Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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Roosevelt League Or
ganized Friday
Fine Board of Officers and
I Great Enthusiasm Pre
vailed-Opening Gun
of the Campaign
The Salem team of Roosevelt boom
ers who went to Turner Friday night
met with an equally cordial artd en
thusiastic reception at tho hands of
tho local Republican organization,
and, In tho languago of tho campaign
manager, that precinct will give good
account of herself In tho June elec
tion, with a vote for the state and
congressional ticket that will give
Turner a larger delegation than ever
before In the next cdunty convention.
A club of about 70 members Is In
sight and enrolled, and this number
will bo swelled to 100 or more. The
club elected Ed. S. Martin, president,
and J. T. Robertson, secretary, with
tho following vice-presidents: N. W.
Sliver, B. B. Herrlck, Allen Wilson,
0. P. Cornelius, Ralph Grimes, H. L.
Earl, Win. ' Hllleary, Wm. McKay,
Daniel Stanton and Wm. Dozler. H.
I Earl was elected treasurer and E.
M. Lindsay, W. T. Richards, L. D.
Barr, A. McFarland and O. B. Corne
lius executive committee.
Short speeches were made by E.
IHofer, W. J. Culver, T. B. Kay, H. D.
IPatton and Chas. A. Murphy. The
principal speech of tho evening was
nado by Walter Tooze, of Woodburn,
and It was an eloquent offort in bo-
balf of tho cause of Republicanism.
Vs congressional chairman he opened
tho campaign for Blnger Hermann's
re-election in great shape, and a num
ber of times brought tho house down
jtn his old-fashioned style. Four Dcm
crats are on tho Roosovelt club roll,
and tho Indications are that he will
iiavo a walkover In Oregon In No
jrember. The Turner band of 10 pieces
aade splendid music, and some of the
bright ladles of Turner honored the
pub meeting with their presence, and
Encouraged tho workers and speak
ers. Under tho leadership of tho ag
gressive young Republicans and tho
guidance of the old war horses that
Gathered From the Best
The only real ambitious spring
Ifrora the circumstances in which our
lives are set. I used to believe that
tmy limitations would prevent mo
from doing anything beyond proving
ny mind and accepting tho cup of
pleasure or sorrow In whatever nieas
iuro it might bo dealt to mo. There
Is no grief deeper than the conscious-
aess that wo are Isolated, no ache of
heart harder to bear than tho thought
that our follows aro crying in tho
Jarkness, and wo aro so fettered that
ire moy not go to them. This sepa-
ration from the social order Into
Iwhlch wo nre born, tho agony of
thwarted forces, a death in tho midst
3f life. But I havo discovered that
Ithe material with which wo work la
fcverywhero and In abundance. I ,
have felt tho Joy of tho strong man
vho Krasns the reins In his hands
md drives the forces that would mas-
ter him. Our worst foes aro not bel-
Sigeront circumstances, but wavering
Bplrlts. As a man thlnkcth, so is he.
Tho field in which I may work is
narrow, but it stretches before mo
limitless I am llko the philosopher
shoso carden was small but reached
Un to th stnm .
Thero nr two wvR In which wo
nay work- with our own hands and
tirouch nr foilow.men. Both ways
Ire onin ir. m with mv own hands
Ind voice I can teach; perhaps I can
frtto. Tt,,n,l, Ahp: T rnn do cood
h speaking In favor of beneficent
rork and by speaking against what
Peems to me wrong.
I am Btlll a college girl, and I can
fflfilf fMn...J Am. m nnMAtl A ITA Wrldll
I, wxuu iu a liu.ucu bo --.
11 my planB shall have been realtoed. .
can dream of that happy countryi
nt IU ... .V- . n..n orlll llirn
- mv uvurv nucio uu wt . .w
lit his ease while another suffers;
(hen, Indeed, shall the blind Bee and
he deaf hear. HELEN ICEIXERT"
-Ladles Home Journal.
A good deal is being said about ;
tOO Doses
For One Dollar
Economy in medicine must bo
measured by two things cost and
effect. It cannot be measured by
either alone. It is greatest in that
medicine that does tho most for
the money that radically and per
manently cures at the least ex
pense. That medicino is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It purifies and enriches the blood,
cures pimples, eczema and all
eruptions, tired, languid feelings,
loss of appetite and general debility.
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and
found it reliable and civlne perfect natUfac
tlon. It takes away that tired fcellne. elves
enert'y and puts the blood In cood condition."
MissErriECoLONN. 1KB 10th Street. N. Y
Washlneton, D. C.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promlaos to
euro and keops tho promloo.
precinct will give Its usual two to one
majority for the whole ticket.
Isaac Manning, recently of Nicara
gua, was present and gave a very in-
orflloMttn iiil in amI. iiklti . I
"-"' "... n. ..
nepuDiic or Manama, snowing that it
jiuu ongiuauy ueen a sovereign siato
of the New Granda federation, and its
prompt recognition by President
(Roosevelt was the only right and log-
ical way to protect American inter
ests. His remarks were well received
and showed that the Pan.nma canal
tho Panama republic and the nervy
action of tho administration are up
held by tho American people general
ly. The opening of the campaign nt
Turner wa3 a great success In every
Do It Tocay.
Tho time-worn injunction, "Nevor
put off 'till tomorrow what you can
J do today," is now generally present
ed in this ferm: "Do it today 1" That
la tho terse advise wo want to give
you about that hacking cough or de
moralizing cold with which you have
been struggling for several days, per
haps weeks. Take some reliable reme
dy for It TODAY and let that remedy
be Dr. Boscheo's German Syrup, which
has been in use for over thirty-five
years. A few doses of it will undoubt
edly relievo your cough or cold, and
its continued uso for a few days will
euro you completely. No matter how
deep-seated your cough, oven if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will surely effect &
cure as it has done before in thou
sands of apparently hopoless cases of
lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c;
regular size, 76c. At all druggists.
At Dr. Stone's drug stores.
Exchanges of All Churches
the alenlatlon of the working classes
from tho church and tho aloofness of
culture, but no sensitive student of
our times can fall to note the fact
that tho moral consciousness of tho
world Is awakening toward the world's
Redeemer. That awakening may not
bo churchward, but it is Chrlstward.
Three things Indicate this: tho re
spectful attitude of men of all con
ditions toward Christ, the attitude of
modern science toward- the spiritual
an,i tho unseen, and the attitude of
the student body toward Christianity.
The moral authority of Jesus is recog-
nlzed today even by men who can-
not interpret or who have no Inter-
est In Interpreting His religious
ideals. Tho common people hear Him
i;ndly. JOHN F. CARSON, D. D.
The Homlletlc Review.
"On Earth Peace," When will it
ever dot me angou sang meir song
over tho world nearly two thousand
years ago, uut ware nave muuijiucu
as tho world has grown older. And
the strange thing about it is mat tno
leading nations or Christendom aro
foremost in tho enginery and activi-
ties of war. England is tho greatest
nation on eann in weaim anu
Birengm, anu r.oBmiiu iuuji uuvu u
lighting navy equal to mat or nil ma
nations on earm commneu. iuo unueu
States has a very sraau army ana a
"mail navy, as compared with the
other great nations, but our fighting
"rces, incjuoing peBB.oDB, i-uti u
over three hundred million dollars a
V or neany a. muura uo.. ,.
-Tho Dxamlner,
Finally, the attempt to separate bo-
M llo.f ,., Ufa pnoma n IIS
. r... onm ', in 1Ive
',.,.. ,,,,.i ,i-in.
"'' lU luc, lUWIIWliuii vw-... r
and others with a faulty creed set
good examples of moral unrightnese.
But oven bo, there Jb a permanent
nexus between that which a man be
lieves and that whioh he is, The
Standard. . .
egegssssatcwef oif 1
First Unitarian.
Corner of Chemoketa and Cottage
streets. Frank A.Powell, pastor. Sun
day School at 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject: 'Visions." Evening subject:
"Will It Pay?" All welcome.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Sorvlces. Lesson sermon and child
ren's classes at 11 a. m. Subject of
lesson sermen: "Everlasting Punlh
ment." Wednesday evening meeting
at 7: SO p. m. Reading room open
dally except Sunday. Christian Scl
onco Hall, corner of Court and Liber
ty streets.
w."cTtT U.
Rev. D. J. Goode will speak nt the
regular 4 o'clock meeting at the W.
C. T. U. hall. All are welcome.
Salvation Army.
Holiness meeting at 11 a. m. Junior
meeting at 1:30 p. m. Salvation meet
ing at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. At 8 p. m.
capt. Brown will speak on the fulfill
ment of tho ,aWf A anj woIcomo
Y. M. C. A.
Commercial and Chemeketa streets.
Tho meeting this afternon will ,1)0 tho
last of the season, and will bo ad
dressed by Wm. H. Heppo, D. D Sub
ject "Tho Great Chnracter Sculptor"
Special mii3lc by male quartet. All
men cordially Invited.
First Congregational.
Rov. W. C. Kantner, pastor. Ser
vices at 10:30 a. m, and 7:30 p. m.
Subject of morning sermen: "Build
ing for God and Eternity." Sunday
School at 12 m. Junior Endeavor at
3:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p.
m. Subject of evening sermen: "Tho
Man of Good Cheer."
First Presbyterian.
Rev. H. A. Ketchum, D, D pastor.
Morning service at 10:30 a. m. Even
ing service at 7:30 p. m. C. E. meet
ing at C:30 p. m. Sabbath School af
ter morning service. Rev. Mr. Sny
der, of Brownsville, will preach both
morning and evening, and Mrs. Hinges
will sing a solo at each service.
U. BTcihurcn.
Services at tho U. B. church in
Yew Park as follews: Preaching at
11 a. m., also at 8 p. m. Sabbath
School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Wal
ter Reynolds, pastor.
First Christian.
Corner of High and Center streots.
Preaching by tho pastor, Elder D.
Errett, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Respectlvo themes: "What Is It to
Bo a Christian?" and "Resisting
Christ." Junior C. E. nt 3 p. m. Senior
C. E. at C:30 p. m. BIblo School at
12 m Charles Shoomnker superin
tendent. Christian Science.
Second Church of Christ Scientist,
1-iO Chemeketa street. Services:
Sunday at 10:30 a. m. arid 7:30 p. m.
Subject of lesson sermen: "Everlast
ing Punishment.' ' Sunday School at
11:45 a. m,. Wednesday evening tes
timonial meeting at 7:30 o'clock.
Reading room In the church open each
aftornoon except Sunday. All aro cor
dially Invited.
Central Congregational.
Pastor absent tomorrow. Sunday
School at 10 a. "m. Sermon at 11 a.
m. by F C. Butler. Evonlug program
by Endeavor society, at 7:30 p. m.
The Yost
No. 10
The Machine Behind the IFne Work.
Excels all others In
75,000 Sold
Yost Writing Machine Co.
230 Stark Street, Portland.
Local Agent, 288 Commercial Street,
8alem, Oregon.
We Rent We Sell, We Exchange
We Repair.'
Newbo's Hetpicide
An Exquisite Hair Dressing. c
jfegT""" Herpicide Pills
my and sticky hair dressing or
one that is full of sedimentary
chemicals Intended to dye hair.
The marked referenco for a clean
and dainty preparation, particular
ly ono that overcomes excesslvo
olllness and leaves tho hair light
and Huffy, Is reflected In tho enor
mous sale of Newbro's Horplcldc.
Discriminating ladles becomo en
thusiastic over its refreshing qual
ity and exquisite fragrance.
havo pretty hair. Tho features may
bo quite plain or even homely, yet
If tho head is crowned with an
abundance of beautiful hair, at
tractiveness will not bo lacking.
Tho poet says: "fair tresses man's
Imperial race ensnare." Horplcldo
gives tho hair a charming distinct-
Prominent Doctor Says:
"It gives mo pleasure to stato that
since using your preparation, Hor
picido, I have been much bene
fitted and nearly entirely rolleved
from tho troublosomo Itching of
AvHca!lliy hVr.
50 a I lCTp 50 Zi
Discount A J I J Discount
Get a 500-pound coupon book iot $2.50. If
you efigeato will hold tOO pounds you
can take advantage of this low pice No
delivery less than (00 pounds made at this
pice 200 and 300-pound coupon books
at 5 pe cent cash discount We cannot
cay small accounts iot ice, so get a coupon
book. No one is busie than the "ICE MAN,"
so get you otdets in eatly to insue delivery
iveness that Is charactchlstlc of
no other hair dressing.
TUNE. Unsightly or diseased hair
is a misfortune In moro ways than
one. Thero Is the actual injury
to tho hair follicles, and tho con
sequent loss or thinning of tho
hair; this may causo diseases that
sometimes follow a removal or
thinning of naturo'a protection to
tho head. A diseased condition of
tho hair effects a womnn's dispos
ition to a marked dogrco. If tho
hair Is dull, brittle and lifeless,
owing to tho presenco of a microblc
growth tho effect Is to dampen
one's Bplrlts and causo a loss of
Interest in personal appcaranco.
Tho uso of Nowbro'c Horplcldo
overcomes tho ravages of tho dan-
druft microbe, aftor which tho
my scalp. I bellovo it will ontlroly
euro such troubles if proporly
Union, Or.
(Signed.) W. H. EWIN, M. D.
Daniel J Fy Special Agent
At Drug Stores $1. Send 10c in stamps to The Herpicide Go, Detroit,
Mich , for sample
"Destroy the Carvse Yoa Remove tie Effect."
"natural beauty and abundancer at
tho hair will return' as nature In
tended. Almo3t marvelous remtltaj
follow tho uso of Herplclde. Gen
tlemen -will find Nowbro's Herpfc
cldo in uso nt all important b&iilexr
A Convincing Trial.
"Aftor flftcon applications of Kfcw.w
bro's Horplcldo my head was froi
of all disease and scales. When:
I first commenced to uso Hcrpictde:
I thought It would bo a fako lilai
lots of them but I am happy to
Btato that it has dono all and. mora
than you claim for It."
Independence, Or.
(Signed.) L. N. JONES'.
Am VAta&Ay Hair.
; f I