1 1 XP ! " tlfoe Dail Journal ByHOFER BROTHERS. JBcrlpp Newa Association Telegrams. iPubUsbed every afternoon excpet Sunday at 197 Commercial street. Subscription terms: ibally one year, $4.00 In advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance: dlly fey carrier, 50c per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. 6no wook 10c; ono month 36c; tkrto months $1.00. At Journal office; at Daue's grocery, South Salem; at Bowersox' grocery, Vew Park; Asylum Avenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East 8tate s itreet fSlngle Copies Price 6 cents. Price to newsboys 2J4 cents per copy. To Mall Subscribers Tho Into when you subsorittion oxpires ia on th? ttiddrost label of each paper. Wkon. that dato arrivos, If your subscription afaau not again booa paid la advanco, your namo la takon from tho list. A -change of dato on tho address tahol la a receipt . .Entered at tho postofflce at 8alem, Oregon as second-class matter. Her Flrst-Dorn. Charles Tonnyon-Turnor. St -was hor first sweet child, nor hoart'n dollght; -Vnd, though wo all foresaw hlo early s "do6m, "Wo 3tjpt tho foarful secret out of sight; "Wo wiw tho cankor, but sho klas'd tho bloom. iUwl yol it might not bo; wo could not brook "Tta vox her happy heart with vagtio nlarmo, To blAtioh with fear her fond intropid look, Or 'send a thrill through tho onolro ling arms, "Sho smll'd upon him, waking or at rest: Sbo could not dream hor llttlo child would (llo Who towid him fondly with nn upward eye: USho SMin'ii as buoyant aa a Summor spray. That ttanooa with a blossom on Its breast, .Nor khpwH how noon it will bo horn ftway. THE JOURANL'8 NEW DRESS. Tho Journal has Just reclovcd a new drosa, sills shirt waist, and nil: aooinlflet outilt from hat to shoes, gloves to llugorlo, and wo "ixilnt with IrldoH to Ita neat, up-todnto. bright .appearance, an appearance that will '1)0 yot more Improvod art Its now material appears In Its ndverUse- menta.. Newspaper fashions and ntyltw change Just an surely, though not so often as styles In clothing, and s every one of the Journal's lady .readni will tell you, you might as woll bu out of the world as out of the style A back number Is the deadtMt thing on earth. Kor this reason, the Journal pro pom to keep up wllh the time, to maintain lis imslthui as n modern, up-to-tlnte liowrpnper. Km new drew has been artistically Mrieeted and Its dis play type of the style ami class used In the ltuiMiig papers In the larger oltitt. Tho modern uewepaper tolls Ita now In tho hsad Hues, and the man whose lima la ooeupled, can keep In touch with the alTalra of tho world, without using an hour or so to wade through thins he care nothing about. The htHtiUIn tll the story, the text "Imply given the details which art there fr him. If the tuatttr lntrtata him A ulanc Inform him what he wants, ml what he dots not. Seme people onM this yollow Journalism, it is nothing of the Mud It Is the modern newspaper, out up for busy people. Thu Journal I modern. and Its news is rutialiU. well put togothtr and Pfuiwly kthkM In IU head IIhim. It lsi 'I not nrldtd that It In imrf.t hull It HeMlot m ootMH'timlUM to Imi lrt.v. both tu aNHMraWce an,! to newa wviee Ita growth shows It ' Compar the Journal of today wllk that of a year or tw ago. nud yu will . H what atridw It has made. It hat I bn uisnMalve and prucrMsive. and I lis UM(Miy growlitK elrrutaltoti akows that It asTorts and lt court ar ah- Itntclaud- Uy ike public. It purtM rokwln Uu Umm laid down, of. kepliK up wlUr tto Umn, aid aheait rather titan bafelud Uiew. T Innt man In Ui 9rtorMlOH. I an ak JwlHte HaottMlty, the parade eouUfnt ukWt without htm. but hit asM1m to uet UYtabte. He U (no far away fro the mw1. ami the cfeMrtng rwia ami waving buadkewhlafa hve all takuu a short cut around the corutr to tiut tho hiwil of the koosmuIau agalu, Mug Miovo he m the rouad. Tho Journal latend to htp jlo to th.e frouL WJut eoRdltkms pwwlts, or A uiftiids (urther iwproremeaU, tt will 1 Made, fa ths wwawhll It imnu4 IU ount aImiB for the hwt and uirlA4r what it ea. 4iUiQN CONCERNING PEN3ION8. Tho introduction into tho Ixwor Houso of Congross of a sorvlco and ago ponslon bill, by Representative Sulloway, chairman of tho commlttoo on Invalid pensions, has roused In both parties enthusiastic adhesion to Ita principle, and as enthusiastic op position. This bill, which, well-In. formed corrospondonts say, is confl- llentlly expected to pnss tho house, provides a pension of eight dollars a month to every votoran of tho civil war who has attalnod the ago of six-ty-two years without regard to disa bility; to thoso sixty-six years old, ton dollars a month; and to those teaching sevonty twolvo dollar a month. It further proWJes thnt whoro a man renderB two yoars or more sor vloo ho shall reclovo a ponslon of two dollars a month in addition to tho regular rates. Mr. Sulloway's bill al so Increase tho pension of thoso now drawing tho minimum six dollars to olght dollars a mpnth, and further provide thnt tho ponslon of widows who married a soldlor prior to January 1, 1870 shall bo Inoroasod to twelve dollars a month. In tho matter of calculotlng tho amount that will bo re quired to satisfy the new demands under this law, there aro groat dis crepancies botweon tho figuros given by friend and foe. As thore at prosont somo two hundred thousand veterans who hnvo not applied for relief, and It is thought that a comparatively small portion of these would apply under the new bill. It la estimated, In some quarters, that not over one hundred thousand new names would be added to to the rolls, entailing yearly expenditure of fifteen mil lions, "Twenty to sixty millions" Is the estimate of the New York Sun, Avhloh calls this tilll and Its ap propriation "the most stupendous of campaign funds." it ( etatd, on apparently good authority that Prosl dent Roosevelt favors the mwenge of "" "' """ ii win ue mniio a pHrt at the Repuhllean policy. While the bill In many details has hen altered from that proposed by tho Grand Army, It yet maintains the principal features of that, and recognises be- length of service and age of the oensflclarles. Arwmaut. X-RADIUMS Shake! Swlow Has swort off." OsUfta hil iiwmiuliilul tCAAA ... pay Itawas fnrmwe for chlokws aad m tuke without leave Uy soldiers "- -l",Tm'l TtfWVW IU.,t... . - . "y mantuvert. Tlw Nw York wore., cwri has ' lNl 0at It is ho orim tor a My I wckr to get married, and "Ml th hoard to rvltMtot otto wh wa ittHmi for that OfTeswe Tt, coyotea chased the gtrU uy at 1UlaH- WML Uistr are toMie Umi tu' voyoic would have bltalwl wt tout, of course, bom h Ore- Fashion decres hh( 9M1U n to l made with the uurpoM of uMhlnc the hips kha ymll AU ik shrink this sitrinv will not tot In wining MOCKC Tlit school iMchwt In r MuIimm, Iuwa. mutt wtr short skirts accord, lug to rultu tot dow-u by ih hoard ot dlnelOM, It la Bomowoat ttgnlfloant that th fOolor&do womaa who w-aa tho how Ulteuhox stutter wa named HtKk, and Ik poMtiot she waa true to namt. It aright bt noted that war broVt DILY CAPITAltJOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, .MARCH 3, aftor W. J. D. visited the 5 out Boon Ozar. Women after alt has soma right In China. General Ma Is In charge of one army. . ... A man in Springfield, Ohio claims he Is hypnotized by a woman Well he Isn't th first one Adam had the seme complaint drily h Tiad no one to make It to. ' Dr. Wood Hutchinson discovered microbes In Willamette; water, and now the Cincinnati commercial iriu'for his butter. Some of the sellers nc uns makes this discovery look like 30 cents. It has discovered pr. Woods Hutchinson. PENDING TWENTY YEARS. Famous Case Against a Railroad for Damage to a Dull la Revived. Tho famous caso of Thomas E Sublclto against tho Iron Mountain and Southorn Railroad Company for injury to a bull, which has been lnall tho courts of Missouri sinco Its insti tution ovor twenty years ago, came up again at Clayton, It was presented to Judge McElhlnney Of tho circuit court. In tho form of documentary ovidonco, and was taken under ad visement by him. Twonty-ono years and ono month ago Subletto obtained Judgment In a Justlco of tho Peace's Court in AJnlr county for $76. Tho suit was brought to rocovor damages to a young bull belonging to plaintiff, which was struck by an engine of tho railroad. Tho railroad company took an ap peal to tho Circuit Court of Adair county, whoro the suit Was dismissed. After the dlfimlsshdl from tho cir cuit court In 1883 Sublette took it to the supremo court of Missouri, which transfered It to tho Kansas City court of appeals. This body sent the caso back to tho Adair county circuit, whoro a now procoduro was begun to recover the amount of Judgment glvon by tho Justlco of tho ponco court. In 1894 tho caso was transferred from Adair county to St. Louis county and from Clayton It wont to the SL Louis court of appeals. It was sent back to rotrlal on reversal of Judg ment. An uxocutlon was issued, and an in junction was takon out to stay tho oxocutlon, which was nlso taken to tho court of appeals, and which was sustained. A now suit wnB then brought on tho original Judgment was milled onco rind was brought back Into court again by Judgo McKlhlnnory granting a now trial. Tho matter of granting a new trial was 'also takon to tho hlghor courts and sustained. TIiIb was the proceed ing which brought It up to October 30th. The bull has long since died, and many of tho witnesses have passed away out of the reach of the courts. The wilt was originally for $135. American Iegnl News. Prussian Potash Mines. (New York Commercial ) The putnsh that Is dug from royal iniwlon mines, located the at Straserurt. 00 miles from Ilerlln. Is the wile source of the world's supply. De- fore the mine were discovered tin best substitute that could be found for the produot was wood ash, such as tho Southern plantations used In tho old days for making lye soap. The Prus slan mlnM are 87 In number, and were devoted to the production of salt bo. fore salt rook was discovered. When the new variety of salt was Htven to the world about -10 years ago, the ljrusdan nil net) wore temporarily almtukHied. ami In a few years a wren for rook salt was Instituted. The salt was found, but In a badly adulterated I'MdUkM. and an analysis of the adul terant revealed the fact that It was T . , "' Hnrt 0f ,h9 mial U ,M,tah waB ,w one tur,,ea to wkhrhhwu fertiliser, aud estnb- I"11""" iwiucny Him other I Southern Mat) tak 7 , . Rt ,ak' a lar roorw V. . ltlcUo- " u lr. jwini oc me mineral m which the TeuueMM and Southern Carolina dio)ite to lartely used. The mines are control led Kv . tyndkau and art under the .unf rlnloH of WHMam. toiptror ot 0K , ..-.. .. .. """ .? many ana Klua of l'rutsla. They uo Ptor 11.000 um and yield 1 too oap toHdt a day of poUah. Of the oaUr output Tl por cwl to used for agtV euHurnl puruoMt, while the reutaiiulor It uttd tor elMNUIcnl purpooM. u t nrolr HUUted'ln ths cyanide urotttfj of okImoUiic oid from tht ore. Hi . How Elgin Plxot the Prto tf Butter. (ItaUo't IVtokly.) U It n curtout and rowarkabU Jntt Ut Mtodu a UtUt town u llliaolt, Mr- lmtb dtataUM Um rirt of butter far tht www. Hlgtn. which has a populn Uou of let ttoau tt.OW. It noted for tht tacoUtueo of tht watches at woll at ot tht buttor it make. Tht marktt rait w ue uairy nroduct it txed In n rwtuttar way every wetk by the loeia hoard ot trade, an orgaatistlon with S8 uuhr, rortuUjf T0 cwuu orlos, whoro buttor la produced. Tho I board meets every Monday noon with 'about 150 persons presont, Borne be- Ing men with butter to soil and others being buyers representatives of firms la New York, Chicago and other cities. I The creamery men offer for salo var- ,0U8 ,oU of thelr commodity, and bids . nre mn(e for t)l09e by the Would-be , purchaMrg The geCretary of the boflr( rtcor(lg on a blackboard, each Jbt(1 and jugt i,ef0re 2:30 p. m., when, 'according to the rule, the bidding dow( ca9 for flnal bI(lg an(, agks I , .. ,. h flM!Bnts the bId maA, cept. others decline, and all the trans actions are put on record. Then the quotation commitce, composed ofv five membors, rotlres to an ndjolning room, considers tho prices bid and thoso de manded, and also tho condition of the market, of the cattle, of the pastures, etc., and soon reports to tho open board what In Ita Judgment Is a fair prlco for buttor. Tho figure so deter mined Is accepted without demur and prevails for the remainder of tho week. On this basis purchases are made for both domostlc and foreign markets. . Where Doctors Agree. When a patient Is under tho doc tor's care for somo months, with con stantly varying symptoms, but cvoi Increasing weakness from tho loss of flesh and strongth by tho ravages of dlseaso, all doctors will agree that the first gain of fie- indicates u change for tho heuer. Weak, thin, floahless people, know they feel bot ter as soon as thoy gain flesh. Tho best flesh nnd blood maker Is Dr. Gunn's Dlood & Norvo Tonic. For pimply, palo and sickly peoplo,.both old and young, a bettor medlclno was never made. It turns tho food you cat Into strong, rod blood makinc solid flesh and musclo at tho rnto of 1 to 3 lbs, por week. It Is sold by all druggists for 75c por box, or 3 boxes for $2. To overcomo tho effoct of ovor-lndulgonco or dissipation uso this medicine. 0 About the Upper Lip. A fashionable woman of middle ago advlsoa evory young mafdon as fol fel fol eows: "Novor marry a man until you havo seen his upper lip. Man has an advantago ovor ua, becauso ho can read us through our lips. Wo cannot rend him through his moustache, which, no raattor, how beautiful, Is an exprosHionless adornment. Tho up por Up tolls tho charactor of both men and womon. If long and thick there Is coarsoness. If thin thoro Is cruolty. If short and cupld-bowod thoro Is delicacy. If straight and woll drawn ngalnst tho teeth thoro Is resolution. Beforo saying 'yos' to your lovor mako him shave for a month. You will thon lenrn his chaructor." Watson Renominated. Shelbyvlllo, ind.. March 3. Rep resentative Jamoe E. Watson was re nominated without opposition today by tho republican congressional con- ventlon of the sixth district. Thei convention also nnmel delegates and' alternates to tho republican national convention nrd Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexlon Is better. My doctor says It k?dnntl? the ,8k0mache. " and kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. It Is made of herbs, and is prepared as Iclno. All druggists sell it at 25c and LS La00!8 Famhy Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you S' 8llt' Bend tor ree sampki Address, Orator Woodward. LoRoy; To The Public. Swlgwlck post of the O. A, R. has a lot In the City View cemetery where are burled some 30 of our comrades. To Improve this lot the post has ex panded nearly all Its available funds and no monument stands there to mark the last rtttlng plact and to honor tht mtmory of the unknown dead. To procure this n commute hn betn appointed to solicit aid from the general public; and It is hoped that mt rponw will bt so Hbtral that a plain and simple monument may umriw IM spot StitCttd. Rttutotfully. " TUB COMMITTEB Portland and Return riniu o-n Tht Southern Pacific Is Mwwliln. louml trip Uckots to lorttoad r, Salem for IJ.J0. sxod going Saturday p. m.. or any iraia or Sunday, return lug SumUy and Monday, giving nil ay Sunday and Monday In Portland 1Tm wmo arrangtuMut aintlitt from Mtlad, glvlnc all Portland people a tsumct to Mtit 'lly b,, at greatly roduotd ratos. At doveUnd. O. Timothy Quintan suitohman. gat up tola lift to save a unttONHti train on the Laht Short rnUroad. A switch wag opt, and ha racod with tht train to ekwt It. Ut pultod tht Itvtr and throw the switch, but aa ho did so ho was struck br tka otdnt and kilbd. Ttinrt wtro l yaastngoro on tht train. 1904. 9 State News. The farmers of Hood River nre get ting down to buslnoss. and have filed In tho dork's ofllco nrtlclos of Incor poration of The Farmers' Irrigation Company. Having purchased tho hold ings of tho Valley Improvement Com pany, they will now Irrigate their own strawberries. Tho capital stock is $75,000, dlvlied Into $30 sharos. After being on a protracted spreo In an ondeavor to drown his sorrow, caused by revorsos, D. C. Griffin, a prominent race horse man, ended his life at Heppner, last Tuesday, with a doso of poison. Oregon Mazamas havo detormlnod this year to lnvado California, and have selected Mt. Shasta as tho ob ject of their onslaught. Thoy oxpect to ascend Shasta with a party of 50 during tho early part of July. $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers of this papor will bo pleased to learn that there Is at least ono dreaded dlseaso that sclenco has been able to curo in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall"s Catarrh Curb is tho ony positivo cure now known to tho medical fatornlty. Ca- tarrh i being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tal takon Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho systom, there by destroying tho foundation of tho dlseaso, and giving tho patlont strongth by building up tho consti tution and assisting naturo In doing its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith In its curatlvo powors. that thoy offor ono Hundred Dollnrs for any caso that It falls to curo. Sond for list of testimonials . Address. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Hnll's Family Pills aro tho host. A Poser. A little boy who lives in West Phil adolphla went up to his mother recent ly nnd said "Ma, haln'.t I been real good slnco I began going to Sunday School?" "Yos, my dear," answored tho moth or. "And you trust mo now, don't you, mn?"i "Yos, darling." "Thon," spoko up tho llttlo fellow, "what makos you keop the plo locked up in tho cupboard tho same as ovor?" Bern tii jp Il Kied You Haw Hm Raagl ammmmatmrmmmmmtwammamm JLMi o Lots of New Goods WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Never was tetter for the price White Skirts worth $2.00 for $ J. 50 Nightgowns worth St 50 for $l.t5 Auslin Drawers worth 90c for $0.62 Embroideries, special lot at 5c a yd Insertions, extra good values at 5c a yd A word about Umbrellas, did you see those we are selling for 51.75, cannot be duplicated for the money. Rostein & 302 C.nmmorni t$eaet&tj&&e)eAAAaaMAm...... 'vnvtstetwtesvovvcssw )lelc4Hlt)atet One Week R. M. Wade & Co. wo larritt & Lawrence 'assafflfsssas'ssr. urop in and see for yourselt J OLD 1. O. OROCERY. Hair Vigor This IS what it dees: Restores color, stops falling, makes hair grow, cures dandruff. Is not that enough? ?;?. RSBBMBM- Ir The Rich and the Poor. You shaggy-JjrowcJ Hungarian al tho grimy track With a candlo on your forehead a a numbor on your back; You swart Italian in the muck u garden-makoite prize, With nmplo locks and lashes ghu Ing dusky brows and eyes; Tho rlchost mortal in tho world, 5 hundred millionaire, Would glvo It all today to buy yor stomach and your hair! B. C. T., in Sanfranclsco Star. Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source Is th liver and all the- fine spirits eret mado in tho Blue Grass state could not remedy a bad llvor or tho hundred nnrl nno 111 nffnota Ifr nrnititnA. v. I n.t havo t0O(l Bnlrltfl nnH ". t nVor 'at tho samo timo. Your Htm must bo in flno condition if you would foel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of stop, vigoroui and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver in flno condition br using Green's August Flower th greatest of all medicine's for the liver and stomach and a certain curo for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has beta n favorito housohold remedy for OTer thlrty-flvo years. August Flower will mako your llvor healthy and active and thus lnsuro you a liberal- supply of "good spirits." Trial slzo, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all . drugghu. At Dr. Stono's drug stores. Planters Compress Hearing. Washington, D. C, March 3. The Interostato Commerce Commission to day began a hearing In this city, in the caso of tho Planters' Coraprcsu Com pany of Boston ngalnst a number o! railroads. Tho caso Involves tho re latlvo rates on cylindrical bales of cotton and tho regulation round bales. Sale of City Bonds. Tho City of Salem, Oregon, will re coivo subscriptions for tho purchase of ?30,000 of its Municipal Four Por Cont Rofunding Bridge Bonds, to bo Issued on tho first day of April, 1904. ,The subscription book will bo opened nt 10 o'clock a m on Tuesday March 1, 1904. at tho ofllco of the city recordor, in said city and will bo upon tho popular loan plan, tho les ser subscriptions bolng filled first and thoso next highost In duo se quontw. N. J. JUDAH, City Recordor. eoo9ee0a Geen1batm - 1 Qfonal- 9 ....z Only at QQt)rre4aej - r4tHtratT "'""osjninBtJsksMtiinsje !b T thr to-i Oro me: bar der Rei hai riei tea Inti Ice but ery 1 He coo tali Hh Ho Sat aw. Wc gal Ing fur wo eld ,va w CO es IV tl JD V, tl 1 c n