Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Perfect Digestion
. Means Health
A Good Stomach Koeps Every Part of the
in Perfect Condition and Disease
Cannot Break In.
You Can Also Enjoy MInco Pto If
If your stomach It all right, you nro sll tltlit.
Vfbj are growing boys nearly always boalthy?
Bocause tbey hare not abused their stomachs by
excessive eatlnit and drinking and weakened or
destroyed tho functions of tbat organ. Because
tbey eat what Nature demands of Reed whole
come food and then take plenty of exercise and
run and romp and help out In tho process of
digestion and keep their stomaohs strong and
well. The same la truo of men who lead active
outdoor lives and engage In physical activity.
Their digestion Is porfect, the food nutriment Is
properly assimilated, the blood it pure and
healthy and you soldom hear of thorn being af
fected with head&cho, backache, kldnoy trouble,
llvor troubto, constipation or any other of the
common Ills that always afUlct thoso with bad
If there Is anything wTongwltliyou.be suro
your stomach It right. If It It not right, get It
right and do It In tho right way that It the nat
ural way.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a natural rmv
dy for all stomach disorders and weakness. Thej
possess exactly tho tamo properties that the
gastrlo juices and othor digestive fluids of the
toniaoh possoss and they actually do the dlgos
clve work of the stomach and enable that organ
to rest and recuperate aud become sound and
bjfT ftJvP w ? i irli 1 ifcjjIlEBBP LflEi'VjJ.sWflr.J WsssssssssssssssN 1
Head of the Roycrofters Shunned by His
Fellowtownsmenof East Aurora, New
York, Since His Legal Separation
From His First Wife
Elbert Hubbard's mode of llfo at hts
homo In East Aurora, a suburban vll
lago seventeen mllos south of Buffalo
is attracting much attention. His case
seems to be tho most romarkablo In
the literary firmament today, and
many porsons aro wondering what may
be looked for In his direction to make
the situation more porploxlng. Savo
for tho gossip of literary people El-
bert Hubbard, or Fra Elbertus. as ho ,
is popularly known, has his own way
about ovorythlng.
In his community establishment at
East Aurora his word Iff final, em
phatic and often despotic. Ho cannot
stop gossip and his perekm gets
"gone over" thoroughly every day by
tho towns-folk. Tho new wife, Mrs,
Alice Mooro Hubbard, whom he
brought to East Aurora Immediately
following tho decree of absoluto di
vorce granted by tho Now York state
urts to Mrs. Bertha Crawford Hun
gry, and who was named his co-ros-Wodent
in tho dlvoroo scandal, hai
ot beon acepeted in the high social
circles of the place In which the first
Mrs. Hubbard figured conspicuously
Mrs. Hubbard No. 1 was accom
plished. She was a skilled musician
and talented In other ways. Her
Paintings adorn the walls of many
wealthy homos In Buffalo and other
Places. Mrs. Hubbard, who now holds
forth among the Royoroftors, while
treated with respectable submission,
loss not mingle with the Inhabitants.
When seen away from home she usuu
Hy la accompanied br either Fra
Hibertus or the little child pom to
m at HIgham. Mass.. eight years ,
His Affinity at Home
Mrs. Hubbard has bad a, few cal
1". but they mainly aro persons in
terested la one way or another la the
You Tako Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet.
well. They act In a mild, natural manner and
cause no disturbance In the digestive organs.
They prevent any fermentation of tho food which
causes sour stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Instil health tnto
every part of the human body. Tboy compel
perfect digestion of tho food and porfect asslral
latton of the food nutriment. Every organ
and part of the body Is kept In repair and good
boalth necossarlly results. At tho sanio time the
stomach, being rellovod of tho work of digestion,
gots wol! and strong,
A prominent Dotrolt physician says: "I pre
scribe Stuart's Dyspopslp Tablots for all cases
of stomach trouble I havq tried many prescrip
tions, Including a number of my own, but find
nothing tbat gives such universal relief ns this
remody. They are natural, harmlon and thor
oughly effective In their, work, and while I have
a natural antipathy to patont modlclno, I do
not hesitate topretcrlbo and recommend Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets on all occasions."
The abovo Is no exception. Tho best physi
cians are prescribing them all ovor the land.
7hey can bo had of any druggist for so cents a
box, and If your own doctor Is real lionost with
you, bo will toll you frankly that thoro Is nothing
on earth so good for dyspepsia as Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. .
Roycroft. This woman, whom Fra
Elbertus choosos to destgnato as his
"affinity," Boems to prefer solitude,
She devotos most of hor time to writ
ing, and as this faot has become
generally known to outsldors It raises
the quostlon as to how much of tho
literary productions crodlted to Elbert
Hubbard was from her pen. Elbert
Hubbard has ndmlttod In Interviews
that she often has wrltton under or
' ".
Mrs Hubbard a dozen years age
held tho position of preceptress at
the East Aurora high school. It was
at that tlmo the acquaintance was
formed which later, ripened Into what
is termod love. Later sho attonded
the Emerson school of oratory while
Fra Elbertus studied at Harvard uni
versity. He was then anan of mid-
dlo life, having had an
business career.
Hubbard, however, intends holding
the rolns. He Is undaunted by public
opinion, apparently caring nothing for
It Tho other day he escorted his new
wife to the high school and Introduced
her to tho respective mombora of tho
faculty, who. of course, had all en
tered the Institution subsequent to
hor doparture to Concord Mass. The
welcome sho rocleved there Is report
ed by the villagers to have been cor
dial but In no case were congralua
tlons offered them. Tho neighbors ob
ject to tho marriage which is not In
compliance with the law of Now
York state.
When they visited the school they
took with 'them the little daughter
Merrlam. and they left her there to
attend, sohool. The ohlld waa born,
acoordfBg to the recorda at HIgham.
Mass, long before the first Mrs. Hub
bard had suspected the Intimacy ex
isting between her husband and the
woman who was then Miss Alice L.
Moor. Now tho newcomor across
Hubbard's threshold finds herself In
a peculiarly unfortunate situation,
Aside from tho matrimonial disturb
ances of the past year she finds that
the original Mrs. Hubbard was ox
tremoly popular nnd moved In the
best society.
This socloty has not Invited of
shown any Inclinations to Invite hor
Into Its folds It Is doubtful If it
over will, for all tho old friends made
upon hor appearance as an educator
at East Aurora are living olsewhoro
Tho first Mrs. Hubbard, who llvos
with hor dlvorcod husband's married
sister, tfraquently visits hor old friends
but steers away from tho Hubbard
sanctum, allowing her children to
visit her at Buffalo.
Fra Elbertus, popular though ho Is
abroad, Is not strong with tho towns
people. Away from homo people trav
el great distances to hear him speak.
And yet Hubbard locturos often at
tho 'Roycroft chapel at East Aurora
but not one out of fifty of tho Inhabit
ants of that vlllago seek to hor him,
nor do many of them read his literary
productions. The strained relations
of the mnn and tho people living near
him are not duo to any uncongenlallty
of disposition on his part or on tho
part of others. Prior to tho divorce
proceedings Hubbard was actually
adored by many.
Vlllngors boasted of producing n
man of marked ability and dollghtcrt
to tell their .frlonds of his charming
qualltlos, hut whon thoy learned of tho.
dual life ho had been leading and read
In tho nowspapors of tho details ot
tho affair, llko all othor vlllagors, thoy
dccldod to tako a stand In tho matter
and thoy stood for Mrs. Hubbard and
it Is her sldo of tho case they favor
today, Tho subsoquont marriage of
Elbert Hubbard to Miss Mooro caused
anothor stir among tho community
and Btlll moro of his followors fell
away from him. Now Hubbard'B life
as a literary light hangs In the bal
anco and his future may depend1 on
hln conduct.
Fra Elbertus' Garb..
About their homo Elbert Hubbard
and his "nfllnlty" nro busy people.
They aro nover ldlo. If Fray Elbertus
Is not writing or looking about tho
Roycroft ho can bo found hoeing tho
garden. At times ho Is absent for six
weoks on a lecturing tour. Hubbard
never drosses fashionably; usually hla
favorito garb censists: of a -slouch hat,
bluo flannel shirt, corduroy trousors
and leggings, or In placo of tho last
named, a pair of high boots. It Is com
monly stated tbat Mrs. Hubbard possj
es moro tlmo vlth her pen than with
hor hUBband. Hor ability In this direc
tion has boon hold responsible for
tholr attachment.
In ovory way tho breaking up of
tho Hubbard family has decidedly
hurt Fra Elbertus. It has not helped
hira away from homo. A promlnont
author has boon quoted as saying:
"Hubbard Is tho saddest dog oxtant
today In tho literary firmament." Fra
hasn't decided how to take the auth
or's comment
Whon Mrs. Bortha Crawford Hub
bard, tho mothor of his family, left
his East Aurora mansion, sho took
with hor tho two younger children, a
boy and a girl, leaving tho two oldor
boys to live with tholr father. This,
howovor, thoy do not do. Tho eldest
son, Elbert Hubbard 11, disapproves
hls father's treatment of his mother
and of his marrlago to Miss Mooro
In this, as will be understood ho has
gained many frlonds whloh his parent
lost. Thb young man, whd has only
voted twlco, rosemblos his fathor to
a staturo. He Ib not bont in tho
literary lino llko hts father.
New Yorkers Pay More for Bread.
Now York, March 7 Tho avorage
Gothamite Is a patient creaturo and
ns a rule ho voices only ieouio pro
test against paying more for his liv
Ing than any one olso on tho face of
the globe, but when It comes to pay
Ing bo very muqh more for his
doily bread, In a literal sense well,
that's anothor matter. This winter the
prlco of beef has gono up by leaps
and bounds until It has become almost
a luxury. The cost of vegetables and
nearly alll staple groceries has- Incres
od proportionately. Tenants through
out tho city have recleved notices
that beginning May 1 their rents will
be Increased, In some cases as much
No Dessert
More Attractive
Why use gelatine and
speaa noun soaxuig,
sweetening, flavoring
and coloring when
nrodaees better reeolU in two mbmtet
Everything in the package. Sunplyoddhot
water asd set to oooL It'uperfeeuoa. Asa
prise to the hoasewlte. Ho trouble, leas ex-
las. TryHtc-dsy. JaVuumii!.
rent iiemon, ursage, iwo(iy, jmsjm
berry, Atgroeeat. 10.
i i L .
Recent experiments conducted by most
eminent scientists, orove that iif.t t. .
great remedial agent; It is essentially
Nature's agent. It may be either sun
light or electric light, but it has a de
cided effect in helping nature to banish
disease and restore health. Other scien
tific men hvc proved that oxjgeu elec
trifies the heart and can prolong life.
The people on this eatth are susceptible
to some laws which govern plant life. A
plant cannot be successfully grown In the
dark A man is seldom healthy and strong
WH liv i" the dark or in smiles., roomn.
Alter all, Nature's vays are found lo be
the best Nature's remedies are always
best for e-adlcatitig disease, and by this we
mean a medicine made of roots and herbs.
They are assimilated in the stomach and
taken up by the blood and are, therefore,
the most potent means which can be em
ploed for the regaining; of lost health,
.i , Vicrce consulting physician to
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
at uutlalo, N Y , in many years of exten
sile practice, found that he could pin his
faith to an alterative extract of certain
Slants and toots for the cure of all blood
cases This he called Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical. Discovery. Containing no
alcohol nor narcotics, entirely vegetable,
this "Disco cry makes rich red blood aud
Is n powerful tissue.builder, giving1 the tired
business man or woman renewed strength
and health Kapidly growing school-girls
and boys often show Impoverished blood
by the pimples or boils which appear on
face or neck To eradicate the poisons
from the blood, and fied the heart, lungs
and stomach on pure blood, nothing is
so good as Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Don't allow the dealer to Insult your In
telligence by offering his own blood rem
edy to you instead of this well known
preparation of Dr Pierce's. Ten chances
to one he will itubstitute a cheap compound
having a large percentage of alcohol In It.
Dr Pierce's Pellets are the best for tho
bowels. Use them with the "Discovery. "
as fifty por cont Tho coal man has
charged tho limit on his products
this winter nnd tho loo man promlsos
to do tho samo noxt summer.
All of this hns beon more or loss
without complaint, but today mut
torlngs of dlscontont woro hoard from
the Battory to tho Harlem river nnd
a flood of wra'h promlsos to break
loose at any moment and hurl to de
struction tho baker man who has fol
lowed In the footstops of tho landlord,
tho butchor, tho grocer nnd tho coal
dealer In increasing tho price of his
Whon tho housowife went to the
door this morning nnd rccloved from
the baker boy tho breakfast rolls and
buns sho found upon opening the bag
that It contalnod but six Instead of tho
customary BQven or eight The sanitj.
startling dlEcovory vras mado from
one limit of tho metropolis to the
othor A call at tho bakery brought
to Hcht tho fact that tho mostor bak-
ors throughout tho city has mado an
Iron-clad agtoomont to advance prices
and that tho Inoraaeo boennio affective
today Tho IncroaBo affects not only
broad and rolls, but all othor bnkers'
products of which wheat flour forms
tho basis, , , ..w
Tho high prlco of flour Is tho ploa
offered by bakors for tho advance In
prices, but thoy aro caroful to add
that tho new schodulo will be main
talned no matter how flour quotations
go. Thoy doclaro that not only has
the prlco of flour gratoly Incrensod,
but that rents havo gone up flftoon to
twenty-flvo por cont, tho cost of labor
has Increased twenty-flvo per cont. In
two yoars, while hours of work have
boon roducod. It would bo Impossible
they say, to mako money at tho old
A Ministers Mistake.
A city minister was recently handed
a notice to bo read from bis pulpit
Accompanying It was a clipping from
a newspaper bearing upon the matter
Tho clergyman started to read the ex
tract and found that it began: "Tako
Kemp's Balsam, the best Cough Cure."
This was hardly what honad expected,
and, after a moment's hesitation, bo
turned It over and found on the othor
sldo tho matter Intended for roadlng.3
;; It's Ticklish Business
To take your linen to a laundry
tbat hasn't earned a reputation
for the reliability of Its methods
In perfect laundry work, such as
the Salem Steam Laundry does.
We do up linen, madras and
percale shirts with the color as
fresh as when first purchased,
and dress shirts with linen col
lars and cuffs in a manner tbat
is unsurpassed in the art of
Jaundry work.
Salem Steam Laundry
Colonel X Olmsted, Prep.
Dorus D. Olmsted, Mas.
ilt -so Llhsrtr St f
ZI.ZJ. " , . ". .., . 7. .X
TW ltlVTllllll)ll
rt KmjY) T"
J Advertisements, five lines or T
less, In this column Inserted X
three times for 25c, 50c awe ok
$1.50 a month. Alt over flva t
J. lines at tho same rate.
1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 m
Placo Wanted By n competent girl
to do housework. Apply "I," care
Journal. 3-5-3t
For Sale. Good, 7-room houso, one
half block from stato house, two
blocks from postofflce. Seo Dorby
& Wilson. 3-G-3t
For Sale. Two span of horsos. Ad
dress W. B. Duncan, Salem, caro ot
McCoy stago. Phono, Farm 21.
For Sale. A bargain, 120 foot front,
north sldo of Stato strcot, running
through to Court strcot, and adjoin
ing tho Thos. Sims proporty. Throe
blocks from' stato Iioubo. B. T. Row
land, Leonard Hotoi, 302 Front
street 3--3t
For Sale. One 3-year-old stnllion colt,
sired by Corbett, weighs about 1400
pounds, will mako 1800-pound horso,
for 225. ' 3-4-3t
For 8ale. A flno fresh cow, also some
young stock. Inqulro ot I. Baum
gartnor, Fairground. 3-3-3t
Fop Sale A barn 18x24 foot, sttuatod
on 12th and Contor stroots. For
further Information Inqulro of A. X
Basoy. 3-3-3t
For Sale. A flno largo cow for salo
nt a bargain. A good milker, good
stock. Will bo frosh within a few
weeks. Call at 407 High strcot, or seo
Z. M Enrvln, Salem. 3-2-3t
For Sale Or trade, a flno 10-acro
chlckon or fruit ranch; flrst-cljjsa
buildings and Improvements; closo
to school, postofllce, storo and rail
way station. Will trado for city or
unimproved farm property. Address
"W. J" Caro Journal. 11-5-
Notice. Porsons wishing work dono
in tho I. O. O. F. cemetery apply to
tho soxton, N. Rosenbaum, cornor ot
Wilson nnd Rock stroots. Phono
2076 Black. 3-4-lm
Mrs. C. A. Spauldlnjj Is at Mr. J, A
Sellwood's, 383 Front stroot, with a
flno assortment of hair goods, for a
fow days only. All orders promptly
attended to. 3-2-3 1
Say Have you tried Edwards & Lusch.
or's for moats. Wo havo the best
eausago in town. Como and try It,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and host oqulppod company In Sa
eom. Piano nrd furnlturo moving
a specialty Offlco 'phono, 861. W.
W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office
No. CO State street 9-1-1 m
Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 207 Commercial
stroot, upstairs. Singing school
Rudimontal and sight reading class
es. Begins Wodnesday evening, Oc
tober 14th. Class every Wodnes
day ovoning to May 1st, next Tui
tion, 11.00.
i i Garden
i : Seeds
If you want to got seods that
will grow, select from
The Largest 8tock
The Purest 8tock
Tho Best Selected Stock
In tho valley, and remember
tho only seeds wo carry aro
A handsomo Illustrated cat
aloguo sent freo by mall on re
quest i
I Savage & Fletcher!
Dealers In
322-324 Commercial Street
44--HM gfHfrft eitC-H
203 Commercial Street
Short Orders, Oysters In all styles
Meals at all hours
Service a la Carte
R ECKERLHN, Proprietor
New belts, new collars, new waist
sets, new hair ornaments, notions of
all kinds at
Tlie Vatlety Store
... .
9WWX191. AfiBOra M WC1CB. fTM
Unique Cleaning Rooms -C. A. BJohr?
son, successor to Shaw & Johnsoajl
tho clcanars, Is now located at 209
Cominorclat strcot Ho does a ge
oral pressing and repairing busi
ness. Specialties: Skirts, bIQe
waists, kid gloves, gents' olothlnR
olc. Phono 2G14. 6-28-lyr
Dr. I. W. Starr Office In Bush & Drear;
building, ovor Oregon Shoo 8 torts.1
Offlco hours, 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to
5 p. m. Calls attonded In city or
country. Residence 'phono 2165
Rod. 1.6-tt ,
Dr. W. 8. Mott Will horcaftor b
found in tho Broy block, 276 Cost?
merctal stroot over Oregon Shoe
Co. Offlco tolephone, 2931; rwK
donee phone, 2751. Offlco hours
to 12. and 2 to B. 4
Walter Morley, Dealer la American?
El wood and Page flold fencing. All
kinds ot poultry fencing, Shingle?
P. & B. ready roofing and wH
paper . Prlcos tho lowest Salea?
Fonco works, 60 Court street
Salem. d&w?
-- .
Undertaker. Wo carry tho largest,
and flnost Una of undertaker's goodai
in the city. Prices to suit allH
Black and whlto hoarse. Promptj,
rollablo. Savo monoy by calling w,
No. 107. A. M. Clotigb, A J. Basoy.'
M6-ti '
Ferguson's Restaurant 95 8'-tJ
stroot Open day aud night Oai?
20c meals aro hotter than any Sl
houso in tho Btato. Six 20a xaals
for $1.00; 21 20a meals for (3.00. a
i nirmms,
Olive Lodge, No. 18, I, O. O. F. I. O.,
O. F. Hall, Saturday oach woek, at
7:30 p. m. B B. Horrick, Jr., N. Q.g'
Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary..
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tht,
World Moots In Holman Hall ovoix
Friday at 7:30 p m. P. L. Fraslor,
Consul. Wylle A. Mooros, Bccw
tnry. 1-12-lyr )
Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Ctm
dor United Workmen, moots eTtrjtl
Saturday ovoning in tho Ilolouutj
Hall, corner Stato and Llbertjy
Btreets. Visiting brethren wolcoswOf
J. O Graham, M. W.; J. A SeUirtwC
Recorder. t
Volley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. MeeW
In tholr hall In Holman block, cor
nor Stato and Liberty, ovory Moo
day ovoning Visiting brethren
wolsome. Roy Mclntlro, M. W. A,
E. Aufranco, Recorder,
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cutl
Hall In Holman block, cornor 8Ut
and Llborty Sis, T esday of eeH
wook at 7:30 p. m, II. H. Turner,
C. 0.; W. I. Staloy. K. of R. nnd 8.
Foresters of America Court Haer
wood Forcstors No. 19. Moots Frl
day In Tumor block. II, O,
Meyer, O. R.; A. L. Brown, Seo.
Modern Woodmen of America -ors-gon
Cedar Camp No. 5240. MtvtM
ovory Thursday ovoning at 8 o'clc-cK
Holman Hall, E. E. Matton, V.
P.; A. L. Brown. Clork.
Drs. M. T. Gchocttle, Frank J. Barr
and Anna M. Barr. Dr. Lola Mao
Thomas, assistant specialist in to
mato dlseasos; so von years' oxporl
onco in conflnemont casos. Consul
tation free. Or. W. II. Thomas, as
sistant specialist In ronal caloult
gall stonos, stomach troubles, con
stipation and dislocations. All
graduaton of tho found or's school,,
Offlco hours, 0 to C, I. O. O. F. tcm
plo. Phono 2721 Main; resfdonco
phono, 2G03 Red.
Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and Bug
goatlonlst Treats chronic disorder
of tho stomach, bowels, llvor, kid
neys; nervous and fomalo dlsoasesr,
lung and. throat troubles. D'Arcy;
Illdg.. Stato Bt Main 2855.
Evan'a Barber Shop Only flrstolaM
shop on State street Kvory thing
new and up-to-c&to. Finest porce
lain baths. Shave, 15c; haircut 3
baths, 26c. Two first-class boot
blacks. O, W. Evans, proprietor.
For water service apply at offle.
Bills payable monthly in adrane.
Mae all complaints at tho office.
Express and Transfer
Meets all mall and passenger trtlnai
Baggage to all part of tho olty.J
Prompt service. Telephone No. 24L
Successor to Dr. J. H. Keeae. 1
White Comer, Balem, Ortfcos. FuUesf
desiring superior opsratio&s at stoeV
nt fee la aay brsvaoh sire la oopeeiali
l tI
' s
' !
.11 iU
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