Keady removed his coat and hat, and hung them on hooks In front of a butcher shop nearby, turned his gun over to his friend, Bert Turner, and Indlcnted that ho was ready to fight. At this, Guler went away, and In a fow minutes returned with ex Sheriff Osburn, who pleaded with Kea dy to go home. Keady finally started away, saying that ho was going to find Guler and whip him. Osburn then decided to arrest Keady, when the latter tfrcw hl3 gun, and told Osburn, who was advancing toward him, not to approach any nearer. Keady passed Into and through n crowd that had gathered. Among oth- ers James Dunn approached Keady, and tried to persuado him to give up tho gun, but all met with Keady's In variable defy. All tho tlmo Osburn was following. Keady left tho crowd, took to the streot, walking backwards townrds the pastofllce. . Both Osburn nnd Dunn woro thon following him. Keady warned Osburn not to come nearer or he would shoot. Keady then stopped within a fow feet of tho postofllce pavement. Osburn and Dunn contin ued to advance. Keady discharged his gun at Osburn. The latter crouched a j Keady fired, staggered and was caught by Dunn. Keady was then Joined by Bert Tumor, and, after a detour of several blocks they woro approached by Sheriff Burnett and James Dunn, whllo talking near James Taylor's house. Keady saw tho men approaching stepped off tho sidewalk and remarked to Turner that ho "would drop those S0Z0D0NT BETTER THAN BOLD for the teth. It prevents decay. It hardens the (rams ftntl purities tho breath and mouth. SAVES-TEETH Continues Dating This Week Basing it on a purely sane proposition that appeals to good taste and good judgment it lias proven a success from the start The goods ate new, clean and tip-to-date and include al most any article you may desire for you spring changes. It is traly the GREAT OPPORTUNITY of the sea. son for supplying your furniture wants. No other institut ion is in a position to offer such inducements as we are now offering. We are riot sacrificing out own profit, hut- the profits ol the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., from whom w make the purchase are being sacrificed, hence the pleasure we take in this great opportunity sale is largely due to the fad that it pleases our customers without financial loss on o-J part. Remember we are 269 Liberty street, next door ft Jos. Meyers & Sons. The House Furnishing Company STORES AT SALEM AND ALBANY two fllows." Keady had previously said ho would shoot tho sheriff if he attempted to arrest him. Sheriff Burnott stopped up and lall his hand on Keady's shoulder, saying: "I want you, Keady." Tho answer was a shot from Keady's pistol, aimed at Burnett, but It went wldo of tho mark. . Dunn stepped forward at this moment, and Keady 11 red at him, tin shot taking effect in the' abdomen. Dunn staggered and dropped to hh knees, Sheriff Burnett fired, and Kea dy foil. Two or thrco shots wore thon fired in rapid succession by Dunn, one of thom taking effect, it is believed, as Keady staggered under Sheriff Bur nett' shct. Chance to Move On. Al. Smith, a dishwasher at a local restaurant, has been under the ban for somo tlmo on account ot his pro clivities to get on a spreo rather reg ularly, but tho police havo tolerated him on his ,prom!so to straighten up. Last night ho went on a periodical, and this morning Chlof Olbson served him with a move-on order. His tlmo expires nt 4:30 this afternoon. The Oregonlan Tueslay had a fow editorials not written by tho $18 a week barn-'3hlnglers. They were less than a yard long, and had real germoa from tho think-tank scattered all through them, Instead of a meaning less decoction of mush. They started with a clear sentence and wound up with a whip cracker that stuck In tho reador's mind. Thoy dealt with some thing right on tap, not grovolllng3 or nincompoop grundylsms. Noxt, why don't tho Oregonlan get ono man on Its staff who can draw a cartoon? Any cartoonist ought to get an origin al Idea onco In a while, nnd bo ablo to glvo It recognizable expression be yond tho limits of a blear-oyed blur None of tho Oregonlan people seem to know these thlng3 which tho gener al public has felt for somo time, so wo have put them down In plain sight. i, W. C. T. U. Auction Social. Tho V C. T. U. will give a local auction social Friday night at their hall at, 8 o'clock. There will bo somo good musical numbers and short ad dresses by T. T. Geer and others. Ev erybody Is Invited to como. Tho Property Called Health I runs down or Improves, Just depefl on how it is cared for. It It thesi valuable property we have, and iSta rccclvo tho most consideration. holps you In buslne3s, helps looks, helps mako friends, helps f situations and helps you hold HI and always makes happiness. raj V.. VJ ....V bU.D, Ml. WU . -(M"-j of being out of repair, sttould looked after and a remed; JppHeli once. There are any lumber of til that show repairs are needed. ious spells, Indigestion, Aysp belching, dizziness, sick heaUJ sallow complexion, pimples ul' spots on tho faco, a drow f after meals, sour stomach, etc. wj symntoms all show Iom of W Druggists will sell you for!3elf of Dr. Gunn's Improved LlTerl a suro curj for all of these il What Does It M' Tho man who wanted to too M "LaCorona" means Is wwnwM It means tho best 10ent ctt aarrh. Mnrtn hv AUK. H0 Salem. WALL PAPER HOW TO MAKE JO PER CENT ON AN INVESTMENT. WE SELL WALL PAPER AT LEAST JO PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN SALES INVEST YOUR WALL PAPER MONEY WITH US AND THUS SAVE JO PER CENT-JO a SAVED IS JO a MADE-NEW LOT OF PAPER JUST RECEIVED BUREN HAMILTON 1" -,-uL,. ..-. f'.iiNii:..,