7wZtZZSwrrwpT TffFMn11 "h?! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1904. FOUR. HARRMAN TRAFFIC MEN MAKING CHANGES CAPTURED A HERD OF WHALES OUR GREAT Southern PacificandO. R. &N. Freight Passenger Departments to Be Con-solidated-Craig Goes to Frisco Opportunity L. M. Christensen Kil led Three Deep Sea Monsters The semiofficial announcement wrado in Portland papera that tho JZrelfjht'nnd passenger departments of ithe O. li & N. and Southern Pacific UlncBare to bo consolidated, tho ffrolBnt' department uudor General JProlght -Agent R. B. Miller, of tho O. DL ife N., and tho passenger dopart mienl under General Passenger Agont 'W. li Conan, of tho Southern Pacific anottta with tho general approval of ttlie buBlnes9 men of Eastern Oregon, with Urc slnglo exception that thoy Unite to lose A. L. Craig to 8an. Fran cclsoa. Mr. Craig took charge of the BaBBenser department of tho O. It. & N. sotm'thlng ovor a year ago, and by KiIdbWII, unfailing courtOBy and extra onllniry knowledge of his business qsnduarctl himself both to tho public sand .tlo railroad world. In tho higher rarJlrer blocked out for him In San tFninrjBco, Eastern Oregon wishes him anil ranccesB. Boneral Freight Agont It. B. Mlllor, lit ran bo said, has grown up with tho ffi. R. & N. road. Ho started In tho JBoneral freight department years ago almoBt as an olllco boy under Bon 'Compboll, and today, a young man, 2ao Btand with few, If any superiors cn fce Pacific coast as af relght man wgnr. Oregon and "Washington ship y gn "have reason to respect and ad min Mr. Miller's gonornlshlp, fairness ivntl uniform spirit of accommodation. "Mr. Mlllor has for years boan an un 'builder of tho luduntrIo3 of Oregon, sinfl his comprehensive plans for tho luturo mean much to evory portion K)f thu state. Mr. Coman also started In with tho X). R. & N., and wna advanced from onn position to another until two ycurs ago ho was solected from tho a-fflco of assistant gonoral frolght agent of tho O. It. & N. to tako charge of tho passongor department of tho "Southern Pnclflo Orogon linos. ??tr. Coman. knows every Inch of tho state And tho needs of tho psoplo, and can l)o trusted to carry out tho broa.l plans of tho Harrlnian linos for tho populating and dovolopmont of tho Northwou't. It Is woll for the railroad company that two such men, Orogon loys, linvy boon retained at tho head of the trafllo dopartmont. It Is woll for tho peoplo of tho stato that thoy have fair-minded frlonda.nt court, who will llHten to all and consldor ovory proposition. It Is uudorstood In this connection that Industrial Agont R. C. Judson, Avboso splondld work In tho past flvo years has made history for Oregon, and Publicity Agent Rlnaldo M. Hall will remain with tho traffic depart ment of the combined O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific, and tho public con gratulates Itself that two such experts will still be on tho staff, and show their smiling faces throughout tho state In tho discharge of their multi tudinous and arduous duties. HOME ENDORSEMENT. Hundreds of Salem Citizens Can Tell You All About It. Home Indorsement, the public ex pression of Salem people, should be ovldenco boyond dispute for every Salem reader. Surely tho experience of friends and neighbors, cheerfully given them, will carry moro -weight than tho uttorances of strangers resid ing In far-away places. Read tho fol fel fol eowing: Mrs. Needham, wife of W. S. Need ham, painter, residing at tho corner of Fourth street and Jefferson avenue, North Salem, say3: "Like almost all painters my husband has been troub led with his klndnoys for years. Tho oxposuro, tho reaching and stooping, combined with the turpentine and materials In tho paint, all tending to put tho kidneys out of order. His back often ached badly at night when ho camo homo from work and when ho caught cold it always aggravated the trouble. Ho road an advertise ment about Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at Dr. Stone's drug store and used them. They did good work by helping him at once and ho continued their uso until rellof was obtained." For 80,18 by' all doalow. Price CO conts. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y solo agents for tho United States. Roniembjr! tho name DOan's and tako no other.'' " 14 tf Not Very Well" Is tho oxporlonco of ovorybody at ono tlmo or another. Your skin becomes yellow, th tonguo coated, and you lmvo sovoro headaches. You're Bil ious, that's all. Tho liver ueodB at tention at onco. A fow doses of Hos tettar'a Stomach Blttors Is all that Is noodod to sot you right again. Dot n bottto today and try It. It Is also unequalled for curing 'Indigestion, Dyspeptla, Constipation, Insomnia, La Grippe, Colds and Malaria. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS WORK BEGUN. Oregon Boom and Timber Company to Build at Winchester -at vOnce. Roseburg, April 25 (Spoolal) Barring unforseon aocldonts, Insldo of tho noxt GO days, a sawmill with a dally capacity of 3C.O00 feet, will 'bo In full oporntlau nt Winchester. Today tho Orogon Boom & Timber Company, tho concorn that will own and oporato tho sawmill, put a force of 20 mon to work raising tho dam at Wlnchqstor, building cribs and a boom and doing othor work preparatory to carrying on a general sawmill busi ness. Next week anothor forco ol mon will bo sent up tho river to cut logs, and start them down tho stream to tho boom that Is bolng prepared for them at tho dam. Out of these logs will bo cut tho material from which tho sawmill will bo built. Young Boy Injured. Ralph Holmkon, n South Salem boy, was playing ball lato Saturday attor noon, and a ball struck him In the loft oyo, cutting a sovoro gash and nec(5si sitnttug sovoral stitches bolng taken by Dr. Reynolds. It was feared at first that tho sight would bo de stroyed, but tho examination disclos es no dlroct Injury to tho pupil. Did It With His Little Hatchet atthefllouth of theSius- law River Exciting Experience Eugene Guard special from Flor onco: Tuesday morning L. M. Chrlstensen, who is watching at the govornment works at the mouth of the river, saw four whales Insldo the bar. They played around for awhile, and then camo up beyond the end of tho Jetty. Mr. Chrlstensen armed himself with a gun, and, getting Into his boat, proceeded to capture tho whole herd single-handed. He pulled around them backward and forward, driving them before him until he had them In tho entrance to the south channel, when ho commenced shoot ing at them, which frightened them so that they mado a dash for the south channel and landed themselves high and dry on tho sand. They tore around and spouted considerable, but woro unablo to get back Into swlm mlng water. Finding that ho could not kill them with his gun, Mr. Chrlstensen pro cured a butcher knifo and a hatchet ami again went to tho attack. His knowledge of tho anatomy of a whale camo in good play. Cautiously ap proaching each victim In turn he gavo It a vigorous slash with his hatchet, cutting tho arter!o3 and letting them bleed to death. In this manner he dispatched the whole herd It was a great undertaking, as a slight blow of one of tho monster's tails would havo Edit him to kingdom como in almost no time. Tho largest Is about 25, the tall nbout four feet wide, and the flsh will weigh up In tho tons. When tho tldo raised It floated them up tho bay. Mr. Chrlstensen landed ono just abovo tho govornment works. After hitching onto tho largest ono he found that ho had rathor moro than he could manage, and the tug L. Ros- coo came to his assistance. Taking a lino from tho tug ho fastened It back of tho front fins. While tho tug was towing It nshora Mr. Chrlstenson's boat was capsized and rolled over sev eral time. Ho managed to keep on top, howevor, and was rescued by tho tug. Tho whale was landed at tho old cannery. o STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Frightful Accident Happens to Nathan Draper. Ontario, April 22. At 10 o'clock this morning as tho delayed pas songor train from tho west was leav ing Payette, It struck Nathan Draper, better known as "Grandpa" Draper, who was crossing the track, crushing his tight shoulder and faco In a tor rlblo manner. Mr. Draper, who Is deaf, did not hear tho warning of the engineer. Ho 1b 70 years of age, and thoro Is llttlo hopo of his recovery. At George Bros. You can get a meal at any tlmo of the day or night. When you aro In a hurry for a meal Just try them. You will find them at 106 State street Qh MM MHilMiMv HHH A Continues During This Week Basing it on a purely sane proposition that appeals to good taste and good judgment it has proven a success from the start The goods ate new, clean and up-to-date and include al most any article you may desire for your spring changes. It is truly the GREAT OPPORTUNITY of the sea son for supplying your furniture wants. No other institut ion is in a position to offer such inducements as we are now offering. We are not sacrificing our own profit, but the profits of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., from whom we make the purchase are being sacrificed, hence the pleasure we take in this great opportunity sale is largely due to the fad that it pleases our customers without financial loss on ow pa'rt. Remember we are 269 Liberty street, next door to Jos. Meyers & Sons. The House Furnishing Company STORES AT SALEM AND ALBANY I. SALEM GUN STORE 'Phone 278J PAUL H. HAUSER, Prop. Guns Bicycles Fishing Tackle DogMedicines Dog Collars Dog Chains Dog Whips -STAY SsJz&Z QUAD PATENT CO. Base Ball Supplies Athletic Goods of every dis cription Cutlery Razors Strops Everything for the sportsmen. Guns and Bicycles Repaid W JLL Jr J Jt jlL Xv HOW TO MAKE JO PER CENT ON AN INVESTMENT. WE SELL WALL PAPER AT LEAST JO PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN SALEM. INVEST YOUR WALL PAPER MONEY WITH US AND THUS SAVE JO PER CENT-JO a SAVED IS JO MADE-NEW LOT OF PAPER JUST RECEIVED BUREN & HAMILTON