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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1904)
" Y iWWIIJWH VtAfjp: fnfrvrf , DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1904. SEVEN M H a M s H M s M M M M Difca Reciivt Tfmi Wirelm Missagn? They Are About Your Health. vVhen your health goes the least bit wrong, a wireless message is sent to your brain. 6 It says something like this : "You aro not qulto woll-tako a doso of BEECHAM'S'PILLS nt onco and It will put you right." Do you attend to these messages when you receive them? You should do so. BEECHAM'S PILLS often prevent a serious illness, and so prove themselves "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." Sold Evorywhoro In SAW TWO WATERSPOUTS. Phenomena Witnessed by Passengers on Steamer Gaelic. San. Francisco, April 20. Two great waterspouts were1 witnessed from tho deck of the liner Gaelic on March 31st, soon after tho vessel loft the coast of Japan, being in 34:58 north, 143 28 east. The Gaelic was proceed lng In a smooth sea and good weather whoa tho first waterspout was sighted a mllo away, bearing southeast and traveling from east to west at the rate of about five knots an hour. Just previous to tho appearance of have naralvzed Wino of Cardui imparts health and strength to tho diseased parts and makes motherhood possible in thousands of case where barrenness is supposed to be incurable. Wine of Cardui reoulates the menstrual flow and also prevents miscarriage and cures bearing down pains. Wino of Cardui removes the cause of barrenness by making the female organism 6trong and healthy. Go to vour druggist and secure a 81.00 bottlo of Wine of Cardui. The use of Wine of Cardui will bring happiness to your home. In cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. "The Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Ametiitbt, Cow., Feb. 24, 1902. Wino of Cardui is worth its weight in gold. It does more than vou claim. It has saved my lifo and caused me to become a mother when everything elso failed. MRS. DORA I. E. Le FEVRE. Buyant, Va Feb. 18, 1902. My daughter-in-law, Lizzio Giles, found great benefit in Wino of Cardui. Sho had a miscarriago in March 1901, before using your med icine. She was in very bad health, so I persuaded her to try Wino of Cardui. Since then she has had a fine baby boy. Soon he will bo three weeks old. Sho highly recommends Wine of Cardui. My daughter, Fannie Hudson, also has a fine baby boy by your treatment. Sho highly appreciates Wino of Cardui. MRS. LOUISA GILES. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year, JA THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE A CANDY CATHARTIC 10c 25c 50c. BEST FOR THE BOWELS niiiniuiiiHuinuiinniiiimuiiiiiuiuiiuis Now We've Got Something that every housewife ought to have, and WILL HAVE when they find out what a fine thing it is. The Universal Bread Maker Sold and Recommended by R. HI. Wade & Co. HHHmHHHHIIlllHlUUUHllimHMMI1IIK iii iiittaiisiw-w''''''"'c- iitmnmiiniiaiiiniirtiniintttif-t"fif Boxos, 10c. and 25c. tho waterspout heavy, dark masses of clouds were seen rising to tho east ward In tho shape of mountains, and a heavy downpour of rain was expe rlenced. Later a fierce squall fol lowed, and the waterspout churned the sea up like tho propeller of a steamer, and made a noise like that produced by a waterfall. The second waterspout passed within 200 or 300 yards of tho Gaelic. It was a much larger waterspout than the flr3t one, and made more noise and churned up the sea with great violence. The wind at that time was very strong, with a rough sea and flerco squalls, and rain prevailing at Intervals. Many homes are mere lonely abodes because no children are there. Barrenness ex ists in almost everv case because female diseases the organs of womanhood. &CAROUI All Druggists a It! 8 A Token of Betrothal From tlmo Immemorial has been $ the engagement ring. Wo have a Buperb variety, from the plain ones to the richest la superb settings as low as 11.00, as high as J 50,00, and all good values. All our jewel- ry Is tho best work of skilled lapa- X darles and goldsmiths. Try ono of these rings from C.T.POMEROY 288 Com! Watchmaker & Jeweler. BOILER PLATE PIPES Finland Must Be a Good Place If You Need the Money Denmark claims that there Is not a single person In her domain who can not read and write. On tho northeast coast of New Guinea tho Island of Kutabit, surrounded by a wall of coral 300 feet high on one side and from CO to 100 feet on the other, maintains 13 villages of natives, to vhom war, crime and poverty have been un known since the beginning of their traditions. The most peaceful and comfortable community in Europe 13 tho communo of the Canton Vaud, In Switzerland. Nearly every ono Is well off, and there Is no paupers. Flnlnnd Is arealm whoso Inhabitants aro re markable for their Inviolate Integri ty. There are no banks and no snfo deposits, for no such security is es sential. You may leave your Iueruko anywhere for any length of time, and be quite sure' of finding It untouched when you return, and your purse full of money would be Just as secure un der similar circumstances. The Finns place their money nnd valuables in holes In the ground, nnd cover them with a big lenf. Such treasure la sacredly respected by all who pass It, but In tho rare event of a man wish ing to borrow of his neighbor during his absence he will take only tho smallest sum he requires, and place a message In the holo telling of his urgent need, and promising to repay tho amount on a specified date. And ho will invariably keep his word, for tho Finn Is Invincible In his Independ ence. Agneta Park, near Delft, In Hol land, Is another Utopia example. A tract of 10 acres has upon It 150 houses, each with Its little garden and with certain common buildings and common grounds, Tho houses aro oc cupied by the employes of a great dis tilling company, who form a corpora tion which owns tho park. Each member owns shares In tho corpora tion and pays rent for his house. Tho surplus, after all expenses have been paid, comes back to him as a divi dend. If he wishes to go away or If ho dies his shares are bought up by the corporation and sold to the man who takes his place. Cheap Ore Smelter. Vancouver, B. C. April 20. The practicability of smelting ore by nn electrical procoss, which, when car ried Into effect, will mean groat things for Canada, has been established to the satisfaction of tho government commission, which recently sent to Europe to make an Investigation and Inquiry. Extensive Investigation was mndo, and at Llvet, In' Southeastern Franco, the commission saw what It was looking for. It Is understood that tho cost of production from tho ore by utilizing electricity Is In tho vicinity of $8 per ton, and the government bonus of practically $G now paid for each ton or Iron, would leave tho net cost at but $2. - 0 Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce molsturo and causo itching, this form, as well as Dllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Romed. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 60c a Jar at drug gists, or sent by mall. Treaties free. Wrlto mo about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phtla., Pa. p At George Drou. You can get a meal at any timo of tho day or night. When you are In a hurry for a meal Just try them. You will find them at 10C Stato street OASTOItlA. Bwitls TIH Kind Yon Han War$ Bought ) : That 1 I Smell If there Is anything you need It Is to remove the death-dealing sewer gas from your house Modern Plumbing will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Hare your old plumbing Inspected and you may save a ieavy bill. BURROUGHS & FRASER 105 State at, 'Phone 1511 Main. II 105 State at, 'Phone 1511 Main, j MtttiiM ACROSS COUNTRY. The sign of the times point to an enor mous Increase of Intelligent public Interest in health, to a new generation with purer, stronger blood and therefore more active, braver brains and body. No pbys icallywrobnst, Healthy person ever succumbed to grip, consump tion, malaria or any otuer germ uuease. uutwuu a weakened sys tem we all have to fight the germs ot uisease. Our blood is often in a fcr tile condition for the growth ol bacteria the germs of cmcasc because our stoni ach is disordered or our liv r in tor. pid in either case our blood does not get the proper nourishment. A torpid liver means a stagnation ol the blood and an accurmilatii-n of dS poisons which "3 furnishes a weak spot for bacteria to cuter. To enrich the blood and Increase the red blood corpuicleo, Dr. Pictcc y virs ago found a vegetable compound u.tich he called Dr Pierce's Golden Medii al Discov ery, that would quickly cur- tin bad symp toms by increasing the red blood corpus clcs and thereby feeding the nerves on rich blood This " Medical Discovery " also acts upon thedigestiou and assimilation of food, so that the blond gets its proper elements from the products of digestion. Feed the lungi, stomach and heart on rich red blood and you have surely a healthy body which will throw off the germs of disease which lurk everywhere. Get as near naturc'8 way as ou can. A medicine made entirely from botanical extracts and which docs not contain alcohol Is the safest. Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Penned, Props. Wheat77c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stelner's Chickens 10 lie. Eggs Per dozen, 14c. Turkeys 12014c. Ducks 10c. Market Hop Market . Hops 10025c. . Potatoes, Vegetables, Potatoes 45c. Onions 2ftc. Dried Fruits, Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Potlto prunes 1c. Etc Italian prunes 6c. Wood, renoe Pouts, KU. Second Growth $6.00. APh $3.00 to $3.75. Grub oak 16.50. Cedar posts 12ftc. Hide, Felt and 'urn. Green Hides, No. 1 5c. Green Hides, No. 2 c. Calf Skins 4fl5c. Sheep 76c. Goat Skim 25o to 11.69. Grain and Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex port value, 72c. Oats $1.10 por cwt Barloy $20 por ton. Flour Wholesalo, 3.76. Live Stock Market Steers 3ft 4c. Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. ' " Dressed Veal 506c. Dressed hogs 6ftc. Llvo hogs 5ftc. Mutton 2ftc por pound. Hay, Fesd, Eta. Baled cheat $10. Baled clover $10. Bran $22.50. Shorts $2G.OO. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 16c, cash. Butter 25o, wholesale. Butter fat, 25c at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 75c, Valley 80081c, Flour Portland, best grade, $1,900 $4,05; graham, $3.50$4.00. Oats Cholco whlto, $1.17ft0$l.2O. Barlqy Food, $13.50 por ton; rollod $24,500 $25. Mlllstuft Bran, $190$2O. Hay Timothy, $150$1C. Potatoes Common, 70000c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1801816c. Poultry Chlckons, mixed, 13013ft por pound; turkey. 10017c. rork Dressed, 7ft 08c. Beef Dressed, 607ftc. Voal,707ftc. Hops 24026c. WoolValley, 10017c; Eastern Oregon, 12015c; Mohair, 30031c. Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards, lG015ftc. Butter Fancy creamery, 26c; dairy and store, nominal. Fancy Ico Cases, Crimped Cases, Crocheted and Lace Paper Dollies at TtC V&tittY StOtt 9 - Court St. Assort M. Wfcfc, Pros IHllMa i item) wf'fi Tfl Tim taHSH. MiiMmx fviTwwts iv -aft CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. An experienced chamber maid at Willamette -Hotel. Steady Job. 4-19-3t Wanted. A waitress at Star ltestau rant, 204 Commercial street, 4-19-3t Wanted. Agents for ono of tho most valuable and best soiling publica tions over Issued. "For full Infor mation address Vltalogy Distribut ing Co., Salem,, Or. 4-16-3d-lw Wanted. A farm hand, 1ft inllos northwest of Brooks. Wm. H. Egan, 4-13-lwk FOR SALE. For Salje Blade gelding driving horso three years old. Apply to E. I Mar tin, Turner. 4-17-3t For Sale, A lino 10-acro tract 51 land, good house and barn, one and ono-quartor mllo east ot town, $1600. Seo Derby & Wilson. 4-lG-3t For Sale, Fruit land In Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south halt of section 15, township 10 south, rango 5 west ot Wlllamotto Meridian, con talnlng 320 acres ot unimproved land, half a mllo from Arllo station, and about four miles from Wlllam otto rivor. On main county road W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main street, Los Angeles, Cal. 4-13-tt Fine Body Fir For salo; also second growth. Geo. F. Rodgors, 130 Court Btroot. 4-14-lm FoT Sale. 0"no Jersoy holtorj 15 months old, or would oxchango for wood. Inqulro ot Mrs. C. A. Dole, 155 18th Btroot. 4-9-lwlc FOR RENT. QaV3eTPforHent On Bharos, or for cash, in East Salem; good land. A. F. Hofer, Jr. 4-lC-tf MISCELLANEOUS. iorsea strayed. Ono uay mare, weighs 950 pounds, branded "A," and ono black colt ono year old, whlto faco, loft Corvallls April 10. Information leading to recovery will bo rowardod. Address Ira Griggs, Corvallls, Or. 4-19-4t Money to Loan at six por qont, sov oral resldonco properties In tho best part of tho city for salo on easy terms. Itoom C Tioga building, corner Stato and Liberty streets, 4-18-lm Rooming House. When you como o Salem, and want a good night's rest, como to tho Eldrlodgo. Qulot, rot spoctablo and good rooms. No. 302ft Commercial stroot, nnd phono 2841 Main. 4-18-lwk Overcoat Lost A valuablo black coat was taken, probably In mlstako, from tho Wlllamotto hotel on tho day of tho Republican congression al convention In this city, A lib oral roward will bo paid for Its ro turn. Tho overcoat waa tho prop oray of Waltor L. Toozo, of Wood burn. 4-14-Ct Chemical Painting. Mrs. M. P. Bald- win will glvo Instructions in chom leal painting. Supply of paints on hand. Resldonco 265 Front iitroot. 4-0-lm Art Claoe. Miss Lilian Bain has ro- turnod to Salem and Is propared to recolvo classes In drawing, charcoal and oils, outdoor sketching In both oils and charcoal especially. For In formation call on or address No. 77 Commercial stroot, caro ot Mrs. P. B. Strong. 4-lMwk Say Have you tried Edwards & Lusch cr's for meats. Wo have tho bost sausage in town. Como and try It, and be convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co, Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano and furnlturo moving a specialty Offlco 'phono, 881. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60 State street 9-1-lm Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial street, upstairs. Singing school, Rudlmontal and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th. Class every Wednes day ovenlng to May 1st, noxt Tui tion, $1.00. Farm for 8ale, 114 acres in Marlon county, halt a mllo from Mill City, 35 acre Im proved, 65 acres good timber, ft to 1 mile from a $300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; 6-room house; lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10 acres good fruit, mostly wlntor ap ples, trees average 7 years old; good spring water at door; two crooks run ufrough place; good neighborhood; ft mile to school, church and railroad. Flno beaver dam meadow land, easily cleared. If sold at onco will tako $3200. Titlo cloar, Terms, two-thirds down, and from 2 to 3 yean on bal ance with 7 per cent Interest; Imme diate possession. Call on or address J. B. Ray, owner ot the farm, Mill City, Oregon. 3-8-3me wmmmm o j-nn.w(iMwi1imTT - .. .w. mafliB 'am m&. PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. I. W. Starr Office In Bush & BrM building, over Oregon Shoo StoreV Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Calls attended In city ox country. Resldonco 'phono SS( Rod. MMf Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter tot found In tho Broy block. 275ft Co. morclal street over Oregon Slum Co. Offlco tolophone, 2931; rt donco phone, 2761. Office hows U to 12, and 2 to 5. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Unique Cleaning Rooms A. II, Wil liams, successor to Shaw & John' son, tho cleanors, Is now located at 209 Commercial street Ho dooo n gonoral pressing and ropalrlng busi ness. Specialties: Skirts, silk waists, kid gloves, gonts clothing, etc. Phono 2614. 4-1-tf" WIRE FENCING. Get Your Poultry Netting, lawn aaf Hold fencing at hcadquartors. Lais Btock to soloct from. Prices al ways tho lowest Walter Morley; Salem Fonco Works, 60 Court St UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers. Wo carry tho largewl and finest lino of undortakor'a goo&N In tho city. Prlcoa to suit alL Black and whlto hoarso. Prompt, rollablo. Savo monoy by calling at No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Baiey, MO-tl RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 Btetft etroet Open day and night 04 20c meals aro bettor than any 34 houso in tho state. Six 20o xneaft for $1.00; 21 20c royals for $8.00. LODGES. Ollvo Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. . O. F. Hall, Saturday each weok, at 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrick, Jr., N. Qij Frank F. Toovs, rocordlng secretary. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen af th World Moots In Hoi man Hall OTerjf Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler, Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Seer tnry. 1-12-lyt Protection Lodge No. 2, Ano!fc 0 der United Workmon, meets Tm Saturday ovenlng In tho Holme Hall, cornor Stato nnd LlbtrtK Btroots. Visiting brothren welcoom. J. a Graham, M. W.; J. A. Bellw4 Rocerdor. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. Meet In their hall in Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty, ovory Me day ovenlng. Visiting brethren wolsome. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. M. E. Aufranco, Recorder. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cati Hall In Holman block, corner fHisj and Llborty Sts. T-oeday ot ettl wook at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turner, C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court SW wood Foresters No. 19. Meets Frfc day In Turner block. II. O. Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sea Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. 6246. HMd every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'olseV Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, , P.; A. L. Brown, Olork. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and Bug gostlonlst Treats chronla disorder of tho stomach, bowols, llvor, kio noys; norvoua and female diseases-, lung and throat troubles. D'Aroy, BIdg., State St Main 2856. TON80RIAL AND BATHt. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrsUstossj shop on Stato street Every tklsj now and up-to-uato. Finest pore lain baths, Shave, 15c; haircut Hs baths, 26c. Two nrstrdass best blacks. O. W, Evans, proprietor. DENTISTS. CX H. MAOK aiinMiuM in rr 3. M. Keone. la White Corner, Balom, Orogou. Psortlss iiA.Mnrr ftfinArlni. nnnrnMnnil at moo erat fee in any branch are In especial requost SALEM WATER COMPANY OPFICE CITY HALL. For water servlc upplr t . offlc. Bills payable monthly in advans Mao all complaints at the office. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Traasfer Moots all mall and passenger train. Baggage to all parts ot Ujs city. Prompt service. Telopkona No. six. HECKMAN, HEDRICK A HOMYBrT. WATER pPjy- . m m ! 41 n m