Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1904, Image 1

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    ' r
NO. 9T.
I Czar's Cruiser Boyarin and Transport
Yenisse. exchange Shots Fight
Stopped Before Damage is Done
St. Petersburg, April 25. Tha
Enaral court-martial of the captain of
the cruiser Boyarin, which was par-
tlaliy destroyed by a mlno near Port
Arthur on February 13th, has brought
sensational facts to light. The tcstl-
nony showed that the day before she
struck the mine, the Boyarin engaged
n a duel in the fog with another ship
faff Dalny. Both were damaged In the
engagement. Tho fight was stopped
irhen the discovery was made that
ho Boyarln'6 opponent was the mine
ransport Yenissei, which was later
Sunk by a mine. On the latter occa.
lion the Boyarin withdrew without at
tempting to save the crew of tho
fonlssel. Then tho Boyarin struck
mine, her crew was safely landed
id the ship drifted to sea and was
The captain produced a letter from
lo Dowager Empress congratulating
Jm on his courage in saving tho crew
if his vessel, on which account tho
burt-martlal merely withdrew pen
isslon for him to serve his country
the future.
Port Arthur Garrison Happy.
port Arthur, April 25. It Is claimed
fc'o defenses hero have been so
lengthened that It Is now considered
that the city Is Impregnable. Bands
of music play dally, and children
gambol about tho streets. The confi
dence of tho penple has been fully
restored. The entrance to the harbor
remains open.
Vicrilanrp nf Italian Pnliro Friicf-rafoc
I Designs of Dago Anarchists on
Brigands Cause Trouble.
St. Petersburg, April 25. The Vre
mya today quotes the Shuntyang
Shlboa, of Penkln, as stating that the
anti-foreign agitation In Northern
China, now growing, Ib being active
ly carried on by brigands.
Seven persons have been killed near
Tien Tsln. Trouble has also occurred
at Lonanfu, In the ShansI province of-
Shundefu, In the Pcchlll province, al
so In several other places. A French
merchant and Slgnor Poraa, an Ital
ian road engineer, have been killed.
A desperate fight Is reported In the
disturbed district, In which 20 Euro
peans aro said to have been massa
cred. Tho authorities have telegraphed
Peking for reinforcements to sup
press the brigands.
General Pflug Denies Report.
St. Petersburg, April 25. General
Pflug, chief of tho Russian staff nt
Port Arthur, denies the report that the
Japanese have crossed the Yalu.
(Special to Tho Journal.)
Corvallls, April 25. Ex-Sheriff Os-
lirne, who, with ex-Chief of Police
imes Dunn, was shot by Chester
eady hero yesterday morning, Is
ftich better this afternoon, and, lin
ts complications ensue, he will re
l.Tho condition of Dunn Is not so
6od. While his symptoms are not
sfavorablo, ho suffers very much.
fhe surgeons, Drs. Cnthey, Pernot and
irrn, say that If he survives the
light he ought to live until tho
Ehth day. All three surgeons agree
lat there Is a chance for him.
j?Both men aro at tho Occidental
fotel, where thoy were carried lmme-
lately after receiving their wounds.
The ball from Keady's revolver en
tered Dunn's abdomen two Inches to
tho left and slightly above the navel,
passing through tho Intestines, and
lodging somewhere In tho back. The
ball has not been located.
Osburn's wound Is in the neck, the
ball having entered the left side ol
tho neck, and Is probably lodged un
der the right shoulder blade.
Keady Shoots to Kill.
Corvallls, Or., April 25. In a pistol
,duel here yesterday morning, Chos-
ter Keady was Instantly killed and
James Dunn, ex-chief of police of Cor
vallls, and David A. Osburn, ex-sherlfl
of Benton county, received danger
ous, If not fatal wounds.
Tho trouble began shortly before
Not From the Standpoint of
But From the Standpoint of
It ruvs in hnv the hesr. You can't afford to buv trash
fat any Drice. It's the hieh aualitv which we maintain
in every department that has made our merchandise
a standard of reliability." The goods we sell give sat
isfaction. Our "cash plan" enables us to undersell
( regular stores" aHave you visited our
tey Goods Department?
The ladies find our showing of dress goods and trim
lings unusually attractive.
The New Yok Racket f
hoes, Clothing
Everything for the whole family. Salem's cheapest one
nce cash Store.
E. T. BARNES, Proprietor.
Berlin, April 25. The Tageblatt has a'code dispatch from Rome
reporting an attempt to assassinate President Loubet. The plot was
discovered by the police in time to bei frustrated. Similar code mes
sages have reached prominent flnanclersfon the Bourse.
A correspondent of the Tageblatt In Paris also wires that reports
of the attempted assassination have reached there, but that the lta.
Ian censorship has suppressed direct news.
W8t MWMSfffMaaa
Teutonic Extremists Indig
nant Because Roosevelt
Praises Kaiser's
Berlin, April 25. President Rooso
velt has offended the German Chauv
inists In ah Interview with him by
Eugene Zabel, of tho National Zoltung,
who cables that President Roosevelt
devoted one-quarter of an hour to ex
tolling Ambassador Stelnburg, the
German ambassador.
"Although flattering," says tho
Brestaur Zeltung, "Roosevelt's tcstl
monial offends tho dignity of tho
German empire, and creates tho lm
presslon that Stelnburg Is striving to
gain tho American government's ap
probation, Instead of resolutely pro
tecting tho Interests of tho Father
midnight, When Keady, after leaving
a resturant, fired off his pistol, and
ex-Sheriff Oaburno, who Is night ofll
ccr of Corvallls, undertook to arrest
him. Keady was under tho Influence
of liquor, and when Osbtirno ap
proached he drew a gun and ordered
Osburne to halt.
There was some parleying, nnd in
tho process of the attempt to arrest
Keady the pursued nnd pursuer
passed from Chlpman's rostaurant to
tho postolflce, a distnnce of a block.
There, as Osburno advanced, Keady
fired, and the officer, shot through the
neck, fell In tho arms of bystanders
Shorlff Burnett was sent for, and In
due 'time arrived. James Dunn ac
compnnlod him, and tho Bhorlff ap
proaching Keady near Jamos Taylor's
residence, took Koady by tho arm and
ordered him under arrest. Keady
whipped out a pistol and began to
Are. Tha first shot went wldo of tho
mark, and tho second, also aimed at
the sheriff, took effect In Dunn's abdo
men. Then Burnett fired, and Keady fell
with a shot in the head. Dunn fell in
to tho arms of a companion, firing two
shots from his pistol at Keady as ho
did so. Burt Turney, aged 22, is In
custody as an accomplice with Koady.
Keady Is about 18 years of ago, nnd
Is the son of George B. Keady, head
of thf, printing department at) tho
college. Ills body now lios at tho
Japanese Steamer Sunk.
London, April 25. Japaneso Minis-
tor Hayashl reports that two Russian
torpedo boats enterod tho harbor of
Wonsan, on tho east coast of Korea,
and sunk tho small Japaneso sterner
Geyo Maru, of COO tons.
Alexleff Officially Recalled.
Berlin, April 25. DIo Tost an
nounces today that an Imperial de
cree was signed by tho Czar this
morning, officially recalling Alexleff.
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, April 25. May wheat,
87; old July, 8483; new 834
82H; Jaly corn, iVA&H.
Kansas City Again Threatened
With Another Destruct
ive Flood--Fort Scott
Suffers Heavily
Kansas City, April 25. Heavy rains
during tho past 24 hours havo causod
a rapid rise In the Kaw river. This1
morning it stood at 18 feet, and was
rising rapidly, the danger lino botng
20 feet.
Following the collapso of tho Ar
mourdalo foot bridge, the 12th steel
bfUg&faW'Wb'elt flnobridgo wont
Much apprehension Is felt that tho
lowlands will again be flooded llko
thoy wore a year ago.
At Fort Scott $100,000 damago has
already been done.
At noon today the last bridge con
necting the two Kansas Cities was
declared unsafe. The low, level
streets of Armourdale and Argentine
aro submerged.
Joe Germain, a Vaudeville Performer
Accidentally Shot by a Colored Songr
and Dance Artist
Lawrence D's, a colored vnudevlllo ar-1 neck about thrco Inches back of tho?
tlst, accidentally shot and slightly
wounded Joo Germain, a boy perform
er, nt their l corns ovor tho Edison
theater nt nn early hour yesterday
morning Gcjrmaln will recover, but
for a tlmo thlpgs wero moving around
In that neighborhood. Mr, and Mrs,
D's had been playing enrds for pns
tlmo with Germain, and about 4:30
the lnttor started to go to his room
to rotlro, when D's picked up a 45
cnllbcr Colt's rovolvor, which was on
tho table, and laughingly, remarked:
"You can't play cards, anyway, and I
have a notion to tnko a shot at you."
Ho extracted nil tho shells, or at
least thought ho had, and pointed tho
gun at Germain's head. Germain
turned around facing tho ugly looking
weapon, and warned D's not to fool
with .tho gun, but ho had scarcely ut
tered tho words when tho hammer
snapped, and the bullet entered the
left side of Germain's neck, Jiut bolow
the ear. Tho wounded boy foil to tho
floor, apparently dead, and tho D's
summoned a physician nt once. The
examination disclosed the fact that
tho bullet had made only a slight
wound, and had emerged from tho
point of entrance and lodged in tho
wall. The gun was fired at vorycloaev
range, and tho powder hurnt thQbox&.
fnco severely, but ho soon recevered:
from tho effects of tho wound, and let
nblo to bo around, although ho wilt
not bo ablo to do his stunts at tho
theatro for a few days. Ho Is about
10 years of age, and 1b on tho vnude
vlllo circuit doing acrobatic nnd cotr
tortlon work. Tho D's aro a song and!
dance team, and havo been hero fox
two weeks.
Tho sceno shortly after tho shooting
occurred Is described by several peo
ple, who rushed to tho room whorti
they heard tho shot, was very pathot
le. Mrs. D's was holding tho wound
Oil boy In hor arms, nnd uho was pray
ing In her natlvo Hawaiian tonguo
with tho fervor of a missionary. Tho
boy supposed that ho was going to
pas ovor to tho other land, whoro
hand3prlngs and tumbling would nob
be In demand, and ho was bidding
adieu to thoso present, D's was almost
frantic, and ho even, lost color for
Bomotlmo after the nccldont. It wast
a close call, and all parties aro thank-,
ful It was not more serious.
United Railways May Disre
gard Demand of Union
and Tie up All Lines
San Francisco, April 25. A secret
ballot Is being taken today by the
street car men's union on a compro
mise offer mado by tho United Rail
ways In response to tho men's demand
for higher wages and Bhorter hours,
Tho general belief Is that tho do
mand will bo rejected, and a otrlko
called, which would practically tie up.
all the lines in tho city.
Lois of Life and Property In Several
Fort Worth, Tex., April 25. Sovort
peoplo killed nnd 40 to 50 wounded la.
tho latest report from tho cyclono
which occurred in Northeastern Tox
as and Southern Indian Territory last
evening. Many injured wero at Mt.
Vernon and "Winnsboro,
At Sulpapa six wero killed.
A Douglas County Patient.
of Roseburg. brought L. Richards to I
the asylum yesterday afternoon.
M' all. NJ
ffi JLi .
I If m I X !1J
No Tailor
can put better workmanship Into a
garment than you will find In our
skirts. A to the stylebetter come
and look them over; a visit to thla de
partment will repay yow. Many now
things Just received and aro now
ready for your choosing.
J 73rd
Satptise Sale
Wednesday, 27th
Good Quality Cambric
Drawers and Cosset Covers
Kmbroldory, lace and hemstitched
trimmings. This Is an exceptional
offering and coupled with our grand
undorwear salo should mako selling
In this lino tho greatest In our ex
perience of special salos.
No values yet offered can comparo
with these.
Investigate this groat offer.
Fee! Fec!
A boys' K. & E. walit given FREE
with each boys' suit cold during tho
U Mm
I lJ Tutored
CW'UM lMJ Hut SluMf Mut
Hero's tho Hart, Schaffnor &
Marx doublo-brcasted varsxlty.
about as successful a combina
tion of good clothes ideas ao
you'll ovr find.
We havo a lot of othor styles
to show you; tho towollcet col-
lection of men's wearables owe
got together In this town.