Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 08, 1904, TAXPAYERS' EDITION, PART ONE, Image 1

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    T flL 3BT- 3E J&. TKT 30 TR. 3E3 X 3E ? X O 3ST
NO. 56.
ll -.." -.jjJMII ' - , .. .i
He Had Twenty Brothers and
Seventeen Sisters, and, !as
a Hundred Nephews
and Neices
Charming frankness of the Polygamists
in Testifying Against Themselves
One of the Peculiar Features of
the Trial
Queen and Crescent Express Hits a
Freight Train in Alabama Train
Crews Killed
Birmingham. Ala., March 8. Tho southbound limited express on
the Queen- and Crescent, from Cincinnati, running 60 mllos an hour,
collided head-on, at C o'clock this morning, with a northbound Sou th
orn Railway freight on n Joint track of tho two roads, near Kowakoe,
Mississippi. Tho known dead nro.Englnoer Larkln, Fireman Bank,
of tho limited, Mall dorks RlggB and Nicholson. Missing, Baggage
Master Hinds and a mall wolgher, name unknown. Fatally Injured,
Engineer Casoy and tho fireman of the freight. Express Mossongor
Hinds was badly hurt. Tho mall clerks wore cremated. Tho officials
assort that no passongors woro klllod. A big force of surgeons are
Washington, March 8. Charles Mer
rill, son of the apostlo, testified ho wai
tho son of hU father's third plural
wife, and was himself a polygamlst.
Ho was first married In 1887 to a wife
who died In 1889. In 1891 ho married
Chloo Hendricks, by whom ho had five
children; in 1888 ho married Annn
Stoddard, by whom ho had four chil
dren, and was living with hor when ho
married Chloo Hendricks, whom ho
called his legal wife. Merrill said ho
now had tw.o wives, and was cobabltnt
ing with both. Ho denied that tho wo-
man ho married In 1888 was his legal
wife, explaining that when ho marrleJ
In 1888, ho had a wlfo living, and that
ho understood that, under tho laws,
thnt mnrrlaco was now legal. There
fore his marrlago In 1891, after tho
death of his first wlfo In 1889. made
the first marrlago legal. Questioned
concerning tho marrlago coromony In
1888 wltnesB declared ho couldn't re
member how It was porformed. Could
not repeat It, but. bolng closoly exam-
Incd by Hoar, admitted ho knew tho
ordinary wedding servlco. Witness
lived with both wives, who had sepa
rate homes In Richmond, Utah. At
the tlmo of his second marriage his
homo was with his mother, his father
was on tho underground, that Is In
hiding because of persecutions going
on for polygamy. So far as ho know
his father didn't know ho had a wife
already whon ho was married by him
to the woman ho calls his lognl wife.
His father had six wives; ho had 20
brothers and 17 sisters. Didn't know
how many nephews and nieces, prob
ably 100. Three brothers woro mar
ried to plural wives and two sisters
wore married Into polygamous fami
lies. His father lives with his first
wlfo, but comes to tho homo of his
mothor onco a month. "Fath'or Is a
very ousy man," no auueu.
She didn't inform tho mnn who mar
ried hor that Johnson was already
married. So far as she know tho cele
brant might have bolloved ho wns
marrying Johnson to his first wife.
Official Says All Efforts Will Be
Concentrated on Army .
Russia Must Win to
Preserve Caste
Vladivostock Squadron Got Out Easily
but Now Can Neither Get Back INor
to PortArthur-Reliesfor Safety
on Pleetness
ThcWestern Salvage
Wrecking Company
'DilVMO "s"1'
UUlllO jrt
Rich Costumes and Hangings
of Bluebeard Company
Saved From Iroquois
Fire Go
' i'
Pennsylvania Haying
, Tunri Under
t . Water
(Contlnuod on Page Six.)
a S
Out New
Goods Dep't j
- 0
Towns Inundated, Bridges
Swept Away and Seven
Hundred Families
Wllkosbarre, Pa, March 8. At 3
o'clock this nftornoon tho Pennsylva-
Wrecking Company's building thls'.nla's hugo stool brldgo at Sollno
morning, causlntj a loss of $125.000, . Grove was swept away by tho Ice
woro dostroyod the costly costumes gorged floods. Tho Wyoming valloy
and hangings of tho Dluoboard Com-1 and lowlandB of the Susquehanna rlv
. . . .. ..., , i
pany, playing in. ino in-iaicu irouuum
Chicago, March 8. In a flro which
guttod the Westorn Salvage and
at tho tlmo of tho great disaster.
or, for 40 mllos bolow tho city, are
flooded, and 700 families are tempor
arily homolosfl, eight bridges aro swopt
away, nnd tho towns of Wostmoor
CnlA flnttm Pftnilhl Iff art.
UVH..JV W..I . !.( ......
Soattlo. March 8. A heavy vote Is
thoro was no bombardment, as ro
norted at Paris. Tho Impression hero
Is that Japan wants to regain posses-
slon of Saghallcn Island, ceded to Rus
sia, which l Important to tho food
supply of Northern Japan, on account
of Its fisheries. Tho czar denied tho i
potlllon of 10,000 Durlat tribesmen of
iv,. mna.rtniltnl section, not to bo
St. Petersburg. March 8. Tho safe
ty of tho Russian VladlvoBtock squad
ron It is bolloved can bo preserved by
Its speed, la avoiding an encounter
with tho Japanese Tho sonato hon
voted to owell tho -war fund contribu
tion 1,000,000 marks. MlntBtor of tho
interior 1'icnvo no asKoa me pruvm- - - -dmlnlitra,
clal governors to roduco allowances A.lmtral Stark's wlfo. who has
In tho public works estlmateo. I arrived from Port Arthur, Indignant
ly donlos tho admiral and his officers
woro ashore tho night of tho first afc
tack, attending a ball In hor honor.
Massacred Non-Combatant.
1 Rome, March 8. Tho Agonzla In
born reports a number of Chlnoso and
Jnpaneso massacred In tho Vladlvos-
Japan Would Like to Gain It on Ac
count of Its Fisheries.
St. Petersburg, March 8. Vladivos
tock advices say tho Japanoso fleot
moroly maneuvered Monday, and that
(Contlnuod on Page Six.)
Is a
Gffeat Success
our ! for January this year show an Increase of more than
40 per cent over tho sara month of last year. February shows an m-
crease of more than- 65 per cent over tno same rouu.. .
Each now department added helps to reduce the expense of every
other department In tho store
Our great volume of business enauios us m uu, . .- . -. -
-i ... ., oBh nlan of business, together with economic-
al business management, enables us to undersell any regular store.
New Spring Dess Goods, New Em
broideries, New Laces, rew
Dress Trimmings.
A big factory shipment of Velvet Grip Ilose Supporters just in
They're the beet. See our prices.
New Shoes, New Clothing
Do Not Want Mediation.
oi Tintneoftiirfw fnrnh fl mA nrnml
nont offlclal. Intorvlowed on tho report CaUunlsfia and Firwood are InundateJ.
that Russia wished modlatlon, said the. The losses will reach Into the thou-
project waB preposterous. Sho would , 8ands.
continue tho war until brilliant suc
cess had been obtained by Russia to
rotrleve her reverses at sea. Efforts
will now bo concentrated on uie army n hQ m tlm today
for a sweeping victory on ianu. iiim ., , ,,
Js considered "imperative. In order to Tho indications are that Republicans
savo the caste of tho nation before tho will make a eUan sweep. Dr. Anita
worJl, , MoGee and a corpso of trained nursos,
hi en route to Japan to nurse the
am,i. aii pinht Now. Mikado's wounded, are dut to arrive
Berlin. March 8. Lieut. Boseko. ro- hare tonight, and leave on for tho Orl-
tired, wlfo. daughter and two sons, all ent on the Iyo Maru tomorrow,
living in a fashlonablo villa on Wil .
holmstrass, woro found dead from Chicago Markets,
poison today. The unsatisfactory Chicago. March 8 -May wheat
state of tho family affairs It Is bo 94fcDl. Old July. MM"- Now
lleved drove tho family to suicide. 89Q88. July corn. 63 051.
Full lines of everything in new spring styles,
the new lines in our show windows.
You'll see somo of
The New Yotk Racket
E. T.BARNES, Prop.
Is the Place for Cash Buyers to Trade.
We would be compelled to Increase our profits from 18 to 15 per
cent if wo did business in the "regular way."
Our lCCth Wednesday sale begins at 7 30 tomorrow morning and promts
os to bo ono of our biggest sucoosses Wednesday has como to ba
recognized as Myers' bargain day and hundred of conservative ptopU
avail themselves of thus supplying thlr needs at theae sales. ,
Mailed From Boone, Iowa and Mrs.
Sherman Dye of That Place Is
Charged With Murder
Dos Moines. la.. March 8.-A a result of the death at Pierre. South
Dakota, last night of Misa IUnaNelson, who ate tho alleged poisoned
oandy mailed from Boone. Iowa. Mrs. Sherman Dye stands charged
with murder. Governor Cummins today listened to arguments for tho
extradition of Mrs. Dye. but withheld hi deojsloa, jwwHns a legal
amnion. Dve la standing by his wife, and Is at the JalL
Wednesday Only
Mercerized black satin petticoats,
with five rows of ruffling at bottom.
Some stores ask fl.&0 for no better.
Our priae
We aro Just In receipt of a
large supply of the best nnd
prettiest sweaters ever exhibit
ed In tlila city. All plain col
ara are represented as well M
the combinations, such as
blade nnd purple, white and
green, green and red, black
and white, greon and pink, oto.,
etc All are or the finest wool,
honey comb weavo and are cer
tainly beautle.
New Stits
and Skts
The latost tailored effects In
homespuns, cheviots, otamlnes,
Venetians, etc., portraying all
the newest ideas in correot
styles for spring wear
$$5 to $30
a)o a large line of Walking.
Skirts In all the) Uadlng oglor
Wftavee and fabric.
J l;j
f : 'l