Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 07, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    "TiFWWi '" (WWItPTW?1 " " -WTH w-WT"W"nT4nTipmr
"; Beautiful Specimens- of the Silversmith's Art
In 'thcao announcements of ours whenever wo touch on silverware we
are much more apt to refer to the grcatstock 0f Bllver plated goods we
carry than to our Bolid Sterling Silver probably because the former Is
most popularly priced. But let nono think that wo are" not also da woll
supplied with the latter. All tho year round, at any and all seasons,
wo have on hand a very largo line (by comparison of what most.Btores
carry) of tho very best Sterling Silver. Every piece of Sterling Silver
shown hero Is a beautiful specimen Cf tho silversmith's art gracoful In
form and Buperbly wrought representing tho truest tante In doslgn and
utmost oxcollence of oxecutlon. Mako no purchase In Sterling Silver
without Inspecting our offerings.
Corner of State and Liberty
R, G. Keene Is in Portland today on
It. A. Kirk is In Portland today on
J. A. Finch, of Albany, Is In the city
for a day's visit.
Supt C. W. Jamos went to Portland
this morning for a day's stay.
C. J. Olmsted went to Portland this,
morning for a short buslnoss visit.
Gilbert Itlchos, of Tumor, came
down this morning for a Bhort visit
Julius Plncus spont Sunday In Port
land, returning homo this morning.
Dr. F. E. Slator has returned from
an oxtonded trip to Southorn Oregon.
County Survoyor B. B. Herrlck Is
in Woodburn today on official busl
P. A. Young, an Albany merchant,
camo down this morning for a brief
business visit.
Thomas King leaves tomorrow
morning for Bakorsflold, Gal., for a
fow weeks' visit.
Chester O. Murphy spent Sunday In
Salem, visiting his parents, Judgo and
Mrs J. J. Murphy.
2 Carroll's
2 Chocolate
1, Always s
Fresh and
& for Sale by
J The Prescription Drag
I Store
$ Palace
Pharmacy g
118 State St., Salem
46fe-naoiiaiieitinei(ttt'tamBf taeimte4.
0de With Yom
tLm, J 105
If jou want to, when you give us an order and we'll give your order just
as conscientious attention as though you had penonally Delected each
item. Your confidence we wont and we will have if straight forward and
careful dealing counts for anything. We don't sell one thing below cost
to make you believe everything we sell is cheaper than anywhere else
That's not our way, but if others do that, wt'U give you the same article
at the same pride.
Successors to Branson & Ragan.
44MnafHiiteitaiiiB)igiaitn !? iet ii
' " ana see
J ZXNN'S 154 State
W IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH I "HW(wi th. Endeavor meetings on Sun
i k. vl .4 3 rr 'iTOJr
ii WWW
Streets, 8alem, Oregon.
Hon. T. B. Kay Is In Portland today.
Shorlft Colbath is In Champoeg to
day on olncial business.
Oeorgo Staples roturncd to his farm
near Turner this morning, after spend
ing Sunday In this city.
A. L. Brown went to Toledo this
morning for a fow days stay on his
timber claim near that placo.
Mr. Levy and Miss Ernestine Levi
left last night for their homo in San
Francisco, after a week spent in this
J B. Batchelor and Miss Annie Siit.
toil woro this afternoon granted a mnr
rlago license, Potor Francis acting as
Mrs. J. H. McCorkle, of Silverfon,
camo up this morning for an oxtondod
visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. E.
Prof. T. M. Catch, president of the
Corvallla Agricultural College, spont
Sunday in this city, visiting at tho
homo of his son, Claud Catch. Ho loft
for homo this morning.
Wm, H. Hathaway, of San Francis
co, spont tho past fow days visiting
his son, A. R. Hathaway, of this city,
and loft tills morning for Portland,
whoro ho will spond a fow days beforo
returning home.
Miss Janetto Stobblngs, of Victoria
B. C, Is visiting with her sister, Mr3.
W, S. Cordon, In South Salem. Mis?
Stcbblngs spont tho winter In Itos
woll, Now Moxlco, and says Oregon
"molsturo" Js a gonulno relief, com
pared with the monotonous sunshine
and 3ust of that region.
South Salem Personals.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ollson. of Tall-
man, Oregon, who purchased tho farm I
adjoining tho Clark fruit farm, south
of tho city, havo arrived in the city.
Mr. Ollson Is having a largo quantity
of wood cut on his placo, and expects
to bulUl In tho near future. i
Harold and Ralph Conn, of Port,,
land, have gone to Southorn Oregon to
visit tholr sister, aftor a Bhort vlultl
with frlonds In this city,
are too cheap to advertise. Call
now cneap tney are at
St., Phone 2874 Main
M , . , r. i Z
VYuen lime isiu.uiapuic x
The watch from O. T. Pomeroy'a
always decldos. A watcb from
there Is reliable. The namo itself
is a guarantee. Every watch Bont
out of this store Is accurately reg
ulated and con always bo depended
upon. That's the only kind of a
watch to carry. A big stock to se
lect from. PRICB9, silver watehsa
SS.50 to 10; 30-year gold-filled, S10
to 20.
Watchmaker and Optician.
288 Commercial Street
Portlander's Will Attend
Meeting ef Miner's As
sociation Tuesday
Many of Portluud's mining men will
attond the mooting to bo held at Sa
lem, Tuesday evening, March 8th, for
tho purpoao of forming a branch or
ganization of the Oregon Miners' As
At lenst a dozen will go down on thti
o'clock train and participate In tho
Installation of ofllcors.
Governor Chamberlain was In Port
land yesterday, nnd said ho would at
tend tho meeting, and aid tho objec)
by giving an address.
Ho said: "I think tho objects of tho
Association meritorious, and It will un
doubtedly do much for tho advance
ment of tho mining Industry of Ore
gon, and I will bo pleasod to help It
nlong. Any Institution that has for
Its object tho forwarding or advance
ment of tho stato should bo encour
aged and aided morally and financial
ly. Tho mines of Oregon nro bolng
rapidly developed, and that Industry
Is of such proportions now that tho
stato Is bolng recognized ns a groat
producor of procluuc, motals." Even
ing Tologram.
Tho meeting will bo hold In (ho U.
V. U. hall, ovor Stofnor's grocery
store, nnd ox-Governor Geer, Judge
Burnett, Judgo Scott and others of
Salem havo oxprossod their willing
ness to.ndvanco tho causo by bolng
present nnd making appropriate
speeches It Is earnestly desired that
tho business mon of Salem will at
tend nnd glvo tho causo all tho enthu
siasm that Is possible, besides get bet
tor Informed as to what tho objects
and alms of tho association really aro,
and whoroln It will directly benefit Sa
eom and tho stato of Oregon. Tho pec-
plo of Salem havo boon very prompt
and enthusiastic ovor Inducing imrni
gration and capital to sook our broad
domain, and this Is, Indeed 'one of tho
most Important bronchos of our ocnv
lng Industries.
Romombor tho placo and tho dato
and mako It a notnblo event.
.From "Tablo Talk," Philadelphia.
Pottljohn Sugar and Croam
Creamed Driod Boof
Potato Straws
Milk bulsoult Coffoo
Corn Oysters Lsttuco
Cinnamon Bunns. Tea.
Onion Soup
Breaded Veal Cutlets
Tomato Sauce
Mashod Potatoes Baked Squash
Fsttlcus Fronoh Drosslng
Wafers - Choese
Cocoanut Pudding
Services Begin Tonight,
Tho ovangollstlo servlcos at tho
First Christian church will be re
sumed tonight. There was no ser
vice on Friday and Saturday night?,
but there will bo no pauBe In tho
work this weok, and It is devoutly
hoped that evory person Interested
at air will sco that their frlonds and
. neighbors aro invited to theso meet
Ings. Tho Interest continues to In
crease and tho church was packed
full of people at last night's service
when Rev. Dr. Errett spoko on "The
Infallible Way." Tho Endeavor ser
vice proceeding tho preaching sorvloa
was also well attendod, and young
neonlo are cordially invltodl to at'
day evenings.
Dr. Errett'B theme for tonight will
be "Doctrinal Differences," and on to
morrow night "Tho Plan of Salva-
Come out and you will want to coma
every night this wok.
Washington Lake Drying Up.
Beaker Iako, in OKanogan county
Is disappearing. This body of water
has been the favorite fishing aad
hunting resort as long as people Hv.
log in Bodle camp can rera amber.
The lake corera several aeraa of
ground and (a located about fear nolle
northwest of Bodle camp. Us graa
(ual disappearance Js the cause oil"
much comment and M)cIaUonlJ
ion Mtttacs of the locality, whq
know of no reason' for thedi'sappoar
lng of tho water. "
Tho lako has boon Very much In
appearanco llfco 'other lakes In the
Okanogan county? and thero has been
no thought of it h'aving a subterra
nean outlet. Last Octobor the water
bogan to disappear. Lato in Novem
her tho lako frozo over. Since, then
the Ico and water both havo bson
disappearing and now Uioro Is nothing
left but a mud puddle with water
about six Inches deop In tho contor
nnd a thin coat of Ico. Water drains,
Into the lake from two springs, but
sinks Into the ground as fast as It
comos In.
Tho phenomenon has novor occur
rod boforo to tho knowledge of any
white man, but somo old Indians say
the same thing occurred years ago
boforo any whlto man had settled on
tho reservation. Somo pcbplo be
Hovo tho lake to bo on tho crater of
an extinct volcano nnd many theories
nro advanced for tho disappearance
of tho water. Correspondent in Ex
aminer. jihuh tininnmnin
In Honor of Mlsa Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crawford ontor
tnlned, very Informally, a number of
young people Saturday evening In hon
or of their nelco, Miss Estolla Ham.
llton, of Roseburg, who Is their guest
Tho earlier hours of the ovonlng were
spent In playing high flvo, and lator
each mombor of tho company told nn
original Btory. Dainty rofroshmonts
of salads and Icos were served. Thoso
prosent, beside the guest of honor,
wero MIssos Ella Wondorll, Mlllpr
Margaret Coapor and Ruth Gabrlol
son; Mossrs. W. H. McCall, Frank E
Douglas, Hal D. Patton, Jamos Craw
ford, L. McGhoo.
An Enjoyable Recital.
Saturday afternoon last Mrs. Etta
Andors-Wlllman, stato representative
of tho Western Consovratory of Chi
cago, gave ono of her regular bi
weekly recitals at hor studio, for tho
benofltof, hor pupils and f Hands. Tho
program of tho occasion was of groat
intorest, nud onch numbor was woll
rondorod nnd onjoyed by all. It con
sisted of piano studies from famous
composors by tho following named pu
pils: Piano solos by Miss Zoo Stock
ton, Miss Feller, Miss Mario Hofor
Mrs. Caufleld and Mrs. Martin; two
piano duet by Mrs. Baker and Mrs.
Caufleld; violin solo by Mac Hofer.
The Park Teachers Entertain.
Tho toachors of tho Park school,
Prof. W. Smith, MIssos Bertha Kotch
um, Ermlno Bushnoll, Mlnnota Mag
ers, Halllo Thomas, Lena Miller and
Mllllo KniBo, ontortnlnod tho teachors
of tho public school, tho directors and
tholr wives, and a fow Invltod guosts.
at tho homo of Dr. Ketchum Friday
evening. Tho tlmo was spent very
ploasantly, tho main featuro of the
ovonlng being a guessing contost,
which, was yery unlquo, nnd causod
great morrimont Tho prizos wore
captured by Prof. Smith and Miss Bel
Hngor. Director Condlt and Miss
Magors rocolvod tho consolation prize
Tho guests wero entertained by sev
oral boautiful solos rondorod by Miss
Bushnoll. and a whistling solo by.Miss
Thomas was much onjoyed. Ico cream,
and cake were served at tho closo of
(he evonlng. Thoro were about 60
guests In attendance.
Were Entertained.
Tho Aid Society of tho Woman's
Relief Corps havo decided to most
evory week to proparo for a bazaar to
aid in the monument fund. Thursday
afternoon Mrs. John Knight enter
talnod the socloty, and a vory pleas,
ant tlmo was had. Dainty rofrosh.
monts wero servod, which wero onjoy
ably discussed by tho ladles. The so
ciety will hold their next rogular moot
ing with Mrs. Louisa Hamilton, on
North Commorclal street, and it Is
hoped thero will be a good attendance.
Northwestern Normal Musleale.
Friday evening Prof. Parvin, of the
Northwestern Normal College, gavo a
very successful and entertaining mu
sical recital. There was a large and
anthuiiastic crowd present The piano
nnd voeal solos were splendidly rendered-
Those taking part were:
Piano Boloa, Mlsa Bisle Pearmlnej
Vera Kltahen, Mabel DeLoBg, Maud
and Lollta McCIane, Graea Daue and
Mabel O'Flysg; vocal solos. Misses
Johnson, Winans and Pearmlna
There were also two piano quartet
by different classes.
A Pleasant Surprise.
The members of Sedgwick Woman's
ReHef Corps gave a pleasant surprise
mr praatawit, mm. mmis nou
Tasaday erofB;. tlie oecasloa b
l8 th 40U, aaaivarsary of bw mar
ryyTTi ;i rrSSFrfff"! '- t -n
oiii 4 -
I Ate You
Reading: Out
If so do you realize that thoy
of dollars and cents
Wo bollovo
apprcclato Uioni, frfim thp wayjdir
years. Wo want you to toll your , friend sjabout us. Talk about us.
Toll them of our jsqunro 'methods,, of ounraftablarnQrchnndlsagd) tho
Loading' Clothiers of thVwiIIamotto Volley. '
alem Woolen Mill Store I
C P. BISHOP, Proprietor
rlago. A vory pleasant ovonlng wai
spent, and a bountiful supper wai
served, that had boon provided by thq
quests. Mra. Ross was presented with
a boautiful gold watch chain ns n
token of their rogard.
b Greenhorn Is Active Camp.
I Manager, Q. R. Aldrln of tho Tom
post irilrio In tho Greenhorn district
roturnod to Baker City yestorday
from a visit to tho camp whoro he
put another gang of men at work on
the Tempest. When questioned about
tho Greenhorn district, Mr, Aldrln
"EvOrythlng in the Greenhorn enmp
Is in splendid condition. All of tho
initios havo boen working during tho
wlntor and a large quantity of ore
is blocked out ovorywhoro. I look
for tromondous dovolopmonts In tho
camp tills Boason. Tho TempoBt mlno
novor lookod bettor and wo will have
our new machinery In operation be
foro anothor season." Baker Dorac-
orat. .....
Ladles, Attention.
Mr. F. 13. Bishop, representing A.
Llppman, of Portland, ladles' tailor,
will bo In the city at tho Wlllamotto
hotel, Monday and Tuesday, Marcll
7th and 8th, with an oxtonslvo line of
made-to-order skirts. Also a complete
and up-to-date lino of Silk Macros am)
Zephyr Shirt Waist patterns. Tho
many friends and patrons of Mr. Llpp
man will be glad to know that his
samples aro again In tho olty, and will
avail thomsolvoa of this opportunity
to securo somo of tho very latost fab
rics for spring and summer wear.
Schilling's Bpst, so far as it
goes, means comfort and uase
and economy.
Money back; at your grocer's.
Eastor will soon bo here,
and decorations- will be in
order, hence our great
Prices cut to smithereens.
Most merchants pay a third
more titan we ask this week
Our window display will ex
plain. Don't mlsa seeing It
The designs and colors are
Patton's Book Store,
mri. i n w '!")'. .ii"niiiiiiiiiniws
a taiejg4e'SH3tiien3
Daily Ads?
' T '
i -. . :
mean Bomothlng to you In tho way
you nro reading our ads, and fully
business has lncroaToS,,oyer past J
I Have yot enough 1
Money to build
you a house?
Thon buy an acre-tract of land
In Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2,
and build you a houso on it.
You pay only ?5 a month for, tho
land until paid for. This la
choopor than paying houoo rout.
Thon when you pay your in?
stallmont, which Is virtually
houso ront, it is monoy bolng
put Into your own homo, not In
to somo othor porson's pookot
Can you not soo tho great ad
vantage of looking Into this of;
for wo nro making you? Theso
tracts nro only Three minutes
from tho cars, with a plank walk
all tho way.
i Salem Abstract
and Land Co. i
i F. W. WATERS, Hfer. ;
Wo Take Pleasure
In announcing tho arrival of Miss
Kirk, of St Louis, who will again act
as head trimmor for Miss Evans'
White Cornor Millinery Department
Don't forget tho spring mllllnory dis
play, Wodnosday, Maroh Othl 3.7'2t
Ioathor wasto Is no longer wasted.
Manufacturers uso It In a compressor
form Instead of iron to mako cog
: i IWBss B&tbet i
'. '. Lato with Oago Bros., Chicago,
i ; has arrived, and is the new
; ; trimmer at tho
i ; aetfy Pat loss
" Successor to Mrs. J. O. Hooker
3X7 Commercial St
wm-whtt imii m i i m g
WcDo Bicycle Repair
ing, Sxkm Gun. Store,
Paul H Hauser
iininatf'jti.ittf ait'
I I -l ( ! 1
H t
" it
, ij'i
i n;
i n i
r r
i , :
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