Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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JSMtorial page of
&be Sail$ Journal
Scrip pi News Association Telegrams.
(Published ovory afternoon oxcpot
Subscription terms:
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At Journal office; at Daue's grocery, South Salem; at Bowersox' grocery,
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Single Copies Price 5 cents. Price to newsboys 2J4 cents per copy.
To .Mall Subscribers Tho dato when you subscrlttton expires la on th
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'Entered at the postofflce at 8alem,
Bates of Local Events.
3ttonday, April 4, JonVrsou Domo
tcratic banquet, Salem,
Wednesday, April 13, Congrosslon
aft -convention, first district, Salem.
'Thursday, April II, Marlon county
Democratic convention.
Thursday, April II, Republican
rttato convention nt Portland.
Tuesday. April 10, Domocrntlc state
convention nt Portland.
June 15, 1G nnd 17, Department of
Oregon O. A. II., In annual reunion at
Stood River.
It Is customary to hand out n few
mica little Moral tokens of respect to
ih e defeated aspirants for nomination
in convention. They are Inoxpenslve
shut not the leas fragrant.
The convention set Its face against
he third term Idea In tlte case of the
snot comiwlHiit nisessor this county
vor had, Clmtt. I.emhcke, of Butte
wllle. He met witli defeat for no oth
ar reason, nnd his assessments will ho
the baels for valuation 1'or many
year to como.
John 12. IawIs, of Aumsvllle, got n
tiandsome Introduction to the conven
tion, by nn Informnl ballot for county
aonuulseloner. His nnmo will come
aip lieforo the next convention under
mioro favorable circumstances.
ffir. I). F. I.ano rocelvod a linndsomo
woto for coroner, but, not being as
-Willi ncnunlntod ns that pioneer Repub
lican, Cormier dough, he lind to tnko
xrncoful defeat.
The legislative aspirants who met
olefeat were mi tiuusiinlly nble set of
men. Several good legislative slates
could have boen composed out of Hint
crowd, ns usual some of the best men
In the county getting left. In fact It
would be hard to say whether those
Avho were left or those who wero nom
inated would lie the better lawmaker.
Hon, .Jerome Simmons, for congree
jilounl delegnte-nt-large, took his de
feat gracefully, and Is a man who can
lio relied upon to do what Is right In
ainy emergency. His brother, Orover
3lmmnn, lost us congrosslonnl dele
nte. being n tie with Alex IJtKollutte,
nnd. drawing straws, Alex, got It.
The failure of tho Salem precincts
convention to renominate Judge Hor
muii for Justice of the pernio was much
xleplored by his many friends. He hai
made an able and conscientious jus
tice. None of the defeated but wear their
Mcnrs proudly, and are hearty In their
support of the action of the conven
The Murton county delegation
the congressional convention will be
divided between Harris, of Lane, nnd
Hermann, uf Douglus. the present
cougreiSHiau. with several dark
home possibilities In the district.
The .Journal doe uot Join In the uu
nl chorus of yelling whenever any
thing can lie done to strike h blow at
Hon. llluger Hermann. It has been
done many times In the past, and he
still lives. He baa Iwm) beieu a toy-,
nl. devoted and effectlw worker for
our material lutereets. Ills defeat1
would be a black eye to our business ,
Interests all arund ,
When th Ijui county people had
As Spring apnroacuM you com,
mence to feel poorly and you yonder !
at the cause. You fel tired aud out
of sorts. Your hated aches, yau hove
no appetite and the blood U Impure.
.Hosteller's Stomach Blttors will
quickly ton up the system, over
life a pleasure. Test It for yourself.
It also cures Dizziness, Bloating, Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Insomnia, Liver
Troubles, La Qrlppe and Malaria.
Sunday at 197 Commercial street
Oregon as second-class matter.
an opportunity to nominate a Marlon
county man last year, they forced
this county take Mr. Hermann, who
was their candidate In tho most pro
nounced manner.
Tho reasons advanced for tho nomi
nation of Hermann then hnvo Im
proved with ago and tlioy will bo im
pressed upon the minds of our Re
publican frionds of La no In the com
Ing congrosslonal convention.
For a county Hint has' two avowed
candidates for circuit judge, nnd n
possible candidate or two for district
attorney, many do not endorse the
manner In which It was attempted to
secure nn Instruction for Judge Har
nett In the Marlon county convention.
While there lias been division nmong
Republicans ns to Judge Rurnett's re-
nomination, nnd ninny have boon bit
teny opposing him for another term
ns circuit Judge, thoro has beon no
fight conducted ngalnst him In the
newspapers or personally to prevent
his having the Marlon county delega
tion, If the Republicans of tho district
genornlly wanted him renominated.
It was thought by Republicans gen
erally that n man who hns boon on the
bench twolvo years would bo willing
to trust Republicans to deal fairly
with him, without demanding an In
struotod delegation from his own
It should also ho romomborod that
the district convention will be com
posod of about sixty dologntoa, and
about thirty delegntos will nomlnnto
two circuit Judgos and a district at
torney. To give Judge Rumett nn In
structed delegation of twenty-threo
delegates means a cinch on the nomi
nation of the whole judicial ticket, and
Is not fair to other Interests.
There hns been n perfect willing-
nes to give him the vote of Marion
county. If there was any general do-
sire In the district to have htm for nu
other term. No one has been honrd
to oppose that. No falr-niindod Re
publican hns boen willing to give him
nu Instructed delegation.
Yet, ln spite of this gonornl situa
tion, an Instruction wns slipped Into
the county convention, by Inserting n
few Hues of endorsement In the gen
eral entity Republican platform. It
was rend to the convention when no
one wns expecting nreport from the
committee on resolutions, rushed
through and declared carried, and a
division wns refused ngalnst a storm
of noes.
Hweause the chairman of the con
vention happened to be a personal
friend nnd admirer of Judge Burnett
gave Itlm no right to sanction such a
proceeding. It was unfair to the in
terest of other friends. It was unjust
to select one man for special proteo
tlon. aud name him at the expense of
other gentlemen, it wns autocratic, un
American. un-Retublicnn, and cannot
be regarded as a legitimate ami bind-
lug luatrurtlou upon twenty-three men
who know th(r own minds, and hate
some regard for the Interests of tho
party and other candidates.
All this Is said without the least re
flection on Judge Burnett We regard
him aa a man of Integrity and honest
Intention to be fair to clients and tax
luyer. and with a full public declar
ation on the The Journal to support
Judge Burnett. If he is renominate.!.
He ha. no riant, however, to suck a
pked HnU railroaded Instruction, and
the people generally , feel that his
frleuds have overreachWl. In securing
au Instruction In this manner.
The claim that the election of F. T.
Wrlghtman ns delegate-at-largo to the
congressional convention Is a great
Harris victory. Ho was ohosn as a
popular Salem man, in a convention
almost halt Salem delegates, over Mr.
SimmouB. of Monitor, a country del
A small bottle of Scott's
Emulsion costing fifty cents
will last a baby a month a
few drops in its bottle each
time it is fed. That's a small
outlay for so large a return of
health and comfort
Babies that are given
Scott's Emulsion quickly re
spond to its helpful action.
It seems to contain just the
elements of nourishment a
baby needs most.
Ordinary food frequently
lacks this nourishmentjScotts
Emulsion always supplies it.
We'll tend you a umple free upon request.
SCOTT ft IIOWNE, 409 Petl Street. New York
gate, who does not come to tho city
more than four times a year, and then
only by a small majority.
The convention was completely
handled to force a declaration for
Harris, by hook or crook, by fair
means or unfair. Yet, In spite. of that,
a country delegate nearly carried tho
It Is oasy to down a country dele
gate with a popular city man, and an
adroit politician like Mr. Wrlghtman,
but it cannot bo claimed that Is an ex
plosion of popular enthusiasm for Mr.
When Mr. Wrightmnn was nominat
ed for dologato-at-largo It was not
stated that he was a Harris candi
date, to tost the strength of tho con
vention. Ho wns run on his own per
sonal popularity, and Is then paraJed
as a declaration of the convention
ngalnst Hormnnn. Is that fair and
honorable politics? It Is winning by
tactics that are not on the highest
plane of Republicanism, and doosnot
tend to popularize those who omploy
such methods with fnlr-mlndotl peo
Perhaps most people bollavo in a
dim sort of way that the gains and
losses through speculation depend on
Millions In this country with noth
ing but slim salaries betwoon their
families and want Invost monoy In
glided schomoa of which they know
nothing and cnll It "trying their luck."
It Is dofylng fato.
Thousands of young men and young
women, ongor to get forward by leaps
Instead of by tho plodding process of
toll, tuko chancos on gllttorlng prom
ises, hoping that "luck" may bo with
Barnum discovered long ago that
the American people "like to be hum
bugged." Tho nninslng number of
schemes for small investments prove
It has been widely discovered that
the American people like also to be
As n mntter of fact, there Is no
more "luck" In a stock Investment
than In any other. Men who make
8UCC8eB8S ln stocks tnke no chancos,
for stock Investments can he figured
out with as much mathematical cer
tainty ns can nny other business ven
tures. And tho really good stocks
seldom go bogging for buyers. The
promoters with a good, safo scheme
rendlly finds powerful financial 1 a. :.
Ing. It Is the other fellow who goos
peddling his stocks In small shares
through the hy-streeta and alleys,
blarneying clerks, stenographers and
their smnll saving Into schemes that
knowing men will not touch.
A Cleveland bank cashier went to
the penitentiary not long ago because
he had risked $17,000 of his bank's
money In stocks nnd had lost. In all
his operations, extending over several
years, he had made but one lucky
hit; he won $10,000. but promptly
lost It again. With better opportuni
ties and abilities than are possessed
by moat people to Judje of the safe
ty of Investments, he still lost all
he risked.
Robert. U Cutting of New York
was once a millionaire with Mae flnan
olal training. But an Inventory of ids
estate him just disclosed the fact that
his great fortune has been dissipated
in urtmant-hued but empty financial
Share in "wildcat" oil aud mine
enterprise, mining stocks not worth
the Ink need In printing them, value
lees second mortgage lionds, all reu
resenting an enormous total on the
face, represent practically uothlng In
fact Out of $0,000 share In forty-'
six companies only 300 are returned
by the appraisers as of value, and
these at current quotations are worth
exactly 'siAOO; - ' '
Here was a man of wealth, a mem
ber of a broker's firm, who had the
beet of opportunities to win "luck"
to his side. But Instead of Investing
In the safest stocks that produced
Axed and Euro dividends, he trusted
to "luck" and chased dreams to his
own ruin.
It wo could guese how many small
fortunes wero wiped out by Invest
ment In the samo swindling compan
ies some Idea could bo gained of tho
utter helplessness of tho unexpeiS
enced lnvostor.
Wm. Armstrong, of South Salem,
met O. M. Lease, of Oxford addition,
In The Journal office this morning,
and tho editor, romarking that his
father was a Freomont Republican,
both gentleman turned and shook
hands, each declaring that he had
voted for Freomont for President In
185G. Those veterans of the Republi
can party were very happy to relate
that they had voted for every Repub
lican Prosidont who had ever been
Thore Is still an occasional liar loft
in tho world of politics nnd out of it.
Tho Statesman rejoices over its al
leged Harris victory. "Well, it has a
right to a chance to crow, as well as
to oat crow.
Thoro would have been good sonso
nnd propriety In the Marlon county
convention instructing Its stato dele
gation for tho ronomlnatlon of Chief
Justice F. A. Moore. But they will
voto for him anyhow.
People Learn About the Far
From Newspapers.
In times of wnr between two great
nations the newspaper becomes n
groat public odttcator. The press of
the country Is today teaching the pub
lic moro nbout Russia, Japan, Chlnn
nnd the Far East than It would over
learn from geography or history. This
Is lnrgely because tho excitement
producod by tho bin mllitnry opera
tions has stimulated an Interest
which would not otherwise be arous
ed, and tho nowspnpors are largely
keeping nllvo this Intorost by sup
plying the domand for Information.
Not only tho geography of that part!
of the world but also Its history, po-
lltlcnl, Industrial, commercial and,
military conditions nro set forth In
compact form, so as to npponl to the
busy roador.
A few years ngo a vory small pro
portion of tho pe-oplo of tho Unltod
States knew anything nbout the Phil
ippines or Cuba or Spain. In fact,
thero was In this country a dense
Ignoranco nbout our own navy, and
little more was known of our nrmy.
After wnr was begun between the
United Stntos and Spain the people
commenced to rend, and the newspn
pors furnished the reading matter.
Even chlldron learned the difference
between battleships, cruisers,, gun
boate, monitors, torpedo boats nnd
other wnr vessels, and the names and
sizes of our fighting boats were soon
familiar to all. Information wns also
acquired nbout Cuba, Spain, Porto
Rice and the Philippines, and a wealth
of knowlodgo was obtained about our
foreign policies and the trentles ex
isting between this nnd other conn
trios. Thus does the press become a groat
school, supplying to the public such
Information ns is most Interesting
nnd vnltmble. "Whenever there Is n
crisis like this." says the Richmond
Times-Dispatch, "whenever there Is n
dlsader like the eruption of Mont
Pelee. the newspapers at once be
come a great school. In which the
people may learn vnluable lessons
and practically all that Is needed to
be learned without reference to text
books or encyclopedias. The press Is
pre-eminently a great educator and is
fairly entitled to be reckoned as part
and parcel of our public school sys
tern." Burmlnghnm (Ala.) News.
Manifestly the lady was Indignant
"Understand, sir," she explained,
"that I did not attend the Smoot trial
In the hope of hearing auythlng de
basing, but to sustain the average of
modesty and morality in case the Im
proper should ttaneptre."
Of course there was nothing for the
wan to do but sling away.
Of llerplvlile la la Glvlnir It n Thor.
ouh Trial.
There Is only ono test by whloh to
Judge of the ethcienoy ot any article
and that la by its ability to do that
whieh It U Intended to do. Many hair
visors may look nice and smell nice,
nut the point is do they eradicate Dan
druK and stop falling hair?
No. they do not, but Hwplclde does,
beeauee it goes to the root ot the evil
and kills the germ that attacks the
jwptlla. from whenco the hair Beta its
Letters from prominent people every
where are dally proving that Ncrvbro'a
llerplelde stands the "test of use."
It is a delightful dressing, clear, pure
and free from oil or grease.
Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c in
tamps for sample to The llerplelde Co.,
Detroit. Mich.
Daniel J. Fry, Special Agent
H -flBi. BL ,W 6ifF sV K. Jw
St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
It is curious that St Elizabeth, of
Hungary, whoso festival was recently
celebrated, should have spent only the
first four years of her llfo In tho
country, which nlways distinguishes
he? nnma Sho was Just four when
her father, the king of Hungary, sent
her to Thuringla, to bo bethrothed Ij
the 9-year-old Prlnct Louis, and there
she romnlned all through her child
hood and married llfo, until her death
In 1231. Porhnps, says tho London
Chronicle, because she Is ono of the
few saints whoso holiness did not pre
clude love and marriage, she always
scorns a particularly human saliu:
nnd the tales that are told of hor, how,
for Instance, she gave away hor toys
and oils to poor chlldron, when she
was but a baby herself, how the food
sho was tnklng to beggars In a cov
ered basket turned to rod and whlU
roses when her husband lifted tho lid,
how she hoard a bird singing to her on
her deathbed and sang to It in reply
nil point to the poetry and chnrm
which nro nssoclated with hor nnme.
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Do What
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hnve fnlled, such ns cancer, tumors, (extornal and Internal) Gravel
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dropsy, and dlnbets, appendicitis hnve never yet failed, and femalo
diseases, all the foregoing without the knife, or plaster or poisons,
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Tostlmonlnls of prominent people. Consultation free
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Formerly of
7W' Tw-rwT-T-vrT-i i wi -.wttwi wimiF-S-HCH-7-t-OIOIBItei
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.A.B HAUlinMMlllM Alt Itl If l.TUl.T.IRf Ulll
w .bub a iu.ui u (u.u. amm. ... b.m . . nv .
R. M. Wade & Co.
Have You Ever Ordered
Haiett &
$ If not, you are away behind the times. However, they aro al-
ways glad to soo new patrons, and If you call oa them, you will be
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S and Ferrv ntrnnta
Tested and tried for over 60
years. A regular doctors' medi
cine. Of course you know it
Then do not forget it. &&&'
Arresting the Czar.
Motorists will bo amitBed to hear
of nn adventure which befell the czar
when ho was staying nt Darmstadt a
short time ngo. Tho Czar was driving
in a motor enr with Prince and Prin.
cess Henry of Prussia nnd tho Grand
Duko of Hosso; nnd, when passing
through Bockeuholra, a suburb of
Frankfort, tho enr slipped on the
greasy cobblestones and camo in con
tact with tho wall of a house. Hap.
pily no harm was done, but the car
hnd hardly beon backed Into tho road
again when n policeman stopped it
and domanded tho nnmo of the owner.
Tho Czar replied, "I am tho Emperor
of Russia," and tho policeman was
so tnkon aback that ho let tho car go
on without taking any further steps.
Tho Czarina was. much abashed at
the Incident, nnd It is said that she
has mado tho momontary nrrest of
tho Czar tho subject of ono of her
cnricaturoR London Sketch.
In London 1,250,000 persons llvo on
$5 or less a week for a family of five.
5c yd, ns
We Claim
ref Ffcfl&lP'
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Salem, Oregon, g
Omrha, Neb.
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Stoves that are low
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