-m m lf3 DAILY. CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1904. EIGHT. flM "' m HERECCENTRIC LIFE IssabellaJI of Spain Impelled fo an Er ratic Career Late Noblewoman Noted for Her Kind DVeds add Gen erous Impulse, Former Queen Isabella of Spain, recently died In Paris, had a career that was not surprising since It prac tically began with a mlsalllanco "brought about by tho duplicity of her mother. Isabella II., as she was known, was tho daughter of Ferdinand VII. and of Mario Christina, daughter of tho king of Naples, and was born October 10, 1830. On tho repeal of tho Salic law, -which provided that a woman could noi reign, she ascended tho throno under tho regency of her mother, In 1833. From hor 14th year Europo was .scoured by tho queen's mother for a husband, and, finally, despite Isabella's persistent refusal to marry him, sho "became tho wife of Don Francisco D'AbsIsI, duko of Cadiz, who was her first cousin. Don Francisco was novcr well known to the pcoplo of oven his own country, and, being moro or less of an Invalid, tho caro of tho stnto fell entirely Into tho hands of Isabella, then but 1G years old. Queen Isabolla was 74 years old nt tho tlmo of hor death, which de prives tho French capital of ono of tho most picturesque and notable membora of Its colony of "rols on oxll," so vividly portrayed by Alphon uo Daudct In his book of that namo, and which has furnished an unfailing and always popular thomo to othor novelists of loss note, whllo It will rellovo tho Spanish treasury of the payment of tho annuity of $150,000 a year which it has boon paying to tho Golden Gate Coffee Do not grind too fine, at pulverized coffee hat an en tirely different flavor from the tame coffee granulated. J. A. TOLGER on CO. 8n frnnolico Importer of Fln Goffoea 1 Solid Comfort for Horses A horso as well as a drlvor Is entitled to comfort in his work and to havo it horses should havo harness and fittings that nro not only well made, but roado right Wo carry tho host lines SINGLE HARNESS, DOUBLE HARNESS, 8ADDLE8, BRIDLES, WHIP8, ROBES, 8UPPLIE9, AXLE GREASE, HARNE88 OIL, and ovcry thing In our lino. Tho boat la nono too good for our patrons. PriceB right. i F. E. Sfcafe f S 233 Commercial street, near Ladd & Bush's banir. w -----. ... lllliimi u UI1IR WING SANG CO. Groat salo of Chinos and Japr-noso fancy goods, Wo also mako up all kinds of wrappers, and; -waists, under wear and aldrta. donta' ana ladles' famishing goods, silks, laces and env fcrolderles. AL kinds of summer goods, watting, otc. Court street, cornor of Hey, Salevs V rWlMI lato queen with unfailing regularity over slnco'thQ restoration of her son, tho lato King Alfonso XII., in 1875, that is to say, for a period of nearly thirty years. No scion of royalty, with tho pos sible exception of tho lato King Milan of Servla, has. ever furnished so much material to tho "chronlquo scandal euso" of the courts of Europo as Isa bella, and, while many of tho stories related of her are calumny, pure and simple, thcro is no doubt that by her extravagances of conduct, one might almost add her moral eccentrici ties, Bhe helped to give an ap pearance of truth to even the vilest slanders that wero originated pre vious to hor deposition by her brother-in-law, tho lato, Duo do Mont pensior, and his party, and after tho establishment of her residence in Paris by those venomous scribes who had failed in their attempts to extort monoy from her by means of black- mail. j With all hor faults, and they havo been many, it must bo confessed that she always remained a kind-hoarted, ' generous woman, whoso lnnumerablo acts of charity will doubtless bo credited to her In tho great here- her presence In the kingdom would after, as against her shortcomings, ' merely contribute to Increaso tho d'f and no mattor how Insane her freaks, Acuities of tho foreign-born queen re she, somehow, or another always Bent, and Incidentally Impair the safe- managed to maintain a sort of uncon-, sclous majosty and royal dignity, which, even in 18C8 and 18C9, when, owing to tho presenco of tho Infamous Mnrforl In her entourage, Napoleon and government, winch latter repeat lit. fon Jiimnnif fnrPoi nn thn wnrn'odh' nald the heavy debts which sho of propriety, to keep her aloof from ' incurred, owing to her oxco3sive his shady court after hor arrival as generosity and her inability to com nn exile in Franco. Sho so impressed prchend tho value of monoy. She Empress Eugenie that during her In-, torvlows with her sho seemed to for- get that sho was a sister queen, and ncted and spoke as If sho wore still ono of Isabella's maids of honor, Record of Her Career. Much indulgence should bo accorded to Queen Isabella In writing tho record of hor career. For sho labored all hor llfo lone lindnr iJi. (llnnilvnntnr'n of having grown up under the caro, and with tho example before hor eyes of her mother, Old Queen Christina, ono of tho Bourbons of Naples, and probably tho most shamelessly de-1 praved and wicked woman that over. occupied a European throno during tho nineteenth centry. Tho court of Madrid in those days was renowned for its prolllgocy. But Queen Chris tina's behavior Anally became mlro than ovon hor courtiers and tho peo-1 plo around hor could afford to toler- ato, and sho wns driven Into exllo along with hor favorite, tho ox-guards man Munoz, whom sho had raised from tho rank of a common soldier to tho highest offices In tho army and in tho state, solely on account of his good looks. No attempt wns mndo to preserve tho childhood or tho young girlhood of Isabella freo from tho demoraliz ing Influences. In fact, thero wore thoso who considered It to bo to their Interests to endeavor to corrupt I her mind. And then her unfortunato mnrrlngo to a man whom she neither lovod nor rospected, and who was dwarfod, not only In body, but also in mind, contributed also to render hor reckless. It Is unnecessary hero to rolato unow tho story of this mnrrlngo Into which sho was forced In hor 16th birthday In the tlrm conviction that it would romaln childless, and thus en- ablo tho crown to pass to hor younger Blstor, married to tho Fronoh Duko de Montpenslor. Thoso expectations wore not, however, realized. Queon Isabolla gnvo birth to n largo number of children, sovoral of which died In Infancy, and on oach occasion that sho bocamo a mother hor brothor-In-law, tho Duke do Montponslor to whom sho Invariably showed horsolf both kind and gonorous, circulated stories to tho effect that tho child wa3 not tho offspring of hor husband, but of this or of that of hor favorltos. Infanta the Herring Girl. Thus It was to tho Duko do Mont ptnslor that tho Iufnnta Isabolla widow of th Count Qlrgontl, owed tho nlcknnnio of tho "hsrrlng girl," which clung to hor for many years' uuur tiiu mm grown up, nnu uiai originated In tho construction placed by Montponslor upon tho tokens of good will bestowed, by Quoon Isabelln upon a young fUhemarn, who had at tracted hor notlco whllo at the sea baths during tho yonr previous to tho birth of tho princess. Again, It was tho duko who oponly ascribed tho paternity of tho lato King Alfonso to Marshal Sorauo. In fact Montponslor thon lost no opportunity of circulat ing stories affecting tho honor and the reputation of tho sister-in-law who was not only his queen, hut also his benefactor. It was ho who played a leading part In tho revolution which resulted In her abdication and exllo In 1863, In tho vain hopo of being oloctod by tho Cortes to succeed hor on tho throne. But whllo tho Spaniards wero unwil ling to put up any longer with Isabella v,nv. wawi tv murti distrusted by tho base ingratltudo which had char acterized tho intrigues of tho duko against her to permit him to have any voice in tho government of tho nation. From tho time that she abandoned her throno. nearly six years aco. Innnnn Tcnlinlln hna llvnrl flfirnflfl mail. ing her homo In Paris, where she pur chased the palaco built by tho Rus sian mlllonalro Basllewski, near the Arc de Troimphe, and converted It into a thoroughly regal abode, her summers being usually Bpent at some chateau In the neighborhood of th' capital, and .which sho hired for tho season. Only twice did sho return to Spain, namely, during her son's lifetime, and then he was forced to ask her to leave the kingdom, owing to tho fact that the opponents of his government endeavored to take advantage of her presence and of her good nature to mako capital against tho aumlnlstra tlon. Her grandson, tho present king has in consequence been a stranger to her "ntl1 now- For although she ws anxious to visit Spain during his minority for the purpose of seeing "m t was consmereu at juauriu mat ty of tn0 throne. But sho has always been treated with the utmost distinction and honor while abroad by the Spanish court has been on excellent terms with the French republican government. In 'act, sho has always manifested a Bood deal on confidence in republicans For President Qrevy was In charge of her legal interests in France until ho became chief magistrate, while ST s,aImoron. ho Snanlsh ren"b11' cun ivuuur, wua lur uiuuy jt-uia nur legal representative south of tho yrecncs No member of tho Spanish royal family, and indeed no foreign mon arch or scion of any of tho reigning houses of Europo havo ever passed through Paris without visiting her, whilo the Spanish embassy on the banks of tho Seine was in everything savo in political questions, at hor ser vice. Her husband, from whom sho had been separated since her arrival in Franco, but with whom sho main tained friendly relations, died at Ep nlny, France, April 17, 1902. MAR QUIS DE FONTENOY. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produco moisture and Anting ttjtlitnr 4Viln fnum no ytiaII a a S,u """ S' !5 "S,," I XJJIUlj, uiuuuiub ut iiuuuututi iiicd aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-kos Pile Homed. Stops Itching and bleeding Absorbs tumors. EOo a jar at drug gists, or sent by mail. Treaties free Wrlto mo about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla., Pa. 4tMMIIBI8ltiiatBig I J Does Youv Buggy Need Paint This Is the tlmo of year to have It put In order. All work dono In the best style, and fully guaranteed as to quality. i Pwces Right You will be surprised at how little It will cost you to have your rig made new. I W.B.WARNER t &CO. 68 Chemeketa Street w-iinicnimi4a:t llll4 i Gat den i i Seeds If you want to get seeds that will grow, Bolect from The Largest Stock The Purest Stock Tho Best Selected Stock la tho valley, and romember tho only Beeda wo carry aro A SEEDS THAT GROW A handsomo Illustrated cat aloguo sent freo by mall on ro quest I Savage & Fletcher Dealer In f FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED 322-324 Commercial sir. IlIHMHMslHHltm I . II Afceelable Pr eparalionforAs slmilating lucFoodandBeg ma ting ihcStomachs nndBowcls of Promotes Digcstion.ChecTlur nessandltest.Conlains neither Opuirn,Morplu'nc nor rfincral. KOT "NAH.C OTIC . jimfieofOUHrSiNVELPOXHSR fKmyJan Seal' JlxSmna IitXtauJeJ4a QrnlUJLSUoqr WnlKyrorx. nnvr. Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. COPY OF WRAPPER. 9mm9vwif9e99 I 9Q9999L'99Wm9899W9999999999999Wm Phone: Main 2953. ALL -WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED I Want 193 Commercial St. Orer The Journal, PROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. "lenaKMgf Kfiiniaifinaiaitiima i g(Hllh4f iii-Hf-8l(Ettf ill440-fr tHM--ff9inHiitt'ftf t iflfigf HMWrntftifttanoittianptttn ::::::::A G E N BALFQUR, GUTHRIE & CO. j ; GR AINbpyers and shippersof OR tm I Oats For Sale. HOP OftOWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. i T A Annlinm A.nvi d. u. uiauaiii, agent, awytiniiiaiiaiii,a,,,,..,.Tt,ti(laajt ! CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years GASTORIA moiHTunoMPAN new o crrr. 999 w THE BEST ROAST-THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtainod from our prime, tender and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats nro selected from tho choicest, and aro pre pared for tho tablo to suit tho de mands of tho fastidious. Our prices aro lower for quality than you can find at any place in Salem. E. C. Gross Bears the , Signature Am W For If it's at l$ig JToft of Printing: I have tho facilities for doing'that as well as for the smaller ones. Anything from , nn Envelope corner to a Big Catalogue. Work That requires particular attention, and In doing it 1 guarantee that it shall bo of the best quality, and at a reasonable prico. N. D. ELLIOTT. msgjjg IMMENSE STOCK OF j; Carnage Harness Work Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first class. See us for anything in our line and save money. i i i ! E.S.LamportSadrJferyCo. 5 289 Ommercial Street, i C Y O F:::::::t 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. i THE PICK OF THE FORE8T J J Has been taken to supply tho stock of! I lumber in our yards. Our stock Is"' complete with all klnda of lumber.! i Just received a car load of No. ill shingles, also a cap of ftna v-i, Wo aro ablo to fill any and all kind" ot Diiia. uomo and let us show youi our stock. 1 1 Yard and office near a P. passenger" - Auuua auuq oi, QOODALE LUMBER CO. ' winmimniall(n. ,!,,!! j 1E1 fit -OjgQaar w Threo Trains to the East Dally, Through Pullmnn standard aLt tourist sleeping cara dally to Omaha Chicago, Spokano; tourist sleety cars dally to Kansas) City; thtongji Pullman tourist sleeping cars (pet. sonally conducted) weekly to Chica- go; reclining cnair cara (seats fre) to tho East dally. 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho Change of Cars DSPABT FOR TIME SCHEDULES From Portland, Or, AKBIV1 FEOa Chicago Portland Special g IS a. m Tia 11 tin t lnglon Bait Lake, Denver, ft Worth, Omaha, Kamai Cltr, St. Lonla, Chicago SUp a U1U AUfc. AtlanUo Express 8:15 p. m, Til Hunt- lngton Palt Lake, Denver Ft. 900M OUT, fit. Lonli, Chicago aim AUk et.PMil Fan Mall 7 45 p. m. via Spokane Walla Walla, Lewl'ton, tipokane, Wallace, Pull man, .'iluneapou sl Paul, Dulath.MUwaukee Chicago, and East. a. a Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five days at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way points and North Boach Dally (except Sun day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask o? write your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent Tho Oregon Railroad & NavlcatlM Co., Portland, Oregon. Coryaf I is &Eastern R R, TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:45 p.m. Loaves Corvallls 2:00 r m. Arrives Yaqulna 6:20 p.m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:4S cm. Leaves Corvallls 11:10 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:16 p.m. No. 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m. Arrives Dotrol 12:20 pm. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives Albany 5:55 pro. Train No. 1 arlves in Albany in tlmo to connect with the S. P. touth uound train, as well as giving two ci three hours in Albany before depar ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with tho 8, P. trains at Corvallls and Albany fir ing dlroct service to Newport and ad jacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbwh and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a, m., reaching Do trolt about neon, giving ample Hat to reach tho Springs same day. For further information apply to EDWIN 8TONB, Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agont, Albany. H. H. ORONISE, Agent, ComUl. O. C. T. CO.'8 PASSENGER 8TEAMER8 POMONA and Altona leave for Portlaed, Monoaj, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. m: For CorvallU, Tuesday, Thuredr and Saturday at C p. m. For Independence daUy except Bondl at p. xn. Deck: Foot of Trade tr M. P. BALDWIN, AB. PILES HTSoag OnM BcImU, SI4I..TI11., . C , ! MJS liny it U jm eltla for tbera. ' Pr 8. K IjJJ fMU.o.- Pr. B, D ViOlU, CUikitMf. T-3 "ia prattle t ltm, I tMai "fJl KfttX rnn." Tkm, W Cm. BDUi If. " rwo" wanrm hudy. "wc"Tt" Sold In Salam by 8. C Stons. Call for Free Sample, cHicHeanrn'S eKQLisH . - i. uca u ,i ua;ki35 U.u. 7r VnuUlSSSa IWH fcr PfcrUU..7 n-M Mi k, trntwnmrzz.nt0 .wt .. twuMwgrrji aaiitfi r Ftee, Yes Free. r a i . -l,ra for 0' ur, ouoas maun u v - - Bultatlor or prescription. Can -. . .-rir of W iouna aauy at ono or u " mm rtorae, galas, Oroa 70 fk AT- F HaM(IUM3 iiflififjifiiiihljiiiiife ahi f 1 1 if - (" " 'aa&ilJL. jiaithiiu-i