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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL.' JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREQON. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1904. frui -J Aiti&l IftORMON SYSTEM COMPLETE OOpperation the Keynote of Their Success The Mormon church Is stronger to day than it over was. If it wero not, President Joseph Smith never -would have dared to state openly that he was practicing polygamy 'n defiance of state and na tional laws. No church in the world is growing ho fast. All sorts and conditions of men are sought, and over them all the church 'reigns supreme. The keynote of the Mormon faith s co-operation. This is tho Becret of ts success. Bach member pays to ho church one-tenth of his "in Brease," and these "tithes" are turned n religiously. The denomination was founded in 830 by Joseph Smith, of Sharon, t. The government of the church 9 a hierarchy, consisting of two or- ers of priesthood, Tho order of Melchlezedek -is pr& Ided over by a president and two ounselors. It includes tho "twelve postles," "tho seventies," tho patri- rch, the high priests nnd the eiders. Tho Aaronlc order Is an inferior no, made up of bishops, prle3ts, achers and deacons. The president, Joseph Smith, is ipreme, nnd next to him are the 'ounselors. Tho apostlo3 constitute traveling high council, which on ialns priests and is supreme in ec eslastical affairs. The seventies ,re the missionaries and propagan- Ists of tho order. The patriarch onounces tho blessings of the urch and the high priests officiate the absence of tho higher authorl- e&. Tno eiders conduct meetings el superintend th,o work of tho tests. The duties of the Aaronlc order e largely secular. Tho territory of o church is divided and subdivided to districts. This makes easier tho llectlon of the tithes and the gov- nment of the faithful. The bishops esldo over tho district and direct e work of thq teachers. There Is a teacher for every two ocks In tho city nnd for so many uaro miles in tho country. They ep tab on the members, collect thes and direct tho temporal as ell as spiritual affairs of their arges. The teachers meet every month in ch ward or district, report on con iltlons, and explain the goings of lach man or woman under them. The bishops listen to these reports d report In turn at a conference of shops to the council of the apostles. Is It any wonder then that a church Ith such a perfect organization can' ntrol a stato and name every offi- al from governor to constable? Tho co-operative principle Is car ed Into business affairs of tho Mqr ons. Besides being president of e church, Smith Is president of a zen of tho biggest commercial on nlzatlons In the state, including o Zlon Co-operatlvo Morcantilo Co., o Zlon Savings Bank & Trust Co., ;tate Bank of Utah, Consolidated agon & tachlne Co.. Utah Sugar Utah Light & Power Co., Inland ystal Salt Co. and many others. As tho church Is supported by Ithes," It Is necessary that the embers succeed financially and the urch sees to it that they do. When the church exercises such absolute control over its. members In business and religion, It will be seen how readily It can control them poetically. It is stated that the group' of four or five claims of the Pborman Mining Company, in the Blue River district, on the Linn county side, have been bonded for $50,000. This company is composed mostly of Brownsville meu, N. B. Standish being a leading stock holder. Tho Poorman mlnps mMnln tho3o of tho Oriental Co., of this city, Tho transaction will mean a good deal for tho mines. The Trained Nurse HER STRENGTH SOMETIMES TAXED BEYOND THE LIMIT. A Graduate of the New York Training School Tells How She Recupe rates After Heavy Strain. The trained nurse plays a very Im portant part in the modern treatment of disease greatly to the relief of both doctor and patient. Because she Is well disciplined sho is able to per form difficult service and to endure fatigue In a manner that excites ad miration and wonder. Sho is human, however, nnd In try ing cases tho demands upon her strength provo excessive. Sho full fills her duty nobly to tho last mo ment but, as soon as she is relieved sho is compelled to build up her own weakened powors. She naturally wants the. remedy that will restore her efficiency In the shortest possible time, and as her knowledge of medi cines Is wide, her choice is likely to bo a sensible one and a remarkably good guide for everybody else. Every word of tho following care ful statement of Mrs. Jessie M. F. Cummlngs, of 61 Whitmore street, Hartford, Conn., a graduate of the Now York Training School for Nurses, is entitled to the weight which at taches to the utterance of an expert: "Several months ago' said Mrs. Cummlngs recently, "I was completely worn out as tho result of a very seri ous and trying case I had attended. I needed a tonic, and so I got six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and took them faithfully. I obtained the good from them I ex pected to, and I can say with truth and pleasure that tho remedy is a splendid tonic for woman's nerves." The soundness of Mrs. Cummlngs' opinion Is confirmed by tho experi ence of numerous sufforors from ner vous disorders of every kind and de gree, from simple debility to partial imralvsls. Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla have cured obstinato cases of neural. gla, prostration, sciatica and St. Vitus dance; they have even conquered tho most frightful of nervous diseases, locomotor ataxia, after the patient had been reduced to a state of help. lessnoss and had been told to prepare for death. They check waste and bsgln to min ister a fresh and lasting vitality at once. They are sold by all druggists throughout tho world. A booklet giv ing Information of t;reat value In the treatment of nervouff diseases will be sent free on application to tho Dr Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. OASTOIUA. Ban the 4 The Kbtd You Haw Always Bocjht Stockton & Co At the old White Corner and, 298-300 Commercial St. Sell the famous Selz Shoes Special X his Week ROYAL BLUE SHOES"The so'e of honor" $3.50 values sold all over America at $3.50 3 f IZ a pair. Our price this week, special 4 ROYAL BLUE SHOES"The sole of honor" $4.00 values sold all over America at $4.00 C3 (JT never less. Our price this week, special 4w Ladies Kid Shoes $3.00 and $3.25 Hand turned and McKay QJ flfl welt shoes. Reduced to, per pair p W i hand torned high grade kid shoes t H gular $4.00 values reduced to, pair 4,'f Ladies1 re Clothing and Hats New Spffing Styles Jtfst Re ceived We ate Agents for M. Born & Co., the Famous Chicago Tailors. Special orders taken, fit and satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. SEE OUR $.25 and $X.00 PANTS which g5c we are selling for, per pair -' WvrfW ewer Pipe Sand, Gra-vel Garden Loam NVhat jou buy from U3 of the fore polng list, you buy tho good kinds bnly. A. M. PATRICK & CO. Succe sor to D. 3. Bentley, rnone Main G91. Wholesale and retail Building material of tho best. 18M83 Commercial St, Salem At Salem Now The Electrical The matory of Osteo pathy Now Permanently Located HARPER I WHISKYlBl m t&xtfriB I I afi r!L& I The aristocrat among the I j whiskies of the old school. I i Without a peer I For Sale by I A. 8CHREIBER, Salem. 153 Stato St. I FARMER'S HOME, I DR. P. V. ALLEN, D. O. DR. MARIE ALLEN, D. O. of Chicago. Assistant. Curing all manner of disease, chronic or acuto, without the uso of drugs or knife. -t The Treatment of Deformities a Specialty. The treatment the same as practiced by tho world's famous Dr, Lorenz In his thousands of succosaful cases. Special rates for treat ment by tho month. Consultation ?ree. M Correspondence Solicited. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 12 m.; 2 p, m to B p. ra. Rooms, 1 and 2, Cottlo block. Telephone 296G Main. LOCK BOX 44. SALEM, OREGON. f9BM IIIHHHCIMIIItlflW G. F. Mason Manufacturer of Berry crates, boxes, imsJde work for all fru It dryers, and all SrJarfs of sfcop work. Miller St South FOREIGN CAPITAL fcOT AFFECTED BY WALL. STREET Enabling owners of approved prop erties to DEVELOP EXTEND EQUIP INDUSTRIALS, RAILWAYS, MINES and similar enterprise. Address with full details, J. S. WHITE. Manager, Security Life Ins. Co., CI Wall street, Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from Hamtt & Lawrence If not, you are away behind tho times. However, they are al ways glad to see new patrons, and If you call on them, you will be moro than pleased. You will find them at tho corner of Commercial and Ferry streets. MfrftOI --M IIIIIIIIIHIIinilllMllWHIIII HM-W HUH rT II IlltWV'VlW'P WWW rv ---- Wholesale and Retail Family Liquor Store e anucrtl pm 9A commercial Street. ' ' Full lino of liquors and wines. Cedarbroolc whisky formerly the . , , Mcuner orana wo pe& iur mum ubv. unw. .... -- . . ' llvcred la tho city limits. 'Phone wain uui. 'miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiniinn-H4 t! oru -j imiitiiiiitiimfif i''' MERCHANT TAILOR Osers Issm !- court sie , t 1 ExcMlesceS cotter tMltttr. Villi fiunatie II work Also cle X Z jsr,simslBeare?lriitf. g frU tyi Getting the Best slide You want the Best shoe yot can get the test shoe always pays- ia wear and looks and comfort. The reasons for getting Sefe Royal Blue shoe are that it is made to fit human feet; it is made to wear whenever yoti want to wear shoes; and is made to last a long time. It will cost yot $3.50 or $4.00 and you'll never spend any shoe money to better advantage than the money you spend for Royal Blues. Ask your dealer to get them for you ' if he doesn't already sell them. Bsr 'EHIClCttj 3 ' ' Largest makers of good shoes jn the world. "I. " f t 4mJtf)W iff l)HflliMHMf lllllML Books By William J. Long I Ways of Wood Folk 75c Wilderness Ways 75c Secrets of the Woods 75 Wood Folk at School 75c Beasts of the Field $1.75 Fowls of the Air $1.75 Schoolof the Woods, -. $1 .50 Following the Deer, . $ i 25 A Little Brother to the Bear, $1.50 X-k I GINN & COMPANY, Publisher Trade Department, 29 Beacon Street, BOSTON. sh-w i w nm mwfnn m i ii ! Jf J. A. AUPPEBLE, president. E. W. HAZARD, Cashier. A. F. HOFER, Vloo President. reckon State Bank : Incorporated. Jeffef son, Oregon, Transacts a general banking buslncaa; makes loaus, ( counts bills and rocolvo icposlts. Deals in foreicn and domeatlo exchange. Collections mad on favorable terms. Notaries Public Wo tender our servipes In all mattotu of conveyancing. Real estate loans negotiated at low ratea of IntereeL YOUn BU8INE88 SOLICIT L - Ttieo. M. Barr Successor to Darr A Petrel. a?3C33ff3xrjgjK - Tir-xTiM-jajEiJ SALEM, II-.X 1- U Wl Mci A nui Air, nut ttici nu Steam HcatlBf a Specialty. f OREGON U mi i 1 1 r C i i! I Salem, Pfeooc2 W Ked New York. )lllSJiaiJfil'WBSM'' '''"'' " XHIIillllllllllllMIMt