!P?PPRp!fiPPpP V 1 7 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUE8DAY, APRIL 12, 1504. SEVEN i" Economy I Brand I I Evaporated I Cream H eS eS S EM i t.. EW ' bm uiways Dears me 3D0V0 Cap . H label. It means the samoMj H as telling you that we V ; H back up Its purity with al H $5,000 guarantee. H i H Made by the largest pro- H . Hduccrs of Evaporated & I ; IP Cream In the world. ee1eeeeVeeVeHeHe1HI v ,-r " in a ::v LILY WHITE and Just as spotless and im maculate as the Easter flower, you will find linen laundered at the Salem Steam Laundry. Its cleanliness and the satisfaction that one knows he presents an Irreproachable appearance, gives Its wearer that comfort not derivable from washing and Ironing shiftlessly done. Wo await your Easter orders. Salem Steam Laundry Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorus D. Olmsted, Man. Phono 411 . 230 Liberty St Efrf f ltillffiy A me I "Universal" BREAD MAKER and RAISER. BESudKKAOs BBEA0THM9VCBU la Tfem HIhIk. WllUtlt Mttllf lease to tt itstfu Easy to operate. Easy to clean. old ar -, WADE & CO. J CpPTJ9rir "v (1 I V 1 1 I a. Y ll g jy IeWlUj?' m aPS I R.TI- !- . lltlllllllll''llllllal8 i WMnunnnnnm''14 -MERCHANT tnmra Imm Blnrlr. Exwrleactd cutter b fitter. WU! ts;, pressing bh HHilllllll.JHIIilllH BEGIN REFORMS AT HOME AdYice Given by Roosevelt in an Address Before Pub lisher's Association Washington, April 12. A distin guished crowd attended the dinner given at the New Willard hotel last night by the Periodical Publishers association of Amorlca. President Roosevelt was present and made a the Russian Embassador, Dean of the Corps, and on either sido of them was Mr. Hay, secretary of state; M. Brus serand, the French Embassador; Baron von Sternberg, the German Embassador; Justice Peckham, of the supreme court; Hamilton M. Mable, the toastmaster, und other dlstln gulshed members of the society. The dinner was preceded and followed by a reception. Tho President arrived about 10:30 o'clock and remained throughout the recoption which fol lowed the dinner. Ho was tho first speaker. Mr. Mable introduced him as "tho best-known author In Ameri ca today, the author and illustrator of American Ideals." Ho spoko as fol fel fol eows: "Mr. chairman and gentlemen: It Is always1 a pleasure to a man In pub lic life to meet the governing classes. I wish to bid you welcomo to Wash ington nnd to say a word of greet ing, audi that word shall take the form of a warning and a hbpo. I did not speak in jest when I alluded to you aa representatives' of the govern ing classes. I think that wo of tho United States cannot keep too fresh In our minds tho fact that those most responsible for the government nre not tiio representatives of tho people, but the people themselves, and that therefore heavy is tho responsibility that lies upon the people and upon all those who do most toward shap ing tho thought of tho people. "No, In the days of my youth I was: a literary man I Tiiave recently dn reading" a book, been lmmensoly struck by the thought developed in it by ono of our greatest scholars, who was speaking of fioedom, nnd of the fact that freodom could not exist Unless there went with It a sense of responsibility and ho used a phrase somewhat ltko this: 'That among all peoplo there must be a restraint; If thero Is no restraint there is for an inevitable result- anarchy, which Is the negation of all government.' "Therefore there must be restraint. A, freo people has merely substituted self-restraint for external restraint and the permanence of our freedom as a people and of our liberty depends upon tho way in which wo shall exer cise tho self-restraint. There must be more than good laws to make a good peoplo. A man whoso morality Is expressed merely in tho non-violation of tho law is a pretty poor creature. Unless the average citizenship Is based on a good deal more than mere observ ance of the laws on tho statute books then our average citizenship can nev er produce the kind of government which it must and will produce. So far from llborty and tho responsibili ties of self-government being things which como easily and to any people, they are peculiarly things that can como only to tho most highly devel oped people capable not only of mus tering themselves, and who can achlove real self-government, real liberty. For that cultivation of tho spirit of self-restraint which Is the spirit of self-reliance we must rely ' in no small degree upon those who furnish so much of tho thought of tho I great bulk of our peoplo who think 'most, and therefore, gentlemon. In A Token of Betrothal From tlmo immemorial has been the engagement ring. Wo bavo ai superb variety, from the plain ones 2 to tho richest in superb settlngs- as low as J1.00, as high as $50.00, and all good values. All our Jewel ry Is tho best work of skilled lapa daries and goldsmiths. Try ono of these rings from C. T. POMEROY 288 Com'l Watchmaker & Jeweler. , ,. iilHIIHi nitaigietHMOf TAILOR - COUlt StCet f Btraatee n work Also clea repairing. WlfWl-tllEWI greeting yoif hercTl -wish not merely to ' welcome "you but to say that I trust every man oil you foels the weight of tho responsibility that rests upon him. The man who writes month In am) month out, week In and wook out. day in and day eat. and furnishes tha materlnl which Is to shape the thoughts of our peoplo, Is essentially tho man. who mpro than others demonstrates tho character of the people and tho kind of govern ment this government shall possess. "I believe fn tho future of this peo ple, because I bellove that you and those liko you approach their tasks in tho proper spirit not always, but aa a rule and, gentlemen, it seems to ma thnt because of tho very fact that we are so confldont in the groat ne39 of our country and our country's future wo should beware of any spir it of mere boastfulness. Individual courtesy is a good thing, nnd Interna tional courtesy la Just asi good a thing. If there is any ono quality which should be deprecntcd in the public men nnd In tho public writer alike, it is the use of language which tends to produce irritation among those with whom we should bo on friendly terms. Nations are now brought much nearer together than thoy wero formerly; steam, electrici ty, tho spread of tho press in nil countries, these factors have brought tho peoples nearer together. You can rest assured of good Judgment, and that when all Is as It ought t bo In nation and state and munici pality hero at- home, wo can then talk about reforming the rest of man kind. Let us begin at home." The Good of Medicine. Peoplo insisting that medicine does no gobd, liavo one stubborn fact to contend with, that Is, tho peoplo who do bollevo are greatly in the majority. Wo have been so fortunate during tho past twenty years as to convlnco thou sands of sufferers with weak watery blood, who had all tho symptoms of a general breaking down of the Bys tem, that one medicine a least does good Nervous and unsteady people can have strong steady nerves, and solid healthy flesh by tho use of Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. A tablet to take at meal tlmo, it turns tho food you, eat into rich, red blood, making solid flesh at tho rate of 1 to 3 pounds per week. Sold by all drug gists' for 75c per box, or 3 boxes for ?2. This medicine saves doctor bills and insures health, giving tho very best trentment posslblo Call for Congressional Convention A convention of tho Republican party of tho First congressional dis trict of the stato of Oregon Is horcby called to meet in Salem, Ore., Wednes day, April 13, at 11 a. m., for tho pur pose of nominating ono representa tive for congress and to transact such othor business as may properly come beforo tho convention. Tho convention will consist of 177 delegates, apportioned among th6 bov era) counties of tho district as fol lows, tewlt: Benton, 7; Clackamas, 18; Coos, 9; Curry, 3; Douglas, 14; Jackson, 12; Josephine, 7; Klamath 4; Lake, 4; Lane, 19; Lincoln, C; Linn, 14; Marlon, 23; Polk, 0; Tilla mook, 5; Washington, 13; Yamhill 11. Total, 177. Tho same being ono dclcgato-at- largo for each county, one for overy 160 votes cast for Judgo Bean on tho last general election, and ono for overy fraction of 150 larger than 100. That tho work of tho convention may bo oxpedltod as much as posslblo tho committee suggests that tho chair men and secretaries of tho several county conventions cortlfy to the list of delegates elected by their county conventions to this congressional con vention and mall them at onco to Cur tis B. Winn, secretary congressional committee, Albany, Ore. Delegates or others In attendance at tho convention may socure a rate of ono and one-third fares for tho round trip on tho Southern Pacific and tho Corvallis & Eastern railways by paying full faro to Salem, taking a receipt for faro paid from the ticket agont and having same properly certi fied by the secretary of tho conven tion. T. W. HARRIS, Chairman Congressional Committee. CURTIS B. WINN, Secretary. Farm for 8ale, 114 acres in Marlon county, half a milo from Mill Cliv, 35 acre Im proved, C5 acres good timber, H to 1 mile from a $300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; C-room house; lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10 acroa good fruit, mostly winter ap ples, trees averago 7 years old; good spring water at door; two creeks run through place; good neighborhood; V mile to Bchool, church and railroad. Fine beaver dam meadow land, easily cleared. If cold at onco will take 13200. Title clear. Torma, tvo-tblrJs down, and froia 2 to 8 yeans on bal ance 'with 7 per cent Interest; Imme- Jl.la vifMMknfsin l rtn ftp AfMrf8 J, E. Ray, owner of tho farm, Mill City, Oregon. 3-8-3m - HOW TO HOLD A HUSBAND. neM is to hold the husband as vou won the loer by cheerfulness of disposition, pa tience nnd keeping your youthful looks. Of course a (treat many women are handir capped by those Ills to which women are heir The constantly recurrinjr troubles which afflict her are apt to cause a sour disposition, nervousness and a beclouded mind Dr R.V. Pierce, the specialist In woman's diseases, of Buffalo, N. Y., after a long- ex perience in treating such diseases, found that certain roots and betbs made into a. liquid extract, would help the majority of cases This he called Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. Thousands of women hae testified to its merits, nnd it is put up in shape to be easily procured and is sold by all medicine dealers This is a potent tonic for the womanly system. So much faith lias Dr Pierce In its merits that he offers $500 reward for any case o! Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Palling of Womb, which he, cannot cure. All he aiks is n fair and reasonable trial of his ireutiH of cure. Mrs T Dotan, or Madrid, Perkins Co., Nebr , writes "I was cured of painful periods by the ue of Dr l'lercc's Favorite Prescription, and hi Compound Itxtract of Smart-Weed., I think Dr. Tierce's mediclucs the best in the rcorld." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women stronpr. sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth -bound volume Address Dr R. V. Pierce, 66j Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Penned, Preps. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 8O0. Poultry at Stelner't Chlckens-10llc. Eggs Per dozen, 14c. Turkoys 12014c. -Ducks 10c. Market Hop Market Hops 19(25c. (1 potatoes, 'VegatablM, rl'otatoes 4Bc. r i. - Eto. Onions 2c. ' Dried' Fruit Poaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Applos 10c. Petlto prunes 1c. Italian prunes 5c. Wood, Pence Port, Eto. Second growth J5.50. ,, APh 3.00 t6-?3.7e.-' Grub oak ?0 60. Cedar posts 12V&C Hlaet, felts and ur. Green Hides, No. 1 lo. Oroon Hlacs, No. 2 1c. Calf Skins 45c. Sheep 76c. Goat Skins 25o to SLH. Qraln and Fteur, Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex port value, 72c. Oats 11.10 per cwt Barloy $20 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Live Stock Markt, Steers 33c. Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. Dressed veal 7c. I Dressed hogs 6c. Llvo hogs 5c. ' Mutton 2c Yor pound. Hay, FMd, Eto. Baled cheat 110. Baled clover flO, Bran 121. Bhorta 122. Creamery and Dairy Pratlwtt, Good dairy butter 2U26c Creamery buttor 27Hc Cream separator tkim&4. at Com. Creamery, 27Hc, not. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 74c. Valloy 80c. Flour Portland, best grade, JJ.9O0 14.05; graham, ?3.50?3.90. Oats Cholco Whlto, J1.16?1.17. Barley Foed, $23 por ton; rolled, $240125. Millstuff Bran, 19$20. Hay Timothy, 150?1C. Potatoes Common, 70090c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 17 018c Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12013 por pound; turkeys, 15016c. Pork Dressed, 7'408c, Beef Drossod, 507140. Vcal,707c. Jlopa 24020c Wool Valloy, 16017c; Eastern Oregon, 12015c; Mohair, 30031c Hides dry, 10 pounds and upwards, 1501514c. Buttor Fancy creamery, 25c; dairy and atoro, nominal. Any article In the show window for 19q. This wook only. The Vatlety Stoe 94 Cesrt St, Aiar M. Wtlcft. Pre CLASSIFIED WANTED. Wanted. Small houso or lot in cast part ot city. Address at onco "W. H," caro of Journal. 4-11-31 Wanted to Loan. I havo monoy to loan, If y5ur title Is good; nothing "but first-class mortgago security wanted. Wyllo A. Moores. 'Phono 2343 Bed. 4-9-3t Wanted, I -want two good teams to work for six weoks at tho flax mills farm, adjoining the asylum. Apply at tho farm. Eugene Bosso. 4-9-3t Wanted. A young man from 17 to 26 years old, to wprk in Dr, Stono's drug storo, and learn tho business. 4-D-3t Wanted. A good girl for gonoral housowork. Apply at Journal offlco. 4-2-3t FOR RENT. For Rent A 7-room house, closo In, room for garden; plenty of fruit Call at 45G Front strcot or, on Geo. Hatch, carrlor No. 1. 4-9-3t FOR SALE. For Sale. English Cluster hop rootsj at $3 per 1000 f. o. b. P. M. Morloy, Sllvorton, Oro. 4-ll-3t For Sale, Throo fresh young milch cows. Gontlo and good milkers. Ap ply to P. Feeloy, 4G3 Center strcot. 4-9-lwk For Sale. My houso, No. 53 Twelfth strcot, 8 rooms, pantry, 5 closets. Hot and cold water, bath, hnrdi fin ished throughout Houso and yard in good condition. Wylio A. Moores. 4-9-3t For Sale. Ono Jersey heifer, 15 months old, or would oxchango for wood. Inquire of Mrs. C. A. Dole, 155 18th Btroet. 4-9-lwk For Sale. 10,500 Bharos of Golden Hulo mining stock at Vt coats por share. Chas. Elgin, O. R. & N. Co, dock, foot Trade street. 4-4-lwlc Cattle for 8ae. 14 head, C to 18 months old. Address J. T, Au-franco-, Salem, Itoutq 3, or call nt F. Lovl's farm, Hall's Forry road. 4-5-lwk For Sale Or trade, a flno 10-acro chicken or fruit ranch; first-class buildings and Improvements; close to school, postofflce, storo and rail way, station. Will trado for city or unimproved farm property. Address "W. J" Caro Journal. 11-5- MI8CELLANEOUS. Cliemlcal Palntlno-MroTMTT. Bald win will glvo instructions In chom leal painting. Supply of paints on hand. ReBtdonco 205 Front Btreot. 4-8-lm Art Class. Miss Lilian Bain has re turned to Salem and Is proparcd to rccelvo classos in drawing, charcoal and oils, outdoor sketching in both oils and charcoal especially. For in formation call on or adtlress No. 77 Commercial street, caro of Mrs. P. B. Strong. 4-11-lwk Rooming House. When you como to Salem, and want a good) night's rest, como to tho Eldrledgo. Quiet, re spectable and good; rooms. No. 302 Commercial street, and phono 2814 Main. 4-9-lwk 8ay Have you tried Edwards & Lusch erfl for rnoats. We havo tho best sausage lu town. Como and try It, and bo conlncod. 410 East State street 8alcm Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best oqulpped company In Sa lem. Piano ard furnituro moving a specialty Office 'phone, 81. W. W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Offlct No. 60 8tato street 9-1-lm Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial street, upstairs Singing school Rudlmeutal and sight roadtug class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th, Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tui tion, $1.00. G. F. Mason JWanufactarer of Berry crates, boxes, inside work for all fruit dryers, and all kinds of shop work. Miller St. Soatn Salem, Phone 2 1 9 i Red MMIWWI HHIHIIIHIIII Your Stepmother Th still tmrn and aa buav aa ever. When your clothes aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako them to her, at the Salem Dyeing and Clenn- U. Tlrtrtra TT Ann I rimy anA t-Alfrtlna. new velvet collar put on overcoats; also rour auiia a moaia ior si. wauea for ani returned. MK8, a H. WALKKS, Prep. 195 Commercial Street PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N. Dr. I. W. Starr omco In Bush & Br building, ovor Oregon 8hoo Stor. Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and '3 to 5 p. m. Calls attended In city e country. Resldonco 'phone 2SSV Bod. 1.5.1 Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter hi found In tho Brey block, 275H Oo morclal Btreot over Oregon Bfee Co. Offlco telophone, 2931;' tmt .donco phono, 2751. Offlco hoar 1 to 12. and 2 to 5. CLEANINQ AND PRESSING. Unique Cleanlno Rooms A. H. Wil liams, successor to Shaw & John son, tho cleaners, Is now located at 209 Commercial street Ho does a gonoral, pressing and repairing bust, ness. Specialties: Skirts, silk walBts, kfd gloves, gouts' clothlny, eto. Phono 2614. 4-1-tf WIRE FENCING. Get Your Poultry Netting, lawn aa field fencing at headquarters, Larg stock to Beloct from. Prices al ways tho lowest Waltor Morley, Salem Fonco Works, CO Court Bt UNDERTAKERS. "sWSSrf'VW Undertakers. Wo carry tho larjjwH and finest lino of undortakor's goolfc In tho city. Prices to suit alL Black and whlto hcarso. Prompt; roltabto. 'Savo monoy by calling at No. 167. A. M. Clough, A. J. Baser. l-6-tf RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 95 8tat street Open day and night 0M 20o meals are hotter than any St houso In tho atato. Six 20a for 91.00 1 21 20a meals for 19.09, LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F. I. 9. p. F. Hall, Saturday each week, t 7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrick, Jr., N. G.J Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary. Salem Camp, No. 116, Woodmen af Mm World Moots in Holman Hall eray Friday at ,fo80 p. m. P. L. Frastar, Consul, Wyllo A. Moores, Secre tary. 1-12-Jjrr Protection Lodge No. 2, AnclwU der United Workmen, meets r)Oi Saturday evening in the HotaM Hall, cornor Stato and LUwrtu; etroets. VI Biting brethren wetoMM. J. a. Graham, M. W.; J. A. geU Rocerder. Valley ledge No. 18, A. O, U. W, Marti In their hall In Holman block, nor Stato and Llborty, overy Mmk day evening. Visiting bretlmil wolsomo. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. it E. Aufranco, Recorder, Central Lodge No. 18, K, cf r Oaa4 Hall In Holman block, cc-raw Matt and Liberty Sta. Teeday- et eaeftj week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Tumetf, C. C.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. itahuUm at America Court wood Foresters No. 10. Hetfei l"ri day In Turner block. H, . Meyer, O. R.j A. L. Brown, Sea Modern Woodmen of America Ote goa Godar Camp No. 5246. MwU overy Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'ola Holman Hall, B. D. Matton, T, P.; A. I Brown, Clork. Q8TEOPATH8. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and 8uf gestlonlst Treats chronic disorders ot tho stomacll. bowelt, llvor, kleV noys; nervous and female disease, lung and throat troublos. D'Aroy Bid!,'.. Stato St Main 2856. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Evan'a Barber Shop Only flrsUlawB Bhop on Stato Btreot BTory Odaf now and up-to-uato. Fluent porj lain hatha. Shave, 15o; haircut Ms i.aha tin Two first-class o blacks. O. W. Bvana, proprietor. O. H. MAOK x- n- t t Ztnunm. IB Bucceusor w w " i.: White Corner. Balom, OMfon. Partjj desiring euperior operaUoM at mo erat foo in any branch aro In esyeci request. For water Borvlco app r t . oe Bills payable montM to jTejw Mae all complaint at the ofllce, : EXPRESS AND TRANSFER, CAPITAL CITY Eipress amd Transfer Meots all mall and passenger twlai n....ra in all twirU of taa city, Prompt sarvlca. Telepaona Nov IH. HICKMAN, HEDRICK HQMYE. WATERCOMPMJY SALEM WATER COMPANY AtTEMiTtT r.iiT nnbM