fYnr-f Tat? -"r, WjWWjayyw '"JW fl)W ""!T" T - ""'jri'yfr' """"ifT?'! r"' 'T " "iW DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 19M. THREE jMJflakes Friends Fast m m, an ast Friends W ( eino ) LARGEST SELLER iN THE WORLD. T The "Band is the Smoker's Protection. JqT TAND TAKEN BY DEMOCRATS ie Nominee on Ticket De- fclines the Honor Plat form Adopted following is the ticket chosen at state Democratic convention, and platform adepted: Supremo Judge, Thomas O'Day, lltnomah. Congressman from Second District, fE. Simmons. Congressman from First District, foert M. Veatch, Lane. ilry and Food Commissioner, S. I; Douglas. Presidential electors, John A. frey, Marlon; T. H. Crawford, lion; W. B. Dlller, Columbia; and rjll. Smith, Clatsop. Legislative Ticket. For Joint Senator from Lane, Doug- and Josephine, Iarlc Bllyeu. for Joint Senator from Union and allowa, W. F. Hunter. For Joint Representative from Polk Lincoln A. B. Clark. For Joint Senator from Sherman, Klam and Wheeler, W. L. Wilcox; ' Joint Representative from same, IF. Fulton and Eugene Loonoy.V for Joint Senator from Multnomah slilngton and Columbia, J. T. Mil- r; for Joint Representative from lltnomah and Clackamas, J. E. Jges. for Joint Representative from Yam- and Tillamook, 0. W. Talmage. for Joint Representative of Morrow Umatilla, F. B, Holbroolc. for Joint Senator from Yamhill, llamook and Lincoln, Dr. E. E. ucher. - for Joint Representative for Jack- and Douglas, W. L. Bridges. for Joint Representatives for Grant, ok, Klamath and Lake, J. B. flh and J. A Taylor, for Joint Inlor from same counties, W. A. ith s" Joint Senator for Union and Jl-'wa Byron Miller. Judicial Ticket Irst Judicial District For circuit lea J. R Nel and William S. bell, for district attorney, A. E. ues and W. J. Moore. fcond Judicial District For cir- I Judge J. W. Hamilton; for dls- attorney, I M. Travis. (Mr, rls has slnco declined the- noml- an ) lilrd Judicial District For circuit esr R. P. Boise and William Gal. y; for district- attorney, J. J. Itney urth Judicial District For clr- Judges, a, W. Allen for No. 1. B. O'Neill for No. 3; for district Irney, John Manning. Ixtu Judicial District For di- attorney, J. H. Raley. eventh Judicial District For dr. iudce W t. nmriniiRwr for die- - W-f - W . attorney, Daniel Smythe. Pghth. Judicial. DistrictFor dis trict attorney, Samuel White. Ninth Judicial District For circuit Judge, Morton B. Clifford; for dis trict attorney, Everett Hicks. Platform. The Democrats of Oregon, In the state convention assembled, believ ing that In the present more than at any time la the past, the people should insist upon a return to the principle of Democracy as enunciated by Its founder, Thomas Jefferson, of "equal rights to all and special privi leges to none," and present these reasons for such opinien: Trusts. The Republican party, entrenched behind the corporations and trusts of this country, not only refuses to abide by the will of the people, but attempts to nullify and destroy the laws en acted In the past for tho protection of popular government and the priv ileges Incident thereto. Wo Insist that but a casual reading of the his tory of tho past, and observation of the present conditions should con vince the people that the Democratic party Is the shield and buckler that mu3t protect popular government from the fires of radicalism on tho one side and the grasping greed of tho money pdwer upon the other. Tho keystone of Republican power Is what they call "protection." which we denounco, as now administered, to be a fraud upon and a robbery of tho people by tho trusts and tariff mag nates who supply tho'Ir wares to tho peoplo of foreign countries at Honest prices, while tho citizens of our own free land are made to pay extrava gant profit. For many years the Re publican party has claimed that It would remedy this evil by what Is called reciprocity between this and other countrlos, but Instead of treat ing with othor governments, that par ty has made treaties of reciprocity only with trusts and protected Inter ests, and tho evident compact is to retain the iniquitous tariff In return for campaign contributions to ' be used to debauch our electors, subsi dize tho press and corrupt the Ameri can congress through tho powerful lob by that Is constantly maintained at. the capltol of mir country. TChls BJ's tern Is destrugtiyp of Individual ef fort, and puts a premium upon both cunning and corruption In the. polltl. cal and commercial life of tho na tion. It Is destructive of the morals of our political organization, and the example created Is the Inspiration of tho greaUr part of the political cor ruption In our stato and municipal governments where such exist. In our opinion tho reform of the politics of the nation must bogln at the foun tain source our present tariff sysj tem which must be modified to bene fit tho people and not to protect the trusts as tho present law does, This we believe can only bo accomplished by tho success of the Democratic par ty throughout the nation. Tho Republican party has of lato been compelled by the vigorous ef fort of the Democrat to make a pre tense of enforcing tho national anti trust laws. The Insincerity of thei Republican party is conclusively shown by its striking from such law lha criminal provision providing for Imprisonment as a penalty- for the' violators. This was done with tho approval of Theodore Roosevelt in tho face of abundant evidence that these trusts were dally violating tho criminal provision by sending hungor and suffering to the, homes of tho poor, by unlawfully and outrageously Increasing the price of food and coal, not to speak of the destruction of competition by ruining tho Individual producer. This insincerity Is also shown by tho fact that as soon as tho United States supremo court made a decision giving effect to tho anti trust laws, Attorney-General Knox announced that tho "administration will not run amuck among tho trusts," which tho peoplo will under stand to mean that tho executlvo branch of our government will not lnterfore with tho greatest allies ot tho Republican party. But notwlthi standing this assurance, those crim inal trusts havo Insolently rebuked the friendship of tho party that cre ated them by Its tariff system by de claring that they will defy tho courts. Thoy havo shown themselves to bo real anarchists of tho nation and havo made tho Republican party an object of contemptuous pity. Isthmian Canal, Through the efforts of tho Domo- cratlc members of congress for a number of yoar3 tho Republican ad ministration Is about to begin con struction of an Isthmian canal. Tho Democratic party has always favored this and does now, but in view of tho exposure of our present postal de partment, we can but pauio and trem ble at tho robbery of tho national treasury that will occur If ljt Is built under a Republican admlnlriratlon, and wo believe that in order to avoid a national scandal that will undoubt edly follow its construction under the Republican party, that tho peoplo should turn out of the administration tho party that refuses to allow Its culpable ofllclals to bo Investigated. The Republican party has long posed as the friend of the laboring man and Is showing that friendship by Us effort to defeat tho eight-hour law now ponding boforo congress Wo deslro to encourage the labor or ganlzatlons of this country In their efforts to scquro the passage '0f, such law and pledge them the earnest-assistance of the Democratic party in their behalf. Wo believe In tho extomlon of tho postofflco facilities by adding a parcel-post system, which we believe has too long been delayed. We favor the enactment of the bill now ponding before congress giving the Interstato commerce commission power to reg ulate freight charges which was In troduced and Is supported by mem bers of the Democratic party. With out this law that commission Is pow erless. We favor and demand tho estab lishment of a federal assay office in this state, which our mining Inter ests, by their Importance, aro entitled to receive. We favor the embodiment of tho foregoing declaration in our national platform with such other declarations as will be In accord with the tplrit of our last national platform. Governor Chamberlain Indorsed. , In state matters wo most carowtly Mth v. t MfoA Indorse the administration of Gov ernor Chamberlain and Especially commending him for his vooeeioHex travagnnt appropriations bills, by which he has saved tho peoplomany thousands of dollars. His record prejveSJthe wisdom of tho people In chjosing him, and y?e deslro to call tho attention of the voters to tho ne cessity of electing a Democratic leg islative assembly that will sustain such1 vetoes and contlnuo his policy of economy. r Flat Salaries. ' We again demand the placing ot all state officers on flat salaries, and pledge our support to that effect. Wo bollove It our duty to call attention to tho deceitful, false and hypocriti cal position on Oils' question, ot sala rles that has been assumed by the Republicans. In 1894 tho Republican stnto platform declared In favor of paying1 stato omcors only tholr consti tutional salaries. In 1902 that party declared a flat salary, but has violat ed all Its promises and refused any roller. In Its last platform it has cowardly Ignored the question, be lieving that contrary to the opinion ot Abraham Lincoln, that It can "humbug all the peoplo nil tho time." The -last Republican legislature ac cepted the suggestion of the last state platform of this party, and passod an act for the protection of employes upon railroads by modifying what Is called tho "fellow-servant" doctrine. Wo favor the extension of that law to other occupations, and also the en actment of a law that will affort pro tection to the lives of thoso engaged in mining and other hazardous pup suits. Wo bellovo tho Umo Is como when the best Interests of this stato rcqulro tho reasonable regulation of railroad freight rates and wo favor such law, Wo nlso declare ourselves emphat ically In favor of the primary election law now pending before the people. Z,r"""'$W!' K''v' 'V i I'V'pppK Socialism Is Growing. Editor Jeurnal: Havo you heard from the vote cast by tho Socialist In the East? Chicago caBt 17,780, and at Othale, Kansas, where there wero but two tickets In the field, Republican and Soclali3t, the socialist carried the day, 203 to 104; at Jackson, Mich , tho socialist votes cast for mayor were 1B57, Democrats 1824, Republi cans 2018. A year ago socialists had a voto of 300. At Oswego, Kansas, socialists elected one alderman, voto stood 57 to 44. At Colgate, I. T., two aldermen wore elected and a tlo voto on tho third. Tho mayor was elected at Mystic, Iowa, against a fusion can didate At Fargo, N. D., the socialist party elected two aldermen, defeating two Republicans. At Clinton, Iown, thoy polled 346 votes. Tho Socialist has been considered a man living In advance of the times, but Judging from tho news above, and from tho socialist votes in Milwaukee, where thoro was a vote of 15,333, tlmo Is catching up to socialism at a rapid rate And we will soon commenco tho campaign work In Oregon advocating the ownership of all public utilities in tho interest of all tho peoplo. tho schools, highways water, electric lights, parks, boulevards, libraries, theaters, etc. A'l the people should own and provide nlco comfortable homos for the old and feeble, with kindergarten homes for homeless children. R. R. RYAN. ' A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells hour she was cured of backache, dizziness, paira ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable CompourKL "Deau Mrts. Pinkitam: Grntitudo compels mo to acknowledge thfi groat morit of your Vegotablo Compound. I navo Buffered for four yoarat with irregular nntl painful menstruation, also dizziness, paina in tho back: and lowor limbs, and fitful Bleep. I dreaded tho tlmo to como wbick. "would only moan Buffering to mo. M Bettor health is all I wanted, and euro if possible Lydia E. Pink--ham's Vogotablo Compound brought mo licalth and happiness in at, fow short months. I fcol liko another person now. JIy bcIicb and paina havo loft mo. Lifo seems now and sweet to mo, and everything scerns: pleasant and easy. " Six bottles brought mo health, and was worth mora than months? under tho doctor's caro, which really did not benefit mo at all. I am sat isfied thoro is no medioino so good for sick women as your Vegetable, Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of modicaL, help." Mna. B. A. Blanohakd, 422 Broad St, Nashville, Tonn, When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua tlon, weakness, leueorrheca, displacement or ulceration of tho womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), goncral debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or aro beset. vmn auon symptoms as dizziness, raininess, jaar sltudo, excitability, irritability, nervoutncM. sleeplcBsncss, melancholy, "all-gone" and. want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues nwk hopelessness, ttioy should remember there is ob& tried and truo remedy. Lydla 13. PJnkkam'S Vegetable Compound at once removes suek troubles. Refuso to buy any other medicine, lee you need the best. , A Sovcro Caso of "Womb Trouble Cure ( in Philadelphia. "Dkah Mne. Pjnkiiam: I havo beert cured of sovero femalo troubles by tho uso of Xydia E. Plnkham'ifc Vcgotablo Com pound. I waat ncarlv readv to cfvo un. but eceinr- -- -. - . 4 ... your advertisement i purcnascu one Dottio of vour medicine, and it did mo so much. good that I purchased another, and tho result was so satisfactory that bought six moro bottles, and am now feeling liko a new woman, I shall novor bo without it I hope that my testimonial will convinco women that your Vcgotablo Compound is tho greatest medicino in tho world for falling of tho womb or any othor femalo complaints." Mns. Mat Codt, 2000 Birch St, Philadelphia, Pn, Remember, every woman Is cordially Invited to write to Mrm; Pinkham If thoro is anything about her symptoma Bho does ofc understand. Her address is Lynn, Muss., her advico is froo tUMl Cheerfully given to every ailing woman wlio usks for It. , v)'5 W r.,r I yj r 'N'v 9 Republican Headquarters. Tho Republican campaign head quarters aro being oponed In tho back rooms over Barr'B Jewelry store, and tho meeting of the Marlon county Re publican central committee hai beon called for Saturday, April 30th, at 2 p. m. Tho candidates will also bo present, and there "vlll bo a gonoral conference over tho details of the campaign., Chairman Chas. A. Mur phy and Secretary Frank D. Morcdlth aro making all the preliminary ar rangements for pushing tho work of the campaign to a successful termination. 3etot fsooetet 1 1 !! Porto Rice Coffee Wc recommend this particular kind for it's fine flavor, strength and color. ? Ml Humors Aro Impure matters which tho skin, liver, kiduoys and other organs can not take euro of without help, there is such un accumulation ot them. Thoy litter the wliolo system, Pimples, bolls, eczema ami othor eruptlous, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of Indiges tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effect, strengthen, tone and invigorate the wholo system. "I had salt ibum on my hsnds so that I could not work. I took Hood's Uaraprlll and It drove out the humor. I coutlnoed Its ue till the sores dUaprxartd." Uss. In O. Ilsowjr, Itaistord Vslls, Me. Hood's 6arscparllls) promises to cure and keep the promlM 2 Grades 25 and 30c per lb. 1 S Try a pound and let the coffee speak for itself. fc Yokohama Tea Store j j Fresh roasted coffeesarid fine grades of tea a specialty. Phone 24 i t Black. Free delivery. ! t tMiMWiiniti oa iNiPangm. T y Out Silve Pltimc Blend ; 2oc pet lib Always fresh toasted at oat roaster. ; ; The Salem Coffee Roaster f Johnson & O'Flyng Prop, i I Phone 229 J L O. O. Temple Court Street, f mhi in iiiiiiMiniHMMiii(iiiiiiiiiniiiinm;; Wholesale aad Retail Family Llqwor Store E, ECKERLEN, 2B8 Commercial Street. ; ; I Full line of Hauore and wJnea. Cedarbrook whisky formerly tho I McDrier brand the best for family use. All orders filled end Jo- ! I ! llrored in the city limits. Those Mala 1151. ', ', w H4 A I I