Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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HNeERous Ulcers
t Alter the age of 45 or 50, when the vital powers arc naturally -weaker,
it is noticed that a hurt of any kind heals slowly aud often n very insignifi
cant scratch or bruise
V-nnieJ a. bad ulcer or V dmall1 Pimple oamo on mr Jaw, but sa.ro tno no
DecomesaDaa uicer or pain or lnconvanienco, and I ihould have forerot
aorc. At this time of ten about it had it not begun to inflame and itch ; it
lit o wartv rrowth! ? . J?i?e a lWtl. thon aoab over, but would not
llie warty growins, hBal. This continued for some time then the Cancer
moles and pimples that bepan to eat and spread, until it wan as large as a
linve heen on the liorlv " dollar, when I heard of S. 8. B. and dotorminod
Jiavc oecn on ine ooay t0 Biye it a fair trial, and It la remarkablo what a
almost from birth begin wonderful effaot it had from the beginning; tho sors
to inflame nnd fester oegan to heal and after taking- a few bottle b dleap
10 lnuaiue ana icster, peared entirely. This was twc years ago ; there are
and before very long still no signs of tho Cftnoer, nnd tnv general health
are large eating ulcers. oonau8 Brood. Mrs. R. SHIRER, Wyaoonda, Mo.
Whenever a sore or ulcer is slow in healing then you may be sure
something is radically wrong with jour blood. Some old taint or poison
that has been slumbering there for years, is beginning to assert itself,
and breaks out and becomes a bad ulcer and perhaps the beginning of
Cancer. These old sores are rooted in the blood, and while washes, soaps,
salves, etc., keep the surface clean, they arc not healing. A blood
it, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its wonderful curative prop
erties. If you have an old sore or ulcer, write us nil about it, and medi
cal advice or any information you may desire will be given by our physi
cians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear.
25c 50c
At Salem Now
The Electrical THermatoty of Osteo
pathy Now Permanently Located
of Chicago. v Assistant.
Curing all manner of disease, qhronlc or acute, without the use of
drugs or knife.
The Treatment of Deformities a Specialty.
The treatment the same as practiced by tho world's famous Dr.
Loronz In his thousands of successful
mont by the month
Consoltation Free.
Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 p.
Cottle block. Telephone 2965 Main.
Do What We Claim
Wo guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Botanical
Dpctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors S
have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel Z
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism,
dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have nevor yet failed, and female
diseases, all tho foregoing without tho knife, or plaster or poisons,
and with no pain to tho patient whatever.
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free.
D. J. F. Cook
I 301 Liberty St.,
Formerly ot Umrha, Web.
"J - w w -w m w wbw. - - -
HMHliBIBill8l)lUs W I
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Haitt & Law ence
If not, you are away behind tho times. However, they are al
""rays clad to boo now patrons, and If you call on them, yon will bo
more than pleased. You will And
ana troxxT streets;.
nieuicmeto purify and strengthen the polluted, biooa
and a tonic to build up the general system is what
is needed, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy. y No
poison is so powerful and no germ so deadly
that this creat vegetable blood remedy cannot reach
Special rates for treat-
Correspondence Solicited.
m. to 5 p. m. Rooms, 1 and 2,
Salem, Oregon.
A Token of
From tlmo Immemorial has been
the engagement ring. Wo have a
superb variety, from the plain ones
to tho richest In superb settings
as low as $ 1.00, as high as $ 50,00,
and all good values. All onr Jewel
ry Is the best work of skilled lapa- .
daries and goldsmiths.
Try ono of theso rings from
288 Com'l Watchmaker & Jeweler.
them at tho corner of Commercial I
Third Local Institute Attended
by Delegation From
The third In a series of local teach
ers' Institutes was hold by County
Supt. Moores at SUverton Saturday,
April 23d. About a dozen Salem peo.
plo were present, having gone over
In carriages ana by train.
Tho day and tho Institute wore
voted a success by all In attendance,
duo, In great measure, to tho hearty
welcome and warm hospitality ac
corded the visitors by tho principal,
teachers, patrons and children of tho
SUverton schools.
The morning was dovoted to dis
cussions on intermediate and ad
vanced numbers, led by Principal
Parker, of SUverton, and Supt. Traver,
of Salem. The aftemon session was
opened by an appropriate program,
efficiently rendered by the primary
pupils of the SUverton school, which
reflected great credit on their pains
taking teachers.
A paper on school room decoration
by Prof. Allard, of tho Woodburn
schools was evidently tho result of
practical application on his part, as
all will attest who have visited his
school at Woodburn.
Ex-Governor Fletcher read an ex
tromely entertaining paper on "Tho
Old Time School," a revelation of the
school of 50 years ago, and a marvel
of comparison between that school
and the ono of today.
State Supt. Ackerman closed tho In
stitute with a talk on "Tho Sentonce,"
In which ho gave the teachers some
now and Interesting things to think
Not the least attractive and popular
number on tho program was tho
richly provided table to which all
were Invited, nt tho noon hour, spread
by tho students and patrons of the
higher grades of tho schools, and to
which all did amplo Justice, showing
their appreciation by the reluctance
with which the dining hall was aban
doned. Tho SUverton people certainly did
themselves proud, nnd tho teachers
are all secretly wishing they may
soon bo Invited thero again.
Good Spirits.
Good spirits don't all come from
Kentucky. Their main sourco Is tho
liver und all tho fine spirits over
made In tho Blue Grass stato could
not remedy a bad llvor or tho hundred
and ono HI effects it produces. -You
can't havo good spirits and a bad
liver at tho samo tlmo. Your liver
must bo In flno condition If you would
feel buoyant, happy and hopeful,
bright of eye, light of stop, vigorous
and successful In your pursuits. You
can put your liver In fine condition by
using Green's August Flower the
greatest of all medicines for tho llvor
and stomach and a certain euro for
dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been
a favorite household remedy for over
thlrty-flvo years. August Flower will
make your llvor healthy and active
and thus insure you a liberal Bupply
of "good spirits." Trial slzo, 25c;
regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists.
At Dr. Stono's drug stores.
Portland and Return Only $2.20.
Tho Southern Pacific is now selling
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
p. m., or any train of Sunday, return
ing Sunday and Monday, giving all
day Sunday and Monday in Portland
Tho samo arrangement applies from
Portland, giving all Portland people
a chanco to visit valley points at
greatly reduced rates.
1 1
i Smell
If there Is anything you need
It Is to removo tho death-deal- f
ing sower gas from your house. 5
i Plumbing
will do this and give you com
fort as well as health. Hare
your old plumbing inspected
and you may save a heavy bill.
105 State St, 'Phone 1511 Main.
The Toilers in Ottr
No workmen In the world can do to nuth
or usp the same iutellijreuce that our own
American worL men and women are capn-
uic 01 mai 11 way
America Is now bcatlmr
J the world In uinnufac-
iuics , an uiic lu mc
brain nnd muscle of our
Yankee men and
Unfortunately where
there i smoke, dirt and
dtut and little sunlight
there also can be found
the germs of disease
Nature's (treat disinfec
tant is sunlight It is
in the factory, the work
shop, the office, that
men and women suffer
from diseases which are
In the dust and the bad
air Such disease
perms enter into the
blood in two ways,
either through the
lungs or stomach.
After years of experi
ence In an active prac
tice. Dr R. V. Pierce.
of nnfialo, N Y , discovered a remedy
that H a blood-maker and tissue-builder,
at the same time alleviates a cough. He
called it Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery an alterative extract that assists
in the digestion and assimilation of the
food o that the blood Rets its elements
from the product of digestion, the liver nt
the same time is started intp activity and
there is perfect elimination of waste mat
ter. The germs of gilp mnlarii. catarrh
or eon" ition find a fertile field if the
body is not kept in perfect order aud
the blood pure.
Because the ttomnch is diseased there
is a diminution of the red corpuscles of
the blood. Tliis is why one is sleepless,
languid, nervous and irritable. Sensitive
stomachs groan aloud at the irritating cod
liver oils, but they will get all the food
elements the tissues require by using the
"Golden Medical Discovery." O
The "Discovery" is absolutely n non
alcoholic and non narcotic medicine.
There is nothing else "just as good."
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the best
laxative for old and young people. They
cure constipation and biliousness.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
Capital City Milts Quotations.
Bryant & Penned, Prop.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat SOo.
Poultry at Stelner's Market
Chickens 10llc. v
Eggs Per dozen, 15c.
Turkeys 12014c.
Ducks 10c.
Hop Markat
Hops 1925c.
Potatoes, Vegetables, Eta,
Potatoes 15c.
..Onions "ic.
Dried Fruits.
Poaches 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Potlto prunes 4c.
Italian prunes Be.
Wood, Pane Potts, It.
Second drowth J6.00.
Ah 13.00 to 13.75.
Grub oak $0.50.
Cedar posts 12 c.
Hides Pelts and Pure,
Oreen Hides, No. 1 5c.
Qreen Hluos, No. 2 1c.
Calf Skins 4 Ec.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skins 25o to I1.M.
Grain and Fraur,
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex
port value, 72c.
Oats $1.10 per rwt.
Barley $21 per ton.
Flour Wholosalo, 3.7G.
Llvo Stock Marks!
Steers 3 4c. ,
Cows 3c.
Shcop 3c.
Dressed Veal 5 6c.
Dressed hogs 6&0?ic '
IJvo hogs 5c.
Mutton 3c per pound.
Hay, Fed, Et
Baled cheat $10.
Baled clover $16.
Bran $22.00.
Shorts $25.00.
Eggs, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs 10c, cash.
Butter 22'4c, wholosalo.
Butter fat 22c at station.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75c.
Valley 80081c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $1.!
$4.05; graham, $3.50$4.00.
Oats Cholco whlto, $1.17 011.20,
Barloy Feed, $13.50 per ton; rolled
MUIstuff Bran, $19 $20.
Hay Timothy, $160$16.
Potatoes Common, 70090c
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1818c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13013
per pound; turkeys, 10 17c,
Pork Dressed, 7 08c.
Beof Dressed, 607o.
.Hops 24025c.
'Wool Valley, 10017c; Eastern
Oregon, 12015c; Mohair, 30031c.
Hides dry, 1C pounds and upwards,
Butter Fancy creamery, 25c; dairy
and store, nominal.
Fancy Ico Cases, Crlmpod Cases,
Crocheted and Lace Paper Dollies at
The Variety Store
94CiirtSt. Aiaar M. Wlci, Prep
1 rJMHt
E I nt I llM
r L fir f I dRjfB
V&ttciiao rj '
Kt oc m '
(S3 j 00 m 'J
UNtNlill "
Wanted. Agents for ono of tho most
valuable and best selling publica
tions over Issued. For full Infor
mation address Vltalogy Distribut
ing Co., Salem, Or. - 4-15-3d-lw
Wanted. Ono waitress at Willamette
hotol. Steady Job. 4-22-it
For Sale. Corner lot on Commercial,
cast side, and Division streets,
$1000, If taken nt once. Good G
room houso. Inquire of Ryan &
Co., Salem, Oregon. 4-23-3t
For Sale. Ono work horso and ouo
driving horse. P. M. Pohrson, 23d
street, near Mill street. 4-22-3t
For Sale. Good, gentlo family horso
and now Studebakor buggy and har
noss for sale. Call at 182 Center
stroot. 4-22-3t
For 8ale.--Black maro, driving stock,
price choap, $75 cash. Inqulro of
W. W. Boardsloy, K. F. D. No. 8,
Salem, Oregon. 4-22-3t
For Sale. Good houso, 7 roomB, bath
room, pantry, etc. Good barn, 2
lots, plenty of fruit trees. North
High street; will trado for good
land. Apply to John Molr, 207
Commercial Btroet. ' 4-2013t
For Sale. Fruit laud In Benton coun
ty, 320 acres of land, south halt of
section 15, township 10 south, range
5 west of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 320 acres ot unlmprovod
land, half a mllo from Arllo station,
and about four mllos from Willam
oteo rlvor. On main county road.
W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main Btrcot,
Los Angolos, Cal. 4-13-tf
Flno Body Fir For sale; also second
growth. Geo. F. Rodgors, 130 Court
street. 4-14-lm
For Rent. A seven-room cottngo,
now, modorn improvements, near
East school aud Stata House. En
qulro of Mrs. B. F. Southwlck, cor
nor of 12th and Marlon streets.
For Rent. FurnlBhed or unfurnished
modern cottago, closo to business
center. Inqulro at 85 Commercial
street 4-21-3t
Garden for Ront On sharos, or for
cash, In East Salem; good land. A.
F. Hofor, Jr. 4-10-tf
A. Wllhelm Contractor and builder.
All carpontor work nnd finishing
dono promptly, and by first-class
workmen. Got my flguros boforo
building. Twelfth and Lesllo streets
Money to Loan at six por cent, sev
eral rosldonco proportlos in tho boat
part of tho city for salo on oasy
tormB. Room 5 Tioga building,
corner Stato and Llborty streets,
Rooming Houie. -When you como to
Salem, and want a good night's rest,
como to tho Eldriedge. Quiet, re
spoctablo nnd good rooms, No.
302 Commercial street, and phono
2841 Main. 4-18-lwk
Chemical Painting. Mrs. M. P. Bald
win will givo instructions In chom
ical painting. Supply of paints
on band. Resldonco 2GG Front
atreot. 4-C-lm
Say Havo you tried Edwards & Lusch
crs for meats. Wo havo tho boat
sausago in town. Como and try it,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truok and Dray Co. Oldest
and boat equipped company in Sa
lem. Piano and furnlturo moving
a specialty Offlco 'phono, 801. W.
W. Brown ft Son, proprietor. Offlce
No. CO Stato street. 9-Mmi
Dr. Z. M, Parvln At 2,97 Commercial
street, upstairs Singing school
Rudlmontal and sight reading class
es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class very Wednes
day eronlng to May 1st, nexL Tui
tion, $1.00.
Farm for Sale.
. 114 acres In Marlon county, half a
mllo from Mill City, 35 acred Im
proved, GG acres good timber, to 1
mllo from a $300,000 sawmill. Land
good, rich, black soil; C-roora house;
lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10
aoros good fruit, mostly winter ap
ples, trees average 7 years old; good
spring water at door; two creeks run
through place; good neighborhood;
mite to school, church and railroad.
Kino beaver dam meadow land, easily
Cleared. If eojd at once -will Uko
$3200. Title clear. Terms, two-thirds
dowp, and from 2 to 3 yearn on bal-
anco with 7 per cent interest; imme
diate possession. Call on or address
J. EL Ray, owner ot tho farm, Mill
City, Oregon. 3-8-S
Dr. I. W. 8tarr Office In Bush ft Brjf
building, over Oregon Shoo Stor.
Offlco hours, 0 to 12 a, m. and S ta
5 p. m. Calls attondod In city G
country. Residence 'phono 2HV
Rod. 1-5-U
Dr. W. S. Mott Will hereafter t
found in tho Brey block, 275 Com
morcial stroot, over Oregon Am
Co. Offlco telephone, 2031; rftV
donco phono. 2751. Offlco hours B
to 12. and 2 to 5.
Unique Cleaning Rooms A, H. "v7U
Hams, successor to Shaw & John
son, tho cleaners, Is now located at
209 Commorcial street Ho does
gonoral pressing and ropolrlng busi
ness. Specialties: Skirts, Bilk
waists, kid gloves, gonts' clothlsff,
etc. Phono 2614. 4-1-tf
Screen Doors Lawn and field, fence,
barb wlro, shlnlos, P, & B. Toady;
roofing and building papor. Extoa..
Bion ladders, gatoa and gato hard
ware. All at lowest prices. Walter
Morloy, CO Court street, Shalom.
Undertakers. Wo carry tho lurgtmi
and finest lino ot undertaker's good
In tho city. Prices to suit alL
Black and whlto hoarso. Prompt
reliable Savo money by calling at
No. 187. A. M. Clougb, A. J. Baeey.
Ferguson's Restaurant 06 Stat
street Open day and night 09
20c meals aro hotter than any SM
houso In tho state. Six 20a hsH
for $1.00; 21 20a ffidals for $3.00.
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O 6. F. I. O.
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, at
7:30 p.m. B. B. Horrick, Jr., N. O.J
Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary.
Salem Camp, No. 1tB, Woodmen of h
World Moots in Holman Hall evrj
Friday at 7:30 p m. P. L. FrasUe,
Consul. Wyllo A. Moores, Secre
tary. 1-12-lyr
Protection Lodge No. 2, Anclwt Zt
dor United Workmen, meets everjl
Saturday ovenlns In the Hohaa
Hall, corner Stato and blberiff
stroots. Visiting brethren wsloosae.
J. a Graham, M. W.; J. A. Sellwee
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U, W. Ms
in their hall in Holman block, eet
nor Btato and Llborty, eyery Mee
day ovenlng. Visiting brethren
woisome, Roy Mqlntlro, M, W. M.
E. Aufrance, Recorder.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. ef P. Oak
Hal! In Holman blook, corner
and Liberty Sts. T-enday o eaeM
wook at 7:30 p. m. II. II. Tnrser,
O. O.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8.
i?)imUm of Amarlei Court
wood Foresters No. 19. Meet Fir
day in Turner block. H. Q,
Meyer, O. R.J A. Ia Brown, Sea
Modern Woodmen of America 0
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Mevea
every Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clee
Holman Hall, E. E. Mattes, T.
0.; A. L. Brown. Olork.
Dr. H. H. 8covell, Oiteopath an) 8uf
gostlonlit Treats chronic disorder
of the stomach, bowels, Jlver, ldV
neys; nervous and female disease,
lung and throat troublos, D'Arcy;
Bldg., Btato St Main 3856.
Evan's Barber Shop Only flrstotae
shop on BUte street Every tklj
new and up-to-oato. Fluent per
lain baths. SUavo, 15c; balr-cnt H
baths, 25c, Two firstclase beef
blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor.
o,i..u. tn rtp T VI. Kuan, la
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Partlea
desiring superior oporauons ai mov
ent fee in any branch aro in especial
request .
For water service Ktrplr t oe.
Bills payable monthly in adTaae.
Mao all complaints at the office.
Express and Traisfer
Meet all mall and sassenger tralM
Baggage to all parts of. ,Ue ekjr,
Omnnl Mr-wtr TftlAnlimui Mt tit.