""illPi(5i5fffP'"w7pTJ?ww "Vryrrvf "J tm, . t-j p,- -i '-; lhhiv my "--)(, w"i.wJ5' ""' f "5lipm)B' 'g?rNt""IHT"' rrp Vff ')' 'WTCMif-w'iTirr"" pa vn-Mnmww '-1 'TiJ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRlL 1S04. FIVE m ENLARGE SOLDIERS HOME Governor Chamberlain Orders Room for More Veterans Capacity Will Be Increased to Accomodate a Large Num ber Who Are Without Means of Support Governor turned from the soldiers' Chamberlain has re a tout of Inspection of home at Roseburg and reports everything In excellent or der. He has decided to enlarge the quarters anU has instructed Comt mandant W. W. Elder to furnish the barracks building. At tho present tlmo the home has 99 inmates and every available Inch of space is oc aupled. There aro 46 applicants who cannot gain admission to the home and the governor considered it his duty to expend the funds on hand to There are ginger worms and red-pepper bugs queer board ers that have to be looked for, not in Schilling's Best, but in making it. There are eggs of these queer boarders, too small to be killed by grinding. Don't keep spices warm, or they'll hatch. 4-f n t minimum n tn-t- ;; Try our hand :: made jj Chocolate m 4-ft-o ::L.isam3 far Ldtms i Willi IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Green Peas 5c pet lfe They're fresh and pods are foil also all kinds of fresh vegetables. Phone yoar order. ATWOOD & FISHER Phone 57 f. Successors to Branson & Ragan. af Tho weather is portunlty to get a against us. Wo fashionable really MMWMHIimilllMIHIIIIMWMmWIMWM I A Big Ctrtl Tailor Made Suit At a great reduction from regular values. All suits, regular values $25.00 and $27.50 all go. for a few days at $1 9.00 All new Bpring goods just In.Purely gain at Mrs. Fraser's Ladies' Exclusive Store 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. Superior Line of Hand made CHOCOLATE CREAMS at furnish, tho, barracks and;, admit tho applicants. The Improvements con- j templated will co3t about $3500,, and will be completed within 40' dayl," at tne Iate3t. Every applicant who is now on the register will bo admUted( while the additional number may cause a small deficit In the subsist ence fund It Is believed to be a better policy that to have tho old veterans who are without means In the county poorhouses or knocked about at the mercy of strangers. Tho action of tho governor should meet with general approbation as It Is a humane and considerate act. Jay Richardson's Funeral. Tho funeral services over tho re. mains of Jay Glen Richardson wero held at the Pirst'Chrlstlan church at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, and there was a largo attendance of friends and rela tives of the family. Deceased was tho 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T Richardson, of this city. Most im presslvo services were conducted by Rev. David Errltt, pastor of the church, and his brief sermon was full of good thought, and very consoling to the family and friends of tho de ceased. Many beautiful floral gifts covered and surrounded the casket, one of exceeding beauty from the class of law students of the Oregon Law School, of which Mr. Richardson Is the dean. Special cars carried all who did not go in carriages to Rural cemetery, where the remains wero buried. Tho family desire to thank their many friends who showed kind ness and sympathy on this occasion of their great bereavement. Sweets Served While You Walt. Mrs. Hayward, of Portland, repre senting tho Walter Daker chocolato and cocoa preparations, has been In tho city tho past week introducing tholr goods for Johnson, Lelber & Co., and today will servo thoso de licious drinks at the Harritt & Law rence grocery. A new drink Is that made from powdered chocolato. As an introducor of these delightful and gentle sthhulants, Mrs. Hayward is p. great success. An Unusual Smoke. That Is what you get when you smoke one of Aug. Huckonsteln's fa mous 12V4-cont cigars, "Tashmoo." Made In Salem. Henry WIprut wont to Portland thh morning. Decorated the Mahogany. John Bovlrd and Jas. Bcattlo paid ?5 each into the city treasury for get ting on a whirl last night. lose, you gain, swell Here Is an on- our flno tailor-made Take your choice simply and truly a srojit bar. The Spa BARBERS AROUSED TO ACTION Will Make Hard Fight in Su preme Court t) Sustain the State Law The case of tho Stato vs. Driggs, commonly known as, the "barber case," will bo heard In the supremo court in a short time. Tho date has not been set, although tho briefs of tho appellant and respondent have been filed. Driggs was arrested for violating the stato barber law, and Judge Qeorgo, of the Multnomah circuit court, held tho law invalid. Tho stato appealed from his decision, and tho barbers are making a strong effort to have tho opinion reversed. Logan & Galloway, John Manning and S. C. Spencer, of Portland, and J. H. McNary, of this city, represent the plaintiff, and Frank S. Grant tho respondent. o Court House News. Tho appraisement of the estate of Joseph Hendlo was (lied, showing the total value of all property to be $205, consisting of cash. The following real estates sales were recerded: J. Moser to W. A. Grace, land in Marlon county, ?G50. G. Collins to G. P. Nlles-, 30 acres In t 7 s, r 2 and 3 w, $G00O. Ella Young to C. Bernhardt, lot 6, block 2, Jones, addition to Salem, $250. ! 0 PERSONALS May Fly, of Long Beach, Cal., Is at the Cottage. J. Ilrounstoln, ,tho junk man, Is In Portland today. Hon. J. J. Whltnoy, of Albany, -was in the city today. Miss Helen Stolwer, of Jefferson; Is visiting with Mrs. nay Gilboit. It. G. Keene wont to Waterloo today and will rent his ranch to new-comer from the East. Prank O'Brien, of the St. Charles hotel at Albany, Is In tho city visiting with relatives. Mrs. H. George Meyer and daughter, Mies Allva V., have returned from a trip to California. John Olvls, manager of tho Albany Tanning Company, is In tho city on a hide-buying trip. A. L. Simpson, tho Albany laundry man, was In the city today on busi ness with Col. Olmstcad. H. George Moyer went to Portland today, whoro ho will moet with tho stato barber commission, of which ho Is a member. Albany Herald: C. H. Burggraf loaves today for Cottago Orovo on buslnoes, going thonco to Coos county for n week's stay. Dr. P. V. Allen, of tho Electrical Thermatory of Osteopathy, spont Sun day in Portland, returning this morn ing, He Is greatly pleased with Sa lem and his work here, L. J. Vlbbert and family start to morow for Portland, whoro thoy will spend tho summer. The family homo will bo occupied by Mrs. Vlbbert's mother and brother, L. C. Fisher. Albany Herald: Horace G. McKln loy and Dan W. Tarpley, the two tlm bor land operators Indicted In tho fed oral court, aro busily engaged in gath ering evldenco to present In tholr do fonse at tho trial in Portland this month. Cliai. H. Hinges went to Portland yesterday and heard Madam Schu-mann-Hoink. He says Tho Journal's estimate of the great Teutonic warb ler may bo all right as to the saour- kraut proclivities, etc., but ho, never theless, considers her tho greatost singer evor on oarth. Ab Majors and Clol Nash left on Saturday evening for a trip to the World's Fair and other points East. This is Clol'a first trip to his old home In Missouri for 28 years, and ho Is an ticipating a pleasant visit. Tho former gentleman will go to Now York before returning homo. o A New England Dinner. The ladles of tho First Methodist church will givo a Now England din ner In tho church parlors Wednesday afternoon, April 27th, from 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. f-23-4t CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tte KM Yw Kits Always Bought Bears the Slgnaturo of $&fe t A Remarkable Collection of Spiring Sack Suits For men and young men that for variety of styles and, fabrics and quality of materials and workmanship never had Its equal In this city. If you wish to dresa well and have an eye to economy It will be de cldedly to your Interest to come here to examine and try on our clothing In which you'll find every feature that characterizes the finest made-to-order apparel that costs twice as much. In our double-breasted Sack Suits at Fifteen Dollars, you have an al most unlimited choice of fine Imported and, domestic fabrics. Ordi narily $18.00 to $20.00 would say Timely Togs fo Boys Just the sort of "duds" the big boys and little boys need during the variable springtime weather are here In a great assortment of styles, fabrics and prices. We quote here two Items that should in terest thrifty parents. Three-piece single-breasted Short fabrics; taped, reinforced, staunchly tailored throughout; real value $5 to $7; our price Boys' Long Trousers Suits, 14 blue and black Serges, Worsteds In Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots. priced at $12 and $15. We ask irt C. SMALL BLAZE TODAY Fire In Bernardl&Dunforth's Building Promptly Ex ttnguished by the Hose Laddies Fire broke out in tho building owned and occupied by Dornardl & Dunsford, tho plumbors, at 09 Stato street, this afternoon at 1 o'clock, and, but for tho prompt action of tho flro department, a disastrous confla gration might bavq rosultcd. The flro started In tho attic and caught rrom a terra cotta flue that was probably de fective. Tho hoso cart responded promptly, and tho firemen soon had two streams of water on tho flamos, and tho damage to tho building will not bo heavy, Owing to tho naturo of tho Btock Jho water did not material' Jy damage It. It la probablo that tho flro was caused from tho burning of a quantity of straw In tho stovo early this morning, and It had smouldered for several hours. Tho building and took Is fully covered by Insurance. "I Found a Horse Shoe." Tho first Item of Interest that oc curred this morning was the finding of a horse shoo by Irvin, tho shoo man. It was "rusty and full of nail holos," and Irvin Is thinking or hiring half a dozen extra clerics to attend to tho rush that his And will bring him. Prominent Implement Man. Wm. Door, head of tho Deor Imple ment Co,, of Mollne, 111., is In tho city. with his Western representative seeing his local representatives, Man ning & Ferguson. The aftgrnoon was spoilt driving over the city. Governor Chamberlain has ordered barracks erectod for 40 otd soldiers on tho waiting list for the soldiers homo at Roseburg. Senator Teller has Introduced a for the Chlncrto exclusion substitute bill, making It Independent of treaty obligations. Oregon has $1,000,000 la tho Irro duolblo school fund loaned out at six per.cenL James M, Shoup of Alaska has been appointed marshal of Alaska. sal? $15 Trousers Suits, plain and fancy .$5 to 20 years, In a splendid variety of and Cheviots, and In fancy patterns They would be fairly $10 he a fair price, but we Woolen Mill P. BISHOP, Ptopttetot Qun Play on the Street. A gun-play occurred at the cornor of tho Ladd & Hush bank last evening about 8 o'clock. A stranger from Port land was walking down tho street, when ho had somo troublo with a couplo of local characters, and ono of tho latter knocked tho Portlandor down. When ho got up ho pulled n gun, and It looked rathor warltko, hut tho local follows decamped hurrlodly, and tho fracas ended without blood shod. No arrests were mado, as tho affair was hushed up by nil parties concerned. It's Strong. Fine Raiser OF CAKE8 AND DREAD. Quart for 50c of one and quarter pound EPPLEY'8 PERFECTION DAKINQ POWDER Is full strength. Thorofore economical to uso. You got moro for your money than in most othor kinds. You got a guaranteo of Us quality by our money back If not satisfactory statement. Most all tho good dealers down town soil It. Wo want you to try It !C. IW Eppley I NInotoonth and Stato StrcoL illtlMIHllIMIHMi i Capital I Bakery C, E. M'lLWAIN. lias purchased his old bakery at 133 Court street, and will again supply tho public with tho best bread and pastry over soon In Salem. Don't forgot tho home-made cakes mado by Mrs, Mcllwaln, and remember they are up to tholr old staudurJ. Our wagons will make dally trips. Ask any grocor for our bread. I C E. Mclf wain Suits and Topcoats $J0to$25 All tke New Styles IN HATS AND HABERDASHERY FOR MEN AND BOYS are here at Interesting prices. Store Non-Catling m 2 Films Is Uio latest of East- J J man's product, and It is all JJ W that tho t namo applies. 9 Thoso, with a "dovoloplng H machine" makes picture tnk mm lng (to uso tho slang oxpros- a slon) "dead ousy." a 2 Wo rccolvo wcokly ship- 5 2 wonts of kodnlc supplies, J w thus assuring our' customers W H fresh stock at all times, M Patton's Book Store, tmmiinunuimittf !! Tate a Little Walk 1 1 ; ; Some Nice Day Oo out and boo thoso fruit farms wo aro soiling at 5.00 A month, A plank walk from tho street cars will tako you right thore. Thoso tracts aro all undor tho plow, and comprlso tho best) land In Marlon county. Ovor half of thorn aro sold, so do not dolay buying at onco. They arf 3 Mintites Walk from tho streot cars, fS a month, and no Interest. i is 1 Salem Abstract ii and Land Co. ; j F.W. WATERS, Mgr. ;; Wlillffri i I I Hfrt-H-Hr I 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 H I H Ifr : Eggs : Wanted I Wo haro more ordors than ; ; wo can fill, and wo must hare ; thorn, i i ; If you want tho hlgbost, pried ; la cash call on ! ; Commercial Cream Co, ' : 225 Com'l St. mi tm mi in hi in lilt' i i