Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 07, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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J i
it&dal lCjage of
be taih journal
Vcrlpps Newo Association Telegrams.
Publlahod ovory aftoraoon cxcpot Sunday at 197 Commercial street
'Subscription terms:
Dally one year, $4.00 In advance; dally threo months, $1.00 In advance;
aally by carrier, 50o per month; weekly ono year, $1.00 In advance.
' Ono wook 10c; ono month. 35c; threo months $1.00.
At Journal office; at Daue'a nrocery, South Salem; at Bowereox' grocery,
Yew Park; Asylum Avenuo Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State a
street .
lnglo Copies Price 6 cents. Prlco to newsboys 2'2 cents por copy.
To Mall Subscribers Tho into when you oubscrlttlon expires la on the
eddroM lobol of each papor. When that date arrives, If your subscription
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Entered at tho postofflce at 8alem, Oregon aa second-claw matter.
Bates of Local Events.
Thursday, April 7th, Polk county
Republican primaries.
J Wednesday, April 13, Congression
al convention, first district, Salem.
Thursday, April 14, Marlon county
(Democratic convention.
Thursday, April 14, Itopubllcan
'ntato convention at Portland.
Tuesday, April 19, Democratic state
convention at Portland.
Juno 1G, 1C and 17, Department of
Oregon O. A. R., In annual reunion" at
Hood River.
If you become a nun, dear,
, A friar I will bo;
fin any coll you run, dear,
Pray look behind for mo.
"Tho roses all turn pale, too;
Tho dovo3 all tako tho veil, too;
Tho blind will seo tho show;
What! you become a nun, my dear,
-I'll not bellevo it, no!
It you becomo a nun, dear,
Tho Bishop Lovo will bo;
Tho Cupids, every ono, dear,
Will chant, "We trust In theo!"
'TrhoMnconsirwIll go sighing,
Tho candles fall n-dylng,
"The water turn to wine,
Whatl you to tako tho vows, my
You may but they'll bo mlno.
Leigh Hunt.
Tho last city oloction was carried
upon a distinctively progressive plat
form to build up and beautify greater
Thoso who chargotl that Salem was
:a wldo-opon town, run solely In tho ln
toroats of the gamblers and tho saloon
.Icoopors were defeated at tho polls.
Tho proposition to spend largo sums
t)f money In prosecutions, litigation
and mornl-wavo policies gonorally was
not endorsed at tho polls.
On the other hand, men wore elect
ed who wora looking after tho gonornl
business Interests of tho city, and who
would build at least ono docent street
during the Waters administration.
If thero are porsons who caro more
for placing ono saloon keeper or one
Rumbler behind tho bars than they do
for the giowth and upbuilding of the
city, tho3o porsons nro a minority.
Will tho present city administration
waste tlmo, energy and public reven
ues In catering to this minority, or
will they piocoed upon tho platform
aipon which they wero elected?
Tho Journal bollovos they will do
the latter. Go to work oarnostly to
mako Sulcm a clean city
Tako a census of Creator "Salem,
Mako the dead nnd unimproved
property bear a sharo of tho bunion
of public improvements.
Then tho value of all property will
Incroaso, and Salem will bocomo tho
host resldonco city In the Northwest.
In conversation with n enrpuntor
-yodtorduy. he stnttul that ho hud boen
out of work for six wooks.
Ho did not know when lie would get
employment. AS HE WAS WAITING
Many people besides tho carpenters,
nro waiting for "orders from the
It rumalu'8 with tho carpoutors'
union to say whether there shall bo n
general era of building In this city or
Tho situation Is this: Tho great
bulk of people, who want to build, do
not understand tho union, and many
of them distrust tho unions,
Thero must bo a better understand
ing, and all distrust of tho Union must
bo removed, if there Is to bo general
employment of men In tho building
trades of Salem this year.
Tho carpenters' union should, at an
early date, take action to remove tho
mlsnuderstandlng, nnd destroy tho
prejudice that now exists.
Our city Is suffering from this mis
understanding, and from this preju
dice In many dlfforent wnys.,
Many people nro hesitating about
building, bocauso they do not know'
what they are "up against."
If wo nro to have a general era of
building prosperity, thero must bo an
effort mndo to removo thoso restric
tions from which our community Is
wheel of the ship of progress with tho
steadiest hand and stoutest heart.
The man of Independent means, be
ho young or aldj Is out of sympathy
with the real emotions and environ
ment of the masses. He views tho
common lot only as he looks Into a
hpuso through windows. He knows
tho common life only as one who
dwells in the hills knows the life of
tho valleys.
Tho great movements of human
progress have seldom originated with
men of independent means. They
havo sprung from tho heart of com
mon people. Tho great leaders of
men have come up from tho soli.
What we need in public life, and In
private life, too, Is not tho man "rich
enough, to resist temptation," but tho
man honest enough to despise It, the
too true in his sympathies to mistake
public good and too quick In his In
telligence to bo misled.
Wealth confers many blessings up
on Its possessor, but It never yet
gave him brains or morality, though
it often robs him of both and much
else besides. Baker City Democrat.
This does not rotor to all tho veter
ans of tho Republican party, although
they aro almost a unit for Blnger Her
mann. It refers to tho votorans of the
Grand Army, the Indian War Veterans
and all who havo faithfully sorved
In tho wars of our country.
Many of these havo had a practical
Illustration of whut It means to havo
an efficient man to represent them In
Thero Is Uncle Jesso T. Bennett, of
Mehama, for whom a bill has just
passed both houses of congress, and
been signed by tho President. It will
give tho old preacher and1 red-hot pro
hibitionist $30 a month for tho rest
of his life.
As Blugor Is neither a lawyer, nor
practicing at any other profession, he
can glvo such llttlo matters his per
sonal attention.
The old veterans will be In the con
gressional convention which will be
held In Salem, both aa spectators and
Thoy aro not clamoring as loud for
a young man In congress as some of
tho othor politicians, but thoy nro
loyal Republicans, and will help elect
tho nominee of tho convention.
The Eugene Guard says: "What
sort of a heart is It that will permit
tho young boy or girl to sneak In
premises, under cover of darkness, as
if he wero doing an act that he would
bo ashamed to commit In broad day
light, and strip a flower bed of its
blossoms? A flowor bed which, per
haps somo aged or decrepit old lady
has faithfully labored to bring to per
fection that she might enjoy a few of
the beauties of nature that ago pre
vents her going out and beholding
elsewhere than In her own yard.
Shame on the youths who will and
havo committed such sneaking thiev
ery. Why not come up In the light
of day and ask for tho privilege of
taking what you are too indolent to
cultivate, and thereby save your
selves from breaking tho command
ment, which says, 'Thou shalt not
steal.' "
house with 12,000 bushels of wheat,
1500 bushels of oats. There was somo
Insurance, but the loss is still $2500
A man Jn Arkansas was recently
tried for assault and battery with an
Intent to kill. The Btato brought Into
court as tho weapons used, a rail, ax,
gun, pair of tongB, saw and rifle. The
defendant's council exhibited as tho
other man's weapons, a scythe blade,
pitchfork, pistol, dog, razor and hoe.
The Jury decided tho caso as follews:
"We, the Jury, would have given a
dollar to see tho light."
Less than 15 years ago General
Dick, tho nowly elected Republican
United States senator, was the pro
prietor of a feed storo In Akron, un
known and poor. Ho is today ono of
tho best-known political leader f In
tho country. Ho was accorded tho
highest honor In tho gift of his party
In Ohio, and that, too, without pre
liminary campaign and bargaining.
'He Is tho first poor man elected to
tho senate In more than a quarter of
a century, slnco tho days of .the old
Rdjnan. .
When President Hadley, of Yalo,
said that tho public life of this coun
try needs a largo body of young men
of indopondont moauB, ho was tnflu
oncod, It la to bo feared, by the In
tero3ts of his own hundreds of young
men of Independent means.
Theoretically tho young man of In
dopondont means Is tho young mnn
o canjjost afford to devoto hlmsolf
to tho public service. But, In prac
tical fact that Is Just tho kind of
young man which tho public can least
afford to hao In chargo of Its analrsv
Tho young mnn without means, but
with tho right stuff In him sees llttlo
satisfaction for himself In tho pub
lic sorvioo, oven In tho way of bare
living; manufacture commerce
ttnance, and tho professions offer him
far more glittering attractions.
And, yet. this young man, fresh
from toll, with tho Inspiration that
comes of empty hands, and with sym
pathies undoflled. Is tho ono who
through all history has hold the pilot
Over 60 years old I Think of
It! Honesty, merit, power to
cure, these are the reasons.
Ask your dector. bS;&!$!2?.
Tho politicians of tho Coos-Curry
district will know that R. D. Hume has
been In the raco for Joint senator be
fEoro ho gets through with them.
Thet Japs aro still a-japplng, and the
Russians are not a-rushln'.
Well, Malcolm Moody has the satis
faction of having carried a great
many of tho Eastern Oregon delega
tions. John McCourt's friends In Marlon
county will appreciate tho following
from a Pendleton paper, on district
atterney: "Rather than stand by
John McCourt, a moral and conscien
tious man, whose principles are too
sacred to bo bartered away for a nom
ination, it lo arranged to throw him
down, because of his morality, and
nominate a man who will bid for tho
gambling voto."
What senso Is there, anyway, In
breaking Into tho present Oregon del
egation? The Orcgonlan candidates for con.
gross have been very strong In "tho
Carrie Nation nnd Candidate Hearst
soem to bo rapidly disappearing from
tho public horizon. -
Tho Marlon county Itopubllcan ticket
Is a good ono nnd It Is only a question
of majority. The domocrats realize
this nnd tholr nominations will bo
empty honors conforred on n few of
tho faithful.
Tho people of Salem want more
factories nnd thoy will got them. In
dustries ndd to tho wealth of tho
city moro than nny ono thing to make
a community prosperous and substan
tial. Tly equanimity of some newspa
pers at all tho trusts Is complotofy
upsot "when It comes to tho papor
trust. An advance on print papor "of
one-third In two years Is "robboryi"
Thero Is Btlll time to pruno tho no
lltlcal pumpkin vines nfter the first
frost. Pruned too early, they are apt
to Bprout again.
At Buyer a nr destroyed a ware-
'Paid Double Taxes.
Tho most liberal man In Oregon has
been found by Sheriff Worth Houston,
of Linn county, says an Albany corre
spondent. A few days ago tho sheriff
received a letter from a resident of
ono of tho smaller cities In this coun
ty asking as to tho 'man's Indebted
ness for taxes. The sheriff sent In re
sponse to the letter a statement show
ing the Inquirer's indebtedness In de
tali, the total amount duo being $42.05.
Yesterday a second letter was received
from tho same taxpayer, returning the
sheriff's statement, and enclosing n
check for Just double tho amount of
taxes duo, $84.10. This Is the first
caso on record In Linn county that a
man voluntarily paid more taxes than
the amount assessed against him, tho
rule being that citizens complain at
the rate of taxation, and think It ought
to be much less than It Is, and In many
cases tho sheriff is directly blamed
with making tho rate so high. Sheriff
Huston thinks ho has found a jewel,
and declares tho man who is so liber
al In sottllng his taxes must surely bo
a good Democrat.
Almost Commits Murder.
Reno, Nov., April 7. Frank Golden,
A Victim to Duty. Discovery of a Russian outpost frozen to death w
the Corean frontier.
Kilil mow
T" yjJim
Hff 1 Sl
Captain Burnsldo Wlnslow, of tho
Yale University baseball team. Yale
plays tho first gamo of her season
with Georgetown, at Washington,
March 31st.
tho man who made a million In the
Tonopah mine, and Invested his for
tune largely in Reno real estate, took
a shot at J. G. Martin, lessee of tho
Golden lodging house late last night.
Ho was arrested on n chargo of as
sault with Intent to commit murdar,
and wns released on $500 ball. Golden,
after his release on bail disappeared,
and all efforts to reach him wero un
availing. Golden met Martin on the stairway
of tho Golden block, and, after somo
words over a civil suit brought by
Martih's wife, over the leaie, ho
struck Martin over tho head with a
pistol and then shot at him without
Julius L. Herron, secretary and bus
iness representative of Governor
Sparks, appeared on the scene Just ns
Golden's pistol was pressed against
Martin's abdomen and Golden was
about to fire. Herron bravely Inter
fered and disarmed the millionaire.
The affair has created a big natta
hero, for Golden le one of the h?it
kuuwu uuu uesi iiKoa men In Nenfc
How's This?
, Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars h
ward for any case of Catarrh tk
cannot ue curea oy Hall's Catatri
Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO,
Toledo, Ohio"
Ws, tho undersigned, have toon
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 Tttj
ana ueuevo mm perrectly honontj
In all business transactions and fim
dally able to carry out any oMa
tlons mndo by their firm.
WEST & TRAUX, Wholesale Drt,
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ob
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken W
nnlly, acting directly upon the to
and mucous surfaces of the systes
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c je
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the b?st
;New Goods Attiving Daily
New Lawns, New Cfaamfeay
ji New Challies 5c yd, Jfi,
j New Waist Satins 25c a yd
i .
i i New styles Spring Millinery
I A beautiful display, fine quality, reasonable prices.
Rosteiti & Gt eenbatim
! 302 Commercial Street.
&aMMt)tt8f eeasoe) womimm
I , V; !
y)f fae
X M .. . .. t,M I
Do What We Uaim
Wo guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Botanlci) i
Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctor!
have failed, such as cancer, tumorsj (external and Internal) Gral
kidney, bono diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatto, j
dropsy, and diabets, appendiclt.s havo. never yet failed, andfemilej
diseases, all tho foregoing without tho knlfo, or plaster or poison,
and with no pain to tho patlont whatever.
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free.
D. F J. Cook
301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon.
Formerly of Omrha, Neb.
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Haitt & Lawrence
If not, you are away behind the .times.
Howover, they are &
VlH w
ways glad to sco new patrons, and ff you call on them, you '"
moro than pleased. You will find them at tho corner of Commwc
and Ferry streets.
MW8aSQ6 ZG9 tt M
Captain Walter Clarkson. of the
Harvard University baseball team.
Harvard will nni . - . ....
n.u ,.. ooueuu April
8th with a game In Cambridge with
.-w w-.,.Dto OI Vermont. Subse
fluently the Harvard team will meet
Georgetown, tho University of Virgin
ia!. Annapolis, West Point, Holy Cross
Prlnceon. Bowdoln. tho Carlisle Indl'
ana and a numher nt Dn,nn.,
" uncr cunegeB.
the season winding up with tho annu-
HI .tAm ...lit- a
4., i !. .. ,.,....., , ii inHvH
Wholesale and Retail Family Liquor Store
cviMinuciM, noncommercial axreei.
; Full fine of liquors nnd wines. Codarbroolc whisky formerly
inii.i i , ... . . . .. ... , mind una c !
-. .vuuci urauu me nest lor family uso. All oraers
. , uverea m tho city limits. 'Phono Main 1151.
ft n - '-iwini miLvn Ct
n,MA7(S,B'.,.. ...V"tUA 0 CW
rvvu bui.ct guv liner. viu Euxranicc bii TTu-
mz, pressing sea repaint-.
tt 8
.. vuiw. wun xaie, .
f llJIll-Ci.Jtlat)t.lIWlll4
w -A .itfWk
li.tlkjl I ?WnW&t
JL -J -j