Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 08, 1904, TAXPAYERS' EDITION, PART ONE, Page TWO, Image 2

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Boitbdtil page of
XLhc )nily Journal
Bcrlppa News Association Telegram.
Pubilibed overy afternoon oxopot Sunday at 197 Commercial at root.
Subscription terms:
Dally one year, $4.00 In advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance:
dally by carrier, 50c per month; weekly ono year, $1.00 In advance.
Ono wook lOo; ond month 36c; threo months $1.00.
At Journal office; at Daue'o grocery, 8outh Salem; at Bowersox' grocery,
Yew Park; Asylum Avenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East Stato s
taken a great Interest In tho state
fair, and his appointment Is generally
looked upon as a good one.
This appointment will necessitate
tho election of a new president of
the state fair board, as Mr. Chandler,
tho retiring member, Is now the presi
dent, harlng been elected last fall
when Prosldont Wohrung retired from
the board owing to tho fact that he
had been appointed superintendent
of the Oregon exhibition In SL Louis.
It Is generally believed that W. H.
Downing, of Shaw, one of tho mem
bora appointed on tho board by
Governor Chamberlain las fall, will
be elected to succood Mr. Chandler.
Single Copies Price 5 cents. Price to newsboys 2(4 cents per copy.
To Mall Subscriber Tl'o 4ato when you subsorlttlon oxplres Is on the
kddroaa label of each pap or. When that dato arrives, If your subscription
has not Again boon paid In advance, your namo is taken from the list A
chango of dato on tho addrosA label la a receipt
Entered at the postofflce at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter.
Met Last Night to
Discuss Street
Asphalt and Brick Estimates
Considered- but AH
Sesmedto Favor
Crushed Rock
(Richard Brlnsloy Sheridan.)
Hero's to tho maiden of bashful
Hero's to tho widow of fifty;
Horo's to tho flaunting oxtravagant
An I hero's to tho housowlfo that's
Let thi) toast pass,
Drink to tho lass,
I'll warrant sho'll prove
An oxQiise for tho glass.
Ho Is, bosldos, a man of practical
charactor In public affairs saying
but llttlo and making few mistakes.
Russian offlcors condemn JapaneBO
naval tactics, but then thoy have a
right to, they were not satisfactory
to them.
Tho Seattlo Mall and Herald Is a
real mean thlnir when It nnvn: "Port
'land went Into transports when tho
Dlx crossed tho bar. It will probably
be her final effort In tho transport
Cherry Pectoi
quiets tickling throats. Doi
uuvc ajiuwu mis lor CO
Ask your own doctor al
Do as he says. -a
The Wearing of Ribbons. shaded or In mixed tints.
Ribbon Is more In request than It of tho new models bIiow aii
has been for somo tlmo. Favor is nunougn tneso are likely to
almost exclusively observed to .tho for somo tlmo longer, partlculaJ
t . 1 . 1.- iAinn In nlntn I mnttnOA nnrl nMtni '
vnrv HErnrnRL iiiiinua ui luucuio iu w.u.u i .........vv
or glaco shades, and with an almost
lmporcoptlblo border. Setting nsldo
Did you notlco that It sprinkled
about 7 o'clock last night?
Hore's lo tho charmer whoso dimples
wo prize;
Now to tho maid who has none,
Hero's to the maid with a bosom of
And hore's to tho nymph with but ono,
Lot tho toast pass,
Drink to tho lnss,
I'll warrant sho'll provo
An uxcuso for tho glass,
Horo's to th'o maiden with a bosom o(
Now to hor that'o as brown ns 0
Horo's to tho wlfo with a faoefull of
woo 1
And now to the danuol that's morry.
Lot tho tonst pass.
Drink to the lass,
I'll warrant sho'll prove
An qxouso for tho glass.
For lot 'om bo clumsy, or lot am bo
Young or anulent, oaro not a feather;
8a fllll a pint bumper unite up to tho
So fill up your glass, nay, fill to the
And lot us e'en toast them together.
Lot the toast pnsa,
Drink lo the lnss,
I'll wnrrnnt sho'll prove
An exoiiBo for tho glass.
Tho department of oommoroo Is to
Investigate Uib beef trust
That Is about as terrible a calami,
ty to tho tmsts ns If the old-fashioned
railroad commission Iu Oregon had
got after the corporations.
Tho Journal has never believed In
tho proposition of having a cabinet po
sition for a department of commerce.
The beef tmst wants nothing better
or kinder than the shaking up ft will
receive at the hae.de f a Washington
office-holder and brigade of fiery and
untamed, stall-fed clerks and red'
headed typewriters.
Ah cattle we mean horned cattle
grow cheaper, dressed beef seems
to grow dearer.
In August, 1903, dressed beef was
-J8.S7W per hundred In the great mar
kots. while beef on the hoof wan
U 17H- In 1801. drunwed beef sold at
the same price, while live sold for
?fl 60.
Seven large packing hautea are re
ported to have made -JHO.000 a day
lost year above any previous profits.
1 a 1 1
Cleveland will be offered the Dem
ocratic nomination for President
There la ouly one other Democrat
who will have any eewiWeratlea to
the eouventleu.
Tacoma Ledger.)
A very rich Amorlcnln woman host
boon attracting somo attontlon In
Paris by tho attontlon sho requires
for hor dog Tho dog is no great
shakos, as dogs go, bolng a torrler of
somo 'sort, with hair of groat longth
and sllkness. Hut ho has had tho Ill
fortune to fall Into tho possession of
a Billy woman who has moro mouoy
than Bonse, and Is having a fairly
mlsernblo tlmo of It.
According to a correspondent of an
Hasten, pnper, a special room Is on-
gaged for this dog at ono of the most
fashionable hotels. A maid Is paid to
nttond him. He wears a collar sot with
Jowols. His moals nro ordorcd with
special caro from tho samo restaurant
whore his mlstross foods, and tho
choicest dainties aro always solocted
for him a portion of woodcock or
quail, or other high-priced viand, and
It Is always served on a sllvor platter,
with as much attontlon to dalntlnesB
as If ho woro tho most Important,
thing In tho wholo world, As a conso
quonco tho poor bruto's appotlto Is
spoiled and ho Is a sickly cur, tnstoad.
of a happy, healthy dog, as ho might
be If he had some chanco to llvo ns
a dog should.
Somo people will find fault with
this silly womnn and say all mnnnors
of ovll things about her, no doubt;
for example, that sho might do a
whole lot of good things with thq
money she thus spends so foolishly,
by relieving the distressed, or help,
lug the poor or slok. or those who aro
unfortunate In many ways, and so she
oould. Out If she did this she would
not he doing what nature seemingly
designed her to do, and that Is to
iimnu unions, wno nave less monoy
than sho has, moro contentod with
their lot because thoy aro not as she
Is. Few women, we tako It. who have
sound minds, would care to bo kuown.
as sho Is coming to bo known, for her
foolish extravaganoe and disgusting
taste. Most people would rather be
glad to have less money, and know
now to get moro out of It. Many rich
people ent to be distressed to And
aulllclently foolish ways to be rid of
their money, and this one seems to be
oae of them. She douhUesa gets leec
plaasure out of It than many people
would get from much less. The late
Senator Snaron le reported to have
been fond of saying that ono draw-"
baek to great wealth ws. thnt It rob
bed IU paseeecor of the power to en
joy the game of poker. Few people
sympathise with him In this depriva
tion. Many people hnve been content
with a small fraction of what ho had
If they never got threo aces beat, and
knew they never would hav a chance
to make them win.
It Is not a bad thing for anybody
that foolish people find foolish ways
to ho rid of their mono), nnd no one
need regret that they get little good
of It It la far better that they attend
It rooUshly than Hot spend It at all.
It loses nothing of Its value In going
through their purses. Whether spent
to buy high priced viands for a dog.
that ofton wishea. no deubt. that he
might have a bone, and a ohanee to
seaw It la quiet la some back yard,
or to put eialhea en the baek of some
shivering child that sadly needs them.
According to tho Seattlo papers all
tho stories told about Seattlo grafting
were trifles. Tho election comes off
this week, and conditions will Im
When tho ground gots dry enough
In spots, nnd you hoar tho small boy
call "knucks" and "fen dubs," you
will know spring is horo to stay.
Tho Bwootost things In spring mil
llnery Snlom girls, of course
Somo pooplo don't know when an
Issuo Is dead Bryan is ono, and there
nro others.
Somo follts havon't rocovored from
tho sudden shock of last Sunday yot,
Will Mee't Friday.
Tho commltteo of arrangomonta of
tho Young Mon'a Uonubllcan Club.
chargod with tho duty of arranging a
pogram for tho meeting to bo held at
tho city halt next Friday evening, mot
last night, and proparcd a good pro
gram of spoechoff and musical num
bers for that occasion, tho first public
mooting of tho club for tho ensuing
campaign. Prominent local speaker?
will bo on tho program, but tjiojprln
clpnl apoakor of tho evening will' b
Hon. Geo, O. Hrownoll, of Oregon City,
who has novor boforo delivered a po
litical addross In tho Capital City, Tho
commltco has also socurcd the at
tonclnnco of tho Pratum qunrtot, nnd
local singers of reputo will help onllv-
on tho evening. Tho mooting will ba
for the genornl discussion of Republl
can principles, and does not In any
way pavo tho way for the success oJ
any ono oandldato for nomination.
Knights of Pythias.
Work In flrat nnd second ranks to
night. Members of tho Uniform
Rank should bring uniforms, i
An adjourned meeting of Court
street property owners was held at
tho city hall last evening, J. P. Friz
zcll chairman, and C. L. McNary sect
Reports wero called for from tho
committees appointed at a forme;
meeting. Mr. Pohlo was tho first to
respond, concerning gravel, and
formed estimates as follews:
For block 38 feot long, with curbs
I sot zu root from Uio property line,
leaving tho street G9 feet wldo
The plan of putting on tho gravel to
bo as follews: Tho street surfaco hav
ing boon previously brought to a propt
er sub-grade. Put on tho gravel 12
Inches deep In tho contor of tho Btreot
and six inchos at tho curbs, roll It
down well with a road rollor, which
will loavo It about olght Inches deop
at the center lino of tho street, thon
put on flno gravol to tho dopth of threo
Inchos over tho ontlro surfaco, and
roll down again. Also put In comont
Estimate of Cost.
Gravel required from street lino to
strcot lino, that Is for 348 lineal feet
will bo 7C3 cubic yards. Ono street
Intersection will tako 304 cubic ynrds.
Lineal feet of curbing por block 778
feet. I
7C3 cubic yds gravol, COc $457.80 '
304 cubic yds gravol, COc 182.40
778 lineal feot of curbing at 30c 295.67 J
Uso of road rollor, por block. . 40.00
nnq omor mil dri. el
Orders for ostrich have fallen oIi
; considerable, but this Is underatJl
thoso or narrow wiuuib riHium-u imuu uuy u uiumuuwiy aeprc&sIoD t
mnKing rULIims ua ueguwu, . ihiuiuikihi. ..u.Tvi uiu 10 OQ lh ,
tho demand to bo most for threo four decoration of "spring hats, it ia,
and flvo Inch rluuons. Tneso meuium man iiKciy osincn plume m . I
.i,it),a nm mnfln nn Into different tho fore ncaln nt mlrlonm,. 1
kinds of bows. Thoso aro gonorally !
composed of as many short ends Sale of City Bonds.
(snipped In Vandykes) as loops, nnd Tho City of Salem, OreeoiL
aro not over largo, bo that half a colvo subscriptions for tho m,.i
dozen may bo easily used for tho-trim 0f 30,000 of Its Municipal iwS
mlng of a broad brimmed hat set Cent Refunding Brldgo Bonds tol
one to tho other by a folded scarp of Tho subscription) book will be cm!
.Ilthnn Tho ivMaaf wliltha urn fnrl 1ft a1.1. - POTS'
draperies or to band round crowns.
Similar bows aro also mado to trim
sailors and other small hats and
toques, ns aro small wings and short
broad couteaux, both of which are.
moro ofton than not, matched to tho
straw, whether this bo self-colored,
nt 10
ociock a. m.. on t..j
1, 1904, at tho office of iv.
city recordor, la cald city and Trill j,
upon tho popular loan plan, the k
our ouuavMiJUUlU UDlDg BUM fU.
ana mono nexc niguest In due t
quonce. n. J. JUDAtt
City Itocorfd
Spring Nlillmevy Display
Wednesday, Match 9, 1 904
The New for Spring Wear
Tho advance stylos aro horo and ready for your viewing. They're
stylish, nobby and swell. A grand display of pattorn hats from New
York and Chicago. Untrlmmod, trimmed nnd tailored effects.
Wo wish to call your attontlon to our
Tho most stylish, nobby and swell hats
ideas in all tho up-to-dato styles.
mado. Chic and smart
A Complete Line
Of now and up-to-dato novolty trimmings.
.1975.84 ,
(Continued on Page Six.)
White Corner Millinery Dept.
1 30&Me)aMeae)9s49MtMBMM9;
1 1
1 1
1 1
Mnnr Mr See Wat It Takes Genius to
When James Watt saw the steam
cauBlnK tho kettle lid to Jump up and
down ho said "Thcro must bo power In
that stoam that It can lift suoh a
Thcro was.
Millions prior to him had aeon tho
ame phenomenon and regarded It as
an unexplalnod mystery.
necent eclentlno research has put Its
ringer on tho "cause" of Dandruff, Fall
ing Hair, and consequent Baldness, and
M.J,K..fron,,h8 root of human hair.
J?Wbr?? ""Plcldo destroyu this
KOrm and rnnnnn-r,.l.. . .
..bIeadln8; dtlts. Send 10c. In
X5SL fMlc"BPl t0 Th9 HldctolbE
"nniei j ,-ry Special Agent
aae MeMaxMaaaaBBBBWM seat
Primaries April ? and County Conventions
April 7.-361 Delegates to State
All the newest style;.
Best Assortment Largest Stock j j
Most Reasonable Prices in Marion Co, j
Rostein & Qxeenb&um
j Dy Goods and MilUnety
302 Commercial Street.
That la Carter HarriM. the mint
of CMMffl. wnoae boom U bewaring j(t mitM t0 ,ke uful
menu of the world and legitimately
lie nm me suraaiage or bejng a
man from the Middle Weet. and hon)
B.aver fought his party.
irki a erf0rwerh8ji Bovemad
the twhHHu (aret olty of the eountry
cteNoiea who would be sup-
hetfHi many.
W. F. Matlock Appointed,
Governor Qbamberlaln yeaterda' ap
polntej W R Matlock, of Pendleton,
a member of tao atato board of arl
oulturo to aueoeed Qeorge Chandler,
of PeniMete&t vrhoee term expire.
Matea Xt. Mr. Matleek baa alwaya
Appointment of delegates fur tho
next Republican state convention.
County. Delefiatua.
Dakor , 14
Ronton , 7
Claokamaa ,,,, 18
Clataop ., ,,tt jo
Columbia , 7
Cooa ,..,, g
Crook 5
vougiaa ,,..,, 14
Ollllain , 4
Grant 7
"may 4IIn 1900 338 nn ,.. . v. .
Jaakaon , , J.., " " 7 " "au"' UM,a or P-
,....-..,...,,,, ........ Mrwiuuuwaai,
Will hold their tit
Btato oonventloa at Portland, Thurs
day, April U.
Each oounty win be ropreaonted by
ono delegate at large, ono for every
150 VOtea oast fnr .Tii.l n- .. .,
WlaSl bjootlon and ono for evorr fraction
of 1BQ larger than 100.
JEho toUl number of delegates will
tf& 316. In 198S the total was sis h
Klamath , 4
l.ake 4
Lane 19
Lincoln ,,,,, 5
Linn J4
Malheur ,,,,, 5
Marlon , j$
Multnomah 71
Polk D
Shnortuaa .............. ...,..,, 4
Tillamook 5
UaaUllA ie
Union jo
Wallowa g
Wao j
Wa3itoteo l3
Tho State committee rocommenda
to oounty committees April J for prf
marles and April 7 for convontlona
99nvenUona of tho two Congres
slbnal dlstrieU are usually hald the
day before the state convention.
The nominations will be:
Supreme Judge.
Dairy and Pood Commissioner.
Four Presidential Electors.
Bight delegates to the NaUonal Con.
ventlon at Chloago. Juno 21, four at
largo and two eaoh Congressional
dlstriot and eight alternates.
The date recommended for the prl.
wa'rlea and eeuaty conventions are
BetftBiBdiBg oa tie ooaaty organixa-Uoft.
j R. M.
Harritt &
One Week Only at
6.00 $6.00
Wade & Co.
inere s where you get GOOD treatmentand GOOD goods
Drop in and see for yourself. ' M
' f- . unuwnii
5000 Stages SPl?ert RJe Mlatn
tv -itin
Hilling Co's Stock lot Safe
aasaa tsssn!rss -sx- . - -
H- A. Browa, 323 H. Maft sC S, SBi
more value
One. Address