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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1904)
V -ijp" DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEPNE8DAV, APRIL 20, 1904. FOUR MARRIES THREE WOMEN Brigliam Roberts Tes tifies in Smoot In" quiry Today Saves First Wives "Embar rassment" by Not Telling Them He Had Corrall ed a Third Victim hla first vIveB of embarrassment, and said: "Of courflo, we knew the mar riage was Illegal." This third wife waB formerly the wlfo "of Dr. Shipp. Roberts admitted that Well3 know ho had a flrat wife. No action was taken by tho authori ties of tho church against Wells for marrying Roberts to his third wife, When asked tho reasons that led him to contract his marriage, when he know It was against tho law, Roberts said that from boyhood he had been taught tho rightfulness of plural mar riages; believed it to bo tho law of God, and preferred to accept It to man's law. Ho belloved that polyga my was and Is a divine Institution, and admitted living In polygamous co habitation, "In defiance of both tho laws of God and man,' 'as the cross examination worded It. FOR FREE ADVICE Every Woman Should Write Dr. & B. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium. Washington, D. C, April 20. Drlgi ham Roberts, ono of tho seven first presidents of tho Mormon church, and who was elected to congress, but pro vented from taking his seat, was the first witness this mornlnc at tho re sumption of tho Smoot Inquiry before Kho senate committee. JRoborts said he was married three etlmes, tho first time In 1877, tho sec jl tlmo in 188G, and tho third time 3n 18&0. By his second wife, Cella 3ibblo, who wa3 his first plural wife, fco had eight children, somo of whom tvero born slnco his election to con Kress In 1898. Ho was married to 2hls third wife by Danlol H. Wells, -counsellor to tho asposlIo3 at Salt JLnko. Thoro woro no witnesses pres ent, nor did either of his previous wives witness tho ceremony. Wolls sxculo no objection to his marriage- to MrH. Shlpp, his third wife, neither 31d his other two wives; howovor, tthoy didn't know of It nt tho time, and didn't loam of It for two or thjyG years. Ho concealed tho marrlngo chlofly for tho purposo of rollovlng DIAMOND OF 1000 CARATS. Its Value About $25,000,000 Philoso phers' Stone Discovered by Plnta. 1 Sf 'A PSAJLWfl If' We, who arc tied to office desks, can't di gest what our way-back .ancestors could, who chased bears, and such, from morning 'till night through the tall timber. "FORCE" is the ideal food for an indoor stomach. "rORCK" not onlr dlrrct. Itoelf, but UVm th tUc o( durclM, by hrlntnjc U dUieat oUwr food. ii th atojiuch .. wvlL Tit. mtlKxl wbMt In "IOHCK" I. Ntur' mUdert UuiIk n FIvo operations on his eyes within the last threo years have rendered tho rotlrornent of Mr. Strcetcr, the voter- ant Jowoler and export In precious stonc3, Imperative. Mr. Streetor's es tablishment In Bend street Is as well known as tho bank and sometlmjs nearly as valuable, Beneath tho shop Is a capacious safo which often contains as much as a million pounds' worth of valuables. It stands on a base of concrete to pre vent tunneling, and Is fitted with four steel doors, to disturb which means tho ringing of alarm bolls In all parts of tho building. A guard of men sloop near it ovory night, and a pow- orful dog prowls around its iron walls. Mr. Streotcr has in his possession what he considers to bo the finest dia mond In tho world. It was onco tho property of tho emporor of Delhi, and is valued at $1-1,000. The largest dia mond lie has ovor soen wolghs about 1000 enrats, nnd Is owned by a syndi cate or dealers. Its value complete would be about $JC 5,000,000, but It 13 now being cut up. Tho son of Henry Ruosell, who was originally Mr. Strcoto's partner, onco owned tho whole Blto of tho present Klmborly diamond minos. Aftor working it nt considerable profit Rus sell and his partner sold the ground for G00. It is now worth probably 300,000,000. A small shanty which tho minors had oroctod was sold sepa rately for a few pounds. It wns subse quently discovered that tho mud with which Its walls' woro plastered was lltorally full of diamonds In the rough, "I havo probably," tald Mr. Street or, "tho finest collection of opals In world. It Is In tho form of a neck loco and pondnnt, tho latter being a single stonol'i Inches by 1 Inch. Tho most remarkable point with rofcrence to this unique collection is that it was cut from ono block of solid opal. It Is worth 1790." It was Mr. Stroetor who was In strumental In exposing tho notorious Plnta, who claimed to have discovered the philosophers' stone. His method consisted of having a bag of gold dust concealed up his sloovo, from which, by an Ingenious contrlvnnco, ho was nblo to squeezo tho powdered metal unnoticed Into the crucible. By this moans ho was nblo to molt a sov ereign and produco throe or four times Its weight In metal. .,.. I .. .. MnS.JOSEMI LACELLE. .,t,'.'..'.','"lTl Mrs. Joseph Lacollo, Ottawa, East, Ont. Canada, writes t "Poruna Is bettor by far than any other modlclno sold In the Dominion for tho troubles peculiar to tho sex. I suf fered with baekacho, hoodacho and dragging down pains for ovor nine months, and nothing rellovcd mo a par tlelo until I took Poruna. A few bottles relieved mo of my mlscrablo half-dead, half-alivo condition. I am now In good hoalth and havo neither aeho or pain, nor havo I had any for tho post year. If ovory eufforing woman would take Peruna thoy would soon know Its value and nevor bo withont It." Mrs. Joseph Lacollo. Free ITomo Advice. In vlow of tho groat multltudo ol womon suffering from somo form of femalo dlacaso and yet nnablo to find any euro, Dr. Hartman, the renowned specialist on female catarrhal dis eases, has announced bis willingness to direct tho treatment of as many cases as make application to blm during tho summer months without charge. o Thoso wishing to becomo patlonta should address Tho Poruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. LUCIN CUT OFF DAMAGED Billows on J alt Lake Weaken Southern Pacific Road-Bed ! Slight Delay Will be eady Saturday Morning "Wc find that wc have even more goods and great- ! er bargains than we bad supposed. I he delay is j short bat the feast of LOW PRICES in ! I Men's. Ladies' and Child- i at ' i A m mmi mT eir s ohoes is worth waiting for. Brine in the whole family and ! E have them fitted with good shoes at actual FAC- ; ! TORY COST. . i i Edison Shoe Store Ktioge Building on State street. Ogdon, Utah, April 20. Tho heavy storm that has been raging over Gieat Salt Lake for tho past three days has done considerable damago to tho grado of tho Lucln cut-off. High waves havo been dashing over the roadbed, and tho freight schedule has been abandoned. It Is rumored that a gang of men who wont out In steam launches, gathering up timbers, have perished. 0 SENTENCED FOR LIFE. Carbarn Bandit Roeskl Escapes the Gallows. Chicago, April 20. Emll Roeskl, ono of tho car barn bandits, wa3 found guilty of tho murdor of John Duuder this morning, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Uoeski received his sentence smil ing, both ho and his counsel and fam ily appearing to bo relieved when It was known that ho would not hang. Tho Jurors claimed that It hadn't been mado clear that Roeskl actually fired the bullet that killed Baud or. Cossacks Cause Hot Time. London, April 20. A Contral News dispatch fiom Toklo states a report has reached thoro that 35 Cossacks arrived at Yong China, on tho east coast of Korea, yesterday and burned a number of Japanese houses In that city. OASVOIIXA. Bwt tl j9 N9 Wwl You Haw Always Bought Yes We Repair j j Bicycles i ; Baseball Supplies - ; Salem Gtm Store, j Paul H. Hauser j ! Prop, j ! ! Phone 2781 it )i iiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiniit ' RUSSIANS ROUT CHINESE (Continued from first page.) statement that tho battleship Petro pavlovsk was sunk by a Japanese sub marine boat, said to be the famous Goubct, which was sold to Japan, af ter Russia had refused to purchase tho vessel. Russians Leave Yalu River. Tien Tsln, April 20. It Is reported here that tho Russians have left tho banks of the Yalu, leaving only four regiments on tho rlvor bank. Czar Buya More Vessels. St. Petersburg, April 20. It Is as serted here that Russia has purchased two battleships at Schlchau and Elb Ing. As a result of tho Potropavlovsk disaster tho admlrallty has given or ders that the Daltic and Black Sea warships bo fitted with additional bulkheads, and that tho latter bo pierced so as to permit of communi cation between tho water-tight com partments on either side. The correspondent learns that about a fortnight ago Vice-Admlral Malta roff telegraphed to tho emperor that ho had searched a numbor of Chlneso junks which wero hovering about tho entrance of tho harbor, andi found them loaded with vegetables, but In tho stern of one of them was found a contact mine. This pleco of Informa tion strengthens tho Japaneso mine version. f JAPS CAUGHT IN ACT. Alleged Plot to Blow Up Czar's Warships Now Building. St. Petersburg, April 20. It Is reported that a plot has been discovered for the blowing up of warships now building In Russia. Infernal machines are said to havo been found In tho ship building yards near tho cruisers Almaz and Jomtshug, while Japaneso spies aro reported to havo been taken into custody near the battleship Borodino. i MMHBMMWWWmw Russia Strengthens Defenses. .. St. Petersburg, April 20. A ro port this morning states that tho Rus sians aro strengthening their fort I ft. cations at Chlnllen Cheng, intending to stubbornly contest the passage of tho Yalu. Japanese Destroy Mines. Nagasaki,, April 20. Contact mines found floating at sea 40 miles from Capo Chentung, havo been destroyed by tho Japaneso fleet. Vladivostok Faces a Famine. St. Petersburg, April 20. Tho pop ulation of Vladivostok Is In want of tho most necessary kinds of pro visions, and In consequence of tho flooded rivers, which Intercept com munication, It Impossible to furnish them supplies. There is also a scarc ity of money. Many inhabitants, par ticularly tho women and children, aro leaving tho city, abandoning their property, which they' aro unable to sell. Half tho houses In Vladivostok aro empty, and tho civil population 1b already reduced to 5000. St. Petersburg, April 20. A state ment Issued today by tho hanvu ... partment shows that tho government bank gold reserve has fallen ovor 4,000,000. er In tho month of March a similar stato of affairs existed to the extent of 3,000,000, whilo tho deposit J counts fell 500,000. Body of Makaroff Ashore. Paris, April 20. According to tho St. Petersburg correspondent of the Petit ParlBienrro a dispatch received from Port Arthur says that many m, tllated corpses havo been cast ashore and It Is affirmed that fragments of uniform onablo tho authorities to Uen. tlfy one of tho bodies as that of vice Admiral Makaroff. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jefl-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared In two minutes. No boiling 1 no baking 1 add boiling water and set to eool. Flavers: Lemon, Orange, Rasp, berry and Strawberry. Get a packaiw at your grocers to-day. xo cts. tiiiiiiiiiinii m n i ii 1 1 1 iitiii i iiiMiii i ii i ii miu Detroit Lumbet Y&td At Corner Trade and High Streets. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber to bo had at this yard now, 5 Grades of Shingles, 5. Prices from ?1.50 to ?2.35. This is tho only place In town you can get tho Detroit shingles, made by HOOVER BROS., Lath and big fir wood for sale. All orders given prompt at tention. Thanking tho public for past favors, I am respectfully yours ii S P McCracken ' nui iii in 1 1 1 1 mil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hhhih i i i i i niih Phone 2495 Black. Superior Line of Hand made CHOCOLATE CREAMS at The Spa The China Sale of Bankrupt Stock Still continues until all gone. There are some pieces of HAVILAND CHINA left and at the same price as the German China. NOTE THE ENORMOUS SAVING PRICES 8-Inch Decorated German China Plates, regular price 2.50, now 1.00 7-Inch Decorated German China Plates, regular price $2.25, now 100 Haviland White Soup and 7-inch flat Plates, regular price 2.00 per set, now 100 Haviland White Tea and Coffee Cups and Saucers, regular price 2 00 and 2,35 now 1.00 Decorated Cups and Saucers, pretty shapes, regular price 2.50 per set now 1.25 Meat Platters, various sizes, from 8 inches up to 21 inches; 18 to 21 inches, regular prices 4.65, now 1.00 and 1.25 Covered Dishes regular price from $2.45 to 3.35, now 25c to 1 00 Large 12-inch Soup Tureen, regular price from 2.70 to 4 50, now 75c to 1.25 Covered Butter Dishes, regular price 1.45, now 35c Cake Plates, decorated and white, regular price 45c to 1.25, now 35c Vegetable and Salad Bowls, a few left Sugar Bowls, all sizes, regular price from 65c to 1.85, now any size 25c Cream and Milk Pitchers, all sizes and shapes. Large one-gallon Water Pitcher, now only 1.00 Come and see the china. Yoa will be surprised at the quality of the china for stfcfi prices. No Tickets Taken On These Goods. Ty alb. of o fresh toasted Ppto Rice Coffee at 25 and SOcpetlb. "It Is Something Fine." YOkllu T6u Store Fresh Roasted Coffees and Fine Grades of Tea a Specialty Phone 24U Black FjfCC Delivery JtoiMf 8tttaaina9citMiMiiMiMiMi ''wwiimwniafrtw'MiiwttgiwiawhCJ vy1 s"W 'ripMWWjp rwr- irnm3