PWBPWWfppppW'ii WWfWSfWPfWiBWp DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1904. OREGON'S DRUG INDUSTRY Shipments of Chittem Bark From This State Increas ing Annually That the gathering of Cascara bark Is becoming one of the important In dustries of Oregon Is shown by the Increased annual shipments of this drug from this state. The following article on the subject will be found not only Interesting but full of infor mation. During the year 1903 there were shipped from Oregon to eastern cities, London and German ports, in the neighborhood of 50 carloads of cas cara bark, which product is the most valuable addition to materia medica. -THREE, land which was afterwards cleared trees and the planting of additional for the purpose of agriculture. tree3 tho tlrrfe is not far distant whon Of tho crop of 1903 Benton and they will be utterly annihilated. In Lincoln counties furnished .the larger 1903 many acres of small trees wero share, their output being conservat- sacrificed during the excitement incl ively estimated at nearly 300 tons, dent to tho prevailing high prices, and valued at ?60,000; while it Is Had these been allowed to remain probable that, as Corvnllls was a pur. until they had attained a more mature chasing center, It drew to a certain age they would have yielded a larger extent from the adjoining counties. ; harvest and produced at least doublo Polk and Linn coutles were good the amount of money, producers, and next in line came The months pf May, June, July and Marlon, Yamhill and Washington August comprise tho season In which counties. A considerable portion was It is most profitable to secure cascara added by Multnomah and Clackamas . bark, for the following reasens: Dur countles to the annual output, whllq'ing this period the sap has ascended, tho tldelands of Clatsop aided In. thus greatly facilitating tho oeellnc swelling tho amount of the product. process. Then again, the bark gathered In tho commercial world this bark out of season is unprofitable, on ac Is known as cascara, simply, but in count of the additional labor Incurred materia medica it is deslcnated as in detachlnc It from tho treo. and It rhamnus purshlnna.or cascara sagiada' has not all Its proper medicinal vlr In common parlance It Is often denoml-' tues at such times, nated os chlttim bark, and Is some-1 Cascara bark Is found In largo quan times called bearborry. Up to a few titles In various sections of Oregon, years ago tho bark was but little , but la every instance on wet ground, known, and was only used In patent The banks of lakes, river bottoms nostrums as an ingredient for cathar- and swampy lands are especially fa- I i! produced In tho valleys of tho Wil lametto and Columbia rivers and turned Into the markets of the world. In May last, which marked the early part of tho season, tho purchasing price averaged about 4 cents a pound. 12 cent mark. Early in Sentember the price advanced to 14 cents and In some cases, where extra care had been taken In curing choice lots, the price. of even 15 cents per pound reached. uc purposes, now It Is extensively vored by the cascara tree. When USed bV tlllVRlrlnnC no n Innln ln fniltl.1 In thn Pnor.n.ln nnit nne These shipments represented a grand atlve or cathartic agent in combl-' the tree generally grows In deep can total of about 500 cms, which were nation with certain aromatics. It Is'yons or at the base of high cliffs, to be found In every pharmacy. Phar-, where Is receives the surface water macopoe!a3 mention cascara as being from, the uplands, found extensively in northern Callfor-1 The size of cascara trees mostly nla, although It Is largely to be found sought for their bark are from three In Oregon and Washington. to four Inches In diameter or more, Tho demand for this meillHnnl nm.' since smaller nnna nro fllfnnnH in Subsequently the market gradually , duct has enabled tho small farmer, iant110 with rapidity. Tho tree la strengthened to 5 cents, and by the homesteader and wideawake working- one of quick growth, hence the smaller latter part of August it reached the man to clear no Inconsiderable sums sizes are generally let alone until of money. There are many Instances they have attained profitable propor where laborers have contracted to tlons. The largest cascara tree re slash land for the cascara bark they J Ported in 1803 was found In Benton might secure, thereby calnlne an county. This had tho remarknble was abundnnt profit. Others for the inste- diameter of 30 Inches or 2 feet. It nlflcant sums of from ?20 to $30 havo wns stated last year thnt some of tho I, t ;r V. . i rr vrasin-" 1 'J$fc -t -4l ' m van. i ji-. . .'xr a m .s2ira&:sit.:. jlj . II affrs. jAWk mww Mm Tr JUMLfr Km S'oJUjkk' 1 I QAQOA& OJUL. mm - - j- Via frn-c?&3A koL iv Uwuucfcr -Jy- 9jrfJL uru o A 4 L-t il. - ... I ' T aiici mui me price oegan graauany ; secured privileges In cutting that cascara trees attained a diameter of to lessen, so that at tho close of tho have netted them a return of more six Inches in six years, but this was season It was half way down the. ' than $1,000. Mortgages on small proved Inaccurate. By actual meaa- scaie. juany ions Drought from 4 to farms have been paid through this urements a tree one Inch In diameter; t cents a pound, though the larger , agency and hundreds of women and, has four rings denoting four years' portion was sold for a price some-J children havo easily earned during 'growth; while larger trees show six where between 10 to 15 cents pet the summer months a sufficient sum rings to tho Inch, making a six-Inch pound. A fair average of the entire crop can be placed at 10 cents per pound, representing the truly amazing value of about $100,000. While part of this amount was divided among tho dealers, or middlemen, by far the major portion of this sura went Into , tho pockets of tho farmers and tho haborlng men. This was practically without the outlay of capital. In 5 many cases tho gathering of the bark was accomplished by families men, women and children engaging together In the work. Tho peeling of this yalued bark In most cares was from to tide them through the rainy season . tree considerable older than six years In Oregon. Small farms on tho river The only tools used in gathering bottoms and homesteads In the valleys the bark are an ax for felling thq and canyons of tho Coast range havo trees and cutting away tho branches already and will yet produce more .an(i & peculiar shaped knife known as money in cascara bark than tho prop-, a spud." Its blade is six inches in ertles producing It could be sold for. These statements may seem exag- length. Its back is beveled to a dull edge to scrape tho moss from the ALWAYS TIRED n NEVER RESTED (ftSSwki hSmsWtVgSK IBfaW fcVj-cgri.vriw Ktfrss6 cS A J SST l-t,- rMh One of the chief causes of To be tired out from hard work or bodily exercise is natural aud rest is the remedy, but there is an exhaustion without physical exer tion and a tired, never-rested feeling a weari ness without work that is unnatural and shows 6om e serious disorder is threatening the health. that "Always-tired, never-rested condition" is impure blood and bad circu lation. Unless the body is nourished with rich, pure blood there is lack of nervous rce, the UlUS- FororerfourTears x suffered with general debility, CleSDCCOmeweak.Uieui- causing a thorough breaking down of uiy system. My gestion impaired, and cousin, who had been beneiltod by S. a. H., told me i i- ' i about it. I tried it and it oured we. I heartily re- general disorder occurs commend B. H. B. to all who may feel the need of a throughout the svsteni. thoroughly good blood tonic. Yours truly. uirou(,uoui. Ule hjbicm. - MKB. JOSIB A. BlUf 'jJLIW. Debility, insomnia, ner- 44 W. Ninth 8t., Columbia, Tenn. vousness, indigestion, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and the hundreds of little ailments weoiten nave are due directly to a uau con dition of the blood and circulation, and the quickest way to get rid of them is by purifying and building up the blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals S. S. S.. which contains the best ingredients foi cleansing theblood and toningiipthesystem. It is n vegetable blood purifier and tonic combined, tbatenriches the blood, and through it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested, body. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA At Salem Now THe Electrical Thztmatoi y of Osteo pathy Now Pei-manently Located DR P. V. ALLEN, D. O. DR. MARIE ALLEN, D. O. of Chicago. Assistant. Curing all manner of disease, chronic or acute, without the use- of drugs or knife. The Treatment of Deformities a Specialty. The treatment the same as practiced by tho world's famous Dr. Lorenz in his thousands of successful cases. Speolal rates for treat ment by the month. Consultation Free gerated, but they can be fully verified , bark and there Is a notch with which by the leading men of tho counties. to girdle the tree. Tho end of tho mentioned. Oregon and Washington blade is rounded to separato tho bark are the only states In which cascara irom the trunk. bark is produced In such prolific In peeling tho tree tho operator glr- quantities. Unless some means are iles the trunk about five feet from the taken for tho protection of the smaller ground and then removes the bark irom that point to tho base. Tho tree Is then cut down and tho larger branches denuded of their covering. It has been found that tho bark sepa rates more readily by working down ward and tho operator thus avoids contact with the slippery trunk. A fair day's work In bark gathering Is placed at 150 pounds, when dried, out many exceed this figure. Harvey Nash of Buena Vista hold tho record of 350 pounds. Tho bark Is dried In the sun by tho peelers, who care for their output each evening. Wires are strotched irom treo to tree upon which the bark Is then suspended with tho sap side down. It Is left thua for four or five days, which, with favorablo weather, is sulllclent for thorough drying. After the curing process Is com pleted tho bark is cut into small plecos preparatory to sacking, a strawcuttor ofton being used. Grain sacks, hold ing 50 to CO pounds, aro generally used, although special bIzos holding about 50 pounds are sometimes util ized. The seod of tho cascara troos are eagerly sought for planting purposes, and command $1.25 por pound. A pecu liar thing about tho cascara treo Is that tho only way in which It can be grown Is from tho seeds, Its repro duction by slips and cuttings having proven a failure. Tho seeds aro gath. ered In September. Wild fowls aro very fond of them. The borry contain, ing the seed Is round and Is black In huo, with a diameter of ono-thlrd of an Inch, Each borry contains throe pseeds a Uttlo larger than a grain of I buckwheat and similar in shape. These are exceedingly bitter, while tho .berry Itself is soft and pulpy, with a very pleasant taste. Portland Jour- ,-nal. NAT GOODWIN SAD Says Shakespearean Revival Is Classed as Failure Though Financial Success Chicago, April 18. Nat C. Goodwin evidently has not found that "life is over so pleasant on tho stago" this Bcason. Moro In sorrow than In an ger ho writes thus from a small town near Chicage: "Whon an actor Is forced to aban don cities and play a series of one night stands the result Is most de pressing, no matter what tho financial reward may be, but when tho depres sion Is coupled with tho readings of one's failures repeatedly printed In tho Uttlo puny editions of thoso little places llfo becomes a burden. Every whoro I play I read of my glgantla failures In 'The Merchant of Vonlco" and 'Midsummer Night's Dream,' when, as a matter of fact, they wore both huge successes, both financially and artistically, not from tho point of view of tho gentle critic, but from tho box ofTIco standard and tho verdict of tho public. "My 'Merchant of Venice' netted the largest receipts In tho history of tho stago at tho prices. Ono week brought over J20.000 for olght performances, and tho highest prlco was 2. And this production goes down to history as a ianurc. Ah, mo! What a pity It is to bo born In ono's own country. and, worse, to bo forced to play In it whon Iconoclasts have tho power to destroy Rembrandt with a whitewash brush." rlno guards from two of the ships ashore, and they quelled tho riot and prevented tho trouble How'e This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any enso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. W, tho undersigned, havo known P. J. Cheney for tho last 15 yoara, and bollovo htm perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm, WEST & TRAUX, Wholosalo Drug- gists, Toledo, Ohio. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesalo DrugglBts, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free. Prlco 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. 24-year-old son of a rancher ho re, who committed sulcldo in tho insono asylum at Salem, will also bo burled. Of tho dead all wero prominent peo ple In this locality. O Betn tit Bigmturo ef AWVOZIXA. Vfo Kind Yen Hats Always BoojJv iMmimnt8iM Gloom at Baker City. Baker City, Or., April 18. A pall of gloom and sadness has fallen over this city. Four funerals will Uko placo tomorrow, among which will bo that of A. A. Houston nnd S. A. Glasgow, who foil from tho scaffold on a building yestordny and died last II If) 111 lliv; Hill UU UlUiVU lUfoVlUUft Ok by tho Knights of rythlaB, to which orded thoy belonged. Mrs James, Fleetwood, tho young wlfo of a promi nent rancher, who died yesterday In convulsions, and John F Jnekson, tho I Field Peas Tho best hog feed raised in tho valloy. Wo havo somo ox tra cholco seed peas that wo aro making a closo prlco on. May bo sown for tho next month and roako a good crop. Call or wrlto for prices. t Seed Corn Wo mako a specialty of han dling the best seod corn to bo obtnlnod, either for a crop or (or onsllngo. f D. A. White &Son f FEEDMEN AND 8EEDMEN 301 Commercial Stro -t, Salem, Im m a mnmmtmmmkmkdmimk mmmLakAmmtm.- BLUE JACKETS AND POLICE. Correspondence Solicited. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 m.; 2 p. Cottlo block. Telephone 2965 Main. LOCK BOX 44. m. to 5 p. m. Rooms, 1 and 2, SALEM, OREGON. Sanguinary Fight Detween and Local Officers. Marines Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce molsturo and cause itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko'a Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a jar at drug gists, or sent by malL Treaties free. Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo eanko, Phlla., Pa. i m CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. tl Kind You Hsve Always Bougbt Bears the Signature of (Z&fffflz Ponsacola, Fla., April 18. In a riot hero tonight between pollco and blue Jacksts from tho warships and a fow artlllerymon from Fort Barrancas, ono enlisted man by the namo of Banks, of tho Seventh artillery, was killed, and four bluejackets from the Iowa and Albany wero wounded although not seriously. Tho riot started over tho arrest of a bluejacket. Threo pollco officers wero at tho patrol call box whon a potty offlcor from ono of the ships blew a whistlo signal In use on tho ships for tho men to assemble Fully 300 men gath ered and rushed the policemen, sep arating them, Two of tho policemen had backed away from tho crowd fir ing as fast as possible at tho advanc ing bluejackets, who wero hurling stones, bottles and other mlsslls at them. It was during this shooting that that tho artilleryman was killed. Reinforcements from tho pollco station arrived at this juncture, and partly dispersed tho bluejacket. Later, owing to many threats of tho men from tho warship to kill the police, Admiral Barker ordered &)& Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year, M THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE 10c 25c, 50c CANDY CATHARTIC m BEST FOR THE BOWELS AU Ofoeciits eetecs0esactw Just Atttved A largo lino of choice clothing. You should seo them. Wo cniv glvo you a suit for J.50 that will surprluo you, for it is actually worth $7.50, and wo aro offering all our others in Uko proportion-. Wo havo also a largo assortment of summer underwear that we aro offering for 50c a suit that Is actually worth 75c, If you want something noat and nobby In a drss shirt or tie, call and seo us. . Don't get hot and say you aro roasting. Wo havo a largo assort ment of crash suits and coats that will kcop you cool. Seo tho crash coats that wo aro selling for COc. In addition to tho abovo we aro giving great bargains on sweat ers, hats, caps, trunks and valises. Ladles' and gents' furnishing goods and notions. Don't forgot tho placo, Fiecmah ,i: 11 149 State BtrcoL