Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1904, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    ' ttv; v 'e""T 'v'v'r'fT'' "
! Great Success
Eve y Day of the Geat
Slaughter Sale of
Proves that the people are satisfied with the goods. Hundreds of
pair sold, and the rush contlnuca.
These aro solid
Como early befdre
Edison Shoe Store f
Kiinge? Building
Department Two Now in
Regular Session-Number
' of Orders Made
Department No. 2 of tho circuit
court convened in regular session this
morning, Judge Bolso presiding. The
following business was transacted:
O. M. Smith vs. Salem Building &
JLoan Association, Butt to quit title;
demurrer to complaint filed,
T. C. Smith vs. Geo. Grlswold, ct
al., suit for contribution; nt Issue.
JU J. Martin vs, Mary Qlsh, et nl.,
objections to cost bill overruleJ.
Alba R. Morgan vs. P. M. Neal, et
al., cpntlnucd.
A. W. FlBchor, executor, vs. J. M.
13 row no, continued,
M. A. Wilcox vs. J. F. Wilcox, di
vorce; trial Bet for Tuesday at 2
Mabel Zlnk vs. Marlon Zlnk, dl
vorco, continued for Borvlco.
Joslo Hicks vs. John HIckB, divorce;
ilYotfff Bicycle
Docs it need Repairing?
Tires from $2.50 up
Rims of all kinds, in fact,
Anything fo a Bicycle
I Best workmanship and prompt attention
Let's Become
Looking up and down our busy street of lata wo notice many new
faces. We see new faces la wagons coming from the country, that
seem to be strangers In our community. You will want some place
9 to trade In the Optical or Jewelry
watch repaired or anything In our line, Como In and get acquainted
and we will serve you to the best of our ability. Our reference Is the
entire county, ask any one,
Chas. H.
88 State 8treet Next door to
tf !
stock goods, and cannot bo replaced for the price,
the bIzcs are broken.
on State street.
continued for service.
B. F. Snyder vs. Donna B. Snyder,
divorce; trial set for Thursday, April
28th, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Clara Huddleston vs. Joseph Hud
dleston, divorce; continued for ser
vice. J. Wolfard, et al., vs. A. W. Fischer,
executor, Injunction; continued.
Margaret E. Falrchild vs, G. S.
Falrchlld, divorce; continued.
Francis M. Harvey vs. Eleanor P.
Cranston, partition; trial set for
Thursday afternoon, April 26th, at 1
Annie M. I. McCormnck vs. James
H. McCormack, dlvorco; set for trial
on Tuesday, April 26th, at 10 o'clock.
Al. Coolldge vs. Susan Ramsey, et
al., foreelosuro; continued for ser
vice Gcorgo Strcse vs. Minnie Streso,
divorce; continued for service.
William G, Stanton vs. J. T. Bower
man, et al, dismissed.
Tho body of Creed Conn, tho Silver
Lake merchant missing since March
4th, was found In a field one mile
from tho lake, badly decomposed.
Colvln Brown of Stockton, formerly
of Salem, was made president of tho
California commissioners to the St.
Ixnils fair.
line, need a pair of glasses or s
Hinges, j
Ladd A Bush Dank.
Received a Severe Drubbing
at the Hands of the Rag
lans in Two Games
The 'Saints" started In to do things
to tho Raglans yesterday afternoon,
but could not keep up with the pro
cession, and, during tho third spasm
went high up the murky clouds to re
main there during the rest of the
agony. Nearly 1000 peoplo were In
tho onclosure when Umpire McCor
mnck stepped into the diamond and
gave the word. Two hits and an er
ror enabled Lee to make tho circuit,
and when the Raglans had got their
go, and failed to balance their ac
counts, tho crowd thought they could
sniff trouble ahead for the leaguers.
Tho second Inning netted each side a
gooso egg, and the Saints drew an
unnumbered check in their section of
the third, but tho locals warmed up,
and, with the assistance of half a. doz
en errors on the part of the collegians,
scored four runs on three hits. Mt.
Angel seemed to be satisfied with tho
ono tally, and at the end of the ninth
Inning tho Saints still had tho lone
mark to the credit. It was different
with tho Raglans, however, for they
bought five in tho fifth, repeated the
dose in tho sixth and wore not satis
fled until they had piled up seven in
tho seventh, a total of 21. Tho fea
tures of the game were a long running
catch of a foul back of third by Loug
heed, a double play from Kelly to
Hunt to Kincald, a triple from Fay to
Lougheed to Downle, and the fielding
of "Si" Davis. Tho gamo was lacking
in lntero3t after tho third inning, but
tho crowd weathered through tho fias
co, and got tho worth of their money.
Tho teams were unevenly matched,
but tho Raglans played superb ball
all the way through," and tho visitors,
while not In Bhape, are gentlemen,
and never onco entered an objection
to a decision or growled about tho
final result Tho detailed score Is as
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Fay, bs 5 0 0 4 2 0
Wllkins, c 5 4 3 6 1-0
Lougheed, 8b .... 5 3 2 3 0 0
Davis, cf C 3 2 1 0 0
Suess, rf 5 3 0 2 0 0
Wllnor, If 4 3 3001
Nehrlng, lb 5 3 3 10 0 0
Downle, 2bi 4 1 1 1 2 1
Calif, p 5 1 2 0 7 1
Totals 43 21 16 27
Davls out for biiritlng on
Mt. Angel.
AB. R. H. PO
Kelly, p, rf 4 0 0 0
Hunt, ss 4 0 1 4
Leo, If 3 1 3 0
Porter. 3b 2 0 0 2
Gorman, B., rf .. .-. 4 0 1 2
Klol, C 4 0 1 2
Kincald, lb 2 0 0 C
Coleman, 2b . 40 0 C
German, A., p.. ..1 0 0 0
Shorey, rf 3 0 0 1
12 3
2 1
1 1
0 1
1 0
0 1
3 1
0 1
1 0
Totals 31 1 C 23 10 10
Runs and Hits by Innings.
Salem 0 0405570 21
Hits 1O31G420 1C
Mt. Angel ....1000000001
Hits 2 0201100 06
,Struck out, by Callff, 5, by Kelly, 1.
Bases on balls, off Callff 2, off Kelly
4, off German 2. Sacrlflco hits, Fay,
Porter, Kincald. Triple play, Fay to
Lougheed to Downle. Double play,
Kolly to Hunt to Kincald. Time of
gamo 1:C0. Umpire, McCormack.
Saturday's Game.
Tho gamo on Saturday between tho
two teams resulted In a victory for
tho locals by a score of 16 to 0. Lucas
pitched a flno game, striking out nlno
Tho Hearst Democrats are carrying
the largor cities of Washington and
may havo a delegation from that state.
Bwi ti ,9 Nw Md Vm Haw fotrlz BosjM
mi minium t hi him i
: j Sidney
j I Hayes
(Lato of Chicago Conservator-) I ',
. . located at present in Salem, I
teacher of violin, mandolin and
i i
' guitar. Pupils desiring Bclen-
lflc instructions at moderate '
. . rates addross or call at Wills '.
; Music Store. 'Phone 2664 Mala
Louis Savage Murders Foster
Wachino at Grand Ronde
Sheridan, Or., April 25. Reports
have reached here of a shooting
scrape between Indians at the Grand
Rondo reservation, as a result of
which Foster Wachine was killed by
Louis Savage.
Savagehad been drinking with an
other Indian, when a quarrel sprung
up, during which Savago drew a re
volver. Wachine Interfered to pre
vent him from using It, and received
a bullet through the heart for his
As soon as the affair wa3 reported
to Dr. Kershan, the Indian agent, a
warrant was sworn out, and Sheriff
Sltton, with two deputies, left SherL
dan this morning to capture Savage.
As Savago is a bad man they are pre
pared for a fight.
Savage served a torm In tho state
penitentiary for robbing Ellis Bros.'
store at Grand Ronde. He Is one of
the bad characters of the agency, and
capable of tho most cold-blooded crim
inal acts.
Current News.
McPherson, Kan., was struck by a
cyclone Sunday afternoon, and three
persons injured.
In a Hungarian town 23 rioters were
killed and 40 wounded by efforts of
tho mllltnry to quell the disturbance.
The Japanese are supplying Corea
with banks and seed grain for tho
There are rumors from Berlin that
Russia will take tho first opportunity
of mediation to stop the war.
The Victor Talking Machine works,
at Camden, N. J., have burned.
Plans are maturing for closing tho
present session of congress on Thurs
day. Eastern Kansas has had from threo
to five inches of rain, and streams are
The people of Russia arc interested
In the condition of the empress, and
are praying it may be a boy this time.
Tho corner stono of tho new Jewish
synagogue, Ahavai Sholom, was laid
Sunday afternoon at Portland.
Tho debt of tho Centenary Metho
dist church was wiped out last Sun
day at Portland.
Threo million yen Japanese money
passed through Seattle the other day
for war supplies from tho United
The Willamette.
Chas. R. Thompson, Portland.
S. J. Hoffmnn, Seattle.
C. N. McArthur, Rlckrenl.
Theo. Eder, Sacramento.
C. G. Allen, Sacramento.
Wm. J. Whalen, Sacramento.
vC. H. Deere, Molino, 111.
R. L. Darrow, Portland.
Chas. R, Archerd, Portland.
H. Brash, Portland.
F. J. Durham, Portland.
R. R. Dingle, Portland.
A. F. Rogers, Portland.
W. T. Rlg'lon, city.
M. L. Walker. Portland.
A. Tripp, San Francisco.
Clias. K. Spauldlng, Newberg.
G. D. Trotter, Stayton.
L. C Dean, Portland.
S. McKay, Portland. '
H. Hamilton, Portland.
J. A. Scott, Pendleton.
C. D. Frazor, Portland.
H. M. Friendly, Portland.
A. W. Kuglor, Portland.
Francis V. Cihnr, New York.
Chas. Maderla, New York.
Chas. Morten, Eugene.
a L. Parrott, 'Roseburg.
F. M. Hopkins, Roseburg,
H. G. Gorm, city.
J. E. Desmond, Portland.
Max Frledonthal, Portland.
J. S. Davles, Rochester, N. Y.
Julius Bacharach, San Francisco.
G. J. Tuska, San Francisco
W. E. Frazer, Portland.
I F. Daly, Dallas.
'hh iti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h- inn
I Carnation Sale
; I am having a special sale on
; carnation plants this week.
; Anyono wanting to plant carna-
; tlons, now Is the time. I have
all varletiea and colors. Como
and seo for yourself. This
week only. C. F. RUEF,
Phono 2591 Black.
Avenuo Greenhouses
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question nrise3 In tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
baking I odd boiling water and set to
cool. Flavers: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a packago
at your grocers to-day. to cts.
We think we may be pardoned for
being somewhat egotistical this spring
about our line of vehicles. When you
aro absolutely certain that you're
right It Is proper to take a firm
stand. That's "us."
We, have without question the best
assortment of vehicles In Salem. If
you will kindly call, wo can satisfy
you. The popular-priced hard rub)
ber tired and cushlon-tlred runabouts
we are particularly strong on, besides
top buggies from $60 up. Farm hacks
delivery wagons, surrleB, traps, etc.,
we havo In abundance. Our time Is
yours when you want to look.
About rubber tires.
It Is well to get your rig fixed up
now. We will re-rubber your old rig,
putting on both channels and tires or
tires only, as you need.
We guarantee our work. This Is our
third season, and we know how to do
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement House. 255-257 Liberty St
Farm Implements Automobile?,
Sowing Machines and Supplies.
The Van Alstlne, Gordon & Co.
hereafter will bo located at rooms
1005-101, Sherlock Building, Third
and Oak streets, Portland, Ore.
Wo will continue to conduct our
collecting business In tho same
manner as usual. Charles E. Len
non, room 10, ovor Ladd & Bush's
bank, will represent us in Salem.
A. R. Morgan & Co., Mgrs.
Pbone Main 1445
Money to Loan
Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or
Chicago Stoue
To Encourage
Quick Baying
We Offe Fo
Monday and Tuesday
Tho- following unsurpassed bargains that are 'genuine loth in qui
.1... j i .-- . . ,. . . .. i . ... iort
mj nuu iuw pritu. uurgains inai you cannot duplicate m "j "
in Saltim. Bargains that are of a high-class quality sold cheap. A"
for the goods advertised. Sale off Tuesday evening.
50c Kal Kal Crystal Cord wash
silk; sale price, yard 29c
$1.00 Wash Taffeta Silk; a beau
llful thick heavy quilted; all
colors and black; sale price,
yard 65c
39c Wash China Silk; very lino
quality; all colors and black;
sale price, yard 25c
$1.00 Black Silk Peau do Sole; a
lustrous thick, heavy quality;
sale prlco, yard 68c
35c Whloa Oxford Walsting; a
beautiful quality; .sale price,
yard i9c
8 l-3c dainty Challles; pretty, new
designs; sale price, yard ...5c
12o Scotch Ginghams; all new
t styles; Bplendid for Bummer
dresses; price, yard 9o
We will make you a present of
find It Just as we represent it
M'EvoyBrothersXourt St., Sale
If stylo, quality and price are
Important considerations.
If gottlng tho greatest bene
fit for the sum paid counts.
If getting complete sntlsfac.
tlon is a popular factor. Then
"Palmer" suits will be yout
Every "Palmer" suit carries
with It a positive guarantee of
good quality In every detail
fabrics, trimmings, linings,
This guaranty is an assurance
of the wearer's satisfaction;
that's what wo mean by It.
It means also that In style,
fit and service, the wearer will
havo full value for the mon
ey. Visit the department and
try oh as many of these swell
tailor suits as you like. Better
(Come tomorrow.
"Make trading hero your habit."
H. M. Friendly, of Portland, was la
tho city today, repairing the tele.
phono switchboards.
L. F. Daly, of Dallas, was in the city
today, on his way to San Francisco
for a short business trip.
Gold Dest Flow
Made by THE a dney POW-
COMPANY, Sidney,
Xftifln tri fntnllff iiqa AtV V
your grocer for it
Bran and J
Bhorts always on hand.
i 39c white Applique Bureau Scarf.
great bargains; only :s
35c Knub Irish Poplin Linen dresi
goods; tho latest; sale price
20c Glass Silk dress lining; bl
good3 made; sale price lle
12o black SaUen; a good Q
ty: anallno dye: per yard...-!
9c Linen Fringed Napkin,
fancy borders; sale price ..
?2.00 white silk Mercerlied SkW
Walsto; beauties; tale
prlco .... '
Ladles' 15o fast black StockWj.
flno quality; salo price, pJ''-?
t.ji.-i .oca i.in.i- Mroauwv
aaies jo.ou umt - ,
Dress Skirts, handsomely wj
med with sill: bands; price V
.iiiiisiv 11 rtn iiiuua --
any article advertised If 7 ioa
W ' imjjrifJ m
frM IWrf 1 1 1 Ml j H 1 1