W T i H DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. XIV. PRESIDENT . H " """ ' l " ' ' ' i -.... im ., - . i.i .- ' i , - , .,.., .. , , ......, , i . - ii i-. i ' SMITH ON THE STAND The Investigation to Light the Customs and Usages of the Mormon Church Smith Asserts That the Principle of Plu ral Marriages Was Revealed From God Women Not Given Any Priestly Authority Washington, March 4. At the open Ing of the Smoot hearing this morn Ing, Smith was questioned by Hoar as to whether women had ecclcslastip authority in tho Mormon church. Ho said that whllo, as voters, women wore given recognition with men, tlio priestly authority was denied thom. They wero not eligible to election to tho ofllco or president, apostles, coun' sellors or any of tho general offices of tho church. Upon tho acceptance or rojcctlon of revolutions, tho vote of any woman momber of tho churih was just as powerful as tho vote of tho witness hlmsolf. Reading from a copy of tho Salt Lake Desorot Nowa. Juno 23, 1903, reporting a speech made by Smith, in which ho said tho prin ciple of plural marriages was revealed from God, and anyono who denied th divine origin of that doctrlno might as well deny tho othor truths. Attorney Taylor asked as to its correctness and Smith said it was correct, so far as he could recall. The speech was not dollverod to more than a dozon people, and If ho had been consulted ho would have been against Its publication, because of his desire to abstain from giving any public offense. He roltoratod that he personally bolleved in tho doctrine of plural marrlagos, as much today as wer. hut ht didn't bellovo In continu ing the practlco, ns he had accepted the proclamation against It in good faith. Chairman Durrows asked if he believed he had obeyed the law when ke has five wives and 11 children by them since tho dato of tho manifesto "I have already said in that respect bat I havo not obeyed the law. I pre ferred to disobey It. rather than aban on the children and their mothers, too church, howovor, as a church, has e)d the law, but I, as an Individu al, have taken that chance." Ques Uoned as to the right of the first wife to consent or object to tho taking of I !&oieos$e HT f incw opting Has Atrived e nave- a nne assortment or handles lor you to seieci irom, in g Batumi vnnil nnarl linrn nnri Innnv mslil lit. I . - . You're likely to need one beforo spring, If tho weather doesn't change. They're lower nricod than you oan find at "reirular stores" for the samo quality. We stick to tho spot I Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing Wo soil goods that give satisfaction It beeps us growing. The New Yotk Racket E. T. BARNES, Prop. f Salem's cheapest one-price cosh store. 8 of Smoot Brings other wives by her husband, Smith, aftor reading from Revelation, which said that if a wifo didn't consent she should bo destroyed by tho Lord, de clared that her opinion had no weight at all on tho subject. All tho presi dents of tho church, and all prominent ' in business or professional circles in 'Utah, ho said, had been mon with plural wives. Hoar, referring to tho scriptural injunction that a bishop of tho church should bo sober and havo ono wife, was interrupted by tho wit noss with tho interjection, "at lerut, That Injunction was mado to tho poo plo of Judea. In tho midst of polyga mous peoplo It bocamo obligatory on tho bishop to havo ono wifo, because It recognized that a bishop should be an experienced man." (LnUghtor.) Smith positivoly donlod any public teaching of tho principlo of polygamy had takon placo since 1890, despite , tho assertions of tho nntUMormon prosB. Rocoss. This afternoon Tay lor will road a complete rovolatlon regarding polygamy, and oxtracts from other standard works of the church. Pittsburg Given Warning. Pittsburg, March .4. Pittsburg Is threatened with a great Hood. Ac cording to a warning sent out today by the local forecastor, the rise will come suddonly. From all points in Western Pennsylvania como reports of torrential rains. In Pittsburg streets were flooded to a depth of three feet In many places by the heavy downfall, and scores of plants hora and at near-by points have been forced to suspend on. account of the rapid rleo of the waters. All tho Bmall streams In Western Pennsylvania are out of their banks, bridges have boo swopt away and many small buildings carried down stream. Uncle Sam's Boats. Perim, March 4. Tho United States torpedo destroyers from the Philip pines passed here this morning. C4 i f ojmpment 01 S .. . . . A . cash plan, that's why. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1904. a8eeee9Geee9eee8ee$e9etto9eso8f W m FOR VICE Senator Fairbanks at President's Sug gestion Consents to Run Washington, March 4. Roosevelt lino suggested nnd Senator Fair banks, of Indiana, has agreed, to accept the vice-presidential nomina tion on tho Republican ticket, If tendored him. This comes from close and llfo-long personal polltlcnlfrlonds of the senator, who are known to havo advised against what they considered to bo a vital jf concession on tho senator's part. S to tho wishes of tho President as HAD A LIVELY TIME Girl "Man Horse and Buggy in a Gen eral Mix-up Man Strapped Girl on the Horse and Swam Ashore All Ended Hap ily Reading, Cal., March 4. William Clemants and daughter, whllo crossing Weaver creek, near Douglas City, last evening In a buggy had 'a thril ling" experience. Tho creok was high and tho wator raging; tho buggy struck a holo and capsized, and tho occupants wero thrown out, and tho ontlro outfit was carried down tho stream. Clemants caught tho girl and, with suporhumnn effort, strapped her to tho horse, and thon swam nshoro. Tho buggy was wrockod Clomants fainted whon tho shore was roachod. Tho horso started off with tho girl, who managed to free hersolf, nnd walked to Douglas, two miles. Feeling Against Officers Is Intense. Moscow, March 4. Tho feollng against the govornmont cnusod by the apparent Incapacity of tho Russian commanders Is growing moro tonse Tho comprohonslvenoss of tho Japan ese plans sorvo moro and more to show the Inefficiency of tho Russlnn gener al staff, and Its plans for the retention of Manchuria and the invasion of Cor oa. A Big Land Slide. Roddlng, Cal., March 4. A land slide at Cast;e Crag delayed the southbound passongor this morning for three hours; ton minutes later the slldo would -have caught the train. Old Bank Closed. Marblohead, Mass., March 4. The Marblohsad National bank Is closed. It has been In oxlstence for a huudrod yoars, and had n capital of $120,000. S 8 BURIED ALIVE. Charles Lasek, Found Alive Un der Tons of Debris In Hotel Wreck. New York, Maroh 4. At 2 o'clock this morning workman In removing the body of Alex ander Johnson, an iron worker, from the wreaked Hotel Darling ton, uncovered Charles Lasek, a plasterer, who was alive, with an Immense beam across bis chest. He had Iain 3G hours un der tons of debris. The man died as he reached the doors of the hospital. The known dead are IS. and 14 bodies have been removed. o o $1 J48 ) u PRESIDENT 2 S Ho now says they have bowoJ has Fairbanks. TALKED HIM TO A FINISH TBe Salvationist Said "God Bless You Shoot" Highwayman Lowered His Pistol and Walked Away Nothing In Sight ' Anyway Santa Cruz, March 4. Masked high wayman at about 10 o'clock tills morn ing at tho point of a pistol held up two mon oa tholr way down town. Ho first encountered Ottls Hammond, a Salvationist, and threatened to blow out his brains. "God , bless you shoot," said tho Salvationist. Tho bandit thon loworod tho weapon and walked away. Hammond was hardly out of sight whon .Frank Dann, of Mountain View ranch, was accosted In n similar mannor, and relieved of his watch. HEINZE LOSES SUIT San Francisco, March 4. F. Augus tus Helnze lost his battle against the Butte & Boston Mining Company in a decision handed down by the United States circuit court of appeals today, upholding the circuit court of Mon tana in the decision recently made. Holiue had appealed from the decision to the higher court. The Montana judge having directed that the officials of the mining company be allowed to survey their mines, which would no cessltate Inspecting the mine belong ing to Helnze. He will now have to appear beforo the Judge In Montana and receive punishment for con tempt. Street Railway Case. 1 u Angeles, Mareh 4. The long, bitter fight for the transfer of tho street railways owned by Honry B. I Huntington ended this morning. Judge 'Oster, of San Bernardino, Wttlng in the Los Angeles court, decided la fa Ivor of the railway. The othor supe rior judges refused to try the caso. To Be War Admirals. Washington, D. C. March 4 The President has nominated Chas. A. Converse, chief of the bureau of ordi- 9! - . 41 ..... .ltt. l.n .Anlr nt IlHIJitf Ul IU8 IlilV '" " " J rear-admiral, and Captain Henry Man 1 ' ney. chief of the bureau of equipment, 1 1 ! with the rank of rear admiral. Earthquakes In Peru. Lima, Peru, March 4. Barthquake shocks, the worst reported in years, occurred Thursday, and did great damage. No figures of the losses bavo yet been made. The shocks continued this morning, and are the most severe In a quarter of a century. LANDING SOLDIERS IN KOREA Japan Is Still Landing Soldiers on It's Peninsula, But Has Changed From Chemul po to Chinnampho Russian Reserves Called Out Admiraf Makaroff Has Arrived at Port and It Is Expected a Decisive Move Will Be Made Paris, March 4. St, Petersburg ad vices Bay a dcclslvo movo of tho Port Arthur Russian squadron Is anticipate cd, now that Admiral Makaroff has arrived. Tho torpedo boats will bo brought Into play. Roports from Corea confirm Uio. advices that tho Japs havo ceasod debarking troops at Chemulpo, nnd nro landing soldlors at Chinnampho, whero tho harbor Is frco from ice. Reserves Called Out. St. Petersburg, March 4. Tho ro sorvo BUbaltornt and tho first-class ro sorvo mon of European-Russia have boon summoned to tholr colors. A similar order Is mado for tho naval ro sorvo. Each arm will undorgo six weoka training. A Vladlvostock dis patch says that all Is quiet there, with The Stoe Filling With spring stocks. From now onyou will see here the most ndvnncoJ stylos for spring In merchandise of every description. This great store has many exclusive avenues for getting the uncommon in every line. All who look here will see stocks of Infinite variety, and all who buy here will get tho "something different" we all like to have to Individ ualize our dress and our home. New Spwng Tailor Suits Another not of those smart spring suits that will bo sure to prove popular the coming season, reeleved yesterday. They are the correct suit style for the spring season. Those women who desire and original, correct In style tailoring and fit, should see this exhibit. Hvery garment portrays that vital elemeat of style characteristic of the best custom tailoring. NO. 53. no signs of tho Japancso wnrshlpsr Tho Inhabitants continuo to leave. St. Petersburg, March 4. Tho nows papor Svlot, discussing tho Bonding of Amorlcan consuls to Manchuria, says tho American attltudo requesting Chi--noso oxequateura will causo unplcas-' nntncsB with Russia, and adds: "It 1b now stated Amorlca has promised to glvo Japan assistance with her ships." Whare Is the Jap Fleet? London, March 4 Tho Contral NoV8 says tho Port Arthur Japanese Hoot has not boon sighted slnco Fob runry 2Cth. Workmen aro rushing ro pairs on tho battleships Rotvlzan and Cznrovltch and tho cruiser PaladU. All tho othor damaged vossolu nro now ready for soa. It In roportod that Kuropatkln's headquarters will bo nt (Continued on olgth pago.) New Togs FOR THE YOUNQ8TER8, Another big shipment reelavsd yesterday. Kit out the young fel lows for spring while the stocks are full and you have a lurgtfr choice of patterns. Men's Finishings Spring styles In Men's Furnish ing goods. The largest and best showing we have over mado and Includes everything new, stylish and desirable at the most moderate prices. New Grips reeleved yesterday. The line com prises the latest SUIT CASES, HAND DAQS, TELESCOPES, STRAW SUIT CASES, ETC., Prices always the lowest. m t rt; m ft M u-i 1 . i $!! M Mi