wHPr vsj it j j w v ""VwlHSIHF ? J. BLYOAHTAL JOURNAL VOL. XIV. . m 8ALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1904. CONGRESSIONAL SITUATION IS CLARIFYING $j Be Hermann, Harris or Half a Dozen Dark Horses Williamson Winning Out in Eastern Oregon All Depends on the Western Oregon Com binations Whether the Present Or egon Delegation Is Broken Into Or Not This Year NO. 82. 1 1 i UNITED RAILWAYS MAKE CONCESSION !l The congressional situation In this district has not yet uecomo entirely clear. The supporters of BIngor Hermann 'are confident that ho will win out in the fight for renomlnation. His -success will depend In a large Wasure upon the actions of the con tentions held this week. If ho gains delegates In tho remaining counties, Ha proportion as ho has bo far, his domination Is a foregone conclusion. The Uoseburg Plalndealer to day nnounces tho follewing: "The Plalndealer is able to state Jhat the Hon. Dinger Hermann will go Into the congressional convention of he first district with from 100 to 105 Relegates pledged to him for renomi- nation." Indications are that Linn and Jose ihJne will go to tho Hermann col ran. In the Second District. Indication aro that enforcement of he unit rule at Portland, where the rlmarles wero carried' on a distinct ssue, will glvo the nomination to Wil liams. The Dalles, Chronicle says: Wll- uason has tho delegate!! from. Baker, Umatilla, 16; Crook, 4; Grant, 7; Barney (divided) sure, 3; Morrow, C; ierman, 4. Total, 64. If Moody re- tlves tho remainder of tho ' vote. Men Is very doubtful, he will .only are 40. In this tabulation wo have ot counted In Columbia and Clatsop, which will send 19 votes, all assuredly or Williamson. Big Politics Involved. As a matter of hard, cold fact, there more politics Involved in the first strict congressional convention than In all the rest of tlo stato combined. The fate' of future senatorial aspira tions, and1 places on the state ticket In 1900, will be affected' by the result. Conservative Republicans fear that to retire Hermann a second time, af ter his hard-won victory of last year, will bo to disorganize the party gen erally in Western Oregon, and es pecially In Southern Oregon. k no is KnocKea out as congress man his friends will seek revenge, and will present him as a candidate for congress or the senate on tho direct nomination plan, two years hence. The Harris Candidacy. Tho friends of Hon. L. T. Hnrris, of Lane county, are very porsistent and plausible In pressing his, nomination. Their argument is mainly that a new man will be taken up sooner or later, and that It will bo a gain to the dis trict to nomlnato hlmi now. Mr. Harris has tho advantage of be ing on the ground, and is personally conducting his canvass. It Is only fair to say that ho is mak ing a bigger showing than any one ox pected ho would. Ho has tho advantage of this being a presidential year, when there Is a great deal of trading stock lying around loose, and every delegate can bo promised some future emolument. There aro a great many local poli ticians, who will tradb their vote to a candidate for congress, or his manag ers, In tho hope of future considera tion. Combinations are being attempted, in addition to federal patronage, that reach into state and district politics. Attempts aro being made in the I Imported Operatives Will Not Be Pre- I pared tor Service by Trainmen Company Prepares for Future Trouble San Francisco, April 7. No effort was made this morning to force the United Railways' trainmen to break An Imported men, In oppo sltlon to the ultimatum handed tho company by the union on Wed nesday, and which led to the fear that a strike might be precipitated at almost any moment. In anticipation, however, of trouble when the wage scale Is taken up on May 1st, the company arranged this morning to have Imported men broken In by Its train dispatchers, . department superintendents and other employes whose positions do not compel them to belonrj to tho union. Heavy wire screens are being placed. over the car barn windows. i. . . . . . ounKs are Being put up In barns and. wagon loads of provisions being taken In. are JAPANESE FLEET AGAIN MENACES PORT ARTHUR faaaf t awatmief it o5 WRECKS WERE FATAL Collisions on Eastern Rail roads Cause Loss of Several Lives Chicago, April 7. By a rear-end col lision at Melrose Park, early this morning, between the Chicago & Northwest Omaha express and a fast mall train, three Nebraska Indians were killed, and 23 persons Injured, three fatally. Engineer Soreraan, of thjd express was slightly injured. Tho express train, which was 20 minutes late, had been stopped by a block, when it was run Into by tho fast mall, which was traveling at a high speed. There was a dense fog at the time of tho catastrophe. (Continued on elgth page.) ym8caaf g In Spite of the bad weather out sales for March this year show an increase of Mo c Than 3 1 Pet Cent Oier tho same month last year. Our increase for January was over 40 per cent. Our Increase for February waa over 55 per cent. Out Dy Goods Department Is a great success. We have tho right goods. Tho prices aro right, because wo cut tho "regular stores" profits in two. Wo have tho confidence of our cus tomers. There's a newness about our ! Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Waists and Silks lhat attracts tho best dressers. You'll not find any relics of uygone s In our line. Another shipment of that "Scotch Nub Suiting" at 11.05 Just in. Tho identical goods has been matchod in another Salem ore at $l 35. Is 30c per yard worth saving? . That "Perspiration Proof" kid glove at $1.45 is what tho ladies hve been wanting. It Is a featuro you don't find in gloves at other stores. The New Yot fc Racket H one of the largest Btocks of now shoes in the valley. 178 Cases of Shoes Received during tho past few weeks for spring trade, and we have we coming. Our customers find them reliable. They're maae " "xxJern lasts. That's, why we ell more shoes than most shoe stores. Ken's Ciothino- !... O ... i.il.t1, .In. X me newest fabrics, cut In tho proper patterns, wiro nair.tu ..- '"s. xnat makes a eult keep ito Bhape. Tho mothers an Know 10 ttt the Newet Nobbv 8tvlea In Boys' Clothing. Hats You want tho rf.. .fconrm nn.i vn want a auallty that will keep shape. That's tho kind we soil. Sfck, Neckties Krerythlng in ladles.' and men's furnishings. ..,,, WR SPOT CASH PLAN OF BUSINESS ENABLES U8 TO UNDER- " REGULAR STORES. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Pnrkersburg, W. Va., April 7. The westbound D. & O. express collided with a fast freight train at 2 o'clock this morning In a tunnel near West Union. Freight Conductor Ford was instantly killed, and Freight Engin eer Pennington and Fireman Thorn dale wero fatally injured, while Pas senger Englneor Schaefer and his fire man, Dean, received serious injuries. Several passengers were Bllghtly Injured, CENSUS UP TO DATE United States Has Eighty Millions In Round Numbers Washington, April 7. Tho consus department announces tho total pres ent population, exclusive of Alaska or islands, 79,900,389. Increase over 1900, 395,314. 8an Francisco has 355,919; Now York, 3,710,139; Chicago, 1,873,850; Phiianphla, l,3C7.;7I0J"St. .Louis, 600, 00r Cleveland, 414,950; Cincinnati, 332,934. Dy states, New York has 7, 500,000; Pennsylvania, C.500,000; Illi nois, 5,000,000; Texas, 3,000,000, hav ing passed Missouri. Only 22 statos now have less than a million 'population. Russian Admiralty Today Advise the Czar That the Enemy!& Squadron Has Appeared Action May Take Place ! I I III I -. More Russian Troops Will Soon Reach Manchuria Which Will Complete Force Destined for Service Japanese Spies.Are Captured St. Petersburg, April 7. Tho Jap anese squadron Is cruising oft Port Arthur, according to ndmlrallty ad vlcos deceived this morning. Last of Troops to Qo Soon. St. Petersburg, April 7. Orcat prep arations aro being mado at military headquarters in getting troops ready for the sceno of war. It is stated that within a fortnight nil tho men des tined for servlco will bo on their way to Manchuria. Japanese Spies Captured. Chco Foo, April 7. Tho Russians captured two Japaneso spies yester day on the outskirts of tho town. Whon searched plans of tho fortlflcatroms hero wero found on them. Thoy -IIB bo hanged or shot. Japanese Merchants Murdered. Seoul, April 7. Tho Japanese Icgnr tion hero states that three Japancsc morchnnts wore murdered as a result of tho disorders in Chung Cb.is a provlnqo in Northern Corea. Toklo, April 7. Word has boon ro celv,ed hero today that tho Japaneso transports have entered the estuary of tho Yalu rlvor, and that roops nro rarA idly disembarking. Thoro wero 40 transports in tho-fleet. B. P. O. Elks. . Meeting tonight; installation; ban quct. H. II. OLINGEIt, Exalted Ruler, Wireless Message Over Pugt Sound. Victoria, B. C, April 7. Tho United States treasury department Is estab lishing a wireless telegraph station here, Captain Tozlor, of tho Grant, Is hero conducting experiments. Ho has had long communication with Port Townscnd last night and today by tho system. Tho station horo will bo in connection with Port Townscnd, and part of an oxtended system to Ta coma and Seattle. Japanese Have Close Call. Everett, Wash., April 7. A plot to dynamite tho quarters ot tho Japaneso omploycs of tho Mukllteo mill was dis covered and frustrated last night For some tfmo tho feeling against tho Japanese -has been very bitter. Threats wore mado to drive tho Japan ese away from this locality, and It fa believed tho dynamlto plot was part of a plan to accomplish this purpose. Pope Telegraphs Congratulations. Roino, April 7. "Poor mlfljudgod" souls, thoro is no oxcuso for their crlmo," rcmnrked tho popo whon in formed of tho alleged attempt nn King: Alfonso's life. Tho pope Instructor his secretary to telegraph lila con gratulations on Alfonso's cscapo. 1 Kansas Delegation Against Hearst. Wichita, Kan., April .Hearst's ef forts to control the Kansas delegation to tho Democratic national conven tion failed today. Tho best ho could do was to effect a compromise, by which ho secured two of the six dele-gates-at-large. Claudo Duval, of Hutchinson, was elected temporary chairman, though ho Js not adolegato to tho convention. Duval had withdrawn from tho raco for national committeeman, because Hearst's forcos seemed to bo in control In consideration of tho Hearst men not opposing Duval for chairman, tho anti-Hearst men today allowed thorn two dslegates. Remnants Half Price I Tomorrow Z c7fteijei&&$ Remnants Hallf,Price Tomorrow 10th FRIDAY ECONOMIC SALE Friday economic bargains. Did you over see such bargains? We'll venture to say you never did. It re quires no stretch of tho imagination to fortell tho results of this announcement so you'd better plan to come early to get tho best of the bargains. Theso for Friday enly: Favorable Report on Hill Bill. Washington, D. C, April 7. Th house committee on banking today authorized a favorable report on tho Hill bill to improve curroncy condi tions. Tho bill authorizes the deposit of customs receipts in national banks. repeals the" $3,000,000 limit on with drawal of circulation In any one month and abolishes tho limit of coinage of subsidiary coin, and permits tho issue of gold certificates In $10 donomina tlons. n Eight Hour Bill Held Over. Washington, April J.-The house commltee on labor today, by a vote of G to 3, decldod to refer the eight hour bill to the secretary of commerce to Investigate what effect the proposed iPBlslatlon would havo. This delays final action of the house until tho next session. Congress May Adjourn Thl Month. Washington, April 8. An agreHi has been reached by the house leaders, postponing tho Impeachment proceed ings against Judge Swayne, of Fiori na until next December, thus clearing J tho way or an adjournment in two or 'three weeks. SPECIAL NO. 1 Poulard Silks The most desirable and durabla silk made for dressy gownB nnJ shirt waist suits; come In all now patterns and colorings, yard 48c First floor. SPECIAL NO. 4 Lawn Waists A special line of now spring walsti trimmed with wldo cluny yoko and band; regular $2.00 value $1.38 Second floor. SPECIALNO. 7 Folding Go Carts The new spring styles in folding go-carts are offered as a big spe cial for Friday only. They are the regular $3.50 kinJ, for $2.85 Second floor. 8PECIAL NO. 2 Portieres A good assortment of oxcellont values In blut, bronze, green and tan, etc., figured portieres worth $2.50 pair $1.60 Second floor. SPECIAL NO. 5 Scotch Flannels Gonulno Scotch flannels from Glas gow. They are in all manner of pretty shados and designs. For this day only, at yurd, First floor. 28c 8PECIAL NO. 8 Petticoats Tho celebrated McGco adjustablo yoke petticoats, mado of black mercerized sateen of regular $1.60 and $1.75 values Second floor- $1.19 SPECIAL NO. 3 Cambric Drawers Ladles' cmnbrlo and . muslin drawers, laco and embroidery trimmed, finished with ribbon, all are good $1.00 and $1.25 voluoi 65c Second floor. 8PECIALNoTei Ribbons All silk, satin satin liberty rib bons, 4 inches wldo, In colors pink, blue, navy, red, black nnd others. For this day only at, yard 20c First floor. SPECIAL NO, 0 Torchon Laces Yards and yards of torchon IncoJ and Insertions, all widths from VA inches to 4 inches, For this nalo only at tho low prlco of, yard First floor. 3C K Spring Corsets The famous W. D. Corsets for spring wear. You will need a new onef to havo your new gown fitted. Upon tho Corset de pends all. May wo fit you? 50cto$3.50 After Easter Dress Goods Sa(e An economic event of tho greatest Importance, in which theio is an opportunity for you to reap the benefits of this great vale, which Includes All of our immonso stock of plain and fancy novelty and staplo dress goods, Bilks and trimmings, among which are tho justly famous "Priest ley's" black drees goods. Ladies' Stffc Gloves Early, perhaps, to get requests for sflk gloves, but we aro getting them, and horo aro tho gloves tho famous Kay so r1 doublo tipped silk gloves, la a full lino of the, In black and white. i- It i 4 m