Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 15, 1904, Image 1

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    FVW' BHPf"
ft i
vol. XIV.
NO. 62.
Is Showing Remarkable Strategy
in Everlastingly Whaling the
Japs Before Leaving for
the Seat of War
m urn M WJSr ffm. ftwoH 77
ry-S.J - ii imw urn imjmim nimm ' i rra
He Warbles; "Great Britain Shall not In
terfere to Deprive Us of the Fruits
of Dearly Bought Victory
Corea Shall be Russian."
London, March IB. Tho Central
N'ews, of Port Arthur, reports a
lUrmlsh between Cossacks and Jap-
ueso cavalry on tno unnKs or mo
Talu. The Japanese horses were
killed, and tho Japanose were forced
to flee afoot. A second skirmish Is re
ported near An Ju, Corea, In which
the Japanese woro repulsed. Qrand
Duko Vladlmlrovltch, the czar's cous
in, Is expected at Port Arthur tomor-
Hi '
B Will Arm the Convicts.
B Rf Pntorsbunr. March IB. A dlB-
Mtch Btatos that Viceroy Alexlott haa
brdored tho Immediate liberation and
UTOing OI nil convicts on uiu ibiuuu
Kho aro willing to enroll and help de-
lend tho island against the Japanese
iktack thought to bo Imminent.
Spying on Russia.
Berlin, March 25. Tho Koolnlsscho
feoltung reports that Japan has organ-
lied tho most complote esplonago of
Itussla. Twenty-five hundred patriot
ic Japaneso volunteered to porform
this dangerous service.
final disposition of Port Arthur and
tho Russian fleet, which Is a threat
ening factor In transport matters. As
Togo's second attempt to bottle It up
apparently failed further delay In
Japaneso landing It Is believed will
Jap Army Still at Home.
Cheo Foo, March 15. It Is reported
that th Japanese land forcos nra still
In Jar an, dosplto contrary statomonts.
Thosi In Corea arc morely for garri
son purposes, to hold the Russians in
. (
cnecK niong tne xaiu. mo main army i tWQ
Is destined for some point along tho'
Llao Tung gulf, but Is waiting the I
Jap Story of the Fight.
London, March 15. Reuter's ad
vices from Toklo glvo Interesting de
tails of tho torpedo encounter between
Russian and Japaneso boats at Port
Arthur on, tho 10th. Tho tea Japs
wounded and nlno killed that night
havo reached Sasabo. Tho Burvlvors
give unstinted praise to the Russians
for their horolc attack on tho Jap
aneso torpedo flotilla. Tho most In
teresting Incident told by ono of tho
sailors who had a personal encounter
with tho captain of tho destroyer
Storogugatchl, which was sunk "by tho
Japanose. So oloso did tho opposing
vossols light that this Bailor boardpd
tho Russian destroyer, with sovoral
othors. Rushing along the dock ho
encountered tho commander Just as
ho was loavlng tho cabin, and an ex
citing fight followed, tho Japanese
finally foiling tho captain with his cut
lass. Tho Russian, stunned, attempt
ed to arlso, but tho Jack kicked him
ovorboard, and ho drowned. Tho Jap
anese say 20 sailors lay dead on tho
Russian destroyors, which stoou
Handling a quick-firer. Japanese tea men at work.
Bound From San Fran
Cisco to the Coquille
.Business Men of Tell-
wide Run Citizens
Out of Town
Blown From Her Comse, by
Terrific ctonrs She
Reached Port Townsend
Badly Battered
Port Townsend, Wash , March 15.
Tho schooner Antelope, 58 days from
San, Francisco for tho Coqulllo river,
Oregon, has arrived In a badly bat
tered condition. Sho was given up
for lost. Sho was caught n a storm
and blown several hundred miles out
of her course.
The Lawmakers.
Washington, March 15. Tho house
commlttco on military affairs has rec
ommended the Henry ranuh, In Cali
fornia, as a permanent military camp
Accused of Nothing More
berlous Than Sympathiz
ing With the Union
Yakima School Teacher Runs
Away With a SiMy Little Four
teen Year-old Girl Who At
tended His School
His Tearful Wife Forgives Him, Weeps
Down His Sinful Spine, and Lays alt
the Blame, Woman Like on
the Girl
Tellurldo, Colo., March 15. Ono
hundred members of tho Citizens' Al
Hancov all armed, last night raided tho
homes of union minors and sympa
thizers, forced thorn to march to tho
depoM when they were placed aboard
of a train at 2 o'clock this morning
and again doportcd, and warned not to
return 'on pain of death. Resistance
in several cases brought severe beat
ings. A number of tho mob are well
known business men.
Tho Third to 8ulclde.
Columbus, Ohio, March 15. Chas.
Walter Maslch, assistant professor of
tho Gorman laneuago In tho Stato
'Unlvorslfy, killed himself this morn
Washington. Mnrch 15. The house I Ing by poisoning. He Is the third pro.
further considered the postoflleo np- fessor to sulcldo In 18 month's
proprlatlon bills, and tho sonato Maslch has expected to get tho place
passed tho fortifications approurla- of Prof. Eggers. who killed himself
tlons. with a pistol.
Spokane, March 15. H. S. Wil
liams, a well-known resident of North
Yakima, Wash., aged 47, eloped with
Lottlo Davis, a school girl aged 14,
about a week ago, and thoy woro yes
terday brought back to North Yakima
by tho shortff, who traced tho couplo
to a small hotel In Qoldondalo. Tho
affair has created a sensation, as Wil
liams has a wlfo and children. Tho
wlfo mot tho party at tho train, and
wopt as sho saw her husband a pris
oner. Sho professed willingness to
forglvo, but tho authorities aro hold
ing Williams and tho girl. Lottlo
Davis confessed tho wholo story of
tho elopement, telling how Davis ar
ranged to meet hor on tho road to hor
homo nttor school. They took the
train cast and then doubled baote.
westward, going to Qoldondalo.
Ofllcora wero apprised of the olbpc
mont, but tho matter was kept front
tho pross until today, Tho girl's fallit
or Insists on prosecution. William",
refuses to talk. His strango infatua
tion for tho girl puzzles pcoplo who.
know him Intimately, as ho has pre
viously borno a good reputation.
Thoro 1b much Indignation, and soma?
wild talk of summary vengeance Im
tho town. Williams' wlfo says sho
bollovos tho girl led her husbandr
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
There's Someth 1 n g
."522 About the
That make you want the
Eame kind again. They're g
rra7o to fit. The fabrics are g
th newest, and thoy give g
aisfactory wear. It Is time g
)uu wre looking over our
New Spring
t Wve traded with us you know that the quality and prices
are both right
J" ilWIIMM !! !! I Illllll Ill llir-T-inilMlrimi f
, 'fir JJ K - r ilir i I
New York, March 15. Mrs. drlf
fin, daughtor of Senator Mitchell, of
Oregon, died this morning.
Consols Fell.
London, March 15. Nows that tho
government was defeated caused con
sols to fall. Seoul nowspapor corre
spondents at Hlng Yang and Anju
havo been ordorod to roturn by the
Japaneso military authorities, nndil
will bo hold at Seoul. No permits- ton
go to tho front Is advanced ao significant
Public Building for Los Angeles.
March 15. A Joint caucus of tficn
Republicans of tho houso and sonata
Is callod for Monday ovonlng to chooses
members of tho next Republican con,
grosslonal commlttco In Washington. .
Tho sonato passed tho bill appropriate.
Ing half a million for a slto and f8G0.
000 for a public building nt Lob An-golos.
Our 167th Wednesday 8urprlae Sale takes place. This economic event
promises to be another of our greatest bargain days. Judging from past
sales we would advise early buying for this let oan hardly last the full
day at this low price. Remember Wednesday only at the prloes quoted
none on Tuesday or Thursday at this prloe
Hats Hats Hats!
Dozens of new stylos just in,
ant the quality that will keep
you'll find at
You want the right shape, and you
that shape. Tnai is w iu
vwny it is because we stiokto the spot casn piau.
The New Yok Racket
E. T.BARNES, Prop.
Our prtoe are always Tower than at "regular store" for the same
Tho "Missouri Kid." otherwise William Rudolph, and George Col- g
Ilns, th Union, Mo., bank robbers, whose case is again attracting
wide attention The two desperadoes though scarcely 21 years old, 2
are orodltod with highway robberies, bank robbery and murder. On
December 27, 1992, they blew the safe of the bank at Union, Mo , ob
taining about $12,000. The act was committed In the open, the out
law keeplpg the dtlzens at bay with drawn revolvers. Later on
they murdered a Pinkerton detective, sent to effect their capturo
Thoy then fled to Connecticut, where they wore captureJ nearly a
year later. Prom the St. Louis Jail, whero they wore placed for safe
keeping, Rudolph, the more desperate of the two, made a daring and
sensational escape. Collins was tried for the murder of the detective,
found guilty and seBtenoed to death, the date ef execution being Bet
for this week. After roaming at large for roqnths Rudolph has now
beta re-captured In Kassas, and the execution of OoDIem has been
stayed until after the trial of his partner In orime.
wry . sixrssj.Mi'
jwk- Tow-
Hxtra size, best quality, plain and
fancy colored borders, suah as you
have paid 3fe for at other store.
For Wednesday Only
i Be each.
Sale begins at 7:30 a. m.
New Today
A Perfect Fit
Tho assurance of a perfect fit
means more to some men than
quality of material. Hut why not
have both when you oan get them?
Wo consider there Is nothing too
good for our customers. As a
matter of curiosity, perhaps, you'd
like to look at a suit which Is
better made than any other oloth
Ing In the world.
Spring styles now ready.