WE-H5 -"r'ljsj DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. EIOHT. Fair will case today condemned Fred eric Masso and Louis Muranne, tho cyclist, who gave false ovidonco at the hearing in New York, to thrco years' in prison and a fine of B0 franos each. Thoy testified they hnd seen tho Fairs killed, and that Fair was the first to expire. It was proved that the mon were not at tho scene whon tho acci dent occurred. 0 Kaiser is at Naples. Naples. March 21. Kalsor Wllholm has arrived and boarded tho yacht Hohonzolleron for a cruise In the Mediterranean. people, there' is no question but wtfat splendid resultaxwIH ftepbtalncd (n a short time,' whon the olub begins to push operations. Lane County Good Roads. On returning home this morning, COSTLY PRAIRIE FIRE LATEST FROM THE SCRAPPERS Salem Agents for Stand- SILVERTON FOR GOOD HIGHWAYS ard Patterns Salem Agents for "Palm, er" Suits X Judge Scott found an Invitation on his doslc to go to Eugene to attend a good roads meeting, to be hold on Sat urday Afternoon, under the auspices of the State TJnivorslty, but ho Is un decided as to what to do In tho prom ises. Tho letter was from Prof. Jamos It Hydo, of tho Department of Eco nomic Geology and Mining. It fol Any Skht In the Terrific Blaze Swept Young Cortett and BrittBoth in Splen did Condition New Road Club Formed There Last Eve ning Store by the Wind Over Nebraska t lews: If large Donations Offered for the Improvement of the Highways In that Section m Count Judge Scott and II. 13. Thiol sen returned thk morning from 811 vortqn, whoro thoy last ovonlng ad zdrowfod a Reed roads mooting, partial' jpated In by a largo number of tho leading buslnoss and professional peo ple of Sllvcrton, nnJ a strong ropro nontatlou of tho leading farmers of that section. Tho mooting was ono ot flio most enthusiastic gatherings yet hold In Marlon county In tho Intorost of tho good roads movomont, and bids fair to bo followed by results that will bo omlnontly eatlsfaatory to tho friends of that movomont In this coun ter. A temporary organization was por feotod, a commltteo was appointed to draft by-laws and rules of ordor for n Oood Roads Club, and adjournment was taken to Saturday, April 2d, when tho commltteo will report, and a per ninnent organization will bo perfected. Attention was called to some of the roads leading out of Bllverton, and helr extromely bad condition, and isercral of tho farmors present offered to donate $100 each toward having a particular road put In good condition, vrhllo tho managor of tho olectrlo pow r plant offorod to donato tho powor to run a rock crusher for uso of tho flood Roads Club, and ho also stated that ho would consult with tho com pany and ascartaln If ho might mako a cadi donation. Tho onthuslnsm In tho IntoroH ot the good roods movomont at Sliver ton, Judge Scott soys Is nt a high pitch, and all classes of citizens am working for tho promotion of the club find tho Improvement of tho roads In that section of tho county, and ho be lieves that the olub will, In tlmo, In Wilde all tho wldoawako cltlzons ot that section. $ Jttdgo Scott examined several grav el bars near Hllvorton, to asoertaln as to tho material at hand for road build Jug, and ho was highly pleased with what he found. Ho says that good material Is at hand for road building, and. with the Intoroet taken by the Wanted Potatoes We Want Burbank Potatoes, early Rosa Potatoes. Early Jaokson Potatoes, Peerless Potatoes. Otrnctt Chill Potatoes. ames M.fKyle&Co 75 Commercial St. Farm for Sale. 114 nerts In Marlon county, halt a mile from Mill City. 3S acres Iru proved, tti acre good timber, V4 to 1 roll from a 1300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; C-room heuse: 3umbar barn; with outbuildings; 10 (wrea good fruit, mostly winter ap ples, trees averago 7 years old; good spring water at door;, two creeks run through plaoot good neighborhood; V4 wile to sehool, church and railroad Fine heaver dam meadow land, easily cleared. If sold at onco will take 13300. Title clear. Terms, two-thirds down, and from 3 to 3 years on bal ance with 7 per csut Interest; Imme diate possession. Call on or address X 11 Ray. owner of the farm. Mill City. Oregon 3-8-3m cHiwHcarKN-t rHaiiiM (ltllCltl I UKW u bl Ua. I1IIUIM1HNU4. :sv5ijtel2 m i lraMUI. I u. ttUk. ttlkMfe tizzms. ft lt f M t MM H Snawwiw Do Yo Wca a Pais of Out Glasses? i If not Kite us a trial With our latest aclentlflo Instruments, wo are certain we can fit you butter than you have over been fitted be fore. We gtvo mbU Individual case partleular study and Attention, sad furnish yext gUuse ealy whea we are satisfied they are wha( you waa,t If wedloU trwtHieftt la desired w will tell you so. We can reooiameBd you to MOO oustet&ers, who have, boeo fitted by us, and are satisfied. .-... ...- . ..... - ....... ..... nwi we? h woq a siusn sanKrtner upueian, mh tiree, Hwt immtHuiHUHHH t m tiinnmittu "Judge John II Scott, Salem, Oregen: "Dear Sir: A meeting of citizens from various parts of Lane county Is to be held at tho court houso In this city at,l o'clock on Saturday of this Week, Tho mooting Is called to con sider the organization of a Lane Coun ty Oood Roads Association. Much In terest is being taken In tho mnttor, and a good attendance Is expected. "Wo would bo vory much pleased if you could bo prosont to tell us of tho work going on elsowhore, and counsel us as to the best methods to follow in our work. Respectfully yours, "JAMES M. HYDE,1 The Saloon Smasher. Captain Mahono, of tho National Prohibition leaguo, want to Lebanon, tills Btatoon Sunday morning for tho purposo of closing a Baloon which ho had hoard was running wldo opon on tho holy day. On tho following day Justlco of tho Poaco Lovely at tempted to arrost Mahono, tho Prohi bition chloftaln, for carrying con coaled woapons. Tho captain i slated and now tho peoplo of Lebanon nro having a lively time over tho ques tion as to whloh one of tho law-break ers sha)l be punished first Exchange. Probate Court Matters. Dolph Woolworth, Adclbert Yorgon and John S. Vandolour, appraisers of tho ostato of tho lato L. B. Saunders, today nicd tholr report In tho probata court, showing tho estato to bo valuod ut IC08.57, consisting of porsonalprop orty. Chas. S. Dior, A A. Leo and P. W. Watoru, appraisers of Uio estate of tho lato P. J. Foster, also filed their re port, showing proporty valued at ?500, consisting of real estate. Candidate's Card. I wish to announce that I will bo a candidate for tho offlco ot constablo for Salem dlrtrict before tho Repub lican convention on March 31, 1004. Have lived at Salem and in vicinity 21 years, and have boon a Republi can all my lito and novor horotoforo asked anything from my party. 3-23.tf J. B. UNDERWOOD. Moro Coin for State. The ajaa, treasurer this afternoon received 18368.75 from Lincoln county In payment ot half the state taxes due 1 from that county for this yoar. tiggies We are showing the best assortment of bumries this season that we've ever put on the Hoar. Thero are top bug gies of all grades, from the SCO klud up to the beet Studebaker grades. We tit rubber tires to any and all rigs- at reasonable ooet We have a swell cushion-tired run about nt 1100 that Is u remarkable val ue, it yo.u appreciate a good thing jrou should s-ee It. Proper style, too, Then there are othor good styles In lower-prjced 'goods, both rubber tired and steel tired, beside some higher priced work In wolualve styles, all worth the while of the particular cus tomer. F A Wlggies niMins i ivmbv) hwmyf tfuv j g Farm Implement. Automobile-, Sewlno Machine and Supplies, Gold Dust Flour Mde by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sidney, Oreaon. Made for family use. Ask your A. T. Wain, Agt. H IHIIHlH ill IHHII I v,..:. ... . . . . t m T yi JD to Lodmls, Nob., March 24 The prai rie Are, which began yostorday, i raging thrdugh this sodtlon of' the stato, and already thrco deaths aro roiwrted, whllo a number of farmers are missing. Houses and stock run ning far toward $100,000 have already bcon lost, and the fire contlnudtfwlth unabated fury. . August Olson, an aged farmer, is known to havo been burnod to death, and two of his hands are missing. Jas. Lewis and William Andorson, ranch mon, aro also dead. A number of cow boys aro reported missing from differ ent directions. Tho flamoa aro past all hope of con trol and aro looping across tho prairie at racehorso epflod, burning ovary thing In Its path. The Durllngton railroad has sont a special train with flro-fightors from Holdrldge to assist tho ranchmen In saving the small towns In tho path of tho flamos. From Loomls to tho Platte rlvor, 15 mllce, tho wholo coun try will undoubtedly bo swopt clear by the flro. Further to tho west, to ward which tho blnzo Is swooping, the pralrlo country extends for nearly 200 miles. Thoro aro no trcams of note along this country, and tho fire may sweep to tho bond of tho Platto river In that direction. Ways of Concealing Jewelry. Many aro tho Ingenious devices adopted by tho busy woman who wears hor Jewels frequently and can- not, of courso, carry a safo about' with, hor. A woll-knowm actress of an earlier day, when hip puffs wero fashlonnblo, carried hor Jowels In snug llttlo chamolso pockets con structed lnsldo hor pannlors. Only one person tho Jeweler was In tho secret, and tho lady declared sho felt safer than If aho had had a body guard about hor. Large, kxwo collars havo often conooaled pocket where articles ot great valuo havo reitosed aulto un suspected by tho genoral public Tho bosom ot tho corset also provides a receptaclo for hiding treasures. One of our popular actressos car ries dozens ot diamonds In little bags fastenotl with' safety pins to tho straps of her stocking supporters, whllo nmny Jewolors supply tourists' belts which contain equally useful re oeptncles. A chamois belt wMrh la worn umlor tho petticoat, but over the corset. Is fitted with a row of Jewel comimrtmfente, oxoept at the eoctreme back, where the hard ornaments might be unpleasant against Dm baqk of a chair. Grand Jury Playa Cupid. The grand Jury yesterday dUpoeejl ot a criminal charge against Richard T. Wayland by assisting him to Mafry Pearl Cummlngs. the girl h hau; wronged. Tho girl sold she loved the young man. and he replied he was willing to make the girl his wife, bill there was ono serious objection in the way, he did not have any money with htni to procure a marriage license, The grand Jurors wore equal to thji occasion, however. Foreman Phil Me Kenan donated ft. and each of the oth. er six Jurors 60 cents, which made upi tne 8 fee required for the license. Judge Fraser was prevailed upon fp perforin the wedding ceremony, and the district attorney afterwards caused the charge against the young man to be dismissed t"H IHHIIIn i Naut Tnfiu I: j nvu luuajr 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i h ii 1 1 1 1 1 u i m: For Sale A gentle drlviag horse and a two-seatel rig Inquire of John Reth. Garden road, Just beyond (hf railroad. 3-31-Jt For Sale or Rent. Six room cottar, on one of the choicest re&ldeaoe eraer Is the city, two blocks frejt state heuee. Inquire of F. W. Pew etv 3 Summer street. 3-IWwfc For Sie. A high seceud-haad piaMt iu good cofidlUofi Call at H J8ik street RSUt Three Persons Burned, Death and Immense Damage Done-Fire Still Raging CorJbett Is a Five to Three Favorite and Sports Say Will Be Two to One San Francisco, March 24. With both men In grand shape, though a few ounces overweight, little work re mains for Corbett and Brltt before go ing Into tho ring tomorrow night The llttlo fighters wore up early this morn Ing, both anxious to take advantnge of ovory mlnuto possible to work them selves Into better condition, If that Is possible. After breakfast, which was a hearty one, Corbett, londcd down jvlth Bwoators and blankets, hit tho toad for a ten-milo run. Mentally and physically his condition could not bo better, and ho Is warranted in using tho flghtors' stereotyped expression "Never In bettor shape in my Ilfo.'" Corbett's chief worry seems to bo the fear that ho will go Into tho ring a hoavlor favorite han he is today. Ho thinks tho odds wrong, and that even money would bo about right. Ho Is a 10 to 6 favorite this morning, and bet ting mon predict the odds will be two to ono boforo tho mon got togothor. Brltt could go Into the ilng tonight prepared to put up tho fight of his life. Ho will bo down to weight bo foro ho goos to bed tonight. All his hard work Is over, and from now until tho hour of tho fight tomorrow night. ho will tako only sufficient exercise to keep from becoming stiff. SINGER HAD THE NERVE A dispatch from Spokano a few days ago says: , With her husband, Arthur Guorln, fighting on tho floor of tho thcator and at times down In a wildly fighting mass of roughs, with all of tho or- choetra excopt the piano playor leav-J lng to Join In the battlo, Nollle Oeurln, the star at tho Coeur d'Alone thoater, sang through her part last night without a break or a quiver. Most of tho chorus girls fled from tho stage whon tho fighting started, but the star continued to sing with one oyo on hor bnttered husband and tho other on the quaking piano playsr It was a good exhibition of norve and training. The trouble started through offon slve remarks made by William Acker- man, who was later placed under a witgeon'a care and Is now locked up In the city Jail. Ackermnn had re peatedly Insultel Mrs. QiuMn. and her husband, who Is a member of the orchestra, attemptod to quiet hlra. Aokerman struck the cornet player and friend of both mixed In a fierce and broody fight, with Ouorln and Aokorman both on the floor nt times, and only ended when Ackorman went down with a long, wldo gash in his head, made with a triangle In the hands of one of the musicians." All through the battlo tho piano kept going; and, although the chorus flopped, Mrs. Querln sang through her part and did not leave the stage until the number ended. As she walked oft the stage the singer foil In a faint. Robinson Nailed a Sneaker. Washington. March 34 Consider Jng the post oflloe appropriation In the house nobJnsqn. Democrat ot indl ana, attacked the subsidy of It5.00 Ireoommended la the bill for the Ooeanlc Steamship Company for transporting malls from San Francis co Tahiti. This appropriation here tefore has been sneaked through eon gr in a cowardly manner. llebertson moved to strike out this subsidy, which carried Wants Filipino Pardoned. Washington. March Jl. Taft has recommended the President to pardon General Aquino, the Filipino Insur gent, who waa court-martialed for or dering live Amerleau prisoners shot, reeuHiug In the iroath of three. He has served three years, aad denies ylB ippid tf p4,er.. i. i. - The Fair Will Perjurers, Iarle. March 24 The court hearing the erldeace la coaectkm with the 08Oeasee -. 8 Cheapest Because It Is the Best HlfcHflnADB?" '! ' sssffi" i "w COFFI Poor coffee is an un wholesome drink. To begin th'e day by drinking it clouds an otherwise cheerful mind. Sec to it, then, that you have Chase & Sanborn's High Qrado Coffeo with its fragrant, aroma and perfect color. Seal Brand Mocha and Java 40c Standard Mocha and Java 40c An Kxcollont Coffeo 35c Best Coffee ever J C r sold at that pr fee '' Exclusive Agents. Fuller & Douglas Grocers S S s J 142 State. 'Phone 2261 Mieejoee0e)9 see)ft88eftu8a8a . A Shoe With Style Only This is a swell shoo for m"n that liai got stylo and sna about It A dressy shoe that glvoe eatlsfac tlon in the wearing. We have them in valour, calf and vlci kid smco'h goode and stun ning footwear We are cheaper than any racket stoie every time. A ti! Oregon Shoe Co. 283 Commercial Street, Saem. tatsaoaaaseeaaaeaeaaaaaaa 1mcM.a Stotip iK t ' " " - smi fca mBf-m k.a ' wj amw tm- ,r & jbb & v m& jbbf asw jasmsassv PEOmjESmjRGAmlHOTZSJB' 2HS Spring Goods, Now Ready for Your Inspection You are not Jolng Justice to yourself or your pocketbook If yW e80"1 eall at the Chloago Storo and look over our boautlful Bpring goods. There Is no store In this part or the world that can ahow any later styles in fine silks, foreign and domestic dress gooda and lacos, wash good" fc every description, gold trimmings, gold bolts, crush leather belts, " demos, laoo collars, new ribbons, Uld glovoa and hundreds ot goods too aumeroua to mcuHea. Sale conUnuod for two days moro-Wednsr and Thursday. All goode sold as advertised in Sunday's Statesman a Monday Journal Prlcea down to tho very rock-bottom. TUB CHEAPEST STORE M'Evoy Brothers,Court St., Salem 2 Pice Ail Weefc Better como tomorrow morning though, expecting tho greaUtt bargains over offorod la dress and walking skirtH. With novor offorod ouch bargains be fore. Every eklrt in the Btore lnciuueu in tno sale. No Borvc. re- 8EE CORNER WINDOW. MVHfiai8Ht,i I Does Yout Buggy Need Paint This la the time of yearU have It put In order. All workj done In the best style, and fully ' guaranteed as to quality. Prices Right You will be surprised at how t little It will cost you to hive your rig mado new. I W.B.WARNER &CO. 68 Chemeketa Street 4iaitamtai8io9iiei)f in inoii i immi mini ::We ii Repai : : Umbrellas and Bicycles I GOOD WORK ONLYf WATT SHIPP 291 Com. 8t opp. R. M. Vidrt ill II I HI II II III II UlUH aeaae888C3ea0aew i G. F. Mason a m ww v Manfactcfer of BerrY 1 1 crates, boxes, Inside ! ; work for all, frtrit dryers ; and all kinds of shop ; ; work. Miller ct. Sooth :; Salem.Phone2J9JRedi aeaeiMeaaaacaftc Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem, Or. J 1 JN TEE NORTHWEST. i j