M 1 HW" WPf ( v3aMMNftw4Mpftftieif mw TWELVE & ' V OAILYCAPITAL JOUnNAL, 8AIEM, OREGON, 8ATURPAV, APRjL 23, j1904. j , IP, I1- Ik H V. IP I! CLOSE TO NATURE. WHY SUNSHINE BRINGS HEALTH, EVERYONE knows that the pure country air and ft chnnce to get close to Nature in the fields and woods, is sure to improve our animal spirits and bodily health. We are only civilized animals after all, and the present dwellers in the cities are compelled to live in badly ventilated rooms or factories filled with the genus of disease of grip, consumption or catarrh. They are compelled to eat their lunch hastily, and, in fact, tp run the human machine at all times so improperly that they are constantly in danger of being sick. Sunshine and good air are essential for good health. Nature provides the germ destroyer, if we only find it, in a life in the open air and sunshine. If we are run down physically, if our blood has too many of the white blood corpuscles and not enough of the red corpuscles ; if we look pale and anaemic, or with pimples or hives appearing on the skin, it's a pretty sure warning that we need a little of nature's cure. For those who are confined indoors and need a strengthening tonic, a blood and body builder, there is a remedy provided by Nature which is sure and safe-n Alterative Extract from roots and herbs, without the use of alcohol, which nourishes the tissues and nerves with good red blood. That medicine was the discovery of Dr. R. V. Pierce, the founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. It was sold by druggists thirty-seven years ago or more and has become more popular every year since, under the name of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Dr. Pierce receives quantities of grateful letters and testimo nials every day. It would take all of this newspaper's spice to print those received in a single month. Here is a sample : "About seven years ago my health failed, and I tried different doctors but they could not help me," writes Reuben S. Klcppinger, Esq., of Le hightbn, Pa. (Box 673). "I was still getting worse. Had a con!:, pain in chest, night-sweats, was weak and nervous. I decided to write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., and state my case. I received a prompt and careful reply,' which I still haye in my possession. The malady was a complicated one, involving the nasal and other air-passages, ilierc was a catarrhal condition extending from head to the bronchia nud lungs. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy was advised. I used about two dozen bottles of each, also some of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and these remedies have done their work. Since that time I don't believe I have lost a day's work on account of sickness. Am well and have been able to eat any thing ever since. Thanks seem but a slight return for all the good your medicine has done me." "About two years ago I consulted a physician to try and get relief from a cold which had stopped up my head, and also settled on my lungs, caus ing catarrh in a very bad form, and also throat difficulties," writes Justice Thomas E. Bourquin, 1808 Ogercher Road, Savannah, Ga. "He gave me some medicine, but one month's faithful use of same failed to do xne any good, so I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and bought a bottle. After using it a few days, my lungs began to heal, I did not cough nearly as much nights, slept much better, and in two weeks the cold, cough, catarrh and throat difficulty were all cured. I was certainly pleased with the results, and so wish to write you of it." We quote from the New Yorkowwa the following : "In Allen street, in eight blocks of tenement houses, live ten thousand 6even hundred and thirty-seven human beings. "The features of this miserable street are : "Darkness; Dampness; Disease; Death. "The deaths are especially plentiful among the very young children. "Of all the New York streets in which evil conditions destroy child life Allen street is the worst. It has a record for killing children under five years of age. "The street is very narrow, and the Second avenue elevated railroad running through it, filling it from house to house, roofs it in, making of it a dark, gloomy tunnel. "On the ground it is dark all day, the lamps arc always lighted. "Diseases of the eye, pneumonia, tuberculosis, the rickets and other troubles of ill-nourished children, are features of this street. "Among the dirt, tbo din, the darkness, the dampness of this infernal death tunnel, children are supposed to play.' " Do you wonder that they are deformed and sickly ? Do you wonder that they die of! before they reach the age of five. .,,.,.. , , , , C "As well try to grow a ilower in a cellar as to bring up children in that horrid street to which poverty and the dty' culpable neglect condemn so many families' MIIMHHIMIMtMIIIHMMIMHIMMttHMMIWWf Great Success j Fktst Day of the G eat j Slaughter Sale of SHOES Proves that Uiq people nre satisfied with the goods, pair sold, and thq rush continues. I Men's I Men's Ladies' Ladies' Misses' $4.00 Shoes for $3.50 Shoes 0? $3.50 Shoes for $3.00 Shoes fot $(75 Shoes for Hundreds of $2.75 $2.45 $2.45 $J.95 $1.25 I Children's $ I .50 Shoes for $ i . 0 These are uolld stock goods, nod cannot bo roplaced for the price. Come early boforo tho sizes nro broken. Edison Shoe Store wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmm KUnger Building; on State street. &Heiaeii momm RATIFY SALE OF CANAL French Company Authorizes Disposal of Central Ameri can Water-way Parle, April 23. Resolutions ratify ing the sale of the Panama canal wero passed at a meeting of the French Company here today. HEARST FILES COMPLAINT Makes Another Grand Stand Play Against The Coal . Trust 1 Hee's the Question? I Do you want a good fit in glasses, lenses as well as ! frame? Do vou want the best servtcc, the best lenses and j frames? Do you want the advantage of 25 years experience? no guess work &nd accurate fit? Do you want th s at a reasonable price without a f humbug story about the lenses? Do you know this can't be had only by the Pioneer Optician. j Chas H. Hinges, j X . . j. .. ma rtA.k.. ALj.-.k bYI-.u .!,.. 4.. I aJJ JM. Buhl Bftnlf W WaJhlngton; D. G,, April 23. Con gressman Hearst today followed his testimony of yesterday by filing with tbo attorney-gsnoral a bill of com plaint against tho anthracite rail roads and mining companies, alleging a violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. and praying that the United States take action to restrain' the further violation of that Jaw. I Mr. Hearst goes fully Into the his tory of tho alleged combination, which states it was organized for tho pur pose of stifling competition, and avers the company Is Illegal. Portland and Return Only $20. Tho Southern Pacific Is sow selling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday p, m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday In Portland. The tame arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced, rates. Alex. Brandon, a pioneer of Oregon, and resident of Linn county, died, sud denly at his homo near Plalnvlew Fri day, Ho was 76 years old, and well known throughout tho state. ii o Hood Iliver will have a national bank, a number of Portland people j bavin rcivd . charter fro the goverswwM CRUSHED UNDER WALLS Explosion of Naphtha Starts Fatal Fire in New Jersey Building Topples Over Killing Two Firemen and In juring Twenty Others Newark, N. J., April 23. Two fire men wero killed and 20 more Injured on nccount of an explosion which oc curred here this morning In tho fac tory of tho Welner Company, saddlery hardware manufacturers. Tho dead are: Jacob Bleyhlo and William Crane. The explosion va3 caused by a tank of naphtha taking Arc, and 14 fire engines with four hook and ladder trucks were massed in front of the building when the ex plosion occurred. Falling walls burled the firemen and their machines. Loss $50,000. HOMER DENIES STORY Did Not Make Sarcastic Re mark Regarding Hearst Boom Pullman, Wash., April 23. Homer Davenport emphatically denies an ah leged Interview sent out from Spo kane, by tho Spokesman-Itevlew, in which he was quoted as comparing Hearst's boom to the blister on a man's hand. Springfield News:,- One of our ex changes commends Hermann for not leaving his duties at Washington to bo present nt the congressional con vention. True, but he sent enough "proxy," It seems, which had more In fluence than his presence would have had. S. J. Bonnett, of Eugene, died Thurs day. Ho was 90 years of age, and had lived in Oregon since 1854. HOTELS The Willamette. H. C. Burr, Jr., San Francisco. G. C. Morris, Ashland. Q. D. Trotter, Stayton. Geo. Hanson, San Francisco. L, B. Mandel, -San Francisco. A. King Wilson, Portland. i, Welch. Baker City. I'U D. LInkler, Philadelphia." ' Honry B. Melntlre, Philadelphia. I. W. Anderson, Spokane. " M. L. Mourflold, Portland. Mrs. It. V. Jones & Son, Astoria. 1 Daniol Ruff, San Francisco. . I H. S. Brooks, Chicago. . Mrs. Ada E. Lang, Hull, la. ' Ben Tamplur, Hull, la. ,s J. B. Desmond, Portland. 4 G. W. Ashford, Portland. ) Miss Bell, Portland. E. I Parrot t, Roseburg, Benton Mires, Drain. A Lachman, San Francisco. J. P. Farley, St. Louis. L. F. Goodman, San Francisco. T. H. McDormott, Spokane. D. V. Gilder, San Francisco. NEW TODAY For Rent. A seven-room cottage, new, modern Improvements, near East school and State House. En. quire of Mrs. B. F. Southwlck, cor ner of 12th and Marlon streets. 4-23-3t For Sale. Corner lot on Commercial, east side, and Division streets, $ 1000, If taken at once. Good 5 room house. Inquire of Ryan & Co., Salem, Oregou. 4-23-St For Sale. One work horse and one driving horse. P. M. Pehrson, 23d street, near Mill street. 4-22-3t For Sale. Good, gentle family horso and new Studebaker buggy and har ness for sale. Call at 182 Center street, 4-22-3t For Sale. Black mare, driving stock, price cheap. $75 cash. Inquire of W. W. Beardaley, It. F. d. No, 8, Salem, Oregon. 4-52-3t Tl lll.uI.J f. .. . !"""' w wwiresa at Willamette koteL Steady Job. -22-tt Ball Game i Raglans vs Mt. Angel Athletic Park Saturday and Sunday I t Loubet Will Visit Italy's King. ;Parls, April 23. President Loubat, started for Rome today to visit the king of Italy. We think wo may be pardoned for being somewhat egotistical this spring about our line of vehicles. When you are absolutely certain that you're right It la proper to take a firm stand. That's "us." We have without question the best assortment of vehicles In Salem. If you will kindly call, we can satisfy you. The popular-priced hard rub ber tired nnd cushion-tired runabouts wo are particularly strong on, besides top buggies from $60 up. Farm hacks delivery wagons, surries, traps, etc., we havo In abundance. Our time la yours when you want to look. About rubber tires. It is well to get your rig fixed up now. We will ro-rubber your old rig, putting on both channels and tires or tires only, as you need. We guarantee our work. This is our third season, and we know how to do it. F.A. Wiggins' Implemont Houso 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. A Garden of Spring Beauty All the prettiost spring arejg goods nrj at Dalrymple's. The smart people are buying their dress goods hero, for they know thoy're stylish and dependable. Everything must bo above the average for its price, or It does not get a showing. NEW PONGEE SILKS NEW SHANTUNG SILKS NEW LACE AND GAUZE H08IERY NEW LACES NEW MEDALLIONS NEW APPLIQUES NEW ALL-OVERS NEW CRUSH BELTS. c?M . a ii ? Ur ""lijjrriiiy ' n 1 """s. vUv ' Mnrnl,. 4.MJnM t, i. .. m muAH liuuiuu iiuru vtnir nnnir " MHHMwnn Chicago Markets. Chicago, April 23. May wheat, 87tf 87; old July, 8584; new, 8483; July corn, 4747. ' NOTICE The Van Alstlne, Gordon & Co. hereafter will be located at rooms 100-101, Sherlock Building, Third and Oak streets, Portland, Ore. Wo will continue to conduct our collecting buslnoss in the same manner as usual. Charles E. Len non, room 10, over Ladd & Bush's bank, will represent us in Salem. A. R. Morgan & Co., Mgrs. Pfione Main 1445 69999f&a999999&W99M Gold Dust Flow I Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask J vnur prnnnr fnr If T)mn mil A 5 shorts always on hand. A. T. WALN f AGENT a if mm Willi tl I IllllllllllHlil : Sidney ii Hayes LOANS AND INSURANCE. JOHN MOIR. AGENT FOR SCOTCH MORTGAGE COMPANIES. 207 COMMERCIAL ST. (Late of Chicago Conservatory) located at present in Salem, teacher of violin, mandolin and guitar. Pupils desiring scien tific instructions at moderate rates address or call at Willi "Music Store. 'Phone 2661 Main lllll IIIIIHItl MtMIMrt TIME FOR PLANTING. "Fine assortment of carnations, plants now ready. Asters, verbenas. cosmos, pansie3 and other bedding plants; nlso all kinds of cut flowers. AVENUE GREEN HOUSE. C. F. Ruef. Phono 2591 Black Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or 0C4tMMf If An Accident ,1 happens to your wheel 5 take it to WattShipp 1 S Tfres, Rims and Bl- cycle sundries of all S kinds WIW memo Store EOIJ&lSJMRGAmm6JS& Friday and Satfttcfay Bargain Days See how we sell them. We have sliced down the prices to the lowest rock bottom for this sale.. We aro selling honest, reliable, up-toate .j bvuuo iMuuiyuve per cent cheaper than any store in saiem 39c White Oxford WalsUngs, beautiful quality, price yd... 22c 39c Crush Leather Belts, all colors and black, price ...,22c Ladles' 20c hose supporters, double fasteners, price 10c Best Sans Silk, all colors .... 2c 200 yards Best Spool Thread.. 2c Best shoo laces ic Best hooka and eyes, 2 doz for lo Wire hair pins, 2 packages for lc Best 8c Lisle garter elastic, yd 5 The big sale still continues j our Silk and Dress goods Every department in the house Children's 50c White Auto Caps, sale prlco "Wo are headquarters for fin laces and embroideries. Wo aro showing the swelleit lino of Ladles Fine Titei Skirts in Salem. Prices terf low. tic THE CUE APE FIT amnnw tkt mrrw -xmnTTTWEBT. M'EYoyBrothersXourt St.,Saleffl 'A