t, ,- r t HrtjtJr'7"'"!BrrTH--fl I,.! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1804. SIX m W inti IfcHl m. V-frHY MOTHERS Did you ever hear a mother worry over a plump chifcf? (fliere is no better bank of liealth for a child to. flraw from than a good supply of healthy flesh. Scott's Emulsion not only gives a child weight and plumpness, but it feeds the brain, bones and nerves with strength and active power. Fewer mothers would worry if they knew more about Scott's Emulsion. We'll lend yoa a urnple free upon request. SCOTT & 110WNU, 409 Pearl Street, New York. WMH1Hm9m99it COPrnjqr LILY WHITE and just an spotless and im maculato as tbo Easter flower, you will find linen, laundered at tho Salem Steam Laundry. Its cleanliness and tho satisfaction that ono knows ho presents an Irreproachable appearanco, gives its wearer that comfort not derivable from washing and ironing shiftlessly done. We await your Easter orders. Salem Steam Latmdr y Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop, Dorus D. Olmsted, Man. Phono 411 230 Liberty St, 9 i4(tnnanitf i iOi-N Solid Comfort for Horses A horse as well as a driver Is entitled to comfort In his work and to hnvo It horses should havo harness and fittings that aro not only well raado, but made right. Wo carry tho best lines SINGLE HARNE88, DOUBLE HARNESS, 8ADDLE8, QRIDLE8, WHIP8, ROBE8, SUPPLIES, AXLE GREASE, HARNE8S OIL, and ovory thing In our line, Tho bost Is nono too good for our patrons. Prices right. 1 F. E. Skafe $ 232 Commercial strcot, near 2 Ladd & Hush's bank. Your Stepmother Is still hero, and as busy bb over When your clothes are worn and dirty, or tho buttons off taUo them to tier, at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean ing Works. Ropalrlng and reltulng; now velvet collars put on overcoats; alto four Bults a month for fl. Called for an! returned. WUS. 0. H. WALKER, Prop. 106 Commercial Street G. F. Mason Manufacturer of Berry crates. " boxes, inside I work for all fruit dryers. 9 aad all kinds of shop f work. Miller St. Sooth I 2Miem. Jfiioflex y xea iniiiiwiMimiwiiiwin HU1E WING SANG CO. Groat ealo of Chlnoso and Japancso fauoy goods. Wo also xnako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear -and skirts. Genta' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries, All kinds of summer goods, matting, etc. Court street, corner of All?, Salem A ( ' I' JEQUSTABLE ARRESTED TROTTER Latter Failed to Put Up His Bend and Was Taken Into Custody G. D. Trotter, of Stayton, was again In trouble for a Bhort tftne Saturday" evening, but Portland friends helped him out. Trotter came to town last week for tho purpose of putting up a cash bond of $500 for his, appearance at tho July term of circuit court, in accordanco with an order made by Justice Queonor, of Stayton. Trotter did not put up the money for some reason, and went to Portland. On his return Saturday evening he was ar rested by Constable Smith, of Stay ton, and committed to Sheriff Col- bath's custody. It. L. Sabln and Al len & Lewis, of Portland, telegraphed tbo nece3sary bonds, and he was re leased. The Property Called, Health runs down or Improves, Just depends on how It Is cared for. It is the most valuable property wo have, and Bhould rcceivo tho most consideration. It helps you in business, helps good looks, helps make friends, helps get situations and helps you hold them, and always makes happiness. Prop erty liko this, at the fllrst indication of being out of repair, should bo looked after and a remedy applied at once. There aro any number of signs that show repairs are needed. Bil ious spells, Indigestion, dyspepsia, belching, dizziness, sick headache, sallow complexion, pimples and liver spots on tho face, a drowsy feeling after meals, sour stomach, etc. Theso symptoms all show loss of health. Druggists will Bell you for 25c a box of Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills, a suro euro for all of theso diseases. Fruit Growers Adjourn. Tho Salem Fruit Growers' Union met Saturday at tho ofllco of H. B. ThIol6en. There wa3 quite a largo attendance. A motion was made that tho Union adjourn for a year, and ono voted each way, and tho chair declared It carried. Owing to a lack of Inter est, It was thought bost not to attempt to carry on the work of tho Union this season. Many who got the benefit of tho Union last year, and expected to do so again this year, will bo disap pointed, and some expressed tho opin ion that the growers had mado a seri ous mistake to not keep up their or ganization. After adjournment a few of tho larger growers decided to meet again In two weeks, at tho same place, and try to carry on tho work by or ganization of fionie of tho largest growora. How's This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bollovo hlra perfectly honorable In all business transactions and flnan- - daily abio to carry out nay ounga tlons mndo by tholr Arm. WEST & TRAUX, Wholesalo Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. WARDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cufo Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood aud mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76c per bottle, Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills aro tho bost. ' Bean tt lh9 M"1 You Han "W Bonl cvhuwwwwmww . . - . K. .&.. i .... a 1 Field Peas Tho bost hog feed raised in tho valley. Wo have somo ex tra choice seed peas that we aro making a close prlco on. May bo sown for tho next month and mako a good crop. Call or wrlto for prices. i Seed Corn Wo mako a specialty of han dling tho best seed corn to bo obtained, cither for a, crop or for enstlago. ! D.A. White &Son FEEDMEN AND 8EEDMEN 301 Commercial Street, Salem. jMMllMlMMMtitlfti WANTED TO RUN THINGS Independence Bloods Got Fun ny and Contributed to City Treasury Four young Independence bloods drove over from Monmouth Saturday evening, and, after spending tho night carousing In tho tenderloin districts, went to tho White House and at tempted to run things. They were promptly ejected by Will George, one of the proprietors, and afterwards ar rested by the police. They all registered as John Doc, and were fined ?5 by Recorder Judah Old Pete Wolf. An Astoria paper says: The re mains of Pete Wolf, whose body wa3 found In the mud flats near his scow at Svensen, Friday, wero brought to this city last evening. It Is common ly supposed that Pete committed sui cide, ns he had mado threats to that effect while In this city a few days ago. The body when found lay face downward, and his tracks showed where he had walked in the water out to tho spot where the body was found. He was a native of Holland, about C5 years old, and unmarried. Ho was a sailor Eomo 30 years ago, and served In the Chilean navy. In this city he was believed to be partially demented, but was considered harmless. His pet hobby was tho quality of a bed of brick-making clay which was on his place, and out of wlilch ho dreamed for many years of making a fortuno somo time. Won by Eugene Men. Jennings & Mnrtin, of Eugene, were the lucky winners of the Ram bler automobile raffled off by G. H. Graves, Saturday night. Tho ticket which drew tho prize cost tho winners but 24 cents. Tho automobile is valued at $900. IT 18 FOR LADIES, TOO. They Can Stop Their llalr Falling On VIh Ilerplclde. Ladles who have thin hair and whose hair la falling out, can prevent tho hair falling- out, and thicken the growth, "with Newbro'o "Ilerplclde." Besides, Ilerpl clde Is ono of the most agreeable hair dressings there Is. Ilerplclde kills tho dandruff germ that eats the hair oft at the root After tho germ Is destroyed, the root will shoot up, und the hair grow lone as ever. Even a sample will con vince nny lady that Newbro'a Ilerplclde Is an Indispensable toilet requisite. It contains no oil or grease, it will not stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Hcrpl clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Daniel J. Fry, Spocial Agent j Does Your Buggy f Need Paint 4. This Is the time of year to hauA nnfr In ai-Hi. All tAiAols r '" J .!.. lu 1L. U..4 ..! .....J ..11.. T uwiio 111 utv ucoi otjrie. miiu iuii a guaranteed as to quality. Prices Right You will be eurprleM at how J little It will cost you to have your rig made new. I W.B.WARNER I &CO. 68 Chemcketa 8treet 4- . . .... ' m t m 1 wJt mt m 1 m tm 1 m 1 mm III flHMlflHHl.i. Garden I Seeds If you want to got seeds that will grow, select from The Largest Stock The Purest Stock Tho Best Selected Stock In tho valley, and remember tho only seeds wo carry are SEEDS THAT GROW A handsomo illustrated cat alogue sent freo by mall on re quest I Savage & Fletcher I Dealers In S FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED X 322-324 Commercial Street CE3iEB0 "'nurrC"i 1 1 i i'm" "7"" ,',! ' I ! vegetable Prenoralionfor As similating ihcFoodantincguIa Ung thcStoinachs andBowcis of Promotes Digcstion.Chccrfur ncssandltest.Conlains neither Oplum.Morphine nor Mineral. WOT 'N ARC OTIC . Jimpt afOUJJrSMWELPtTC'lsn Jtmpkm Seal' JbcSmnt AaueSftA In5trlxrtakxla Cfttmi .Sjoir Apetfecl Itemed forConsu'pa Tlon, Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh rtess and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. MOBVMQGaC-GGGeWf MHMfeWtMMfWItHMlMmiMHWMMMMH Phene: Main 2953. ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St. Over The Journal, PROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. t. iw - m!tof aiennnnunnnnnumi m9 1' 1 -- v;i'j;tBHBiiN.w k t- r-a 111.1 1 kkv w tv 1 wmm&&&VM&A Ms.inmiiiiiSietHHHUHHHiai8iHHHa" i - ::::::::A G E N C j BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. j ! GRAIN BDYBHS AND SHIPPBRSWflR A TT Oats For Sale. . HOP GROVYERSUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. I J. G. Graliam, Agent, nnnitttn tPgfligiftBiii jM""fiii""' meMT- 3WM V Mmt a.an.iiisf.a.i.iln,.,TTrt,ittB(. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . Signature O 1 For Over Thirty Years BSS98 A WINNER In the rnco for supremacy Jn 9 pork products Is our latest con- m slgnmcnts in cholco sugar cured hams and bacon, and. our fine country sausages, loins for roasting, chops, etc. Cold weather brings a demand for choice pork in spare ribs, pigs' feet, hocks, trlpo and sausages, and we have tho finest corn-fed and carefully fed pork to bo se cured. E. C. Cross. 1ASI0RA tee cttrrtun omrA. ', NnYoKCiTY. li'Ws a Big Job of Printing I havo tho facilities for doing' that as well ns for tho emnller ones. Anything from an Envolopo corner to a Big Catalogue. I Want Work . , That requires particular attention, nnd in doing it I guarantoo that it shall bo of the best quality, and at a reasonable price. N. D. ELLIOTT. IMMENSE STOCK OF ;; Carnage Harness Work Harness and f Saddles All up.to-date and first class. See us for anything in onr line and save money. E. S. LamportSaddlery Co. j 289 Cmmerclal Street. X sitgtftat(ttoiBHH Y O F:::::::: ; 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. - nmiti(iBii(iaij,mW THE PICK OF THE FOREST j; Has been taken to supply the stock of! ! lumber In our yards. Our stock 1b completo with all kinds of lumber.! Juat received a car load of No. l Bhlngles, also a car of flno ahakee.; J We are able to fill any ad all kind" ' of bills. Come and let us show yon! ! our stock. 1 Yard and office near 8. P. passonger1 ' depot 'Phono Mala 651. i ! :: GOODALE IIIMBra . R &ShoptSb Max Threo Trains to the East Dally Through Pullman standard airf touriBt sleoping car3 dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokano; tourist sleepl cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleenlntr m, sonally conducted) weekly to Chlca- go; recuiuujj cnair cars (scats fte) to tho East dally. 70 " HOURS ,,nr PORTLAND TO CHICAGO U No Ctaaoi t of Cms v DBPABT VOR TIME SCHEDULES Stum Portland, Or, ARRTVl T&OH Chicago Portland BpecliU 9 16 a. m vi Hunt ington Salt Lake. Donnr in Worth. Oinaba, Kanua and East. 5 23p Atlantlo Ezprou 8:15 p. in, tIi Hunt lngton "iiTpnr Pat Man 7 ib p. m. via Spokane Salt Lke, Denyer Ft. north, Omaha, Eamai OltT. St. Loali. Chlpim . I wd mt. Wall Walla, Uwhtou. 3poxane. nallace, l'ull itan, lliiuieapuu Bl Paul. liiuuth.Mihantv. 8: . b Oblcaso, and aat. Ocean and -River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five dayi at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way poInU and North Beach Daily (except Bnn day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. a. Daily oervlco (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or writ your nearest ticket agent, or A. L, CRAIG, General Possonger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon. Corvalfis &EasternRR, TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12MB p.a Loaves Corvallls 2:00 r a. Arrives Yaqulna 6:20 p.m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 6:4S a.H Leaves Corvallls lltIO a. a Arrives Albany .i 12:15 p.a No, 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00 .n Arrives Detrol 12:20p a. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Dotrolt l:00p.n. Arrives Albany 5:55 pa Train No. 1 arlves in Alban; In time to connect with the S. P. tcati bound train, as well as giving two a three hours in Albany before dtpr cure of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with ti 8, P. trains at Corvallls and Albany (It Ing direct service to Newport ud ad jacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbrah and other mountain resorts leties Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching De troit about noon, giving ample tin to reach the Springs same day. For further Information apply fe EDWIN STONE, COCKRELL, Agont, Albany, H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Comffii. O. C. T. CO.'O PA88ENQER STEAM ER8 POMONA and Altona leave for Tortlaad, Mondiri Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, m. Tuesday, Thursday and Batnrdy t7 in: For CorrallU, Tuefcday, tIutkUT and Saturday at 6 p. m For Independence dally exceplSuad'T atP,ID' .i j Deck: Foot of Trad w M. P. BALDWIN, Agt PILES "MfS? tlfMllN ton.a.- Dr.H.D. OW,.Cl"k"'-,T"S3 mJ ,.." r, M Cm "" VT IT I J)ruUU. uantin H'JOY. LaWCTI.J-r Sold In aUm by 8. C. 8ten Call for Free Hanipiw; CHtCMCaTCHtl CNOU" - A fcr .euiwjw'"" --. -ia WS A1...A. HinllHriWI1" Al.u ..71 u.JJa Hakf. W NHWpil.. "- ' '" Ftee, YesFtw- Dr. Stone makes no charge M ulUUon or proscription, found dally at hla drug itore, nl "K Oregon.