1 FOUR. W. In that calls for cream of tartar and soda or other quick leav ening agent use Royal Baking Powder. It will make the food of finer flavor, more di gestible and wholesome. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 H I H 1 1 x I :: SALEM I SOCIAL il EVENTS 1 4iHIIIIIMIIIIItlllllll a urpno r.ny. TIio homo of Mrs It. L. Sklnnor, In . Vot8alom waHthoHconoof amorryl HatSorlng Thursday nlghL About 40 , A 8urprlse Party. Ighlrs and friends assomblod. and took her comulotuly by surprlso, Mu lo nnd numerous game made the time pass all too quickly, when, at the closo of tho evening, a bountiful sup per wan Mrvod, and It was not until n late hour thnt tho good-byos were said. The Alice R. Society. Tho Allco II. Society, or tho high school, held ltn regular meotlng yos-jl terdny afternoon, and olsotod orflcers tor the dnsulng quarter. 'Tho rostilt of lho election was: I'roldont, Horace Hykes; vice-president, Anna fllesy; aijurolnry, Mnrgnrot McOuo; assistant oootary, Htta Wolch; troasuror, JSmma Nerod. Aftor tho business had lioqn disposed of. tho mombers spent n soulnl hour togothor. West Salem Literary Society. Tho West Snlum Uterary Sbaloty will hold Its rogular mooting at the AVut Snlum hall tonight, and elect cw olllceni for tho coming term. ' A Social Evening, Miss Mndellnn Wuikor cmtertnlnod n rtlimboi' of her young frlonds Fri day ovanlng. Tho evening was spent In playing "Panic" and other games. Dainty ' refreshments wero sorvud. Those present ere: Mlssen Althea Mopre, Louisa Drown, Dnrbara Dur bin, Jennlo Fry, Hlleu Thlelsen, So phia Ontilii. Mildred Perkins. Mildred llngley, Isabella Achermnn; Meesre. Dan Fry, Carl QnbrlHlsun, Oeore Skiff, Tom Holmnii, lllmer llnshar, Wnlter Koor, Ted Holme. Will Per. kins. Made Howard Watches. Itbaton, Maroh B. IMwanl Howard, dean of the Aiuerloan watoh makers, Is dead. Hanoi r. Marti, 6 -Fl.-Id Marshal WaliltrM it Own Lire's Mysteries Revealed Ity wonderful hmh. OocmK SeienMnt, lWlosepher and Meiad'hy. stolen, lrjrf, Jameson, Ittdriedtte bteek, (juiimwdttl street, rooms M m1 H. The wonderful demonstration of this wonderful man's- stron powers ummU l wiuiesd to be believed. At a tue k wilt tell you what )xw cahm Ah. IU wtll rtl )'Mr Mfw, jwet, lreut ' jumI future beUr tha ihi know yowMttf. Hei will 8lv ym iiaver fRlUug advice Ir all your uu- itors4vmUH$ owMwrHlRg marriajK 41 voroe, liweinem, lor affaire, ietilA- tlow. d$. wortiaje. wewy, trnveJe. uri In fact a)) thlnx. He U one of the mo skillful dewilt tlnta of th s As ait mrtratoeer he U& M e4utftUMi is IthUft. the latul of Vff He U a quaJUfled Mtrol- oger. SlwptlM r i4t4 U call ad be evloel. 0ee boon, 9 . to 7: p. hi mm- S every receipt LOVE IN IDLENESS. To seo me hero with ray glass and my jug, And my flro, and my oat, and my meer schaum, .too, You'd think that I ought to bo Jolly and snug, And so I am, thank you the same to youl I .... Yet, somohovy, sitting cosily nere, M of lho BUnny guramertldo l """ Jr8' v,hat,tlo.you.call,om wnr. " "" K Aml b,ow-llkowUo tho flowers. For tho summer I love with a love as bright As tho poet feels for his Chloe or Nanoy. And musing dreamily here tonight, I try to hurry It on In fanny. nm lying, wo'll say, In the noolc I lovo, Screoned from the sunlight's scorch ing glow, Watching tho big olouds abovo, And blowing a lazy cloud bolow; Wowing a cloud from my meerschaum . blaok, And, thinking or not, as I foel Inclin ed, With ft light alpaca coat on my back, And nothing particular on my mind. Dreaming, may bo, of famo, or strife. Of hoped that kindle, of Iovob that lllOBB Soma people might call It wasting llfo, Hut It's very plonsant nevertheless And pleasunter still, after a while, I hear n low footfall on the grass, And lot with Muttering blush and smile. She comes to meet me, my own wee lass, My love of the blue eyes, tender and oft. Ami yellow hfijr in the tun that glls- tiHWl, With a smile that's the tame that I've seen to oft. And a new porU-ttie and feather that Isn't purft . love I. iwhI. lUiva and beaut)-, Bummer and youth, I And true Is the love thnt I lay at your feet You may laugk. my dear, but you know ltH the truth So with love to 04i r hearteeestatie boon I Ai d how and then h word and a smile. Wo drmm through the mi miner after noon lu the Oweu-Meredlthdlulwer style. It Is aeUmated that MKH) ivwmi have mysteriously tUMnpeared In Now Vork during 19M. N'lnety per ' nt of the men reported mlMlng were married, nnd a great number of them are wolMo-tlo alttsetM. , Simln how purohaMM from the Unit ed State ? U,I00.00 wiKth a year. a Increase of W per eet, sine ISfS. Ainedoan Ice-crm frMrs and rub ber overshoe are mhni l all SMuUh vtliegee. Tk Itd Oroe SeeJet' et HuMta Is the richwt In the world, having U. (MO.OM In Ite treasury. It to well oritAHtMM) ana will 0 eAlcleett work from Utw iHsgiKalHg. The mMt teaWe ring In the wwW In In poaeessloa f one of the Vaader hike. It to set "wKK & diamond, valued at JM.WW and hwh' smaller genua. The wwW yield af gtd at tkWs Utne l 9S8j0d.0a. Of this amount South Africa futnlrtiea 78.M and the United $Mo TU.W. Ther are now llvlag In the refal aqnaWem in Ilusefe several earn that are known to be more thin six hun dred years old. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, STATE POLITICS BRISTLE A Warm Talk by Hon. Frank C. Baker State Chairman Some Side Lights on General Propositions in a Straight From the Shoulder Talk Mr. Frank O. Baker, Cholrma of the Republican State Central Commit toe, and a mombor of tho Managing Commltteo In Multnomah, Is hore look Ins aftor somo of his Interests. Mr. Baker has property scattered ovor tho ontlro "Wlllametto Valloy. Ono of our roportors caught him at tho Wlllam etto, discussing politics with a num ber of this county's wlso ones. "Oregon? Why Orogon will give Ilbosovolt 20,000, and Williamson will carry tho Socopd District by 10,000, Judging from tho way tho boys In Enstorn Oregon aro talking. Noml natod? Of courso Williamson will be nomlnatod. Why not7 Moody? Why ho made an excellent representative, nnd tho argument hie frlonds used in favor of his retention applies now to Mr. Wllllamson'8 return. But Moody Isn't a candidate, nnywny, Is he? I have never hoard him say so, or that he has said so. McCamant? Able fel low? Yep, Indeed. O, I don't know whether Joo thinks he would mnko a good ropresentatlvo or not. You had better soo Joo yoursolf about that." When askod what tho roal status of affairs lu Multnomah County Is, and why tho Regular Organization will win, Mr Baker, In his accustomed off hand, shoot-nt-tho-mark stylo, repllcd: "The roal status of affairs means that If tho Regular Organization car ries tho Prlmarlos, Mr. Mitchell's In valuable sorvlcos to Orogon In tho Sonato are assured; othorwlso, I pre dict that Mr. Simon will bo elected Mr. Mitchell's successor. Fact Iff voters nil ovor tho stato aro tognl xnnt of the roal Issuo Involved In the contust In Multnomah County; and Ropubllcnns In Marlon and nearly If not milto all tho othor counties' are writing me whnt tho people are saying about It. "I don't blnmo Mr. Simon for want ing to be Senator again, and when he gets there, If he should (but he won't earry the Primaries), I will sond him a congratulatory message; the state however, should I be outalde of It nt tho time I will sond a condolatory wire," "But didn't Joe say In print that ho was not a candidate?" "Mr. Simon Is the 13d card lu tho pack. Thoy tell mo that one of Chaun oey Depews's Joke fell llat. whllo the one Joe got off In tho Senate that tlmo created more laughter than any story ever told In that body. I mean that one he told about Corbett and him self doing everything within their lKwer that was honorable to organ ize the Hoiwe in 1S07. Wasn't that a good one? Yes, Indeed; Joe can toll a good e4ory, and tell It well. 'And Senator Hoar, so l have bem told, re ally bwlleved Joe was lu earnest, nnd thought Mr. Mitchell ought to have umii ashamed of himself for tha part he took In preventing that IgUluture from organising! Maybe that's a Joke, too; however, they tell It on the ven erable sage from Maeeachusetts. If Mr. Simon isn't Joking really Is not a candlate for Senator why la he (Hitting forth vty effort to capture the hold-over Senator and other fao tors of Miccee down In Multnomah oouuty?' "On what due Joe expect to carry the 1'rtmarten?" I mi lira iwiro H XUHt, aim wnieh JNrtge Carey. Chairman of the Regular Organisation, caught as soon an he saw It, waa hie cry that THE TAXFAYHHS WILL HAVR TO FAQB A 4 llt CUNT TAX.' As Judgo. Carey antlefactorily explained, the neanle cannot have new school henee. drydockn, levW and Clark Katre. and Improvement!) at OeHht without paying tor them; and he showed that whleh every taxpayer la Multnomah County should anoreeiate namely that the HNMHMtt count)- administration lias eonduoted the county's affair In an Hupreeedeutedly economical manner and at the same time has been busy unearthing the frauds and bringing suite to sot aaluo the rotten tax settle meats of its nredeceecors. So Joe closed Mho a clam on that srore. Judge Oarays ronNos to Mr. Simon's charges ought to he published In Mmshtet tern and distributed for refaronoe. so complete are they and accurate. And Joe's Interview. In which his charges SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1904. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. Congressman Geo. H- White's Case. A Noted Sculptress Cured. TYTTmimiii.1 Tho world of medicine recognizes Grip as epi demic ca tarrh, - -Medical Talk. t szrfSfo. IRn t saam& immmmfo - i iIK.i,K W9S " msMtmx ismi : v. faSMnf '7zsti!-i mhW' immBBml " InHX IiKK''? V w tk vlffif " : RASf feasTl II : m & A'iii 1 7 1 v rail' k t 1 11l Tsf Mvrtl S s mi 1 -assB a ixxxxxixixxxxixxxin : 1 1 1 xxxxxrxrgr LA GUIPPK is opldomlo catarrh. It sparos no class or natlonalty. Tho cultured and tho ignorant, tho aristocrat and tho pauper, tho masuca and tho classes are alike subject to la grlppo. Nemo aro exempt ml aro liable Have you tho Krip? Or, rather, has tho grip cot youT Grip is well named. The original Trench term, la grippe, hail been shortened by tho busy Ameri can to read "grip." Without intending to do 6' i a new word has been coined that exactly describes tho caso. As if some hideous giant with awful Gun-had are found, should by all moans ap pear In the front part of the pam phlet." "The next grand-stand offort was on DOSSISM! Say. Brother Hofer, what are you laughing at? Yes, sir, Joo really accused Mr. Walter Matthews of being a dictator, a boss. He knew when ho made the charge that tho two principal reasons why ho lost tho Prl marlos two years ago were first, be causo he was too llttlo a Senator, and. second, because ho was too big a Hose. As for Mr. Matthews, If he wero not U. S. Marshal his activity In the management of affairs of the Republi can Organisation would, as In the pant, be courted by us all, because he Is nn exemplary cltlsen as much so as Mr. Simon, or any other man In Mult nomah county and Is equally as skll ful n politician. Hut In this charge, as lit the 4 per cent bugaboo. Judge Carey's denial In The Oreaonlan com. pletely discredited Mr. Simon's asser - l lions Jiidre Carev in tint mi an.i official leader of the Regular Republi cans of Miutromah County, and In the same itesr tha'. Mr. Simon Is tha reHrld leader of the so-called In- depecdent Republicans. And. gentle meu. JUUKIlur from tiia unikn.i..... , , - - -- " iuu . i oinuis experiment tho nnllv v,lh which the m-iMt mmlUePaper.lnlnaon.nasprovedacK men are at work, and the flattering re- failure, and camo to an untimely end ports that are coming In to Chairman with lt hi,....k .., J e U w.... i. i..,. - .., -j. n niM very mucn like the, 'l.ltlla N'nwUni ...III i I - -".iw-wm nm uiwnence a greater Waterloo than the people generally are looking for." "Have any Mitchell men of conso queues gone over to Joe?" "I understand that Dr. Andrew C Smith, elected State Senator on the ClUaene' ticket In 1M0. has tone to Mr. tflmon; but the most Important! btowmhhi to Mr ttimoa's forces Is un Houbtedly Mr. 1-awrence M. Sullivan He is a very energetic man. and thor oughly acquainted with the detail of eertala lines of work In city politics Mr. Simon Is to be congratulated up on the extellenoe of his skill In secur ing 'LarryV assistance, ny the way. did ysu ever hear Mr. Sullivan tell hU etery on Bob Shorten? No? Well, wait until next Legisfature; he will be in Salem then, t will ask M toll you goaUomea the story. You Masons will enjoy it He told It back Bast to an excursion of Shrinerc. and attar having him tell It a number of time they voted kim an honorary member of their teapje," so I heard. "This momlng-8 OregonlaB has it RELEASED BY 1 E3efl-r5 -rtTW'i P M clutched us in its fatal clasp. 'Men, womon, children, whoto towns and cities aro cnucht lu tho baneful grip of a tcr rlblo monster. l'e-ru-im for Grip. Mrs. Theophilo Schmltt, wlfo of tho Kx-Seorotary of tho Gorman Consulate writes tho following letter from 3U7 Wabash avonuo, Chicago, 111.: "I suffered this wintor with a sevoro attack of lu grlppo. After using threo bottles of Penina I found tho grip had I disappeared."--?.?. T. Schiultt that Joo says he will bo there with tho bells on March ICth, your Primary Day; what does ho mean by 'the bolls?' " "Of course, you aro awaro that the threo principal secretaries of tho Si mon Cabinet are J. Thornburn Ross, Wallace McCamant nnd George W. Bates, all mombers In excellent stand ing of tho Presbyterian Church. Per haps It moans tho Ministerial Associa tion's bells. With Larry Sullivan hand ling the gamblers nnd the North End for Joo, and the Ministerial Associa tion pulling their bell-ropes for hlm, one Is Impressed with Alexander Ham ilton's remark 'Politics makes strangn bedfellows.' ' ' "No, Mr. Simon will not win In tho Primaries this time, nor will ho be a factor of any consequence In future. The peoplo who have the beet In terests of Portland and the stnto nt heart will avail themselves of an op. ! portunlty to encourage John H. JUtcnells efforts In the Senate, as well as to keep out of that body others who are particularly disqualified to All the office In a mnnner at all cied Itable to the State" ' w m o. ... . - - - ... t v.v..wi uuiuoer Get r- i fl BsEeS SjflmHsT H i MiLZlllS iifl if 1 1 JM I lawflsfessl 5000 Shafts 9??1 RIc Mining and t,u . Milling Co'a Stock for Sale tuOTSr Mosey l, of naore valua W A tj ' m, i. .F001 cfcance for soae one. Addrtxi .. . iuwa, oo a, mmnj PE-RU-NA Mrs. Colodto Covoll writes fronaDV avenue, Aurora, 111. : "Ouly those who havo suffered win la grlppo and boon cured can apnroeiu. how grutoful I feoL that such a olemluJ meuicino as x-eruna noa oecn placed iwl l.rt tlftf rt nvftrv ftllfPnrlnr .... 'B ...w Mw fc v.w.j VH..V.U(3 l"-ayn-'W Mrs. C. Covoll. Noted toulptrom Cured or flrlp, Mrs. M. 0. Cooper, of tho Royal Ac omy of Arts, of London, England, md resldlnRln Washington, D. CJsoMd' tho greatoatllvliiK sculptors and palnwj' of tho world. Sho says : "I tako ploasuro In recommending P(. runa for catarrh nnd la grlppo. I hir suffered for months, nnd aftor thouieol ono bottlo of Pcruna I am entirely t11. Mrs. M. C. Cooper. D. L. Wnllace, a charter member of tho International Bar bor'n Union, writei from 15 Western avonuo, Minneapolis. Minn.: Following a sovcro nttacl: of la grlpM I seemed to bo affootcd badly all over. "Ono of my customers who was greatly holped by Pcruna advised mo to tryit, and I procured a bottlo tho same dr. Now my hood is cloar, my nerves tn steady, I onjoy food and rest well. pj. ruua has been worth a dollar a dose to mo." D. L. Wallace Lloutonant Clarico Hunt, of the Salt Lake City Barracks of the Salratloa Army, writes from Ogden, Utah: " Two months ago I was suffering with so sevoro a cold that I could hardly ipadt. " Our captain advised mo to try Pe runa and procured a bottlo for me, nd truly it worked wondors. Within two wcoks I was ontlroly woll."-Cliric Hunt. Coiiffreiiman White's Letter. Tarboro, N. C. Gentlemen: I am mora thanutiu tied With Peruna and find It to bt an excellent remedy for the grip and tarrh. I have used It In my family and they all Join me In rccommenilnx It as an excellent remedy." Oeorp 11. White, Member of Congress. Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Inde pendent Order of Good Templars, ot Kvorott, Wash., writes : "Aftor having a sovoro attack ot la grlppo I continued in a fcoblo condition oven after tho doctors called mo cur!. My blood seemed poisoned. Perona cured mo." Mrs. T. W. Collins. If you do not dorlvo prompt and satis factory results from the nso of Peruna, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your caso and ho will bo ploased to glvo you his valuab' ad vlco gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, Presldtmt of Tho Hartmon Sanitarium, Commons, 0, Tools of the Ancients. An lnvostlgator who lived during two years In a tomb at GIzeh collect ed evldenco to provo that tho too used In working atono -1000 years ago had Jowolod cutting odgos llko modern tools. Ho says that tho builders ol tho pyramids usod solid and tubular tools Btrnlght and circular saws ana manv other tools sunnoBQd to be modorn. In somo specimens of granites drill had sunk ono-tonth of an men at oach rovolutlon, Indicating that the prossuro was at Uast two tons- Nothing 1b known of tho material ol tho tools. As tho diamond was scarce thon, It Is probable that corundum was usod. tfre-Mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n nH i Made in Salem EPPLEY'S PERFECTION I A puro cream of tartar bauns powdor. uocommonaoa anu sold by Harrlt & Lawrence, Fuller & Douglas, A. Daue, F. Q. Bowersox. Your raonoy back If you want It s a TRY ONE dAR. liHH lllllllllillllll iM-rt Away Fi-om Woi?k Don't nana to the Idea that hard work brings best results. Do good work but make It easy. The Sharpies Tabular Separator Helps you get All the Cream There Is In mllk cause you less work worry and danger and give more satisfaction than the old kinds they have leltaofar behind. See the machines! Get a catalog, F A, Wiggins Implement House 255,n2M7i,bcrty, st. Farra Implements. Auto- """"' hcytiuk macnines ana supplies. -- - St., Mancie, Indiana I errfmftftf" -" "-