DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 6 1&04. o?Matraef3raigfree)ag i Jim 4 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 "if a.MbnDies Shall He Live Again? " 1 1 ii II :: (i Written brWrA. Cusick Salem, Oregon t t; v V 0 z & s aeg8'g'wttregga)fte)e)c98sMtmwtqc fk Mm 11 11 m 1 II - Imil Www 'I Ul I I I fill M mLJ 1 1 The consorvatlvo mind must approach a dis cussion of this subject with much hesitancy, and question, as to his cqulpmont to treat a problem which has engaged the thoughtful at tention of -the greatest Intellects of all ages, without results which placo the nfllrmntivo view beyond tho realm of doubt That thcro Is doubt on tho part of many on this subject is certainly not in tho least sur prising, as thoro is no proposition, oven ns it rolates to material, or so called truo science, which may not bo gainsaid, questioned and ar gued, for and against This being truo, skepticism and doubt Is certainly to bo anticipated when wo enter tho field of speculative science, and deal with In- tanglblo entitles. The readiness on tho part of many to accept tho strictly 'materialistic view of Hfo, Is ex plained In part, by tho fact that many aro dis qualified by lack, of capability for logical de duction, but moro especially, bocauso wo live In a matorlal world, and our flvo special senses, aro brought to bear only on material things. It is- a strugglo for tho possession of material acquisitions which principally occupies our attention through Hfo. It being known full woll that such posses sions constltuto tho moans bywhlch matorlal comforts and gratifications aro secured Thcro is also, PRIORITY of IMPRESSION; as, tho developing mind ordinarily becomes fairly well Informed as to his material envi ronments and relations, boforo it Is suffi ciently matured to enter the flold of Bpooula tlve study. Many articles on tho subject of Immortality, (mostly materialistic) have lately appcarod In tho San Francisco Press, In ono of which It is sontontiously declared that a belief in Immortality is "degrading." Another tells us that "Death ends all," "Death Is annihilation" and a fowtBontoncos further on declares that lcath Is "otornnl rest and sloop," unwittingly porhaps, In his last declaration endorsing somo form of etornal oxistenco, as it is lnconcclvablo, that a thing, or person can sloop or rest, without having an oxistenco, or, aftor having been "annihilated." Ono Rov. gentleman of somo note 1b reported to liavo said in a discourse dollvored at Golden Qato Hall, March 2nd., last, "Thoro Is nothing known of immortality." "I am moro concorncd la having tho best thoro Is In tho Hfo of now." As ho did. not say what ha considered tho best in tho Hfo of now, ho leaves much latitudo for construction by those who accept him for a teacher and thereby renders- hlmsolf oxceod lngly popular with an average San Francisco popular audience If ho had said HE know nothing of Immortal ity, and was willing to mortgage his possible chances' of a Hfo to come, In order to socuro tho best thcro la la this life, wo would have been ablo to definitely classify his position, ani to concludo that ho aught to transfer bis allegianco from tho pulpit to Amorlcan politics whero his typo of talent would hayo full play, unembarrassed by possible scruples. To say thoro Is "nothing known" on any subject, smacks of a demagogic protonso of a possession of all knowledge on tho subject, and suggests tho possibility of a degree- of egotism most malignant, and out of keeping with his pro fession. Every muUt-mllllonalro who baa acquired his wealth by wrecking tho material Interests of his follow men, and (ninety nlno out of a hundred) -havo pledged their possible future for tho "Hfo of now'' will gladly onllst undor tho Rev, gentleman'e banner. Tho unscrupulous, tho avaricious, tho de bauchee, tho forger and tho libertine, will read such discourses with marked approval, and construo It as license, without tho deterrent fear of penalty. The discourse in question la only noticed on account of Its source, and tho demoralizing effect It may liavo on immature minds. BELIEF. There aro degrees of bell of, depending on tho conclusiveness of evldenco. Very few Indeed bolieve any proposition un qualifiedly, BUT ACCEPT, because of a prepon derance of evidence. There is no question) n which Is limited, and of which wo knowvallr If wo could" at onco master every dotal!- of solencc, In ono or all departments, then -progress would cease, and tho purpose of creation would bo defeated. To say thero Is "nothing known of Immortal ity1' la dogmatic and extravagant, but to., cay that (ho evldenco of Immortality la not bo suffi ciently conclusive as to convlnco all minds, and, that arguments may bo made both foraaad. agalnst, the statement would be rational, land bring ua back to the question of the prepoa-t deranee- and convincing nature of testimony bj which we ACCEPT a given theory aa moat nearly proven- and therefore, to .the . rational mind, most worthy of our ACCEPTANCE as their being saturated1 with theso Irritating antt our rule and guido of Hfo. 'soptlcsT No chemist or alchemist ever lived If It is required to provo any proposition, bo-who cdn toU yoUi Ho. simply knows that out yond tho domain of question or argument, bo-of a 8aturnted Nation of poisonous chemicals, foro wo can say thero is anything known of by 8omo mlrnclo 8urpasslng human compre it, then wo may safely challenge the material-, hen9f0B. wo aro gtvea distilled and absolutely istic to provo that thoro Is a material world,lpuro wator, Honco w0, aro forced to conolude or that ho has n material body, and declare nothtng js not posaosscd with measure thoro is nothing known of physical existence lofMJ wl8donii design and bonoflconce or of material In any form. of pUrpoS0i Tnat thero la an lntolllgonco en- If, In the absenco of Infallible and unquos- . d lth mca8urolo83 PoWOr, wisdom, dosig tlonablo evidence, wo aro justified In declaring, . .. ' thero Is "nothing, known" on a given subject, and beneflcenco, who Is tho author of our then no human being Is la possession of a world, and who oroatod and sot In motion tho definite unqualified fact. As, when tho ma- ! 'which control tho- functional activities ot torlallst attempts to provo that ho has a physl- every detail of Us mochanlclsm. Hero can bo cal body, ho must depend on the testimony of found no olement of chance, but perfect pro his five special SENSES' for' tho ovldonco and clslon and co-ordination of innumerable occult theso MATERIAL- avenues aro all subject to and silent forces, moving lrroslstably forward dlseaso and perversion of function, and nr to the accomplishment of nbsolutoly definite therefore by no mcana- Infallible I purposes. Double vision, heating sounds, voices and THE FULFILLMENT OF A WONDERFUL whisperings whero none exist, perversion of tasto, smelling and feeling, aro all of common occuiTonco, and persons afflicted with theso functional aberrations of tho special senses, human hQdy, Tho measures for protection of aro by no means all confined to lnsano asylumB. J varjQU9 organo . oMctly proportioned Notwithstanding the universally acknowl- L thop dolIcacy and jmportanco in tho physi edged fallibility of those witnesses, (and thpylcal economy. aro tho only source from which ovldonco canj Tho body j, ft Hvlng and movln& lllU8tratlon bo dorlvod, In proof of physical cxlatonco) whoIQf almoat M known prinoplos ot bco and wm oo so irrational as to aeciaro, -tncro is no ovldonco of tho existence of a physical body or a material world? Wo bellovo thoro aro ovldonces that tho mind D01I0VO UlOrO aro OVIUOnCOB mat mo minu is a doflnito though Intangiblo ENTITY a nrlnclnle: tho disease, death or destruction of which Is lnconcclvablo; andNvlowod In this light immortality seems an assured fact A nresontntlon of somo of tho ovldonces of a soul entity, and indestructlbllty Is tho pur- pose of this paper. Tho most wonderful entitles of our worm arc, in fact, things unseen; wo cannot soo tho forco of gravitation any moro than wo can see tho immortal Hfo principle In man, becauso seeing with matorlal oyes, wo can only soo material things. , PRIMAL LAW PROVE8 AN ORIGINAL LAW MAKER. No rational person questions tho existence of a power called gravitation forco, a forco which rovolves tho earth on Its axis; which carries our earth around tho sun in Its orbit, which causes birth, Hfo and death to como to all animate things with perfect uniformity. As theso forces always act exactly in tho samo way, without variation, repeating thomolvos millions of times without varying an iota, wo must cortainly all agree that they aro directed and governed by law. No ono can rationally claim that a law can mako or creato ltsolf. It Is beyond our concoption; nothing cannot creato. So wo aro forced into a recognition of an original law-maker. Law In Its systematic and ordorly dlroctlon of forco Is, of itself a flat contradiction' of chanco In tho promises. Theso propositions must bo most conclusively Impressed on tho rational mind, whoa ho ob serves tho fact that tho Infinite Creator always moves along tho lines of perfect laws, for tho accomplishment of absolutely doflnito purposes, demonstrating design, and theroforo, a De signer, and, loading to bcnoflclent results Reasoning from results to causo, (and surely thoro can bo no results without a cause,) wo aro thus enabled to demonstrate tho oxlstonco of not only a first great original causo, but wo also learn most unqualifiedly that this original and only sourco of creative power, Is endowed with tho attributes of design, Inflnlto wisdom, beneflcenco of purposo and measure less power. DESIGN AND ULTIMATE, PURP08E. To illustrate, let us considor tho subject" ot rainfall. From the surface of tho ocean vapor arises, aa a result ot heat this vapor la carried ovor tho earth's surfaco by air currents; when tho vapor laden curront moots another air current of a lower temperature, condensation results, and tho wator is brought (la drops, for better distribution) by gravitation forco di rected by Jaw to tho earth's surfaco, not only giving us puro water to drink, but affording a system ot Irrigation, which rondors our world productive, beautiful ' and habitable. Oravl tation forco carries away tho excess of wator, and Id bo doing, washes and cleanses tho earth's surfaco, carries away refuse, debris, and disease, generating matters through the rivulets, creeks and rivers, Into tho ocean This gives us the first great universal system of sanitation, and sewerage of which all human efforts are but mero Imitations. Tho constant reception of theso currents ot waste matter, reinforced by tho death and decomposition of marine animals, would soon rendor all oceans putrid; and the wlndB sweeping over these ex pansive surfaces would carry pestllenco and universal death ovor tho earth's surface. But for this, Inflnlto wisdom, design and be noflconco inakoa ample provision by saturating all the oceans with four of the most perfect antiseptics known to chemical sclonco, (viz:) Iodine, Bromine, Chlorine and Chlorldo of Sodium. Now, at first thought It would soem that tho whole plan would provo abortive, because vapor ladened- with the chemicals Just mentioned, and deposited on tho earth's surface by rain fall would Just as surely destroy all vegetables and animal life, as would the air currents com ing from the surface of putrid oceans, JJero we, recognlzo tho wonder of wonaerf! Tho miracle of mlraoles! How ia H possible- to bring these vapors frbtnfiho ooeona without DESIGN. For furthor lllusratioh lot us, for a moment contemplate that labratory of wondors, tho philosophy. Tho monBtor vessels which plow tho oceans have a prototypo of their motor power in tho human heart. Tho scienco of ,- l.n n nrlmnl lltiiatrntlnti In fhn '"""""-- - - - - - - - action of tho human lungs. Thero novor was a musical instrument which was not fashioned after the human vocal organs. Fvom tho sim nlost classes to tho largest toloBcopo in exist- f coco aro all constructed In nccordanco with tho I scienco of optics, as primarily existent in tno human oyo. Every tojegraphlc system with Its operator manipulating his instrument and sending dispatches along its lines, has its pro totypo In tho Hfo prlnclplo, tho real though Intangiblo man, manipulating tho brain, as Its instrument, conceiving and transmitting Ideas, and motor forco along all tho lines ot tho norvoua system. Tho primal illustration of all architectural effort la found In tho human skeleton frame work, Its enclosuro ami oxternal embellishments. Thoro is nothing known to sanitary scienco which is not lmltatlvo of emunctorles and ellm- lnatlvo processes found to exist for tho mala tonnnco of tho health and purity of tho human body. Thero la nothing In tho science of no oustlco which is not found to liavo existed In tho human; oar from tho dato of man's oxlst onco on earth. Tho philosophy of tho sjmplo and compound' lovor aro all well portrayed In tho flexion of both tho upper and lower ox tromlties. It would seem also that our whole system of Jurisprudence oxlsts primarily, with in ub. Tho analogy, to Bay tho least la certain ly Interesting, of a Judgo presiding In court hearing tho testimony of witnesses and oocld Ing tho question at issuo upon tho testimony, and tho ossential but Intangiblo man slmlllarly, siting In Judgemont, usng tho brain as its in strument, receiving thq testimony of tho flvo special sonsos as witnesses; In each court a vordlct Is rendered on tho testimony, and tho FORCES dlrocted by LAW aro sot in motion for carrying out tho court's mandate, wno can contemplato tho measureless splondor of genius who designed and fashioned this won dorfully constructed toncment houso for tho soul's habitation, without an .overwhelming sense of wonder, awe, and admiration. " Tril8 PERFECTION OF DE8IGN. If Immortality awaits us, It Is bocauso tho soul Is a prlnclplo and thoroforo of vory necessity lndostructlblo, and, asi an Immaterial ontlty cannot mako ltsolf manifest and fulfill a mission In contact with a MATERIAL world, w aro given material bodies for tho sours oc cupancy during our earthly assignment Hero in, wo soo the design and philosophy of tho physical aspect of our oxistenco. Wo bollovo wo-havo proven clearly, that In our matorlal world thoro is no element of chance. That a oroatod oblect proves a creator. That tho ox- Istonco of primal law, proves tho oxlstonco of an original law-maker--that tho perfection of design and perfect co-ormnauon or lorces ior tho production of doflnito results, proves tho existence of a designer, and In tho fact that boneflcent results always corao from those co rolatlvo forcos, we recognize also his attribute of perfect beneflcenco. Wo bollovo that by this line of reasoning wo cannpt only provo the oxlstonco of a Creator, but by reasoning from results, wo can unorringly diBcovor in him the attributes of Powor, Wisdom, Doslgn and Beneflconoe In a degroo which surpass human understanding. If tho material body emanates from an original power, tendowod with the attributes as above Indicated It must bo equally truo that tho Intellectual and moral consti tution of tho mind of man emanates from the same sourco. Indeed, so far as wocan conceivo, It can come from no other, anddoslgn Is bore dearly portrayed, as In tho moohanlolsm of tho ma terial body or tho material world. The desire for immortality, , Belonging for a ,.nin nftrr death with, those we lovo, is an inherent primal attribute of tho uouL It ex- Ists In all from the barbarian to tho most en- i,nAfi ' We are sol constituted and so emanate from the creatlvo hand of tho Inflnlto and Allwleo first causS- No- one ever lays away one of his famijytyhjrayo, without bis soul goes out In pleallng and supplloaUon hat ho, may meet that one again. In a new and bettor world. Such hopo and, ballot Is tho moral ballast of the human rnco. Man did not creato this deslro and hopo, for ho can creato nothing. Wo soq design In qvory de partment of tho Creator's constructive Labra tory, also in tils. To creato man with this longing for Immortality, and wlthold tho menns ot its realization, would show tho absenco of nil designs or Intelligent ultlmato purposo, and instead, tho roflnomont of cruelty. It would bo tho ono absolute folltiro of a doflnito de sign, and ultlmato wiso and benoflcont purposo, In tho wholo realm ot creatlvo effort. Thoro would bo no purposo, design or wisdom in man's oxistenco if ("Death onda all,") as tho materialist tolls us. It cortainly la consistent and rational to bollovo that tho author and creator ot our matorlal world and all matorlal things Is equally tho designor and creator of tho Intangiblo entitles. In tho formulation ot tho human soul, Ho lino not endowod It with a Binglo nttrlbuto without a wiso purpose Ho has not glvon tho soul any longing or desire, without a possibility of a realization of that dcslro at somo tlmo, in somo placo; othorwlso his plan as it rolates to man would bo devoid of Juottco, reason, consistency and boueflcenco, which obtain so universally olso whoro In his economy. Man did 'not creato-tho dcslro within himself for immortality. Man -can creato nothing. All tho human agencies tho world has ever known cannot add to, or take away ono slnglo soul attribute. Ho Is endowed with capabilities to do right or wrong, and the promptings of a con scienco to direct him In bis course in lire, no Is possessed with tho powor of keeping thoso qualities of mind, which If In control load to violation of moral law, nnd tnorororo puiUBn mont, in oboyanco. Henco tho Lox-Tallonls, la rational and just and by Its rcmlndors and penalties, bocomca tho basis of moral progress. All must admit tho restraining .Influence ot a knowlcdgo ot tho fact, that a penalty must xillow a violation ot tho law. From tomporal law, ono may escape, but from tho ponalty for violation ot tho laws of tho-Inflnito, thoro Is no escapo, ovon though lta infliction may be postponed for half a Hfo Umo, br oven to otornlty. Tho rational mind, convorsant with this truth is thereby .promptod- to mako a constant effort tor align ltsolf with tho ways of moral rectltudo, and thoroby-lneuro not only hla own happiness, but becomo an. actlvo corw trlbutor in tho accomplishment ot the ultl mnto destiny ot man. Hero aro ovldonces ot wisdom, design and bonoflconco, as clearly portrayed in tho montal and moral constitution of tho- human mind or soul, aa In tho wondorfully lntrlcato and -pop feet adaptation ot our physical -organization for tho fulfillment of Its purposo. It would seem tlrat wo too. ofton fall to recognlzo ovldonces of a Hfo to como, which bostrow our pathway all through this Hfo. It la certainly suggestlvo, that wo Ho down and take a semblance of death In our slooping hours, to awako to a now day, andnowotfort now Hfo. Wo know In mld-wlntor whon thoro Is a total absenco of vcgotablo Hfo, and nature seems dead, tbftt at a glvon tlrae-tho vogotnblQ world will spring 'Into a now Hfo. It was tho writor's privilege to -observe the. transition changes of an Insignificant "grub" from a ro pulslvo creeping thing to tho dovelopmont of wings of beautiful color which- carried It away Into tho upper world ot sunshlno, and Into a now Hfo. Thoro was nover a moro iwondorful miracle, and so BUggcntlvo, that to my ralnil it was con clusive. Hero alono Is proof, positive of a now form ot existonco without tho aid of any ot tho collateral ovldonces which go so far to prove a now Hfo, awaiting humanity. The materialist deolares that "death ends all," that all llfo phenomena aro tho rosult of brain function" (mistaking results for causo) and, "that all knowlodgo we possess la tho rosult of impres sions rondo on tho ''Tablets" of tho brain through tho medium ot tho .special senses." "That these Impressions on tho brain colls aro filed away for future reforenee, somothlng aftbr tho method of photographer's filing away bis negatives for future uuo, and that memory Is explained in starching out of these negattyes or brain impressions; that tho systematic filing away of these Impressions mado on tho brain cells, explains tho acquisition ot classified knowledge." In order to test tho truth of this material hypothesis, I wish to call atttonUon to two unquestioned-truths in scJonce; First that tho body j. mado up. oLn,1aggtoii gatlon of colls. Second 'that In accordance with physio logical law,'' theso coIIb servo tholr purpose, die, disintegrate, and, aro ollminatod from the systom. That these two latter propositions aro unquestioned scientific truths, I thjnk no one will attempt, to gainsay. It la also-true, thattho creator and moriJ perslstont functional activity of tho brain, than In other parts and organs, renders It subject to more active cell destruction and reconstruct' i0n. than obtains elsewbero In tho' systom. lit i8 nn .estimate, that by this coll destruction ana reconsirucuon, me wuow imyoicai nirucw ure Is ma'douanow, every seven years. While it Drobablr occurs in much loss tlmo let- Us accept the seven years theory aa we certainly do. knowjtha it must coour several times' dur log the period ot an ordinary life." Now 'In view of tho knownfacti, as above stated; is It not a furthor fact that If It Is truly a matorlal proposition,- tho norvo colls which ro- cQtyed Impressions sovon years ago. and' hare slnco lost their vitality, boon disintegrated and ollmlnnteu from the body,rthat they mustihavo taken tholr Impressions with thorn T And would not tho woll stored mind of sovon years ago now bq a blank In consoquoncoT Excopt such Idoas as havo been acquired during tho last Soptonnal period. Aa a fact, would not hla Ideas begin to grow hazy on tho day following tholr acquisition, for, wo inuBt romombor UjIr coll destruction la an ovory day occurrencoT From day to day, woolc to week and mqntlj. to month as those cells disappear, ono'a intellec tual acquisitions must go also, or at best Icavo only fragments of fcnowlodgo, and such a general disarrangement of Buch Idoao as may by any physical possibility re main, that Intqloctual chaos could only result If tho material theory bo truo, no poo could know anything, definitely for any considerable tlmo, and at tho end of overy sovon, years hie mind must bo a blank, and ho must begin, again and learn ovorythlng over. Thoro la no escape from this conclusion It mind la tho result ot brain- function. As proof that tho mind is not tho rosult ot braiafuno tlon but la' ltsolf an entity, tho- writer, onco know a very aged lady who llvod during tho Revolutionary war At 90 years of ago, Bho ceased to know her own children, but montlba tho Revolutionary War, Qoprgo Washington, Groeno or any of tho leading revolutionists, and Bho wouldKlvoadetaileddcscrlptlonot thofr per sonal appearancoa.aml what they sald.thelt dress and bearing and other particulars relating to'that sanguinary and soul trying contest, surpaos ing all tho books. Now this old' lady's brain had boon rebuilt and mado now a dozon'tlmos ovor, and sho ought, not and could .uoU-havo known anything ot revolutionary tlmos If ho matorlallstla theory bo truo, twhoreas, jthjao Impressions woro tho only things sho dldljmow, as Bho, was almost totally oblivious to'her jm modlato surroundings. Would It not havo boon nbsolutoly impussiblo for her to havoro memborod thoso -things it mind wore the pro duct of umln function,, ana brain coll m- prosslono. when wo know to a certainty that sho did not pooaess tho wmd bmlnby sovoral romovoa Umt Bh , d , n ac(nilrod .-,. romovos, that she had whon sho acquired theso lqeosT uniy reconuy a man or. maturo yom told mo that tho admonitions of Ills motnor in hla childhood days, had como tq hla mind In all hla years, and had boon his moral ballast through Jlfo. Tho matorialUt will ask you if mind is fiot tho rosult ot brain function, how is It when Insanity oxlsts. It growa progroadlvoly waroa Just In proportion to tho oxtont of organlo"br functional brain leslonsTWoanawor that har monious mental music, (right coordination of Ideas) results whonovor tho brain's chosen Instrument is normally attuned: Ifitho brain Is doranged functionally from, dlseaso, our ideas aro erratic, Inco-onllnnto and Inconsistent not tho fnult of tho porfonuor, howovor, nut of a faulty Instrument Who would bo so In consistent as to crltlclso an accomplished pianist for producing discordant music frora a wrockod and unstrung Instrument it sooms plain that in oithor caso tho discordant results como from faulty Instruments, and not from tho porformors for, In any case, (thoro can bo no "mind diseases." r , Theso facts in refutation ot tho theory of tho-material qrhjln ot tho mind havo not, and cannot bo disproved. , r In tho conclusion of this pnpor, I am aware that I havo prooontod only a fow of tho many argumontB In proof of a llfo horeaftor. Nor is It written for tho ontortalnmout of exports ,ntho flold of eo-callod ''hlghor criticism," but with I tho solo purposo of showing tho fallacy) lack of philosophy, consistency, design, la fact, tho theory, with every othor department of tho abBoluto .incompatibility;, oft the jmalorlaiJiTtlo creatora handl-work. It Is wrltton especially to present to tho dovoloplng mind tho impor tant fact that It Is not safo.nor for tholr good, nolthor horo or hormftor, to cast astdo the saving Influence ot a belief In porsonal responsi bility and llfo aftor this. Tho cheerful ac ceptance of tho "bust thoro Is In (ho world ot now," without Including moral responsibility affocting our welfare now ondhoreaftorlll be construed as a tlconso to tho licentious and avaricious-, to "59 tor hat, .thoro isln Bight" for jthat In tho purposo (f any purposo thoro be) In such a llfo. Such creeds and Influences aro certainly calculated to antagonjzo the Cre atlvo plan of progrotulvo, moral, advancement of humanity, iruln the prospoctlvO hafblnws of its dovotoe, and causo him to dlsponso mis ery And degradation to his uwoonlatcs. Thoro Is much restraining Influence In a clear knowlodgo ot tho fact that thoro isnno violation of tho primal law, without"!? resulting ponalty, and that tho ponalty..wllL.eorretpond with tho enormity ot the transgression. In this propotUoa wo PVflht to soo pretty clearly tho. philosophy of right If death end all, th on good example, moral rectltudo, and a clean consistent ljfugw for nauh and to iu-'ii evu 10 as cpnsiBjdB',, aaioioacn justice and right. panto's Inferno Is a fitting representation of humanity without hppe. .Thoro Is hope how ovor. and, ,an .actlvo exorclso ot that soul at trlbuto Is in tho breast of -every rational be ing. Man did not creato It. It emanates from the creatlvo hand of tho Inflnlto first causo, whoso works show design, wtddom and bono flaionco; who has glvtfri us np 'diljo, hope or longing ot soul, which la not a 'subject for real ization at some tlmo, in somo place." li.'nff" ' " J" " I'l-'l-HW' ' II .11 flWlltW im dtftVtoll