"- "PI'WpUppppP! W Y.iijujy tt r flWW5P!f " 1-' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8AJ.EM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRJL 2, 19D4. five!, GOMWISSION ONLY HAS THE POWER Attorney Gen. Craw ford Hands Down Opinion School Teachers Can Not Change the System Es tablished by Com mission Attorney-General A. M. Crawford TMterday rendered tho following opinion upon tho request of State Su perintendent Ackerrann: Relative to your proposition ns to whether "tho uso of Augsborg's draw ing book, In hand of teacher only, the pupil using paper, would bo a vio lation of tho text-book law of this state," and also whether "thero could be any posslblo objection to tho uso of supplementary drawing from other sources than, that now In use," permit me to say that, In my opinion, neith er can bo permitted. Text-books for our schools liavo boon soloctcd by a commissioner, selected nnd appointed because of their supposed special irmu-iPiieo of tho kind of toxt book best adapted to tho noods of schools of the state, and to allow teachers who seem to think that tho commission has made a mlstako In some book, to substltuto somo othor book or system, would nullify tho work of tho com mission, nnd destroy tho uniformity In text books Intended by tho law. Al so to allow toachors'to supplement tho work by teaching somo othor sys tem. In addition to tho system estab lished by tho commission, would have tho same effect. It would, to somo extent, confuso tho minds of tho pupil, and If teachers woro glvon that much latitude, they could, If thoy wished, teach very little from tho books selected by tho commission, and put In most of tholr tlmo on books of their own soloctlon. Tho text-books havo been selected" by tho commis sion, chosen from tho best educators of tho stato, nnd it Is fair to presume that tholr Judgmont Is as good as any one Individual. Howovor that Is riot tho real question, Tho toxt-book nro selected as tho law directs, and no other book can bo substituted, except In tho mnnnor provldod by statuto, therefore both of your questions must be answered In. tho affirmative. To al low tho roquostB would pormlt touch ers to vlolato tho law, which would be objectionable. n Tho stato military board will hold Its regular quariorly meotlng In this city on next Monday. 9 V Caution H Wo wish to caution you that a you havo but three Jays mg a more to buy A Easter Cards h H am Our assortment of thoso u dainty novelties excel any- a Os thing ever shown In Salem. mg Patton's BooK Store, h m m 1 1 Only 25c (i H II II II II II I I I, HABERLY'S PURE EXTRACT LEMON AND VANILLA. POUR FULL OUNCES 25 C. For sale only at the I Palace i Pharmacy t 118 State St, Salem yWmMiMMI 99 : ' ii n n 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 ii w i iiTrZINN'SIcc&eam 154 State St., Phone 1971 Main jj :II1IIMH1IIIIIWHHII H-HW-HI B 1 1 1 II I 1 1 1 1 1 I SALEM SOCIAL EVENTS ii ill II I II III III II IH-HH Dancing Party Tho Critorlon Club gave nnothor dancing party Friday evontiiR, and Tioga hall was onco more filled with a merry crowd of young people. This Is tho second party given this season by the club, and both have been a pro nounced success, and their continu ance Is looked forward to with great pleasure by the younger sot. It has been rumored thnt the young ladles are planning to give a leap year party, and the young men nre anxiously awaiting tho results. Tho hall was artistically decorated In pink and green, and large Japanese fans mhlod the finishing touches, while, from behind a bank of palms, Steelhammor's orchostra furnished excellent music. Miss Marguerlto Wlllson sorved punch very charming ly, from a very pretty Japanese corner. Tho dancors were: Misses Mecedes Sims, Edith Ilagan, Lou 1 so Cronlse, Ruth Gabrlolson, Dcsslo Eakln, Mnymo Stout, Nettle Frezure, Emily Thatch er, Leila Cavanaugh, Lenna Cavan augh, Hattlo Hargrove, Ethel Calvert, Dosslo Schultz, Ella Schultz, Ama Strong, Bornlco Sims, Claro Jones, Dlancho Drown, Eunano Craig, Emma Miller, MIm Wiggins, Miss" Ynntfs, Mrs. Loonoy and Mrs. Geer; Mossrs. Jamos Mott, Howard Catlln, Herman Baker, Ralph Cronlse, Carl Gabrlolson, Ross Flshburn, Wm. Entreos, Uort Hewitt, George Gray, Roscoo Jnmos, Porcoy Jennings, Mr. Looney, Oliver Moyors, Frank Meyers, Cloyco Mnth ow8, Ralph Mooros, Mr. Oeor, Adrian Miles. Alex Molr, Herbert Nutter. Winnie Poormnn. E. Pholps. Frank Rhodes, Claudo Townscnd, E. Wig gins, Paul Wallace, Luther Whlteman, Donald Yantls. The patronesses woro Mrs. Mark Skiff. Mrs. Farrar, Mrs. Ada Strong and Mrs. W. T. Eakln. The West Snlem Lltorary Society closes this ovonlng. A big tlmo Is ox poctod. Tho local talont of West Sa lorn will prosent a drama entitled "A Family Affair." Thoro will bo sevoral solos and musical soloctlons given. Af ter tho program thoro will bo a box supper. Evorybody Is Invited to como. PERSONALS Chas. Barr, of Portland, Is In tho city. Stnto Treasurer Moore wont to Port land for a short stay. B. C. Patton Is In Portland on n buslnoas and pleasure trip. Supromo Judgo Boan wont to Eu gono today to spond Sunday. Collector of Customs I. L. Patterson returned to Portland this morning. Miss Maude Moyor and Mrs. C. O. Mlllspaugh returned to Portland to day. Mrs J. N. Brown has returnod from sevoral days' visit with Portland rela tives. S. I. Shore, of Monmouth passed through tho city today on his way to his old homo in Sclo. Virgil Perlngor. of Belllngham City, Wash, is visiting old friends In Sa lem, whoro he formerly attondod tho Wlllamotte Unlvorslty. The athlotlc exhibition at tho Y. M. C. A, last ovonlng was a very crodlt able affair, and tho numbers ware worthy nnd entertaining. 1 Doug Mlnto and Chas Holstrom, twq Heading farmers of the Slletz country ' returnod to their homos today after a pleasant visit with Salem friends. Jack Arlck, one of the pitchers In the Salem baseball club, Is In the city, ready for active practice lie is a nephew of Hon. J. K Weatherford, one of the promlnont attorneys In Albany. South Salem Personals. Miss Dora La Grange -has returned from an extended visit with relatives and friends In Washington. Mrs. C. T. Mclntlre returned last I evening from several days' visit with her parents near Lebanon. How would it do for youJ grocer to sell poor stuff or dear stuff as he sells Schilling's Best? Moneybacl:. h i 1 1 1 1 1 n ii n ti-H-H 1 1 1 1 1 STOLE COAL AND WILL RIDE FREE Governor Chamberlain Hon ors Requisition From Ne braska for Burglar Governor Chamberlain today hon ored the requisition of Governor John H. Mickey, of Nebraska, for the ex tradition of William R. Herrlck, who Is wnnted at Kenrnoy. Buffalo county, Nebraska, for burglary. Tho crime was committed on January 30 and de fendant left tho stato at onco and camo to Pendleton, whoro Sheriff T. D. Taylor arrested him. The crlmo consisted of breaking Into a box car and stealing coal to the value of $16. Sheriff Logan Sammons. of Buffalo county, will tako the prisoner back to Nebraska. MARKHAM REMEMBERS FRIENDS Railroad Man Who Will Have a Kindly Regard for Oregon C. H. Markham, first vlce-presldont of tho Galveston, Harrlsburg & San Autonlo Railway Company, who has boon promoted to general trnfllc m n li nger of tho Harrlman Hue In Orogon, with headquarters at San Francisco, wrltos Tho Journal, undor dnto of Houston, Texas, March 27th, as fol lews: "I beg to asknowledgo with thanks tho recolpt of your favor of tho 22d, Instant, with clipping from tho Capi tal Journal. Not tho least among tho anticipated pleasuros of being trans ferred to tho const, Is that of being lo cated where I will havo frequent op portunity to meet my old Orogon friends." ANOTHER HERMANN DELEGATE Corrected List Shows a Gain for the Old Congress man By nn error In tho list made by the secretaries tho name of W. H. Drapor appoarod ns a congressional dolegato from Marlon county, whon It should have boon G. P. Terrell, of Mehama. Following Is tho Marion county del egation, as cerrected: Congrosslonnl delogatos Hon. F. T Wrlghtman (dologato-at-largo) ; W. F Dragor, T. L. Amblor, T. J. Cronlso, Ed. T. Judd, II. O. Moyor, J. N. Smith, T. C. Smith, Jr. II. A. Snydor I T Reynolds, R B. Southwlck, W. C. Hubbard, B. B. Gosner, A. L. Downing, E. Hofor, A. G. Stoelhammor, A. F Blackorby. J. U Cook, D. II. Loonoy, J. A. Smith. W. L. Tooze. G. P. Ter rell. Alex. LaFollotte. BANKRUPT BOOK GTOCK. Less Than Binding Cost. Frederic Hebard, representing Chi cago bank creditors, Is here nt the Wallamette, closing out choice llbrnr( los at 30 conts on the dollar. Mr. He bard is nearly finished In his work There are 32 llbrarlw In all, compris ing Voltaire complete, histories, cyclo pedias, oratory, literature and the beat French, Hnellsh and American authors. The editions are all rare and choice, and the opportunity Is without parallel for Salm book bind ere Our advice to readers Is to see Mr. Hebard, who expects to leave Monday. Court House Notes. J. Orth has purehaeeil ef V. A. Man ning three loU In St. Louie for $250. The total fees collected by County Clerk Roland during the month ot March amounted to $347.90. Of this sum H9 50 wae received from the county court, f 110.80 from the probate court and $82.10 from mlscellaneoui sources and 18 marriage licensee, at 13.25 each, brought In $68.50. Free Methodist. Rev. John Glenn, of Dayton, Or., will preach at the Free Methodist church at 11 o'clock and alto In the evening at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday School at 10.30 a. m. 0$fr&fteC88egB(fr Look Inside at our display of HOME-MADE CAKES, COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS, NUT CAKES AND MARGUERITES. W keep a supply of cookies, doughnuts nnd cakes on hand all the time and wo can assure you they aro as good as mother used to make. Angel Cake Devils Cake Walnat Cake Ginger Cake White Cake Especial attention given to or ders for receptions, partles.ctc. fuller & Douglas Grocers Agents for Choso & Sanborn's Coffees. 142 State Street. 'Phone 2261. 9999999B9999999999999999B Tho stato printing ofilco Is at work on the liouso and scnato journal oi the special session and expects to have them completed In about threo weeks. ?HnBfHHaiia!Moiiei-; Take a Little Walk Some Nice Day Go out and Beo thoso fruit farms we aro selling at $5.00 a month A plank walk from tho street cars will tako you right thoro. Thoso tracts aro all undor tho plow, and comprlso tho host) land In Marlon county. Over half of thorn aro sold, bo do not dolay buying at onco. Thoy ar it ! i ii ii 1 1 1 1 o i a o 2 3 Minnies Walk from tho street cars. $G a month, and no Interest. i Salem Abstract and Land Co. j ii ;;F.W. WATERS, Mgr. i 'elllalnaii 0aa9eea ; ii We Repair Bicycles i Don't Forget Us j Salem Gun1 Store, Paul H. Hauscr Prop. Phone 2781 i W199QQW94Q9999 W Htlllllllllllll IHV EASTER GIFTS FOR CHILDREN Chickens, baby rabbits, clucks j llttlo prices for little gifts The stock Is larger than last year, also a greater variety ; Candy eggs from 2 for 5c up The Spa, 114 State St. 4MIH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-t- lt II I i H I lM I l HI IH. MORE EASTER NOVEUTIfca. ; Have arrived In the spring line of millinery. You are in vited to call and so them at t THE HILKE MILLINERY ;; PARLORS. Bueaessor to Mrs. J. O. Hooker, 317 Commercial street milium ii i ii urn' Z ( S i s i t489liatOlfrPICtliltaSI8tgfra4liitS3frfr Pepa?e tot STF mm H M pk s " iflffl Z ' ' Lk99 mm ft J IiinffiBSHlM Iii ' ilwir'illlf ii 1F i :; wJgi ffil Z u.-&l ltrj ii! NfNUh i $ III ii JE&r"ji& 1 1 JS SalemWoolenMStore C. P. Bishop, eta mm la i etaietcieiame Wp have bv far t he swcl est . . ever shown. You must not mm - A I us explain the many points Ii I A FEW STYLES i 11 jSSJaisfffJajSmK k& .ArAV.tflVllH. 5 mmmt&&?&&w a ' ' wmmtftiftz&iiim 1 ' XSmmniscySCZysHM rvAwtf!iajrAAT III' Xfa nil THIS RECLINING GO-CART I ( I a. er ..1n... .!.! M..cilliti J and parasol, rubber tiros. i i S 1 1 8 i I1: JtA 9 ' ' iPrtWMKsFxGtfvp JPtRH ii: mmr i:: mmm m t k iy'2lmWmik. flrvcik. HIZnIvw : !! THIS RECLINING GO-CART THIS i I r. I,.... ...111. .n.lilnn nnil Rotlllll ! ! parasol $18.50. rubber tlr. anol and i i 1 1 i ' i i r .1 I i ii wn n nil uiibiiiuii h --m mm mEm&b' s ae- B" ,5w v t -mm- rv V wmmmmmSK$f Vi iJtfttKI : ! 'L dW -33S ; d itiun ' ; iu v i A X j; Jipil it1:1 Don't wait until tho last mo ment and get wedged In with T tho Eastor buying crowds. Como at onco and pick out Z Yout New Spmig Stiit and Top Coat j i Yout Easter Hat and Tie j j Como, while our stocks nro at their best. You can then tako tho proper amount of tlmo to mako your selections. Everything Is blooming with Spring frcshnoss, and tho early 3 buyors linvo first choice. Ptfopweto laiam ieufnmattm8ti . line ot uu-lakis we nave f t a 44 I !-.. C lau 10 see mem anu nave ot superiority. SHOWN HERE Asr&mrmmn lioic of IUiBrflHirV7 'cry -time THIS RECLINING GO $10.50 complete wit' and parasol, rub'1 )oscttlie),icst fwill huyS Do choose shoes? We'll give yot by. Find the ' sole; ask fo it. n yotf waatSel$ R''getstlieibesfeslioe t leathersr$3,50 les, $4.00 -, rBtiOC4Sib .MMrKoat.makera of good shoos In the world. 0-r V