Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 29, 1904, Image 1

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" - - - 'p. ... , , .,,., .At. ,, -'.. .. ., .. ,k MmJ
riWh. rtfi tt HsH99sflH3 HHTVEtow. HflSMUHHH flstf lLS HflHHMR n .tfifcv nA k JV 1MB AM BH&. B BBk. VHk1
iLiyingstone Has Dis
astrous Blaze This
Short Story Says Flames
Are Beyond Control, and
It Is Presumed Wires
Are Down
Livingston, Mont, Fob. 29. Firo Is
raging In tho business section, the
ostofllco building was destroyed,
causing a loss of $150,000. Tho
Bansjes aro beyond control.
Cortelyou Arbitrary.
Washington, Fob. 29. Tho supremo
court has granted tho motion to ad-
franco tho caso of Turner, tho alleged
British anarchist, whoso deportation
jvas ordered by tho secretary of com-
icrca Tho caso Is set for April, and
Rho prisoner was admitted to ball In
Prlnco Henry. Burled.
Berlin, Feb. 29. Tho funoral of lit-
lo Prlnco Honry today was attended
by tho omporor. Commandor Potts
represented tho United Stages. Rooso
welt cabled condolence.
It Was the Dutch.
Berlin, Fob. 29. Gorman West Af
lean advices say native troops In the
Nasanag rlvor region have revolted
ind killed four Gormans and burned
heir factories.
Will Chop a Hole In Him.
Chicago, Feb. 29. It was decided at
wit Presbyterian hospital today to op
prato on Dr. Harper, president of tho
University of Chicago, for appendl
Icltls tomorrow.
.emf tsfrot"ffl Mo-frg
Don't Scold tne
If bis suit rips and tho buttons
fall off Just get him a suit of
the "Jane Hopkins."
and Japs Are After
Japs Will Use Posseit Bay as
a Supply Point Will
Attack Port
St. Petersburg, Feb. 29. A tele
gram from TIao Yang, Manchuria,
statos that foreigners living at Yin
Koy assert that tho Japanoeo have
been Instructed to storm Port Arthur,
and capture It at any cost, March 1st
Captured a Collier.
Liverpool, Feb. 29. A private tql
egram this afternoon reports that tho
Russians captured tho British collier
Oriel In the Red Sea.
Jap Ships' Damaged.
Tien Tsin, Feb. 29. A newspaper,
tho Courier, learno that the Japanese
crulsors Asamo and Tokena and tho
battleship Yashiraa were damaged in
tho last engagement at Port Arthur,
and aro being towed to Nagasaki.
Americans Coming Away.
Washington, Fob. 29. Minister Al
Ion, of Seoul, cables tho stato depart
ment that, In pursuance of an arrange
ment with the Japaneso minister, a re
turning Japanoeo transport will bring
tho Americans from Png Yang. Amor
leans from 'tho Seoul vicinity havo al
ready been sont to tho Philippines.
Allen says tho Russian scouts, on
reaching Ping Yang, Sunday at noon,
woro pursued by Japanoso.
Two Jap Destroyers Out of It.
St. Petersburg, Fob. 2. A news
ng9ncy prints a Port Arthur dispatch
confirming tho roport that a' Japanese
destroyor was blown up and another
sunk In the recent fighting. The wreck
of tho latter has washed ashoro.
It's built for boys' wear.
Our prices are based on tho
"spot cash" plan.
The New Spring Styles
are Here
It costs "credit stores" moro to
do business. That's why they
can't match our prices.
Cossacks Invade Corea.
Cheo Foo, Feb. 29. A Llao Yang dis
patch states It is reported that a de
tachment of mounted Cossacks Is
marching south, commanded by Gener
al Mischtschonko, and Is oxpooted to.
arrive at Ishio Yang today. Coreon
officials are fleeing, and Informing the
Japanoso of tho approach of the Rus
sians; snowstoms provall.
Back Russia's Finances.
London, Feb. 29. Tho Gazette's St,
Petersburg correspondent states that
an Important conference occurred last
weok between the czar's confidential
banker, and Count Buelow, tho Ger
man chancellor. The latter was urged
to keep up tho value of Russian secur
ities with Gorman financiers. Buelow
noted promptly, and personally Influ
enced many leading bankers, with the
result that Russians became steady.
... THE
New Yoffk
Salem'a cheapest one-price cash
store. Dry Goods, Shoes. Ev
erything for the whole family.
E. T. Barnes, Prop.
NWMW f frtHimiitlHH
Rumored Three Were Sunk.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 20. An un
confirmed rumor Is current here thl
ovonlng that two Russian battleships
and a torpedo boat havo been sunk at
Port Arthur.
Wants Them to Fight,
St. Petersburg, Fob. 29. A tolegram
from Port Arthur report that General
Stoeseel, commanding, today Issued
an order directing tho attention or the
troops and Inhabitants to the fact that
tho Japanese Intend to land at Port
Arthur, and' seize the fortress. He
calls on everybody to fight to the
death, as none can save themselves
The general declare he will never
give the order to surrender. The news
paper Svlet today expresses the belief
that China is the secret ally of Japan.
Levees Break and a Mighty
Flood Pours Over the Rich
Bottom Lands Doing Im
mense Damage
Torrent Rushes Across Country Empty
ing Into the Mokelumne, Causing It
to Break It's Banks Town of
Adin Under Water
Stockton, Cal., Feb. 29. Tho cast
bank of tho Sacramento river broke 16
miles north of Now Hopo, at 3 o'clock
this morning, and 60,000 acres of rich
lands north of Mokelumno river were
Inundated. Tho flood waters carried
ovory lovo beforo them, and poured
Into tho Mokelumno rlvor, raising that
stream until it burst its banks on tho
south sldo, flooding 7000 acres of the
Now Hopo district. It is tho most dis
astrous flood to tho northwestern part
of this' county slnco 1881. Stockton is
absolutely safo.
Simply Borrowed for
This OccasionFrom
Five Hundred Armed Men
Guard the Polls at the
Republican Primary
Adin In the Swim.
Reddlng Cal., Feb. 29. Tho town of
Adin, In Modoc county, IiTundor wator.
Pitt river broke over Its banks, and
thoro Is over a foot of water in tho
leading streots of tho town. 'When
the news- reached Redding tho river
was still rUlng. It 1b tho highest
waterwer known thoro.
Hanging Would Curo It,
Chicago, Feb. 39. Bplleptjo experts
gave evidence today In the carbarnere'
trial, in an attempt to show Vasdlne
was afflicted with that disease.
New York Racket Entered
and a Revolver Was Car
Tied Away
Somo tlmo Saturday night or Sun
day ovonlng thief, aftor removing' a
large pane of glass from one of tho
rear windows of tho New York Racket
storo, ontored that place, and after
ransacking it, carried off a revolver
which he found in tho desk. Tho fact
of tho storo having been ontored was
not discovered until last night, when
the clerk who sleeps in the store re
turned from church. An examination
at that time disclosed no loss oxespt
the revolver. The clerk thinks the
thief entered early Sunday morning,
for he was awakened by somo noise,
but was unable to find anything out
of way in tho store. The damaged
window wot) not noticed, at the time,
owing to the fact that tho curtain was
drawn down.
Popular Loan.
The books for tho pdpular loan will
bo opened In the cilice of Oity Record
er N. J. Judah tomorrow morning, and
It 1b much desired that all wishing to
take small blocks of those bonds will
call early, as the small Investors will
be given the first chance. There Is
a groat Inquiry for these bonds, and
the iseue will be subscribed for early
All arrangements have been completed
for caring for the subscribers promptly
by tho city officials.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, Fob. 29. There was a big
brook In wheat this morning, May soil
ing from $1.01 to 99; old July 97
94, Tho crash pullod clown tho
othor coreal provisions. Pork wont
from ?10 to 114.95. Armour Is lotting
go of May, It Is snld.
Dos Molnos, la., Fotf. 29. With BOO
armed men standing guard at the vot
ing placos In tho sovonth district, the
Republican primary election oponod
tills morning, In which Judgo Prouty Is
contesting with Ropresontatlvo Hull.
Repeating and fraud charges aro plen
tiful, and It it; feared that a big phys
ical clash will occur beforo night
Prouty apparently controls tho ma
chinery. Flvo hundred armed men,
divided between tho two factions,
woro sworn In as specials.
Goes to Jerusalem.
Mrs. F. A. Wiggins and Mrn. C. A.
Park will go to Jerusalem to attend
tho World's Sunday School Conven
tion, to bo hold thoro thrco days, be
ginning April 28th. They will lcavo
New York with thrco delegates from
Portland and ono from Albany, sailing
March 8th, and oxpoct to return to
Now York May 18th.
Taxes Turned Over.
Sheriff Colbath hns turned ovor to
the county troasuror $32,437.40 on ac
count of tho now tax roll, making tho
total collections thus far In Fobrunry
?58,G02,G9. Many taxpayers are In to
day to settle tho clnlma of tho county
against thorn.
Desperate Negro Robs;
Postal Car in i
Mississippi . ;
Kills One Clerk Wounds;
Another, But Breaks
His Leg in Jumping '
From Train
Birmingham, Ala., Fob. 29. In araw
attempt by a gang of negro desporur
does to rob postal car train No. 2, on
tho Alabama & Great Southern limit
ed near Meridian, Miss., nt 2 o'clock?
this morning, J. T. Stockton, thee
postal clork, was shot and killed, and
Postal Clork A. J. Dass was shot In
tho ami Jim Parts, colored, did the.
shooting. Ho Bccurod tho rogUtorodl
lottors, but, in jumping from tho train;
crushed his leg. Ho dragged hlmflolfj
thrco miles, whoro ho was captured by.
tho aid of bloodhounds.
After the Dough.,
London, Fob. 29. Ixrd Hopo, tho dP
vorcod husband of MayYoho, was mar-'
rled Saturday to Olive Thompson,
daughtor of a Molbourno banker.
Ftesh Today
Log Cabin Creams and
Penotia at ,
164 State 8t
Phone 1071 Main
Spring Dffess
The new Eaton Suits for
spring, 1904. The first thing n
critical woman will notice Is the
air of distinction and exclusive
nose. Wo require these features
fiom cnir manufacturers, that we
may maintain our well ostab
lulled reputation for carrying
the finest collodion of ready-to
v, nr Stilt.'
Stilus aro now ready for your
inspection In otamines, cheviots,
voiles, etamlne cheviot, twine
homespuns, etc.. In all the pop
ular shades.
$5 to $30
Men's Clothing
If Mirx
Hand Tailored
A remarkably
the nowest
fine showing of
Afraid of the Cruiser.
London, Feb. 20. The Japanese
morchant steamer Sabo Maru sailed
for Japan last night, after a delay of
Bovoral days on aoeount of a report of
tho proaenee of a Russian cruiser In
the Bngllsh ohannel.
Strike Settled.
San Franolsoo. Feb. 29. The strike
of the boiler makers of the. Southern
Paolfio was Bottled throughout the di
vision today. The terms are not given
Spring Sfeitfts
Doth In walking ami drees
lengths. There are so many
pretty styles that it is dffllcult
to describe them. Dut wo as
sure you that it is the finest
showing to be found In the cjty.
We have them in all the new
and popular weaves and shad'
Ingsall lengths.
$2 to $27.50
Comfort, ease and elegance are three
essentials to perfect clothing. These
are the thing which are responsible
for our roady-modo departmental ex
Istonco, and have helpud us build a
reputation that is second to none. Our
lino of new spring styles are now be
ing shown in all popular shades.
3Lfi and op
Another big Wednesday. Qiir
conetnnt endeavor is to offer on
Wednesdays such thlnw as are nj-
solutety needru) to give bar
Katns that are barglns In every
souse of the word, and those well
worth your time and attention; For
tho romlnif Wednesday we present
our 106th consecutive Wednesday
special sale by offering you
Wash Goods
In all their pretty colorings, with
values of 20c to OOo for the ridicu
lous prloe of
JOc y&td
This sale promisee to be the larg
est over held In tho city, so in
order to got the pattern you do
sire we would advise early shqp
ping Bnle beltiB at 7:30 Wednes
day morning.
z4 Laces
A remarkable display of flno
fashionable faoes. Just at the mo
mentwith all the spring and'
eumnner dresses being planned
what could be more attractive to
women than to see this fine dis
'Hi ft
f i