Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 06, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    "- ? 'WTw'ffW!'''
Popular Bafltt win itenaer
AttracUYe Piutjiaui
The Portland Italian band will ap-
r nt the armory on tho evening of
April 13th wlth a urGram o classic
and popular music. Tho members of
the band are saiu iu uo vuij uuu mu
sicians, and It should prove quite an
attraction. The program Is as follews:
March .. .,
OTcrture ampa. "'"'
(Solo obllgato ror ciannei;
.. Slgnor Scurblro.
Answer ',","'" """'"
(Obllgato ior uaruuiiu.j
Slgnor D'FulvIo.
Serenade "Lovo In Idleness"
Meflstofelo uouo
(Solo obllgato ror aignori j.a
monto and D'Fulvio.
Part II.
March "The invmciDie ji,agiu ....
Selections from Travlator Verdi
(Obllgato for signori lanzi, lo.
monto and D'Fulvio.)
T,ii,-"Wlllamette" D'Urbana
The Whlto House
Can give you a good meal any fcoui
of the day or night
would please your wife or
child. You probably will
got them ono if you could
only realizo what an all-year
round source of pleasure It
would afford them, and as a
perpetuator of pleasant mem
ories It has no equal. We
offer you tho Eastman Ko
dak and tho Century" at
most favoiablo prices. Ono
dollar up.
Patton's Book Store.
Look Inside
( I
i at our display of
1 1
( i
i . ,.,..
we Keep a supply oi cootues,
doughnuts and cakes on hand S
f all the time and we can assure
9 you thoy are as good as mother
J used to make.
I Angel Cake
Devils Cake 2
1 Walntrt Cake
Ginger Cake
1TF ., ,
; ; wmre L,aKe
j Especial attention given to or- J
i ders for receptions, parties.otc.
i Fuller & Douglas f
Agent8 for Chaso & Sanborn's
142 State Street. 'Phone 2261.
Bonliam and Martin Who Were
Employed to Prosecute
Recommend Dismissed
Messrs. Bonham &Martin, who
wuiu cmpioyeu by Judge Judah tq
prosecute fho cases against Eugene
Eckcrlcn and Frank P. Talkington,
filed an opinion in the city councillast
evening that will take the cases re
cently Instituted against these gentle
men out of court with a sickening
thud. After Investigating tho matter
thoroughly tho attorneys found that
tho ordinance which defendants were
charged with violatlng.is in bad shape,
and recommended that tho cases bo
dismissed. The opinion in full is as
"Since being retained, this morn
ing, to represent tho interests of tho
city of Salem in the cases of tho City
of Salem vs. F. P. Talkington and Eu
gene Eckorlen, charged with keeping
open their respective saloons on Sun
day, contrary to tho provision of city
ordinance No. 318, we have, after
careful consideration of tho provisions
of said ordinance and tho laws applic
able thereto, como to tho conclusion
that said ordinance is so fatally de
fective that such proceedings cannot
bo safely based upon tho same.
"It is well established by tho law
governing criminal proceedings that
tho accused is entitled to bo Informed
of tho nature and cause of tho accusa
tion against him, before ho can be
compelled to answer tho same. By
carefully reading section 7 61 city or
dinance 297, as amended by city ordl
nanco No. 318, It will be observed
that several misdemeanors are named
and Jumbled together with a single
penalty for all, but no ono separately.
For instance, said section apparently
attempts to denounce tho sale, wltfiout
a license, of spirituous, vinous and
malt liquors in less quantities than
ono gallon, by a certain class of per
sons or dealers. It Is next made an of
fense to sell .or give liquor to an in
toxicated person or to a common
drunkard, and a clauso In tho section
apparenty intends to prohibit tho
salo or giving away of tho different
kinds of liquors on tho first day of the
weok, commonly called Sunday, and
lastly, a prohibition against tho keep
Ing open of a barroom, saloon or tip
pllng houso on Sunday, following
which is an attempt to prescribe a
penalty for the violation of tho pro
hibited acts in this language: 'And
any person violating tho provisions of
this section, shall, upon conviction, be
punished, etc' The provisions of sec'
tlon 7, abovo referred to, being numer
ous, it appears to us that It would be
difficult for any ono to say Just which
one of the prohibited acts tho penalty
prescribed is Intended to cover, If in
deed It can bo said to cover any one
"And we respectfully suggest that
it would bo hazardous for tho city of
Salem to attempt to proceed under
said ordinance in Its present condi
tion, and we sincerely beliovo that
the ends of Justice and tho mainte
nance of law and order will be best
subserved by dismissing tho proceed
ings already instituted under Bald or
dlnanco No. 318, and abovo referred
to, In order that said ordinance may
bo carefully revised and amended so
as to make its provisions and tho
penalties for a violation of each of the
prohibited acts definite and certain.
"Respectfully yours,
Ty Out Fine Alfalfa
It's Just as delicious to
taste as It Is beautiful
to look upon. We car
ry the best of all good
things In the grocery
Successors to Branson & Ragan.
H-l 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- It 1 1 1 1 1 IH I II II 1 1 1 M M ' " t
Ty ZINN'S Ice Cream
154 State St., PHone 1971 Main ;;
HH 1 1 1 3 m I H 1 i 1 1 J H I H i n H 1 1 i H n M 1 1 J4
Congregationalists Will Hold
Annual Gathering in
This City
The eighth annual meeting of the
East Willamette Asosclation of Con
gregational churches and ministers
will be held in the Central Congrega
tional church of this city on April
26th and 2th. The program Is as fol fel fol
eows: Tuesday Afternoon.
2:00 Introductory devotional ser
vice and greetings.
2:30 Organization.
3:00 "The Living Church and Its
Pastors," Rev. G. w. Nelson.
3:30 The living church and the
4:00 Miscellaneous business.
Tuesday Evening.
7:30 Song and prayer and echoes
from the churches.
8:00 Assoclational sermon, Rev.
D F. Green.
Wednesday Afternoon.
9:00 Song and prayer service.
9:30 "Sunday School Methods,"
Rev. H. N. Smith.
10:00 "The Living Church and
Public Worship," Rev. W. C. Kantnor.
10:30 "Tho Living Church and
Soul Winning," Rev. R. T. Cross.
11:00 The living church rod tho
world foreign missions.
Wednesday Afternoon.
1:45 Song and prayer service.
2:00 "Tho Living Church and Our
Country Congregational Home Mis
sions in Oregon," Rev. E. S. Bollinger.
2:30 "Tho Living Church and the
Children Sunday Schools," Rev. Y7,
C. Gilmore.
3:00 to 4:00 Women's missionary
Wednesday Evening.
7:30 Tho living church and the
holy spirit songs, prayer, testimoni
als, addresses. Freo for all.
Each church is entitled to two del
egates and one additional for every 40
Tho Salem Central and tho First
church of Salem expect to entertain
all pastors and delegates, and the
names of all who expect such entor
talnment must bo sent to Rev. P. S.
nKlght, Salem, not later than April
1C, 1904.
On account of tho uncertainty as to
tho presenco of some who have beon
assigned to parts it has not been pos
sible to designate leaders for all sub
topics. It is desired that all topics be
open for freo discussion in a heart-to-heart
Real Estate Transfers.
Tho real estate transfers of today
aro as follews:
Albany Brewing Co. to R. J. Bealoy,
lot 8, block 37, in Gervais, $475.
J. A. Dodge to Wllholm Flahmig, 7
aero In township 4 south, rango S
west, $910.
A. W. Callen to Jacob Hocksplor,
store building and lot in Jefferson,
J. M. McCono to Mary J. Gay, lots
their heirs, I will ask any and every
to Salem, $1200.
Helena Arrives at Shanghai.
Washington, D. C, April 6. United
States gunboat Helena, which has
been stranded all winter at Ylnkow,
Manchuria, arrived this morning.
The one means of raising
the grade of trade is good
goods Schilling's Best
biking powder
Savoring titricti
Your grocer's ; moncybaclc
4-m-i iniiiinn
:: De Laval Cteam f
:: Sepaatos
; ; This is tho machine that won
first premium at tuo staio rair
'. '. last year for close skimming
and durability and ease oi oper
ation. Sell us your cream, and
pay $5 to $10 a month on your
Eggs Wo have largo ordors
tnr oitch. and wo must havo
them. Bring your eggs to us If
you vTani me nignusfc pw.
' Commercial Cream Co.
Salem, Or.
iittn iw-w-h in""11
Routine Business Transacted
'A Few Probate Orders
The commissioners' court met In
regular session this morning to trans
act business. Tho salaries of tho coun
ty officers were allowed, but other
bills had not been reached.
Upon tho petition of a number of
residents of Gervais, au increase of
$12 a month was granted Francis
Michael, a county charge.
W. G. Walker was appointed road
supervisor In district No. 8, vlco J.
F. Short, resigned.
Judge Scott granted tho application
of llen Cunningham for appointment
as .guardian of Gertrude Cunningham.
a minor. Tho property involved is es
timated to bo worth $500.
'Fort Bolso West, who was removed
as administrator of tho estato of the
late William Fowler West, was or
dered to fllo an amended final account
before April 9th, on tho application of
F. N. Derby, tho present administra
Hon. Frank Davoy, of Portland, is
In tho city.
District Attorney Hnrt went to Al
bany today.
Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff is
In Portland today.
F. N. Derby, tho real estato man, is
In Portland on business.
W. A. Shaw, a real estato dealer,
of Portland, is In tho city.
Contractor Royal has gone to Spo
kane, to bo gono for some tlmo.
Rev. Gantenbeln, of Portland, was a
guest for a day of Rov. Muollhaupt.
Ex-Governor Moody returned last
night from a few days' stay la Port
land. Eugene Eckorlen went down tho'
road on a short business trip this,
,,Frank O'Neill, traveling passongor
agent of tho Northern Pacific, Is In
the city on business.
Mrs. Howe, of Mt. Angol, who haB
booni visiting hor daughter, Mrs. Sam
Vail, has returned to her homo.
Bon S. Worsloy, tho Astoria polltl
clan, now with the American -Standard
Jewelry Co., was in tho city today.
Deputy Sheriff James Sklpton will
go to Detroit this evening to bring
Mrs. Spencer, a resident of that place,
to tho asylum.
Leo Stanwood and G. A. Shafor have
gono for a ton-days' outing on tho Co
lumbia river, and will tnko a number
of photographs while there.
Sergeant Arthur L. Brown, who has
had charge of tho recruiting station In
this city, left for Vancouver barracks
this morning, having been called to
that post.
Miss E, C. Lowo, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., has been In tho city for several
days, stopping at tho homo of Hon.
and Mrs. T. T. Geer. Sho Is traveling
In tho Interest of tho Unitarian society
and has charge of tho work on tho
coast. Sho Is a cousin of ex-Mayor
Seth Lowo, of Greater Now York.
South 8alem Personals.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Thompson re
turned to their homo In Jefferson to
day, aftor a weeks visit with relatives
in South Salem,
Mrs. George Brokor, of Ashland, la
islting relatives for a few days.
Mr. L-. O. Simmons is lying vory 111
at his homo on South Commercial
Mrs. Paul Schmidt and duughtor,
Paujlno, of Albany, who has boon vis
iting at tho homo of her sister, Mrs
Wm. Armstrong, for tho past week,
retumod to their homo yostorday.
Silver-ton Personals.
Jamos Smith has recently etnrtod
on his new building on Main street of
this city. When It is finished It will
be occupied by Mr. Zamback, the
piano man.
Mrs. A. L. RIm has roturnod from
Buttevlllo, nfter a short visit with rel
atives. Got tho Capital Journal from Harry
Rite, agent.
A few weoks ago a now restaurant
was startod over N. S. Erll's store
Mr. HuddlOBon, of Beortown, Eng
land, has been here for a fow weokf.
He Is a fine ball player. Sllvorton
has organized a team, and Mr. Huddl
son Is tho man bohlnd tho bat.
Died In Alaska.
Albany, Or., April C Fred Morris,
son of J, S. Morris, of 8clo, died 111
Dawson City a few days ago, at the
numtmtunnf mtKwenwtwm
Nothing Else f
We mako clothing a Btudy.
Wo think of nothing oIbo dur
ing tho day, and wo dream of
clothing at night.
Wo'io woll rowarded for our
efforts. Our success and over
Increasing trado shows It woll.
Our spring suits at $12.50,
$15.00, $20.00 or $25.00.
Our now top coats at $15.00,
$16.50,$18 or $20.
Our splendid trousers at $4,
$5 or $7.
Our now hats and elegant
haberdashery, at modest prices,
aro making us hosts of friends
I Arc You Among the Number? f
Wo trust you aro, and, if you aro not, wo shout tho Bhout that
! clothiers all ovor tho land are now sheuting: "Got tho habit "
! Salem Woolen Mill Store I !
C. P. Bishop, Proprietor
ago of about 25 years. Thrco Morris
boys, who havo been thoro sevoral
years, returned homo last winter on
a visit. Fred and Frauk went back to
Alaska In February. Fred was taken
111 with typhoid fever.
Ho Improved and got up, when
Frank left for tho mlno3. A rolupso
occurred, and Fred lived only a Bhort
tlmo. Ho had mado a good stake Ho
had boon fugged and healthy, and Is
highly spoken of.
i v
I Famous
1 Allen
D. O.
I Ass't. Marie Allen, D. O.
oi Chicago.
All manner of diseases and
doformltlos cured without tho
aid of drugs or tho uso of tho
Tho famous Dr. Loronz's sys
tem followed. All ailments pe
culiar to womon, acuto or
chronic, successfully trcatod,
no matter of how long standing.
Offlcos 1 and 2, Cottlo block,
333 Commercial streot. 'Phono
2005 Main. Ovor 0. K. Phar
macy. Correspondence solicit
4od. Lock Box 41, Salem.
Consultation Free f
Ofllco hours from 0 a. m. to
12 in., and from 2 p. in. to C
p. m.
Stole Tailoring Outfit.
La Grando, Or., April 0. A man
giving his namo as N. K. Wells wan
brought boforo Justlco Grant today on
tho chargo of being Implicated with
anothor man In stoallng sovoral pieces
belonging to a tailoring outfit. The
nrttclos wero Btolon from a tailoring
establishment in tho annex of tho Ho
tel Foley, and consisted of flntlrono, a
small Btovo, otc.
Ono of tho mon made good his os
capo, but Wolls was arrested by Mar
Bhal Rayburn this morning, brought
bofco Justlco Grant, ploaded guilty
and was placed under $100 bonds to
appear nt tho next torm of tho circuit
court. Ho did not furnish bonds, and
consequently was takon to tho county
Jail at Union tonight to await his
Jurors Discharged.
Judgo Burnett discharged tho jury
today, oxcopt six residents of Salem,
who will report at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning. Tho caso of Castro vs. Mur
ray may bo for trial, and tho six Jur
ors wero hold fop that purpose
Dr. O'Loary obtained a Judgmont
against Thos Connor for $320 for pro
fessional services.
niiiiff mwg
Take a Little Walk
Some Nice Day
Go out and soo thoso fruit X
farms wo aro selling at $5.00 a
A plank walk from tho streot
cars will tako you right thoro. X
Thoso tracts aro all undor tho i
plow, and comprlso tho bosti
land In Marlon county.
Ovor half of thorn aro sold, X
so do not dolay buying at onco. i
Thoy aru
1 3 Minutes
Walk from Uto street cars. $5 $
a month, and no Interest.
i Salem Abstract
and Land Co.
fimim f t f mHf im.
' Chickens, baby rabbits, ducks;
, Httlo prices for littlo glfU
; Tho stock Is largor than lost '. '.
' year, also a groator variety "
Candy eggs from 2 for 5c up
The Spa,
114 State St.
'TUr J
. A