-i-jw&w '-;?V"" 5T"''"r'" ' ITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FFtlDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. TOUR DAILY CAP i i ii mimm MMMM 1! 1 Iti V ' ' m : fr.'. r w. .. 1V" K, - E. B" - EV ' R: t v HI,' Iv- i i- I ..; COMMANDER BOOTH TUCKER VISITS THE COAST Is Interested in a Bill Before Congress for the Coloniza tion of Arid Land Commander F. Booth Tuckor, head of fao Salvation Army in tho United States, arrived in tho city this morn 3ns, and Is at the Willamette He la on a tour of the continent, having left 9ils headquarters In Now York City 3arcli 4th, accompanied by a party of a dozen prominent workers of the .Anny. Commandor Tucker Is a pleas ant man, democratic and polite in manners, reminding one of a polished Southern gentleman, with a rich mel low accent, almost musical In tone. A short talk with blm would convince any ono that he has a wide experience with all classes of humanity, bb ho as xoadlly grasps questions of political as 1hosc of a religious nature. When Tho Journal reporter called at tho hotel 4hls morning the commander was busi ly ongagod dictating correspondence Ho his stenographer, who travels with ttho party. "I carry headquarters with ane," explained tho commander, in n lialt apologetic way, as ho reforred to tho many books, papers and letters that wcro piled up on tho desks and tables, but ho Immediately desisted Iran lib labors and chatted pleasantly 'with his visitor concerning his trip. ""I am killing two birds with ono ratono, said tho religious ahd philan thropic loader, "and I am mooting "with much encouragement. Slnco Heaving Now York I havo visited 21 cities In tho Kast and South, and wo Imvo had largo meetings at every point, Whllo 1 desire to see tho work of tho Army In tho West, yot I am '.largely Interested nt tho present time in tho bill which 1 havo before con Ijross, Tho mcasttro was introduced by Senator Hoar, nnd provides for tho tfdrmntlon of a colonization bureau, tinder tho direction of a commission or of colonization, In connection with 'the Interior department. Tho bureau will collect valuablo information for sottlorm and furnish thorn with this Xroo of charge. At tho present time Intondlng settlers are compelled to (take tho word of railroad companies, real ostato in on or others who have Trivnto lnterosts at stake, nnd often vtlino aro misled, and causod to spend scanty funds in traveling over the country looking for a location, This would bo unnecessary under the Bye torn proposed by tho bill, as tho com missioner nnd his assistants would xathcr reliable data. Tho bill proposes to advanco to bona fide settlors' from 3G0i) to $1000 In cash and materials for the purpose of enabling worthy but poor families to make homos for them selves upon tho land. Thousands of men with families aro In tho congest cd, cltlos, eking out a miserable oxlst onco, when, if they had a team and wagon, a cow or two, nnd a little shack to llvo In, they would bocomo well-to--do nnd valuablo citizens. Our expe rience In tho colonization business on tibloa mo to sponlc authoritatively on tho subject, nnd I know that this class of peaplo aro only too glad to got awny from tho poverty and dogreda tlon of tho crowded cltlos. with Ihoir oys aud girls. The government, un der our bill will Issue gold bonds to run 50 years to the amount of $50,000, 000, at tho rato of $5,000,000 a year, and will assist families to establish homes, wh.ich shall not exceed 40 acres of irrigated land, or 80 acres of non-irrigated land. Tho settlors will pay for tho places In small an nual installments covering a period of 16 years. Tho late Senator Hanna was to havo Introduced our bill, but his untimely death prevented It. The measure Is copied after tho Now Zea land law, which has been In operation olght years and has resulted In much good. Over $18,000,000 havo been loaned to tho people In that little Isl and with only a population of 700,000, and tho government could not loan tho balance of the $25,000,000, ns private parties would furnish money on oven hotter terms, nftor tho government entered tho market nnd forced tho money loaners to deal with tho people. "I have just received n lottor from K. W. Scrlpps, manager of the Scrlpps News Agency, asking for detailed in formation regarding our plan and promising his assistance In tho work through his nowspapor syndicate. Othor prominent men, including Sen ntor Penrose, of Pennsylvania, have Interested themselves nlong these lines and aro doing great good for tho measure. Tho Salvation Army has three colonies of their own In tho United States in Ohio, Colorado and California and tho success that has attended our efforts In this di rection has been unprecedented. Two of the colonies aro on arid land and were only 30 stations and less than 300 officers In the world; " ? With tho commander are Col. Geo. French, of Now York, and Col. M. Holland, of Colorado; Lieutenant-Colonel Thbmas Scott, LleutenanUJoIoncl Annlo Osborne, Captain Dorothy Gra ham, Moteo Booth-Tucker; the com mander's daughter; Ensign E3ther Dammes, Ensign Bessie Dickens, Ad intnnt Hansen. Cant. William Smith and wife. Capt Smith is better knowrf as "Turkey Point Billy," a noted prize fighter, who has engaged In over 100 battles In the sawdust arena. Commander Tuckor, assisted By his party, will give his lecture, "Love and Sorrow," at the opera, house tonight. MOHLER WILL BE MISSED I ! .1 f His Efforts Were Successful in Doing Great Good for Oregon Tho people of tho Inland Empire havo begun to realize what has been dono for them In the mattor of im provement of transportation facilities during tho past four or Ave years. At a banquet given in Portland Saturday night by citizens to tho retiring presi dent of tho O. R. & N Mr. A. L. Mohler, the statements wero mado that during his administration of that property which was emerging from bankruptcy when he took hold of It, ho has laid 462 miles of 80 and 90 pound steel rails on tho main line, eliminated curvos substituted steel for wooden bridges, built new tunnels laid concrete culverts, ballasted tho lino with gravel, equipped tho road with modern locomotives, gonoral roll ing stock, new dining cars and coaches. Tho line Btands today tho equal of any of tho trunk lines and is a credit to tho company, Mr. Moli, ler, and tho state. Thoso who havo carefully observed transportation matters In tho state for a period of 15 or 20 years say that no isuch re construction work has evor been ac complished horo before, Mohler prac tically took hold of a now proposi tion and besides tho work mentioned has rebuilt portions of the Spokane 269 LIBERTY STREET. LIBERTY 8TREET. 269 LIBERTY 8TREET. The House Fumlskkkg Co, The Economical Dealers k&&4 lOIIItSiil Ladles' desks In oak, bird's oyo maplo and mahogany. Oaks Aro finished golden, weatherol and Antwerp. Dressers of modern build vary in many respects from thoso of a few yoars ago. Wo aro show ing the now shape3. You should avail yourself of the op portunity to Bee them. i isiuius iuuiuo uiu uo longer couWer. cd complete, without a sideboard or buffets. Wo show a large line of then Thoy aro bright and new and shoald pleaso you. Riparla line, and consummated plans about $300,000 havo been expended In! for branch lino work In different sec- Washington. Our couches and lounges aro built for wear. Wo use tho best form of sanitary all steel under construction, which Insures upright springs. We make Davenports, odd chairs, hall sets, or anything In tho upholstery line. Go-carts that please tl bi oies, tho parents and thtl grandparents. All the neil gears and adjustments THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty Street. STORES SALEM AND ALBANY settling some 400 men, women nnd children on those lands. Tho. farms avorago 20 acres and tho colonists aro solf-supporting nnd contented. On ono colony thoro are now three schools, four teachers and 170 school children. Families who started five years ago without a cent havo now from $2000 to $5000 worth of real and personal property," Commander Tuckor Is 51 years of ago nnd his long, wavy hair, with a high full forohead gives him the ap pearance of a man of art or literature moro than tho commander of a mighty religious forco. Ho was born In Mon ghyr, Bengal, Infiln, and was a small boy when tho mutiny broke out. His family sought sholter on an armod stenmor In tho Ganges at tho outbreak of hostilities. Young Tuckor was sent to England to school and studied for tho civil servlco, returning to In dia, to ontor that branch of tho gov ernment work. Ho oho day road of tho Salvation Army and traveled to England In 1881 to enlist In tho or ganization. Later ho married a daughtor of General William Booth, who founded tho army, but sho was killed In a railroad accident Inst Oc tobor. Ho Is a cousin of tho Virginia Tuckers, who havo played an Import ant part In the politics of that stato and of tho nation slnco early days. At tho presont time tho Salvation Army has 7000 stations nnd 15.000 ofllcers, though nt tho timo of Com mander Tucker's enlistment thero tlons of Oregon nnd Added to this ho has increased tho carrying capacity of the Oriental steamship line botweon Portland and Jnpan and China by adding new steamers to tho fleet and changing old steamers for boats of larger ca pacity. Mr. Mohler leavoB Oregon with a clear record as one of tho best trans portation managers tho west has over j soon and whllo his loss is deeply re- grotted by all the business interest. i EnforceS LaWS Against Deer of tho stato nnd especially thoso oft .,,.. , . tuners in josepnine VIGILANT GAME WARDEN PERSONALS. Miss Tessle Salem friends. Dont Is visiting with MALARIA Germ Infected Air. Malaria. Is not confined exclusively to the swamps and marshy regions of the country, hut wherever there is bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors nd gases from sewers, and the musty nir of damp cellars are laden with the genus of this miserable disease which arc breathed into the lungs nnd taken up by the ' Wood and transmitted to every part of the lody. Then yon begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the cause. No energy or appetite, dull henduches. sleepy and tired and completely fagged out from the slightest exer tion, are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling malady. As tlie disease progresses nnd the blood becomes more deeply poisoned, boils nnd nliscesses and dark or ycglow spots appear upon the skin. When the poison Is i-fr tn ferment and the microbes and irenns to multiply in the blood, Liver nnd Kidney troubles and other serious complications often Arise. As Malurio, begins nnd develops in the blood, the treatment to be v"" fctfective ,uus begin there too. S. S. S. destroys " j f , J f-"J tho genus ami poisons aim punues uie pouuiea Uiuuu, linn iiiiui'i na luutv vu.h iiie ucuiiuumi constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is booh clear of nil signs of this depressing disease. ,sJ '1 J k" J constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is ;S. S. S. ia a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and Uiarmlcss. Write ua if you want jueuicai Riwce or any special jmorma iiott about your caic. This will cost you nothing. me swtfrwctFtc co,, Arthur, tho Inland Gmplro, which has felt tho effects of his work In overy line of business and department of develop ment work, ho will bo followed to his now fleldl of labor by tho best wishes of all. Oregon is on tho ovo of greater things in tho near future and tho way has boon prepared by tho transportation facilities already mado for tho Inland Gmplro by tho O. R. & N, and tho plans they havo for future work. Rates for freight and passon gor traffic havo beon voluntarily re duced and tho whole schemo of bet torment of service Is with the vlow of cheapening tho cost of transpor tation to producers and consumers. Tho policy tho Harrlman systora has Inaugurated and so successfully carried out by President Mohler, who steps to tho gonoral managership of tho Union Pacific, will bo fully de veloped and consummated In all! de tails by his successor, General Man ager E. E. Calvin, who camo to Ore gon n railroad man of largo ability, largo experience and a citizen of tho greatest attainments. & County Glendale, April 8. (Special) About two weeks ago the gamo warden heard that two men wero unlawfully killing deer about 16 or 20 miles from Glen dale, Douglas county. Ho at onco wrote to special deputy G. W. Lewis, of Josephine county, to Investigate tho alleged violations, and also appoint ed (especially for tho trip) W. R. Wil liams, of Jackson county, to assist Mr. Lewis. They woro successful In capturing a man by tho namo of Miller and one by tho namo of Wheol or. They also took what deer hides thoy could pack out with them. Thoy wero taken to Glendale and each pleaded guilty and was fined $25 each. Tho White Houso Can give you a good meal any koui jot tho day or night MHMmIIMHHIMMHIMtMIIHmMWMMIM Eagle Bicycles H. L. Moroland, of Portland, was tho city last night. In George Forstner, of Portland, was In tho city today. John A. DIttor, the Sublimity mer chant, was In tho city today, en routo homo from a business trip to Portland. South Salem Personals. Mlsd Gortrude McBee went Corvallls today for a visit with 1 parents. . Mrs. George Broker returned to t homo In Ashland, after a short i with South Salem friends. jl He Wrote Names. Walter Rice was brought to tie fl 'ltentlnry today from Wanco couiJ under sentonce of two years for foij ery. Superior Line of Hand made CHOCOLATE CREAMS at The Spa !He Was i Bankrupt We wero asked to make an offer to buy out the stock of i HavilancJ German China, Fitted with Aluminum Rims. When vou feav a bicycle you -vv-ant to figure ahead, how much Is it going ; to cost to Keep it in repair i The Rims ! used on Eagle Bicycles never go to pieces nor warp. I come in ana let us snow you I XJ?.-. l- TJ!..-jr i Salem Gtm Store 1 Paul H. Hauser, Ptop. Semi-Porcelain dollar, t Of a merchant In anothor town. We bid 25c on tho to our surprlso, wo got tho stock. ' nr,. . i ...- ' ' "v. i.n.olna ns is B1 uuw inujiuao iu jjive our puiroua suuu wait,""- . .- .., cerate taMa uuureu in largo cuios oven, samples arc orraBseu " v for your Inspection. On Saturday wo will announce sonfe prices that will aiton t v Como early for first choice, Yokohama Tea Slope M. BREDEMEIER, Proprietor 'Phon 241 1 Rfarlr Free DeMf S lJl iiiiiiiiiiiniminnHHiiiniiiM