"t fk v -naTfi.'vtffLHfl'fi'awtrT' - '.1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL- 8ALCM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1904. w-flmn's ' .-w-. ' ljt imtvtf vxwwr T li I llltf nl r Ladies Only;, It Is Women Who -Need Most Relief i From Little Irri- , taiing Pains t and Aches. $pr. Miles Anti-rain Mis aro for jromcn. ', Woman's delicate nervous organism fUngles to tho least jarring: Influence, and somo ncho or pain la tlie result , Tbo remedy Is n hand kxr. Miles AnU-Paln PUla. jjObey act most marvellously on wom en's nervous organism, and relieve and -cure tbo pains to which alio Is a martyr. Headaches, neuralelao pains, monthly pains, and all kinds of pains disappear, ao it a gentlo hand had lichtly soothed thorn away. Dlalnesa, Hush of Blood to tho head, Tpolhacho, Backache are n cured by these "Llttlo Comforters." Cured "without danger of disagreeable after-effects; cured quickly; cured with out unnatural action on liver, stomach, or other internal organs. Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Tills please tho women, and the chlldron take them bo causo they are easy to toko and soothe all their Bufferings. 'Tor years I had spells of sick head ache, at times BUtlcring untold agonies. I could not 'enduro any excitement. Goln? to church, and oven visiting, brought on theso tcrrlblo spells. I tried numerous remedies without relief until X tried Dr. Miles' Antl-1'aln Pills, and they have cured me, "When I feel symp toms of slclt headache I tnko a pill and ward off tho attack. When I am tired and nervotiB, n. pill soothes m." MIIB. 0AItAII WATKlNSON, Blairstown. la. Price, 2So a box. Never sold In bulk. "'DT''ii Write to us for Free Trial JB J&E1.C4, Pookaee of Dr. Miles' Anti fa In Pills, the w Sclentlflo nemedy or Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist Will diagnose .your caso, tell you what Is wrong, nnd how to right It, ?"" Dlfc MlCilS. MEDICAL , CO, AB0ttAX0IU3, ELKHART. 1HQ. 1 Solid Comfort for Horses A fcoroo as woll as a driver Is entitled to comfort In his work and to Lave It horses should have harness and fittings that aro not only woll mado, but mado right. Wo carry tho best lines SINGLE HARNESS, DOUBLE HARNESS, 8ADDLE8, 8RIDLE8, WHIPS, ROBES, 8UPPLIE8, AXLE QHEASE, HARNESS OIL, and ovory thing In our lino, Tho host Is nono too good for our putrona. Prlcos right i F. E. Sfiafer 232 Commercial street, noar yigtMi MIHMii H IIHIUI Mini : Voget hamhet y. and : : Fuel Company. Rough and drcBsed lumber, sash, doors, lath and shingles, ' ash and fir wood. Salem Ore. , ; Down town offlco 112 Court ; ; stroot. Tolophono Main 2461. ; ; Ono block cast ot S. P. pas- ' songcr depot. fTTTTTTrTTTTTTlTTXTTTTT Your Stepmother l still horo, nnd as busy m over, Whon your clothes aro worn and dirty, or tbo buttons oft tako them to fcer, at tho Balom Dyeing and Clean 1&X Works, Repairing and rollulng; saw volvot collars put on overcoats; akra four suits a month for 11, Callod for anl returned. MUS. 0. II. WALKER, Prop. 19S Commercial Htreot i iitetHtMCJBiMt I j i G F. Masoa i I ; Mauofactorcr of Berry ; ; crates, boxes, Inside ; , wo Jc foe all fruit dryers, ! nnd nil ki&ds of shop ; ! 1 work. Miller St. Somh ; SkmtPtoxxt2i9lRti ; i it! MHO IHlHi HfjJ' KUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale of Chinese and Japanese feacy goods. Wa also mako up all ldVi o wrappers and waist, under wur and aidrtB, Quota wa ladjea twralahlag goods, BllVes, laces and em bnMderlee. All kinds ot summer goeds, n.fctMH- tfc, 9rt '?rnwr MI9yi fjawwiia JOHN : PLOWMAN Is Now in Sajem From a Trip to the Orient Tells About Conditions Manila and Japan-Farming in American Style in C, H. Deere, president of tho John Deero Plow company of Mollno, III , is In tho city, the guest of Manning & Ferguson, local agents of tho com pany. Mr. Deore 13 returning from a throe mpnths' trip to tho Orient, where he went on a pleasure tour. "I left home In January and Balled from San Francisco," said he yesterdny In talk ing to a Journnl reporter, "and I hnvo had a delightful vacation. We touched at Manila, where 1 spent several days nnd found everything pleasant and agreeable In the Islands. Tho health of the Americans who are located there seems to be good and I did not hear any complaints on ac count of the climate. I next went to Hong Kong, then to Shanghai, hut the finest part of tho trip was a voyage up tho Grand canal on a houso boat. Thoao boats aro furnished In regular hotol stylo, have an Interpreter, cook, captain and a crew of 11 sailors. The canal Is ICO miles long, and the house boats aro towed by tugs, each tug handling six or eight boats. It took our party a week to mako tho trip, but It was well worth tho while. The canal Is crossed by hundreds of bridges, tho majority of thom being built hundreds of years ago out of stone, and they aro works of engineer ing, wl'h their largo arches. "We did not hear much of tho war until we arrived In Japan, but In that country everything was In a state of excitement. Troops were being hur ried onto transports, bands played and tho people cheered their departing veterans. Tho Japaneso aro very en thusiastic, and confidently believe that thoy will subdue tho great Russian omplro. While in Kobo wo visited a public gymnasium, a largo building, whoro hundreds of tho llttlo brown men wero doing athletic work. About one-half of tho building was covered with mats, and hero a large number wero wrestling. On tho other side fencing, spear exercises and numer ous othor sports wero In progress, showing tho Inclination of tho race to pursue vigorous athletic work. Our guide told us that over a million men, hoys a'lul women In Japan belonged to this athletic club. "Tho pcoplo of Northern Japan nro farming in the American style, nnd wo nro building up quite a trade, but in tho central and southern part ot tho country the traditions aro cntiroly different, nnd tho fanning is con ducted by hand labor. This Is duo to tho largo population and to tho meth ods ot farming. "Wo landed In Victoria on our re- Field Peas Tho best hog feed raised In the valloy. Wo have somo ex tra cholco seed peas that wo nro making a closo prlco on. May bo sown for tho next month and mako a good crop Call or writo for prices. l! I Seed Corn Wo mnko a specialty of han dling the best seed corn to bo obtained, either for a crop or for onsllago I tSHitittUtitttnaJttKiXfir n D. A. White &Son I FEEOMEN AND SEEDMEN 301 Commercial Street, Salem y&mm A Practical MAOAXU4C ronTHB GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER KACH ISSUE CONTAINS DeAUTIFUU.Y ILLUSTRATED DISHES, DCCORATIONS ron THK TASLK, DAINTY MINUS rO ALU OCCASIONS, KTC IT IS THK ANCmCAN AUTHORITY ON CULINARY TOPICS AND rASHiONS, CuamtHT Ukw lOo, l.09 rn Yca TAfeUC TALK PUS. CO., PttlLA. MUtinan wunu Mu chuihut t. ii.awi turn trip, nnd I have been on tho Sound and In Portland for several days, This Is my first visit to Oregon for 10 years, and I can notice largo Improvements In the cities and' towns. About 30 years ago I made my' Initial voyage into Portland, coming up from San Francisco on tho steamer. That whs before the railroad was com pleted, but we sold goods hero In those days. I like tho coast, and al ways enjoy tho time I spend here." Tho John Deere Company is tho largest plow factory in tho world, turning out over 300,000 plows each year. It was founded by the elder Deere In 184G at Mollne, and has been a success from the start. The com pany also owns two carriage factor ies, and a corn planter factory, em ploying in tho aggregate several thou sand people. Mr. Deero reports trado conditions bettor now than they wero a year ago, nnd says that the presidential elec tion Is not affecting the business ot the country in tho least. Sales are large and collections good, an unusu al thing for the year of a general olec tlon. Wedding of Captain Sartorls. Paris, April 26 The civil reremony of tho marrlago of Captain Algernon Sartorls (grandson of tho jate General Grant) to Mile. Germalne Ceclle Noufllard (niece of Charle3 F. Halle, director of the New Gallery, London,) took place In Paris today. Major T. Bentley Mott, the United States mil itary attache, was one of tho witness es for tho bridegroom. Tho religious ceremony will be performed Wodnes day In tho Church of St. Honors d'Eylau, and will bp attended by all the members of the American colony, as well as many leaders of Parisian society. Wild West Show In England. London, April 2C Colonel Cody's Wild West show Is booked to begin its season today at Stoke-on-Trent and during the next six months thq famous exhibition will bo seen in tho chief cities of the British Isles. By way of keeping up to date Coh onel Cody has added a number of new features, Including 25 Japaneso riders, and an Increased number of Cossacks SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. The Fatal Ucrm and Ita nemedy Not Pacts of Scleace. It la the rarest thing In tho world for a man to bo necessarily bald. No man whose hair is not dead at the roots, need be bald It he will use Nowbro's Herpl clde, tho new scalp antiseptic. Ilerpl cldo destroys tho germ that cuts tho hair off at the root; and cleans the scalp ot dandruff and leaves It in a perfectly healthy condition, Mr. Mannett, In the Maryland Block, Butto, Mont, was en tirely bald. In less than a month Herpl clde had removed the enemies of hair growth, and nature did Its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch leng, nnd In 8lR,Tpoks he had a normal suit of hair, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herpidde Co., Dotrolt, Mich. Cnniol J. 4'ry, Special Agent HHHlilfIllIOg J DocsYotitBtfggy Need Paint This Is the tlmo of year to have It put In order. All work X dono In the best style, and fully guaranteed as to quality. Pieces Right You will be surprised at how little It will cost you to have your rig made new. W.B.WARNER &CO. 68 Chemeketa Street Iiif if iinHiiia 44iltlHllx Oregon Raised Clover Seed As the weather has set tled the farmers who wish -to sow clover seed wi.l ;; need to supply themselves ;; quickly. We offer a fine quality t of very reasonable prices, i Other farm and garden X seeds m quantities to meet :: aMtkmandsat p I Sayage & Fletcner ! ii ii uMifn in i i FLOUR, QRAIN AND SEED ' nm MHiimymHu IIMIMWW'''li)'i11i'WMlllllllllll,!mi.ll Afcge(able PrcporalionTorAs similating ihcFoodandRcgula ling the Stomachs andBowcIs of Promotes Digcstion.Chcerfur ness andRest.Conlalns neither Oplum.Morpliine norUncral. Not "Nau c o ti c . jy oroujy&MUELffiaaut Pumpkm SttJ' JtxJenrui ytnufSfMt tfpemwtf - IKrrpSced.' OavMAunr KSnttryrm runxr. A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tlon, Sour Slomach, Diarrhoea and Loss of Sleep. "racSiirilo Signature o? NEW YORK. ESSnESSS pa mm EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ec"se(3(a Z -S. JSaMS tfMCWW Phene: Mow 2953. ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED for tbe 193 Commercial St. Orer The Journal. (ycPXw fs sW&fZB f 'n5Vw 'ROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL IVOAA. aaGEKaBffraffgMgsre a, af -ofrH'WHllHHmnnHHBIHim'fr k ' rTWpFg l I T nw T. nminiiwitinniniininniiiimtniimenii nKMMtnnwnunimivnmnmti ::::::::A G E N C BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! GRAIPJBDYERSANDSHlPPERSOFflP AT j Oats For Sale. MOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crnie and stick Sotennr. j. u. aiduam, Agwt, iiin t- t i--tf innftwrtu na-nnira- - .w.w. .-..t.t.,, iiimaiaiii laiiUBimii lan-'-rtnmn i SKU VidkH -r .kjsbWt : f -mwn- imgrwmmr' j.- vy '1 - - - un liaillflali..m.a...Tf1t,a,t,1illgtWiMa.! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind foil Have Always Bought Bears the I Signature m In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tm otKTAun unni . new vouk our. A WINNER s In the race for supremacy In pork products Is our latest con cen signments: In choice sugar cured hams and bacon, and our flno country sausages, loins for roasting, chops, etc. Cold weather brings a demand for cholco pork In spare ribs, pigs' feet, hocks, trlpo and sausages, and wo have the finest corn-fed nn"d carefully fed pork to be so cured. E. C. Cross. i If Ws si ISig Job of Printing: . I hare the facilities for dolnp'that ns well ns emaller ones. Anything from an Envelopo corner to a Big Catalogue. I Want Work That requires particular attention, and in doing it I guarantee that it shall bo of tho best quality, and at a reasonable price. N? D. ELLIOTT. IMMENSE STOCK OF Z Carriage Harness Wotfk Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first class, Sou us for anything In our line and save money. E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co. 289 Gmmercial Street. Y O F:::::::: 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. J -- .--- --- - w taMMiiiiisiif itifniaiaiann. 1 1 THE PICK OF THE FOREST J Has been takon to supply tho stock of! ! lumber In our yards. Our stock Is' ' complqto with all kinds of lumber." I Just received & car load of No. li ! shingles, also a car of flno ahakea. We. aro ablo to fill any and all kind" of bills. Come and let us show you! ! our stock, Yard and office near a P. passenger" ' depot 'Phone Main 65L ! ! ooodaue lumber m !: Three Trains to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeping cara dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokano; tourist sleeping cars dally to -Kansas' Cltyj throngh Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per. sonally conducted) weekly to Chlca go; reclining chair cars (seats frw) to tho East dally. 70 HOURS , PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho Change of Cars DKPABT FOB TIME SCHEDULES From Portland, Or, AB&I7) FBOU OblcaKO Portland Bpeclll 9 16 a. m Salt Lake. Vsnrei. Ki Worth, Omaha, Kanut Oltj, rit. Lonla, Chicago 5 2Jp oiiu Aon, AtlanUo Expreu 8:16 p. m, Tla n unt ie k ton Bait Lake, Denver Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansu Cltr, St. Umli, Chicago nud E&at. Ma,, Bt. FkoI K't Moll 7 46 p. m, via Bpokano Walla Walli. Lewlnon. Bpuaane Wallace, ln!l- atan, .muncanou 8L Paul. Uuiuth.MUwankM 8: . a Ohlcago, and at. Ocean and River Schedule, For San Francisco Every flvo dai at 8 p. m,. For Astoria, way poinU and North Beach Daily (except Sun day) at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 10 p. n. Dally service (water permitting) oa Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller Information ask or wriU your nearest- ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent Tho Oregon Kallroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon, Corvallis & Eastern ML 70 TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:45 p. a. Leavea Corvallis 2:00 r a Arrives Yaqulna 6:20 p.m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 6:4( .& Leaves Corvallis 11:10 a.m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. a No. 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00a.m. Arrives Detrol 12: 20 pm. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00p.m. Arrives Albany S:E5pm. Train No. 1 arlves in Albany In tlmo to connect with the S. P. toath oound train, as well as giving tiro or three hours in Albany before depar ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with Ue & P. trains at Corvallis and Albany cit ing direct Bcrvico to Newport and t& Jacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Dotrolt, Breltenbnin and other mountain resorts learei Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching D trolt about noon, giving ample tlmi to reach the Springs samo dar. For further information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. cnONISE, Agent, ComlUi O. C. T. CO.'S PA83ENGER STEAMERS POMONA and Altona leave for Portland, Mondty, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, a. Tuesday, Thursday and 8aturdy ! m: For Corrallli, Tueaday, Thnndty and Saturday t 6 p, m For Independence dally eiceptSanily at p. ni. Deck: Foot of Tradi Wre M. P. BALDWIN, Agt PILES H" itiMHiTUWMr-r - a - aa ft"!?- BUDDOSltOIl A AAU4W D VfclL nwpMtt WJ Ord MmU, BULmtIU. K, v ". " Tii tAa 4 avU m U1 tt. iKaa.4 Vt B. rZ tai..tMk V T wttal MTbT ?"' Tl -.,. ! mi( ft..b.L Taaa VnRI "1 prwtU or II jwi, I IMA taf $2rK3 hv hnMUK . ... BUaBTf . PA - w. maktih H'JWTa ""2Z:ZmMm Bold n taim by . C tef Call for free Bampw cicmc3ts:h, ewot'I,,g am s s 5!it iswal ' hum Sm fartiwlfWtaiSri """tt: ... "irr.Ti vm jw" -- Ft ec, Yes Fe. Dr. Stone makes no cb&r H nliatlnn nr nrnscrlDtlon. C . found dally at his drug W Oregon. - '