DAILY 6APITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1904. THREE OULD " 1i K - . rtHfc. turn ON LIGHT Eastern Oregon Coroner Be lieves in making Crime Public (Pendleton Bast Oregonlan.) I Br. W. O. Cole, coroner of Umatilla uunty, In discussing with an East regonlan reporter the matter of the crease of sulcldo among young girls ad the apparent Increase of Immoral ly, uttered some unvarnlBhed truths, follews: "It will be tho policy of the coro- jr's office hereafter to give to tho labile all tho revolting details of Use unfortunate cases. It has been ho policy to conceal from tho sordid lew of the public many details which lould huralllato and wound the feel- Ig of parents and friends, but the Lcrease of Immorality among young len and women Is so appalling that bmethlng desperate must bo dono to lieck the tendency and rob theso Imes of their would-be romantic ipects. "If parents will not or cannot con-, ol their young girls and young sons !io are old enough to know right & That i, Smell If there is anything you need it Is to remove tho death-deal- ; ing sower gas from your houso. Modem Plumbing i ftwlll do this and glvo you com ?fort as well as health. Havo j'your old plumbing inspected land you may Bavo a heavy bill. tURROUGHS & PRASER 105 Stato St, 'Phone 1511 Main. ! www Scrofula It is commonly" Inherited Pew are entirely Wo from It. Palo, -weak, puny children arc afttictcd with it in nlno cases out of ten, and many adults suffer from It. Common indications aro bunches In tho neck, abscesses, cutaneous erup tions, inflamed eyelids, soro cars, rickets, catarrh, wasting, and general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pil(s Eradicate it, positively and absolute ly. Thi9 statement is based on tho thousands of permanent curca thc6o mediclnpo havo wrought. " My daughter had scrofula, with eleven sores on her neck and abont her ears. Hood's Sarsaparilla was highly recommended and Bhe took It and was cored. She Is now In good health." Mas. J. H. Jones, Parker City, Ind. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to euro and koopo tho promlso. from wrong and If tho officials per sist in hiding the worst features of theso escapades from public view, in order to shield them, it will only have a tendency to Increase crime and Im morality, and I believe that It Is best to discourage all such things by giv Ing the details of every case brought to light, so others wh'o are on tho downward path, or aro connected with those In trouble In any way, will be deterred from pursuing the wrong path. "Public sentiment must be turned against these fatal and disgusting af fairs. As long as the worst features of these crimes aro concealed! from public view through respect and pity, many young vllllans will take hope and pursue their wrong course, and perpetrate their crimes In tho belief that it will not be found out on them. "Bxposuro of every person connect ed in any way with crime, and ex posure of all tho revolting details of these crimes, will educate public sen timent to hato and despise that which is now looked upon ns sad, semi-ro mantic affairs that can be half con demned and excused. "Hereafter, what comes to my no tice in examining into such caso3 as havo attracted attention in this city within this year will bo given to tho public, and those whd aro connected with such cases must bear tho dis grace, and dishonor they bring upon themselves." KNOWS WHERE OF HE SPEAKS $1 Jesse Bennett Expjains Why Bioger Hermann Is All Right ' ' '' Mehama, April 9th, 1904. Editor Jeurnal: In your last issuo you took occasion to mention my name as ono of tho old veterans whose interests havo been so kindly looked after by tho Hon. Blngor Hermann, and I de sired to corroborate your statement and add that our representatlvo In congress In my estimation is a truo friend to tho old soldier) and will do 'all In his power to seo that their rights are secured. I trust that not only all tho Grand Army men, but all who aro friendly to them, ns the llttlo band gets less and1 less each year and will soon all bo gone, will do all they honorably can to securo tho rcnomlv nation and election to congress . of such a man who Is ver ready to glvo' hla time and Influence to secure thor Interests of his constituents. Respectfully, JESSE T. BENNETT, o United Mineral Mine Workers. Ishpemlng, Mich., April 11'. Tho United Mineral Mine Workers began its annual convention in Ishpemlng today with a full attendanco of dele gates. Tho sessions will contlnuo through tho greater part of tho week and many questions of importance to tho craft will bo discussed. a" KV'M - .rfv W.1-.- '.WM J1M-rn IW Wf.-- )- Jk-t-!-,' ..y,i f . 4imh y a A.- t& ' J" . Ml f . K-fJC u x - r r -wa'. MM - qr 'v.'fy f $&L Mm ' - - IP i - IY I vyur i Portland and Return Only $2.20. Tho Southern Pacific Is now soiling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday p. m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday In Portland. Tho samo arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought &Utf Bears the Signature of .. K i'l "SB FLOOD VICTIM FOUND. Another Reminder of Heppner Catas trophe Is Discovered. Heppner, Or., April 11. Tho dead body of a man, doubtless a victim of tho Juno flood, was found last Thurs day by Mr. Yocum and two other mon whllo engaged In dlenrlng, away a drift In Willow creek below the Evans place, some two miles below Heppner. As tho drift was a newly formed ono it Is evident that the body had beon washed there by tho recent freshet in tho creek. The body was too badly decomposed for Identification, but fromlho gray beard on ono sldo of tho faco it was Judged to bo tho remains of an elderly man, While tho hands and feet wero gono tho flesh of the body was fairly well preserved, bear ing cvldenco that tho remains had been burled In sand during tho nlno and a half months since tho flood and were washed out by tho freshet last week. Some aro of tho belief tho remains aro that of a Btago driver who suddenly disappeared from Hep pner bo mo threo months ago and has not since been heard of, but tho gen oral nppcaranco of tho body found do not warrant such conclusion, OAMTOXtXA.. Ita Kted YhHiw Always BwgM Setntto ,iiMHnwm.wMWflrj State Makec Money. Thoro aro 323 occupants in tho stato penitentiary, a number having boon received during tho last week. Four of theso woro United States prisoners, for whoso board tho stato recolvea, $4 per weok per man, and as threo oC them nro under six year scnteuqes,. anil ono will do tlmo four years, tho. stato will receive $4,488 as compen sation for looking after Unplo Sam's criminals. Tho cost to tho Btato for boarding thaso convicts will not ox cecd $725 for tho entlro tlmo, and It will net a neat profit from tho govern-, ment. The White Home Can giro, you a good meal any kern of tho day or night BBBBBBBBBBBBBK 8HBBBGEBBBEBEB SG3 Our Great Opportunity Sale n & Commences Tuesday Morning April 1 2 The OPPORTUNITY presented itself, we embraced it. It is now up to the people to take advantage of this OPPORTUNITY. Out huye has jtst returned horn Portland where he made the ptitchase that enables us to do f ot Salem and stttnotmding country that which has never before been attempted on so grand a scale. The Oregon Furniture Mfg Co., 208-2 10 1 st St., Portland having decided to drop all East ern made furniture and confine themselves wholly to manufacturing gave us the tip that a great sacrifice price was being placed on all eastern goods in order to quickly clear their warerooms for the new leasees who are already moving in. Their sacrifice lines include hon Beds, Odd Desses, Dining Tables, Buffets, Side Boards, Chairs, Rockers, Parlo Tables, Etc. This stock is bright and new and no shop worn sample will appear among it. This is the OPPORTUN ITY of the season to buy fine furniture at jobbers prices. Make it a point to investigate this great OP PORTUNITY and do it early in the week. The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St., Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores Salem and Albany i 6 3:-3S3SQSS-SSS3BS&S&SSBS j t 'tfHiJL s