r TTTv-mrw(--:rifr lfm- DAILY 6APITAT, '.TOTrtftV dflft VOL. XIV. ' ' ' ' " ' '.r-'-TTr- -y-.'i n , ,',:. .if 8ALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. NO. 70. THE RUSSIAN BATTLESHIP BOYAN GONE , Not the Torpedo Boat Skori but Splendid Battleship De stroyed by Torpedo, Her Crew of 700 Killed Japs Will Land At Niu Chwang, Which Is a Splendid Base and Will Cut the Railroad Shutting Off All Sup plies From Port Arthur 999C94Nie9eM9tCC BODIES OF WOMAN AND CHILD IN A TRUNK Police Attempted to Arrest Suspected Murderer Who Fled, flis Escape Cut Off He Cut His Throat London, March 24. The police at Kenollrfee this morning found a trunk In a boarding house containing the body of a woman and a child who disappeared two months ago. The remains were covered with several Inches of cement A lodger named Crossman was suspected of their murder, but when an arrest was attempted the man dashed Into the streets, where he was pursued by a crowd. Seeing escapo was lm possible, Crossman drew a raid1 and cut hie throat, and died at the feet of the officers. The police are digging lit the garden at the house In the belief that other bodies are burled there. CONGRESSMEN REJOICE WITH GHOULISH GLEE VtZ9i HMHa t HHHM Berlin, March 24. Schleselscho Zoi- tung announces it was not tho Russian torpedo boat destroyer Skori that was blown up by a floating torpedo In Port t .Arthur Harbor on tho ICth, but tho armored cruiser Bayan. Almost tho Gentlro crow of 700 was killed. NEW BASE FOR WAR. (Japs Will Be In Position to Cut the Railroad and Starve Port Arthur. Tokio, March 24. A correspondent Iwho has had considerable experience! with Japaneso military officials, and who also passed through tho Chinese- I Japaneso war, sumo up tho present campaign as follews: "Tho largo number of transports Iwhlch havo sailed f rami Japanose ports I during tho past few days aro hardly destined for Chemulpo or Chinampo. They aro probably headed for Nlu Chwang. The Japaneso .can bo ex pected to retain a considerable army in Corea, for tho purposo of keeping natives under control, but can hardly bo expected to fight the Russians south of tho Yalu, or evon to attempt to transport an army over 200 miles of the worst mountain roads in Man churia, in ordor to reach the open J country and the towns along tho Man- rchurian railway. Japan Knows the Country. "Japan knows every mlnuto point of country around Nlu Chwang, hav ing occupied that roglon for mora than a year after tho war with China. In operating there, sho would also havo , tho good will of tho natlvos, who os teem Japan highly. Moroovor, the country, while admirably suited for the operations of Infantry, It Is so much cut up with ditches, dikes and tidal creeks as to b practically Impassible for cavalry, In which forco Japan is tho inferior of Russia, "Japan.. It can now bo confidently M0aefla 2 9 It's the Newness assorted, unloss her plans go' astray, will soon reach Nlu Chwang. Sho has little to fear from sunkon mines, da plto tho assortions of Russians to the contrary. Tho river Is still frozen, but tho ico is getting ready to molt, and a it sweops out to sen It will carry all tho mines which aro said to bo placed at tho entrance to tho harbor at YInkow. "Tho Japaneso aro expected to come in with tho flow of tho -tide which will sweep up tho river as soon as tho Ico melts, and land tho troops, who will selzo tho town under tho guns of tho fleet, which can readily reduce tho ancient fort now occupied by tho Russians. It Is admitted that tho Russians will do all In their pow er to Btay the Japanese, but her ef forts will bo handicapped by nature which this tlmo will provo no mean ally of tho Japaneso. Will Be a Great Base. "Nlu Chwang will prove a m'agnifl cont baso for Japanoso operations. From thero shj can cut tho railroad, and isolate Port Arthur and tho gar- rlBons on tho lino south to Mukdon. Sho will also bo able to mako use of natural earthworks near tho town, as well as appropriating rolling stock along tho Chlneso railway. "Tho supplies dostlnod for the Rus sian army along tho Yalu can bo cut off, and that detnehmont of Russian forces practically starved out, Japan can also occupy Hal Chong, giving her a strong .position, from which it will bo hard to dtslodgo her. 1 TES1IM0NY IS AGAINST BURTON Mahoney Testified to Paying Him Five HundredDollars Senator Asked That Corres pondence Between Him self an RIalto Company Be Destroyed St. Louis, March 24. Testimony considered strongly against Senator Burton was brought out by tho pros ecution today, when W. D. Mahoney testified to paying "500 to Burton. On a certain date, he met Burton at a Washington hotel, being Introduced by H. C. Dennis, president of tho RIalto Grain Company. Burton asked that all communications botweon himself and tho company bo destroyed, as somo ono might placo a wrong con struction on it. becauso of tho sena tor's official position. GENERAL PFLUG DENIES SaijsJaps Have Not Had an Engagement i (With Russians Also'Refutes the Reports of Battle at Port Arthur Saturday-Kuropatkin Heard From Kansas City Blaze. Kansas City. Mo., March 24. A Are J this morning aid ?130.00 damage to tho Jonos dry goods department storo, and causod tho fatal Injurlos of a flro man. A stroke of lightning was tho cause. A. V. Merrill, a, spectator, may die of concussion of tho brain, tho re- From thero sho can be expected to! su,t of n stream of water striking .mnva nfrntncf Ana TTah flmtf n .n...Al I mm fortross 20 mile east of Hal Cheng. Which Is hold by a Russian forco of about 20.000. If Japan can tako this position sho will bo in a position to await in comparative security tho at- (Contlnuod on Fourth Page.) St. Petersburg, March 24. Qonoral Pflug telographB from Mukden today stating there Is no truth in tho report that tho Japaneso havo crossod tho Tatung Po Boa pass, or had any en gagements with tho Russians. Tho samgTO&lal applies to tho alleged en gagement At Port Arthur on tho 10th, In which COO Russians woro alleged to havo boen killed or wounded. A Lloo Yang dispatch states that Kouropatkln was welcomed to trans-Baikal terri tory by Linovltch In a telegram say ing tho troops are thirsting for ro vongo. South Manchuria and South Corea aro reported quiet. Chicago, March 21. May wheat, D394; old July, 8788; July corn, 49049. And Just Because Their Enemy, Bristow Is Delivered loto Their Hands Directory Shows Him Guilty Has. Four Relatives on the Pay His Law Partner Has an Interesting Bundle of Soft Snaps Besides Being Candidate for Congress Washington. March 24. Members of congress, In their mall today, ro colvod cards printed on both sides, purporting to show tho record of Bris tow in tho Qulso, Franklin Cqunty, Kansas directory. Tho names of him self and four rolatlvos aro on tho pay roll In tho aggrogato Bum of $9700. Brlstow's partnor, "Allen, a enndtdata for congress, has a number of snaps. Tho card was circulated with great gloo. BANK WRECKER RETURNS Rlvorsldo, Cal, March 24. Tom Hays, tho bank wrecker, who returned last night, mado a dramatic entry at tho Rlversido Country Club, wot and muddy from his long tramp In the rain. Ho was not hunted openly, and cbargod tho officials Know whero ha' was, and if public indignation had not reached tho dongor point ho would not havo returned until aftor tho grand Jury had Issued its roport on munic ipal "grafting." Who Cares, Dad's Rich. London, March 24. Tho queen to day visited tho Alexandra trusT res taurant, established by Lipton, and ordered a four penco haponny dinner j served. AUTHOR OF THE LIGHT OF ASIA; London, March 24. Sir Edwin Ar nold, tho well-known' author and Jour nalist, who has been seriously 111 for somo days, died this morning. For Forest Reserve Near The Dalles,' Washington, March 24, Iloproson tatlYo Williamson has requested tho' Interior department to crcnto a small forest resorvo, embracing six or olght sections of land on tho head waters of Mill crook, southwest of Tho Dalles, with a vlow to protecting tho water supply of that city. - q An Unlucky Thirteen. Berlin, March 24. Tho Flora varlo ty thentro, which waar being doraol Ifihad, collapsed today, and 13 work men woro killed, 1 To Put Out the Fires. Odessa, Russia, March 24 Twonty flremon havo been dispatched to Port Arthur to deal with fires, which woro started by tho Japaneso bombard-, mont. CORBETT AND BRITT ARE READY TO EIGHT New Stilts oSJfieiieMdSi New Skifts THE BIG STORE is practically overflowing with noveltlos for Easter. Wherevor tho eye wanders It moots a dazzling array of sparkling beauty that tells you of what is nowost and best among the world's fashion eentors. Thero is a choice choosing Just now whllo stocks aro at tholr fullest Our prices are no higher than they should be possibly thoy would be higher had you tho making of them. I Of tho Eoods as well as the ex tremely low "pYices that Is at tracting tho attention of Sa Jem's best dressers to our now dry goods department. We're showing dross goods and drees trimmings that are equal to anything shown In tho city. Our Hnea of laces and ombroid erlos have tho reputation of be ing the best Another lot of gilt buttons Just in. We have Proctor's Teneriffe Wheels and squares, if you want to make your own lace. NEW CHIFFON, APPLIQUE AND MEDALLIONS. The New York Racket E. T. BARNES, Prop. We Undersell Regular Stores. J MMiMsMIMMMim K San Francisco, -March 24. "Young Corbett," champion featherweight pugllibt of tho world, and Jimmy Brltt, who bsHqves ho ought to be champion, inave completed thoJr work of preparation and are ready to en ter tho rlug at Woodward's pavilion tomorrow night to settle tho question of relative supremacy. Tho battle will be the most Important the cham pion has engaged In slnco his last light with' Terry McGovorn. Brltt never worked harder Tor a coming fight and both men will go Into the ring in marly perfect condition. Brltt reaMzes the stake that Is at Issue, and will make a supreme effort to J, show his California admirers that ho Is at the top of his class. There 1b considerable betting on mltted to the gymnasium. In speak Ling of tho coming encounter tho lit tle Callfornlan said: "I will havo to! hit an awful gait to beat Corbett. j but I know It's In rao. I don't like' to talk about theso things, but Ij Would Just like my friends to know that I am confidant, and havo put up money on myeelf. Young Corbett Is a wonderful fighter, and I will have the hardest contest of my career, but I fool sure I'll win." The same feeling of confldonco -was apparent today in the Corbett camp. Despite the many stories to the con trary the champion has been training faithfully for bis battle with Brltt and from all Indications he will ontr the ring In flret-olasa condition. In company with his trainers ho went through tho usual routine of exercises the fight and Interest is keen. White today, spending an hour or bo in road .he champion Is naturally the favor work and afterwards boxing several Ite In the betting, thero is plenty of rounds. tyual Spring Suits Brltt money In sight and bets on the Denverite at tempting odds are quick ly taken up by the admirers of the iCaUfornlan. Consi.lerablo money has bees paid1 on the proposition that Brltt will hut the Mralt Both men took their final prepara tion today. Britt made a particularly, busy day of it at Croll'a gardes. There was a bis crowd on basd to see him. but only & chosen few were ad- The Hayes Valley Athletic club, under whose auspices the contest w4U take place, reports ono of the largest seat sales of any fight that has ever taken place In Ban Fran cisco. Delegations of sporting men are already arriviBg from1 out of tewu aad the Indication point to an eaorOB crowd la the big "pavilion' whea the little floaters ester the! riBg. ' OF RICHEST BEAUTY individuality is written nil over every gar ment wo sell The assortments ore enormous, and tho priaes absolutely the low est $6.50 to $35.00 Shoes Buy your Easter footwear from Meyers and you will surely be pleased. Iteauty, grace, fit, ele gance, comfort are embodied In our magnificent assortment of spring footwear for men and wo men. QUEEN QUALITY shoes for wo menBoots $3,00; Oxfords $2.50. MYERS' SHOES FOR MEN a! ways 93.50 pair. New Dress Goods Only 10 days- until Kastor. Have you selocted tho goods for your Easter gown? Our display is su perb. Tho now arrival) are Im mensely popular. Our Importa tions have been received by shop pers with genulno enthusiasm Quality, stykt beauty all are per ft'Qt Call and see tho late ar rivals. They're beauties. New Ttunks The DRUCKBR trunk has been the standard of merit la the United States for over a third of a oea tury. We Just received a full line la oil grades. Second floor. Spring Bm WAITING ftKffiur WlV FOR YOU ggf 8I New Dress Trimmings Fashion dlotates that lace shall be in high favor for dress garnish ing of all kinds this season. In fact, they will be used even more extensively than a year ago. In selecting tho new trlmminga we bad this fact in mind, with the re sult that we are showing the grandest array of beautiful laoes and exelustve novelties aver sfeowa In the Willamette valley. m u