i-4 a i AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL 8ALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1904. NO. 50 ; ,' . flBflsrf kur Qamr H v H Hmn HosCP H H H H f b H JH iv ilu 9Bk. H H& DC ivn SATTLESHIP ASKOLD IS SINKING lavlk and Retvizan Badly Dam aged and One Torpedo Boat Stink Fleet Continues the Bombardment 9eoea80ss80eee8saescecoe99e0e 9 THE DOVE FLEW OUT OF THE WINDOW s Russian Guns Replying Less Vigorously; and It Is Stated Their Supply of Ammunition Is Running Short Expected to Surrender Tonight Yimaw, Manchuria, March 1. Tho terrific bombardment of Port Arthur by tho Japaneso continues today, and It 1b believed tho Japaneso will cap ture Port Arthur before tho day la over. Tho reply of tho Russian guns 'is not as vigorous or as heavy as dur ing yesterday's bombardment. Reported Repulsed. St. Petersburg, via Emdon, March 1. News has beon received horo that tho Japanese attacked Port Arthur to day and wore repulsed with heavy losses. Prominent Russian. St. Petersburg, March 1. Former mlnlstor of War Vannovskl dlod last night. Japs Got There First. St. Petersburg, March 1. Word was received today that tho Japanoso have 'occupied tho Corean town of Ichio- ang, north of Ping Yang, and are for- lfylng the town walls. ,A Russian do achmer.t was ronorted in tho neigh- borhood J -sterdny, and it was oxpoct- ed it wculd occupy the place. neso papers aro being ordered by the Chineso military to cease publishing reports of Russian cruelties, fearing to Influence tho popular mind against the Russians. Tho proprietors of the Pokln Times havo refused to comply. Naturally Russia's Ally. Sofia, Bulgaria, March 1. Prince Ferdinand is huoted as having inti mated in a privato conversation that Bulgaria should bo tho ally of Russia, as sho was tho Bulgarian liberator. Arbitration Convention of Coal Min ers and Operators Breaks Up in a Riot. 0 m Indianapolis, March 1. What amounts practically to goodbyes b,e- 3 twoon tho operators and miners of tho central competitlvo district, S comprising Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Westorn Pennsylvania, were said at noon today In joint convention. Prophets of como authority predict a great strlko April 1st. Hot speeches wero mado by Mr. Mitchell ar Mr. Robblns) prosldont of tho Pittsburg Coal Company. Robblns charged tho anthracite, delogatcii present wero thoro to pack 9 -fhn rnnvnnHnn whnrminnn thn nrliltrntlnn itnvrt flnw mi ef thn win. Sdow. Robblns was hooted and a riot seemed imminent 8 90999909990098999990090099ft99099e0C99e99990999999 Around the Canal. Port Said, Egypt, March 1. Five Russian torpedo boats havo arrived from Suez, reporting that tho Russian cruiser Aurora had blocked tho canal. I Attacking the Jews. Boilln, Marcji 1. Russian dls- i patch s today stato tho Russian pros Us stimulating anti-semltism, among jtho people, accusing the Jews of pur chasing horse for Japan. There is wlde-f,.ad Jew baiting, and on slaughts are expected Rolling Stock Crippled. St. Pftersbuig March 1. Part Ar thur ad cm stato the Manchurian railway has suffered considerable by continued acts of marauders, 220 loco-1 uotlves and a number of cars bolng jlsabletl 1 Muzzles the Press. London, March 1. A Central News llspatrh from Tien Tsln. says the Chi- Hot Time In the Old Town. London, March 1. A dispatch to tho Dally Tolograph from Ylnkow, dated Fobruary 29th, says: Fifteen Japaneso warships furious ly bombardod Port Arthur from 10 un til 12 o'clock this morning. Tho Rus sian crulsors Novlk, Askold nnd Bay an, accompanied by four torpedo boats steamed out to meet tho attack. They wore, hqwevor, forced to rotlra Tho Askold was in a sinking condition. Tho Novlk was badly damaged and a torpedo boat was sunk. Tho Russian battlahlp Retvizan was again damaged. The Japanese withdrew in good order. This battle shows a repetition of tho now familiar tactics of Japan, and It is presumed the attack was made in bad weather, previous telegraphic ad vloee having roportod a sovoro gale raging at Port Arthur. As usual the Japanese did not remain long enough pff the harbor to enablo the gunners at the fort to get their range. Again at the time the three cruisers, the Bay an, Askold and Novlk came out to meet the attack, and this suggests that either they wero the only effective ships thero, or that tho larger battle ships wro unablo to get out. Many alleged dispositions of tho op posing forces aro published this morn ing, but they dlffor too much in dotall to bo of any great value. A dispatch from Shanghai to tho Doily Chronlclo says tho Russians aro transferring tho guns from tho dis abled ships at Port Arthur to tho forts thoro. A dispatch from Chco Poo to tho Standard, dated Fobruary 20th, says a Japanese cruiser and torpedo boat en tered that harbor without lights at 1 o'clock on tho morning of tho 20th, and It Is boliovod they embnrked thq, Jap anese who took refugo thoro after tho attempt to bottl up Port Arthur. A Tokio correspondent of tho Times cables that tho steamers sunk by the Japanoso on either slilo-of tho Russian battleship Retvizan at Port Arthur practically obstruct tho entrance to tho harbor. The Shanghai correspondent of tho Dally Express says it has boon official ly announced that tho Japanoso mall boat sorvlco between Shanghai and Ja pan will bo resumed Saturday, without naval escort. M s 9090e9e096009S09eaa9a00099909999909099ft09S99 New Spuing Shipment of g 9 UMBKiiJLLA Has Atfived We have a fine assortment of handles for you to select from, in natural wood, pearl, horn and fancy metal. You're likely to need one beforo spring, if the weathor doesn't change. They're lower priced than you ean find at "regular stores" for the same quality. We stick to the spot (ash plan, that's why. Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing We sell goods that give satisfaction It keeps us growing. The New Yotk Racket E. T.BARNES, Prop. Salem's cheapest one-price cash store. Say Fort Will Destroy Fleet. Moscow, March 1. Interest through out Russia Is now fixed on Port Ar thur, and speculation as to the prob able fato of that supposedly impreg nablo fortress takos tho widest rango The publication of General Stossol' order to tho troops, while It has had tho effect of arousing enthusiasm in Russia, had also attracted attontion to tho tremendous strategic value of that fortress and to tho crucial part It plays In Russia's plans for the defeat of the Japanese in Coren. While the failure of the Japanese attempt to bottle up tho fleet ovoked sarcastic comment from tho Russian press, as to the Japanese cunning and to the miscarrlago of thd enemy's plans, the Russian military authorities are pointing out that tills attempt hav ing been defeated, thoreforo. It must follow Port Arthur is Impregnable, and the Japanese can never capture It It Is stated in high Russian circles that not only will Port Arthur resist all attempts to reduce It, but tho Jap aneae fleet will yet be destroyed by tho combined guns of tho fortress and tho, fleet. According to a report from St. Petersburg, a body of Cossacks from the South Usurl Provlnco, with quick firing guns, is advancing along the cast coast of Corca to prevent tho land Ing of tho main Japanese army, and tho comment Is mado that possibly the landing at Posstet Bay may havo been mado with tho intontion of attacking this force. Lomjpn, March 1. A privato tolo gram'thls ovenlng states that a Rus sian warship has been Bighted, cruis ing off the Azores, watching for con trabands. Chinese Assembling Troops. Pokln, March!. Chinese troops nt Lalchn, on tho gulf of Pechlll, opposite Port Arthur, aro bolng reinforced. Gonoral Yuanshlknl, commander, with 10,000 men, Is near Young Ping Fu, Pochlli province, not far from the Manchurian border, whllo Gonoral Ma has 15,000 fresh troops arriving in that provlnco. FLOOD TAKES EVERYTHING BEFORE It Now Sweeps to the West Break ing All the Levees In Its Path, Doing Immense Damage Dyke After Dyke Goes Down Before It and It Pursues It's Relentless and Insatiate Way, Flooding Tract After Tract of Rich Lands Paris, March 1. Authorltativo To kio advices say tho Japanoso gonorals and staff loft Japan today for Chemul po, indicating that all the troops nee ossary for the forward movemont have landed In Coren. It Is oxpectod the Russians will put up a stiff front f against thoir advance. St. Pstorsburg, March 1. Important telegrams from Viceroy Aloxloff wore received tonight, but will not be given out until later. Stockton, March 1. Tho flood from tho Sacramento rlvor, which yostorday swopt across tho wldo reclaimed strip of country to tho Mpkolumno rlvor, is now flowing west to tho San Joaquin rlvor, breaking all lovees In Its path. Today it flooded tho Brack tract of 6000 acres, State n Island, 10,000 acres; tho Sargont tract, 6000 acres, and now it seriously threatens Bouldln island. Much stock has boon drowned and thn surviving cattlo aro bolng removed by steamors from tho tops of the lovees. Vessels Collided. Norfolk, Va., March 1. Tho Dia mond Shoals lightship brought in bIx of tho crow of Uio four-masted schoon-' or Davis, from Bath, Malno, a doro; lick Captain Erwln nnd throo others of tho. crow woro picked up at sea. Davis . was rammed by an unknewn: schooner In tho night. Harpooned Harper. Chicago, March 1. President liar por, of tho Unlvorslty of Chicago, was successfully operated on this morning for nppondlcitlH. Kaiser to Take a Trip. Borlln, March 1. The kalsor loaves Bremorhavon on tho 12th for a trip to tho south for his health. Ftesh Today Log Cabin Creams and Penotia at Zinn's 104 State 8t Phone 1B71 Main. ' Flyerv Wrecked, I Scrnnton, March 1. Tho Krle flyer was wreoked In a head-on collision with a "pusher" two miles north of Carliondnle this 'morning, seven of tho crew were Injured, but no passengers. - Heavy Snow In New York. New York, March 1. Tho severott snow storm of the season Is raging, ami has stalled all trains between Utl or and Onolila. where the fall is from three to flvo feet doep Passed the Senate. Washington. March 1. The govern ment suppllos In American vessels bill passed the senate by a vote of 35 to 17 this afternoon. I Rir: a jam lhiaimnirai t wv -.w, BH OWNS THE RAILROAD Breaks Out of His Cage Kills Horse for Luncheon, and is the Boss of the San Jose Yards San Jose, March 1. The big Hon known as "Hannibal' got loose in a oar this morning, and killed a horse, devouring the tetter's liver and heart The Hon Is how free in the car at the depot, and has the rail road men terrorised. The car la a fdl cattle car, and. should the beast try, be could break out and escape. NEW SPRING GOODS We like to toll you about tho merits of our new spring goods, for they will stand a lot of praising, But wo should mudi prefer to have you come and soo them for yourself. We are confident that your judg ment will agree with ours whon you examine the goods. And wo be lelve that one result of your visit will bo a chnnjse In the ownership of part of our stoek. , New Today Just received the swellett line of f INFANTS' COATS of Bedford Cord, Alapacn, 811k, etc, beautifully trimmed, some with gilt braid and buttons, others with plain t braid, others with ten neriffe lace, in colors white, cream and black. Thoje are so pretty you must see them. $.75 to $8.75 Out Spring Stock of Boy's and Youth's olothlng U the largest we have ever shown., Another lot reached us yeetflrdny, including tho most popular styls shown for small boys. Also a full line of the wide brimmed hats fur the little fellows. Tomorrow Only Our 105th Wednesday surprise sale will be celebrated by making the greatest bargain offer in .the history of stoie keeping In Salem. In our Court street window we have placed a great quantity of beautiful wash goods, ranging In price from 30e to 00c yard. Mnke your selec tion, get as much at you want. IJariy buying Is advis ed for there will be a rush. looTcrx New Spring Sweaters For girls, miseee and ladles. We are Just in receipt of a large In voiee of the very newest and beet stylee In wool sweaters, In white and colors. Bo sure and see this line for spring wear. All sizes. $3.50 and $4.50 New Spring Plats For youths and mjun. We prosont the largest and moat select line to be found in the city embracing all of the new1 styles, shapes and shadings. You will soon need a new spring bat so don't fall to so these. $2. to $4.00 M r ft r m I ft n n to i 1 1 . i J i M ; ! I Jl l '('if i, Mi k ww9MMBM9M9MMMWM&9$9$m astwwwft