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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1904)
MWiTK!ffl3N?WJPrtisavi IM',H'1li,,V,''lui"T,?fnts rrwTf!ff m)gmv "irvr p 'Y'www'T ' t-tt TTf DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREQON, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1904. SEVEN I? I 5c upon a million tastes remo MORE THAN A MILLION SOLD A BAY. Iht Sand m HjH L. HBHIMBaH9BBBIBaBMHBail)NIRHIBMIMIHBaBaBIBIBB inow ne ve uoc w. s h Something that every housewife ought to have, and S ft WILL HAVE when they find out what a fine thing it is. f The Universal Bread Maker 5 m m H M S Sold and Recommended by 3 H M R. M. Wade & Co, M s BBBflBBBBflBBBBBBBflBflBBBBBIHflBBflBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBflBnBBB fwwwWwWftWtWilll Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabcts, appendicitis have never yet failed, and femalo diseases, all tho foregoing without the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to tho patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. D. F. J. Cook 301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. Formerly of Omrha, Neb. 2 ! BB sffe98et0s 9 I 1 9 I BJ fl 1 S4-frKM-0-f8H -KB I i I The Only Cigar Which agree it the Smoker1 Trottction. Have you a friend in Chicago or Kansas City or Texas or any where else, for whom you want to buy a ticket to this city? If you have, call at this office and let us arrange matters for you. You deposit with us enough money to cover transportation, as also incidental expenses of the journey; we do the rest. B. CORHAM, Qtntral Agtnt, 140 Third SI., Portland, Oro. B H i M s s ) ! ! I HM--fflHH I O KB I g t t C t Of P t a A Token of Betrotnal From time Immemorial has been the engagement ring. We have a superb variety, from tho plain ones to the richest In superb settings as low as $1.00, as high as B0,00, and all good values. All our Jewol ry Is the best work of skilled lapa daries and goldsmiths. Try one of these rings from C. T. POMEROY ; 288 Com'l Watchmaker A Jeweler. 2 TREATED CHILD CRUELLY Stayton Furnishes Another Sensation for the Gossip to Talk About Stayton Is furnishing its sharo of sensations this week Tho latest, and following tho Trotter scandal is a story of tho cruel treatment received by a small waif girl recently adopted by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. King, of that place. The child was received from tho Boys' and Girls' Aid Society In Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. King aro abundantly able to caro for tho child properly, but for somo tlmo rumors have been current in that vicinity that the child was being subjected to cruel and Inhuman treatment Su perintendent Gardner, of Portland, visited Stayton a few days ngo, and heard tho reports. Tho society nl ways looks out for tho welfare ot their wards, even when In tho hands of outside parties, and Mr. Gardner made an Investigation of the case. Upon calling at tho. King homo" ho says he found Httlo Agnes with sev oral marks on her body, ovldently caused by severo beatings with n lash. Ho Immediately took chargo of the child and threatened to proceed n-nlnst tho Kings through tho law. Much Indignation has been oxpro3sed In tho neighborhood, and tho parties l.avo been condemned for their treat- r.."m oi mo cnuu. iurs. is.tng waa formerly Miss Lena Stanfleld, of this city, and is well known here. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Plios produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bc-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. BOl a Jar at drug gists, or sent by mall. Treaties free. Writo mo about your case. Dr. Bc sanko. Phlia, Pa. N. Y. Chiropodists In Town. Dr. and Mrs. O. O. Fletcher, expert chiropodists, of Now York City, ro move corns, bunions and Ingrowing nails without pain. Satisfaction guaranteed. Boom 10, Salem Hotel. Phone Main 1881. No extra chargo for calls. 4-20-lwk Dancing Classes Will Continue. The dancing class and assembly which has been conducted In Tioga hall every Saturday during tho win- tor will continue for several wooks, with tho same Instructor. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Ct At George Bros. You can get a meal at any tlmo of the day or night. When you aro In a hurry for a meal Just try them. You will find them at 10G Stato street OASTOXIXA. Bern a J Tin Kind You Haw Always Bought Tte Kind You Haw Always Eigmturo of egwtaatf That Smell If thcro Is anything you need It Is to romovo tho death-dealing sower gas from your house. Modem ; 2 Plumbing will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Havo your old plumbing Inspected and you may savo a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & PRASER 105 State St, 'Phone 1511 Main. 9WB9e 99 Farm for 8ale. 114 acros In Marion county, half a mllo from Mill Ciiy, 35 acre Im proved, C5 aorea good Umber, to 1 mile from a $300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; C-room house; lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10 aerea good fruit,' mostly winter ap ples, trees averago 7 years old; good spring water at door; two crocks run through place; good neighborhood; Vt mile to school, church and railroad. Flno beaver dam meadow land, easily cleared. If sold at onco will take $3200. Titlo clear. Terms, twc-thlrJs down, and from 2 to 3 years on bal ance with 7 per cent Interest; Imme diate possession. Call on or address J. E. Ray, owner of tho farm, Mill City, Oregon. 8-8-3m - . - II I II X j J I v Jx"? BLOOD WILL TELL. It takes lots of vitality, nervous force and strength to win a race. Blood must be pure and good. Without good red blood a man hsa o weak heart and poor nerves, Thinness of the blood, or anemia, is common in men anu young women, nnu Ml those wlio wo:k muoors, who ao not get cuourU cooa ox ygen in their lungs, consequently have toe manv n bite blood cornuscfes. Keep the nerves nourished, the heart strong, the head cool, the stomach vigorous, the liver active with a tonic which has stood the test of time mid has a wide repu tation, such a Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Tonics consisting of large porthns oi alcohol, iron or cod liver oil, do not bring the desired changes in the blood, because they do not enter the system nnd are not absorbed into the blood, with tho excep tion of the alcohol, which shrivels up the red blood corpuscles when it does come in contact with them. Therefore do not allow the dealer to insult your intelligence bj telling you he has something better than Dr Tierce's Golclui Medical Discovery. The cotl of mailing only. "The Pcople'i Common Senst Medical Adviser," tooS large pages, is scnt on receipt of twenty-one one-cent stamps, for the paper - covered book, or thirty one stamps for the cloth bound volume. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce BufTilo, N Y For constipation, the true, scientific curt is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mild, harmless, yet sure. No other pill can coin pare with them. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Pennell, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80cv Poultry at Stelner'a Chickens 10llc. Eggs Por dozen, 15c. Turkeys 1214c. Ducks 10c. Market Hop Market Hops 1925c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 45c. Onions 2V6c. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. '. Petlto prunes la Italian prunes 5c. Wood, Pence Potts, Eta, Second Growth $6.00. APh 13.00 to IS.75. Grub oak JC.CO. Cedar posts 12 c. Hlaee, Pelts end fur. Green Hides, No. 1 5c. Green Hluos, No. 2 4c. Calf SklnB l5c. Sheep 75c. Goat Skins 25o to S1.M. Grain and Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex- port value, 72c. Oats 11.10 per cwt Barloy $20 per ton. Flour Wholesalo, 3.75. ' ;$, tlve Stock Markvt Steers 34c. Cowb 3c. Sheop 3c. Dressed Veal 5Cc. Drosscd hogs 6V4c . Llvo hogs 5Vc. Mutton 2,c por pound. Hay, Fead, EU. Baled cheat $10. Baled clovor $10. Bran $22.50. Shorts $25.00. Egns, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Groatn Co. Eggs lCc, cash. Butter 2Dc, wholesale. Butter fat, 25c at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Walla Walla, 75o. Valloy 80(881c. Flour Portland, host grade, $1.00 $4.05; graham, $3.503$4.00. Oats-Choice whlto, $1.17V$1.20, Barloy Feed, $13.50 per ton; rolled $24.50$25. Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20. Hay Timothy, $15$1C. Potatoes Common, 7000c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 180181&C. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13Q1316 per pound; turkeys, 104? 17c. Pork Dressed, 7V4Sc. Beef Dreewd, G07Ke. Voal,77V4c. Hops 242Co. Wool Valley, 16017c; Eastern Oregon, J215c; Mohair, 3031c. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards, 1C1Ec. Buttur Fancy creamery, 25o; dairy and storo. nominal. Fancy Ico Cosos, Crimped Cases, Crocheted and Laco Paper Dolllos at Tie Vawety" Store 94 Court St. Amor M. Welch, Prop CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. Throo teachers to travol during vacation; salary 521 por week and expenses; snlary payablo weok ly and oxponses advanced. Addross with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Salem, Or, 4-21-3t Wanted. An experienced ehnmbei maid at Willamette Hotel. Steady Job. 4-19-3t Wanted. Agents for ono of tho mo3t valuablo and best selling publica tions over Issued. For full infor mation address Vltalogy Distribut ing Co., Salem, Or. 4-15-3d-lw FOR 8ALE. For Sale. Good house, 7 rooms, bath room, pantry, etc. Good barn, 2 lots, plonty of fruit trees. North High street; will trndo for good land. Apply to John Molr, 207 Commorclal street 4-2013t For Sale. At a bargain, houso and lot, flovon rooms, 13th and Hincs stroots, onchalf block from car lino, two blocks south Yow Pork school, also a good buggy, nearly new. O. B. Miles, Salem, Oro. 4-20-3t For Sale. Four-room cottago, two lots, cholco fruit, woll, $500. Mrs. Mulr, Cth street, North Salem. 4-21-3t For Sale. A flno 10-acro tract o( land, good houso and barn, ono and ono-auartor mllo east of town, ?1G00. Soo Dorby & Wil3oa. 4-lC-3t For 8ale. Fruit land In Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south half ot section 15, township 10 south, rango 5 west of Wlllamutto Meridian, con taining 320 acres of unlmprovod land, half a mllo from Arlio station, and about four mllos from Willam ette rlvor. On main county road. W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main Btreet, Los Angolos, Cal. 4-13-tf Flno Body Fir For sale; nlso Bocond growth. Geo. F. Rodgors, 130 Court street. 4-14-lm FOR RENT. For Rent Furnished or unfurnished modorn cottago, closo to business contor. Inquire at 85 Commorclal street 4-21-3t Gardei for Rent On shnros, or for cash, In East Salem; good land. A. F. Hofor, Jr. 4-lC-tf MI8CEU.ANEOU8. N A. Wllhelm Contractor and builder. All carpontor work and finishing dono promptly, and by first-class workmen. Got my figures boforo building. Twelfth and Leslto streets 4-20-tf Found. A memorandum book, on Commorclal street. Contains pho tos and accounts. Ownor can havo same by calling at tho Sonato sa loon and paying for this notlco. 4-2 1-3 1 Horses Strayed. Ono bay inaro, wolghs 950 pounds, branded "A," and ono black colt ono year old, whlto faco, loft Corvalllu April 1C, Information leading to recovery will bo rowardod. Address Ira Qrlggs, Corvallls, Or. 4-19-4t Money to Loan at six por cont, sov oral rosldonco properties In tho best part of tho city for salo on easy torms. Itoom 5 Tioga building, corner Stato and Liberty stroots, 4-1 8-1 in Rooming House. When you corao to Salem, and want a good' night's rest, como to tho Eldrlodgo. Qulot, re. spoctablo and good rooms, No. 302,& Commorclal street, and phono 2841 Main, 4-18-lwk Chemical Painting. Mrs. M. P. Bald win will glvo Instructions In chom leal painting. Supply ot paints on hand. Rosldonco 2C5 Front street. 4-6-lm Art Class, Miss Lilian Bain has ro turnod to Salem and Is proparod to recelvo classos In drawing, charcoal and oils, outdoor sketching In both oils and charcoal especially. For in formation call on or address No. 77 Commercial Htroot, care of Mrs. P. B. Strong. 4.11-lwk Say Have you trlod Edwards & Lusch orB for rnoata. Wo havo tho boat sausage in town. Coma and try It, and bo conlncad. 410 East State Street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa eom. Piano ar-d furnlturo moving a specialty Offlco 'phono, 861. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 State stroet 0-1-1 ra Dr, Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial Btreot, upstairs, 8inglng school. Rudlmental and night reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th. Class every Wednes day ovenlng to May 1st, next Tui tion, 9L00. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. I. W. Starr Offlco In Bush & Brefl building, ovor Oregon Shoo Store, Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 tet 5 p. m. Calls attondod In city oat country. Resldonco 'phono 25 Rod. 1-6-tf Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter fetf found In tho Brey block. 276ft Oom morclal street over Oregon Shett Co. Offlco telephone, 2931; mi donco phone. 2751. Office hoirs I to 12. and 2 to 5. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Unique Cleaning Rooms A. H. WU Hams, successor to Shaw & John son, tho cleaners, Is now located at 209 Commorclal stroet Ho dooa n gonoral pressing and repairing bust noss. Specialties: Skirts, bIIK waists, kid gloves, gonts clothing, titc. Phono 2G14. i-l-tt WIRE FENCING. Get Your Poultry Netting, lawn ami field fencing at hcadquartors. Large stock to solect from. Prices Al ways tho lowest. Waltor Morley, Salem Fonco Works, CO Court St UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers. Wo carry tho largwisl and finest lino ot undertaker's good In tho city. Prlcos to suit alt Black and whlto hoarso. Prompt, rollablo. Savo monoy by calling zi No. 107. A. M. dough, A. J. Baaey. l-t6-tf RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 05 Statfl Btroet Opon day and night Ovt 20c monls aro bottor than any Sfi houso In tho stato. Six 20o meet for $1.00; 21 20c meals for $8.00. LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. P. I. 9. O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, 4 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N Q, Frank F. Toovs, recording sec rotary. 8alem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of ttHI World Moots In Holman Hall evrjj Friday-at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frssler, Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Secre tary. , 1-12-lyr Protection Lodge No. 2, Anoleat Of dor unltod Workmen, moots Trj( Saturday ovonlng In tho Holna Hall, coruor Stato and BibrtH ntroots. Visiting brethren welcotM. 1. O. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Bellwwfl Rocerder. Valley lodge No. 18, A.O.U. W. Hctt In their ball In Holman block, ee nor Stato and Llborty, every Mm day evening. Visiting bretkrM wolBomo. Roy Mclntiro, M. W. A E. Aufranco, Rocorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. -GMttf Hall In Holman block, corner BtAto and Llborty 3 to. T-oeday of mM wook at 7:30 p. m. II. H. Tumor, C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and B. Foresters of America Court wood Forostors No, 19. Meets Tri day In Turner block. H. O. Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Soo. Modern Woodmen of America Or gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mwri overy Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'cleK Holman Hall, B. E. Matton, Y. C; A. L. Drown. Clork. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and 8ug. gostlonlst Troata chronlo disorder ot tho stomach, bowels, liver, kldV noys; norvous and fomalo dlBoasoe', lung and throat troubles. D'Arcj; BIdg., Stato St Main 2855. TON80RIAL AND PATHS. Evan'a Barber Shop Only first-claw Bhop on Stato stroot Every this now and up-to-oato. Finest pore lain baths, Bhavo, lCc; hair-cut Kf baths, 25c. Two flrstlasa bo4 blacks. O. W. Evans, proprietor. DENTI8T8. O. H. MAOK flucrAiBor to Dr. J. M. Koone, In White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Partis dosiring Btiporlor operations at mod erat feo In any branch aro In ospeclw rwiuost WATERCONVPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water service apply at offle D11U payablo monthly In adyane Maa all complaints at the offlco. EXPRESS AND TRANgFEPt CAPITAL CITY '' Express and Traisfer Moots all mall and paasonger tmlna Baggage to aU part ot te city. Prompt eervlce. Telephone No. 841, HECKMAN, HEDRICK A HOMYER, i i i I II il hi it I. 1