DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 6ALEM, oft&tfN, SATURDAY, MAti6H 6,064. fclQMT i mi i i B jflfceatless dinner i x It sometimes hnppons that, for onn reason or another, fish which Is to ono'0 liking cannot bo had;' and, as tho Lcnton rules aro to bo observed sovoral foods which In nutraltlvo value ' aro quite equal to meat, and tho one coming first to mind la usually oggn. M, however, thoy must onter largely l'ntoTJe'htrt menus we proposa today to substitute, nuts, which aro BonOr ally as well liked as oggs, havo as whlga a food value as meat, and have tho advantago of costing less. In all oifr largo cities Hhollod nuts can be bought from, dcalors thoso who sell nuEs only or wholesalo confectioners' supply houses at about ono-thlrd mora than when purchased In the shell. Oftontltnea what aro known as 'Jj'rokon meats" soil for llttlo more than tho unallotted nuts. Cream of Tomato Soup. Nut loaf. Drown Sauce. Drown Potato Balls. String Deans. Apple- and Danana Salad. Sultana Puffs. Liquid Hauco. Coffee. This tomato soup is often called mock blsquo, from Its rosomhlanco In color to that of bisquo of cream of lobster, and is ono of tho most dollcnto la flavor of tho many cream soups. to prepare It, stew nontly togothor for twonty minutes, ono pint of ennnod tomatoes, one-half a smoll onion cut flno, a sprig of parsloy, one-half a toa spoonful of salt and a dozon poppor corns; thon press through a slovo; tatto and add moro seasoning If nocos ary. If rathor acid, add from an eight to a quartor of a toaspoonful 01 uaung soda as may bo needed, thon return to tho flro to koep hot. Thicken a quart of milk by mixing to goUw over tho flro ono heaping ' ' - Dy Cornelia C. Dcdford. tablespoonful of buttor, two table spoonfuls of flour, ono scant tea spoonful of salt arid one-thlrdjbf a tea- spoonful of white pepper If paprika Is at hand uso it in placo of the white popper, as It will add to tho color of the soup. Into this mixture stir gradually tho hot, mJJJf, and when smoothly thickened, simmer for Ave minutes. Tho contents of tho two saucepans aro not mixed together un til tho dinner Is ready; they are thon taken from the flro, allowed to stand for half a minute, tho cream added to tho tomato and tho soup served. To add to tho attractiveness of this soup a half cupful of whlppod cream is sometimes stirred in, or a small spoon fill of parsley, chopped until as flno as dust Is sprlnklod over It. Little broad dlco croutons browned In tho ovon or delicately fried in buttor may also bo served with It A mixture of nut moats can bo taken oven from thirty to forty minutes, ac cording to thickness. The sauce servod with It is mado by browning together ono tablespoonful and a half of butter and two tablosoponfuls of flourj when quite dark color add one cupful and a half of boiling 'water and stir until thick and smooth. Stir In ono tablespoonful of tomato "catsup, a toaspoonful of onion Juice, a few drops of Worcestershire and salt to tasto. Doll as many potatoos as may be needed and mash beating Into them salt, peppor and sufficient butter to mako quito rich if tho potatoes nre very mealy a few drops of hot milk may bo n coded, but they should not bo soft. Mold lightly Into balls, dip each Into an egg beaten with a table spoonful of water, placo on a butter ed pan and brown In tho oven Frosh string beans, of hot-house or Southern growth aro now to bo had In our largo markets at all seasons String thorn and cut across or Into strips as proforred For n quart, melt in a saucepan ono heaping table spoonful of butter, add ono-half a tea spoonful of salt, and ono third of a toaspoonful of pepper, and tho washed for tho loaf, such as English Walnuts, almonds; or hickory nuts although any Kind which Is on hand can bo used; when shelled, there should be throo-quartors of a pint. Thoy aro to bo finoly chopped this Is quickly dono by using a food chopper with the finest cuttor slipped in. Tho nuts are thon mixed with an equal quantity of flno slnlo bread crumbs. A thick snuco li mado by cooking togothor one tablespoonful and n half of buttor, throo tablospoonfuls of flour, ono-half a tablespoonful of salt arid ono-thlrd of a spoonful of peppor and stirring In ono pint of hot milk. Cook for n fow moments and stand asldo until lukewarm; then add two woll-beaton oggs, nnd mixed nuts and crumbs, and turn into a thickly-buttered lqtif pan. This Is baked In a moderate fW4Mt-rot I frf Wi tMWtt W8mi I Books By William! Long Ways of Wood Folk Wilderness Ways Secrets of the Woods Wood Folk at School Beasts of the Field Fowls of the Ait School of the Woods, Following the Deer, 75c 75c 75 75c $1.75 $1.75 $1.50 .$1-25 A Little Brother to the Beai set, $1.50 I GINN & COMPANY, Pabma Trade Department, 29 Beacon Street, BOSTON. gwifrotaiaiHgjK.HW,a,maioa Ttieo. M. Barr Successor to Darr Pottel. i?a:3!W3xrjEi3E& - - SALEM, Hot Air. Hot Water and Steam Heating a Specialty. OREGON C2 Mitiwegatwi0w MW88MMaeJ Burroughs & Fraser Rollablo Tiunlng, Iron Work, Plumbing. Most modem plumbing material and methods. i Best Material, Best Workmen and Promptness are our Motto, STATU 8TRBBT. balvm nnnu Mtt4t4M beans, covor closely and shako over tho front of tho flro for flvo mlnutos. Add ono quarter of a cupful of Colling water and draw tho saucopan back whoro tho contents will simmer slowly. When tho beans aro almost dry, add another quartor of a cupful of wator, repeating whonovor neces sary, until tho beans are tondor. The longth of tlnio needed will depond upon tho beans If young, frosh and tondor thoy may bo dono In twonty minutes old pods somotlmos need al most an hour. Proparod In this way thoy aro far suporlor In flavor to the same boans cooksd In sufllclont water to covor, and butter and seasonings added last. As a dressing for tho salad wo give ono that Is cooked, and which. If made In qunntlty nnd put Into covorcd glass Jars In a cool plnco will koep for weeks. Heat throo oggs vory thor oughly, adding to them ono cupful of cream. In a saucepan put ono-quartor of a toaspoonful of dry mustard, ono half n toaspoonful of sugar, ono-hal' a toaspoonful of salt, a dash of cayonno, and ono half n cupful of wine or cldor vinegar. When scaldlnc bot, ndd gradually to tho 'eggs and cream, turn Into a doublo boiler and stir until tho mlxturo Is llko n thick custnrd; If Uioro sttoms dangor of thickening too rapidly, tako off the tipper bollor onco or twlco for a mo mont and boat tho contonts vigorous ly. Whon thick, ndd ono-quartor of a I pound of buttor cut Into bits, Btlr un til It Is absorbed, thon strain. To mako tho salad cut tart apples and rlpo bananas Into Bllqos, and ar rant In tho salad dUh In altornatc layers, pouring somo of tho dressing over onch layer. dnrnlsh with blanohed lottuco lonvos or colory tips, Should tho dressing seom vory thick, mix with a little lomon Julco, a por tion of the Btlftly-whlppod whlto of an egg or a fow spoonfuls of thick saltlnes and cronm choose. For half n dozon puffs, cronm to gothor two tnblospooiifuls of butter nnd one-half a cupful of Bugar. Add tho beaton yolks of two oggs, a pinch of salt and1 two cupfuls of sifted Hour with JiiBt enough milk to mako a vory stiff battor. Stir In ono cupful o( sultana raisins, two scant toaspoon fills of baking powder and tho stiffly whipped whiles of tho oggs. Fill buttered cups two-thirds full and steam for half an hour. Tho sauce which goos with them Is ninda by bhindlng ond (teasfooonful of corn starch in a llttlo cold water, turning this Into ono cupful of boiling water and stirring over tho flro until thick nud clear. To this add a cupful of Bugar, a plnoh or salt, and a grating of nutmeg and slnunor for ton mlnutos; thon stir In ono woll-beaton egg and ono tablespoonful of buttor cut Into bits, nnd beat until the sauco becomes a llttlo thicker. nearly eighty-years has pursued Its single aim of circulating the Bible without noto or comment In this and all lands. For tho purpose it bos been concerned In securing translations of tho Scriptures in nearly ono hundred languages. It sustains a cldso re lation to tho Christian churchs of the United States anil as tho ally and helper of their mission work at home and abroad, and as such deserves and rccolvos their support. But, in addition tho effect of Its labor has been very marked upon tho wholo civilization. To havo circulated, as it has done,, seventy-two million bibles, testaments or portions theroof, is to havo power fully contributed to the moral health of tho world. Tho soplal fabric of modern states has no surer fouhdntlon than the Bible, especially in a re public llko ours, which rests upon the moral charactor and educated judg ment of tho individual. No thoughtful man can doubt that to decrease tho circulation and uso of tho Bible among tho pcoplo would seriously menaco the highest interest of civilized humanity. Inasmuch as tho work of the So ciety is in danger of being seriously crippled from lack of funds, its up pcala for aid should meet gonerous responses from all who lovo American Institutions. Wo owo a debt to the uiwo which can Do partly paid now by carrying forward this great under taking with Increased vigor. Thoodoro Roosevelt, Grover Cleve land, Molvlllo W. Fuller, John M. Har lan, David J. Brewer, L. M. Shaw James Wilson, George B. Cortolyou, John Hay, John W. Foster, William P. Fryo, John T. Morgan, II. C. Lodge, Thomas It. Bard, F. M. Cockrell, R. A. Alger, John Dalzoll. Sercno E. Payno, W. J. Bryan, George F. Hoar. On tho Sabbath March C, tho servi ces In tho Presbyterian church will bo In tho Intorosts of tho Amorlcan Blblo Society. At 10:30 a. m. subject of sermon "Lovo for God's Word," psa. 110; 97. Evening sorvlco at 7:30 p. m. 1 1 IB " iivrrfm I rriWiWI Ek CTO 111 A s - . AVfcgctablc PrcpoMiionfor As similating HicFood andltcgula ling ihe Stomachs andBowds or Promotes Digcstion-Checrful-nessandnest.Conlalns "eillicr Oplum.Morphine nor Imcra I. IsotTIarcotic. jtoitaroujrswurzmwiM Inp&n Seal' JUJmuf jttiineStrd- lfl2nakJStt ClirxA'tdAifnr VbtKyrrm Harm ApcrTccI Remedy forConsUpo Ilon, Sour Slomach.Diarrhocn and Loss of Sleep. PocSiiralo Signature of NEW YOHK. For Infants and Children. tl. .:mj ... .. A um miiu iuu nave Always Bought Bears the- I Signature w M Use M For Over Thirty Years UK I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. P&fw4lj 8UB 1H liPft N Of MTAUft OOMPA . NCW YORK OrTT. Market Quotations Today? AMske Ellen a Good Home Hirfctt" Y Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant & Penned, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwhoat 80a Poultry at Qtelner's Market, fhlchens 810c. Eggs Per dozon, lC17c. Turkoys 1214c. Ducks 10c. I . P minBIHIMB mmM,, gmtmm ttmmw...,. ,-,,, J. A. AUPPnnLE, Pnuld.nt. E. w, HAZARD, Caller. A. F. HOPER, Vlc President. $reg on State Bank Incorporated, Jefferson, Oregon, makes loans, eds- r TnuwActa general banking bualaeas; counts bills and rvcdvo deposits. DwUs la foreign and dosoMtlo exchauso. .. . ., Collections mad- pa favorable tern, ,NoUr)c Publlo W, tender our eervtcea In aJlaatter of, eoayeyanclog. He! eatatf 4oa negotiated atjqw rateaor, UtmL v YOUR BUSINESS SOLICUBO, A National Appal. Tho following appeal has been Is sued from Washington in behalf of tho Amorloan Illblo Socloty, lgnel oy eminent public men from all sec tions of tho ceuntry: The American niblo Society for Etc. "4 et. 1 Hop Market. Hops 192Cc. Potatoes, Vegetables, Potatoes iEc. Onions lc. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Potlto prunes 4c. Italian prunes Be. Wood, Panes Posts, ecconu growth J5.G0. jj Aph J3.00 to I3.7C. ' Grub oak JC.C0. Cedar posts 12 He Hldet, Pelts and Furs. Qrcon Hides, No. 1 So. Green Hiues, No. 2 tc. Calf Skins (05c. Sheep 76c Goat Skins 25o to ll.Bi, Qraln anc: Fhjur. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value, 72c. Oats $1.10 por cwt. "Borloy $19.50 per ton. Flour Wholesale, $3.60. Live Btock Marks! Steers 3U03c. Cows 3 c. Sheep 3c. Drossod veal 7c. Dressed hogs CUc. Llvo hogs 5a Mutton 2c per pound. , , t Hay, Fed, Eto. V , Baled cheat $10. Baled clover $10. Bran $81. Shorts $22. Creamery and Dairy roducU. Good dairy butter 20025c. Groamory buttor 30c. Cream separator iVimmw Com. Creamery, 30 o, net. t-on taaatm.44. mtn-i-t i-fy-nn-Mf in iffiim iffiir.T.oKnifnm B - - " '- - .w.w.-. .w.w.w.w.v.waviva Good Health and Good Appetite 3 vj-b5:. are dependent on good, nourishing V5iaMMt n food. Prlm. Juicy monts. tender nnd easy to digest, mako rich, puro blood. Ily buying your meats horo you got nothing but what Is llrst-clnss In ovory rospect. Wo lininllo nothing but tho best meats, and claim to bo exports In Judging tho quality nnd in 'cutting them properly. Our prices can't bo beat. E Ctoss ttf9G-HvO-lM-IOTOe1-ltWt VI Phene: Main 2953. ex- . ' AIX WORK DEUVEUED WHEN PROMISED 103 Commercial St. Otter The Journal. mmm'mmizssaBa Springtime's Ceining: And whon It Rots horo you will nood n lot of GOOD HUNTING to moot tho do nianda of tho big business you oxpoot, so Don't Wait Until tho last minute, but bo propar tho business whon it comes. for rjMrwam jrj- i li i . qji.il j .-i,.' Elliott, the Job Printer, Is propnred to do your work neat, cheap, and dollvor thoenmo whon promised, Proofs Submitted on all Work sasassssswasiXEs HHaHg4HN-K8-M-H-t- t Ot-B-t- N v x i -r rrsfc ",)LS CHtM-e0 IMMENSE STOCK OF;; i Caiiage Harness Wotk Harness and ; j Saddles ; ! All up.to-dftto and first class. See us lor anything in our lino and Bave money. E.S.LamportSaddferyCo. I 289 Ommorcial Street. t gatj ONlOMtaTin-a KHniiau l UKU u UtU m I .w mm rUM. T.W. . tk ,. - .i Baar i-!--f vius Ks?aKTflf BliMtou. J-kul -K ll) PILES wSSn vUf t t tela M tw. Vo a. K 7. . Bt n w-,. V"".Mi isv--VTiTrrr .t???- S-Tr--- f.'uTw'a.-Si.'Vr- mr7.,!'MmH IWBT- K"mn. i oM In alm by 8. c. Stent, can for rr iiuaaplw. at PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 78 79c Valloy 82 83c. Flour Portland, best grade, $3.76 I3.SC ; graham, $2.75. Oats Cholco White. $1.15J130 BarUy-Fvod. $21$22. por ten: rolled. $23. MUlstuff Bran, $1850$19, Hay Timothy. $15$n, Potatoes 75c$1.35, Eggs Oregon ranoh, 21H33Uo. Poultry Chlokeus, mixed 12lJc per pound; turkeys. 1516o. I'orlc Dressed, 77Hc Beef Dressed, B7c. Veal 8 9a Hops 2426c Wool Valley, 1718c; Eastern Oregon, 1215c; Mohair, 3235c , Hides dry, 18 ponndi tan; ayiranU. II to IdHO. ButferJ Fanoy oreamor)', 27H930c dairy and ctora, noaJnal. wwwWWwataiMAjJJJUxu ::::i!:iA CI V. ! TV r v r t? BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. j Oats For Sale. HOP OnOVVERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulchnr. lift flVQhQm An s u. uiuuuiu, ngiut, 207 Commarcial St. Slftw n 1 " 4 MW04 HtO4 0p o a4.ni i mngt&aX ?4 THE PICK OF THE FOREST J I Has beon taken to supply the stock of! lumber In our yards. Our stock Is'! complete with all kinds of lumber. Just received a car load of No. li ! shingles, alsb a car of flno shakes.;; We are able to fill any and all kind; ; ot bills. Come and lot us show you' our stock. ' J Yard and office near S. P. passenger' ' depot 'Phone Main 651. j J QOODALE LUMBER CO. ; HtKgf WHWHMHrt, HltBtat8il