I' I. TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1904. Bf itormllEwe of ' tlbe H)ail Journal LJggD' ByHOFER BROTHERS. 8crlpps News Association Telegrams. Published ovory afternoon oxcpet Sunday at 197 Commercial street vUMJ-QNlrnJ Subscription terms: Dally, one year, $4.00 In advance; dally three months, $1.00 In advance: dally by carrier, 50o per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance. JOURNAL 8PECIAL DELIVERY. Ono wook 10c; one month. 36c; threo months ?1.00. At Journal office? at Dauo's grocery, South 8alem; at Dowersox grocery, Yew Park; Asylum Avenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State s treet . 8Ingle Copies Price 5 cents. Price to newsboys zy2 cents per copy. To Mall Subscribers Tho dato when you subscrlttion expires 1b on tho address labol of each papor. Wlion that dato arrives, If your subscription lias not again boon paid In advance, your namo Is taken from tho list. A chango of dato pn Uio addresa labol Is a rocolpt FROM A TRAMP PRINTER Breaks the Rules and Has Windows in His Car Entered at the postofflce at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter. TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. Forty men employed on a bis ijred Kor at tho mouth of tho Columbia are on a strlko, and d strlko Is a serious thing. There aru strlkos and strikes, somo that brine count famine and want to thousands of strikers, others that tlo up Industries, and bring dis comfort and want (to thousands, who aro not distinctly Intorostcd In them. Tli ore are strlkos posltlvo nnJ trlkos sympathetic, strikes foolish and strikes approaching absoluto necessity, but It remains for tho big dredger to start a strlko unique In that line. Tho forty one men struck lisdauso thoy had too much of a good thing they wore surfeited with hash. Thoro was salt-horse on tho menu, that tho strikers say was superannua ted, but they, stood that. Thoro was Halt-nuli, caught from salt wntor and pnoked In brlno, until they would bo sonso and upright character, It led him to a career far moro successful than tho average capitalist. Mr. Duron was public-spirited in a way tli at meant much to tho commu nity. Ho kept up his property In good shapo, and was always planning to bet ter his surroundings. Ho swopt be fore his own door, aj It woro, and bore his own rosponslblllfJoa. Hla buccosso woro not of a meteoric na ture, but In tho gonoral round-up thoy showed a constant, steady, upward tendency. In his family rotations ho was a happy man, nn.l took groat com fort In his home llfo, which was at all times the most felicitous. In his early llfo ho had been a soldlor, and sorvod his country faithfully during tho roholllon. When It Is remembered that ho oullHted from a stato which was divided on tho subject of tho war all tho moro crodft must be given him for taking his stand for tho right sldo, uhomloally classed ns chlorldo ofjnml t,in- w8 '10 " togk In many BOtllum, but thoy stood for tho chenil- lrtlone of Missouri, Of such raon It cnls. (need not bo asked whether ho was a Thoro wns bean-soup thin nnd Kotl cltlzon and loyal to his country, wntory, with nothing but tho bean (or "Is rocord Bpoaks much loudor than any eulogy that could bo ponnod by his follow man. Ho was a good citizen, nnd an honost man, and In tho varloitH walks of life fow rlso abovo those honorablo distinctions. skins and a spoon In It but thoy thought or Huston and tho Hack Bay nnd Imbibed tho liquid literature. Thqro wns a Btew hnlf brother to tho hatod" hash and though thoy .(now nuught of IU mysteries, they thought of Madam Hlavltsky and woro tlllMMmihlnnllv nwllrtmil . Ita imMuimll oxUtoiiQO, though they preferred Its astral body. No, It wns none of these that caused the trouble. Tho hash alone was the peraotin mm grata. Hash, llk the flag at the dawns early Unlit, was .there; and like a cor set, there to stay. Husli tortured Uiolr thoughts by day. hash hnunUd their dreams by night. When the shiiden or night foil and tin enres of the day had folded .their tents like tho Arabs nnd silently stole nwny tho hash femnlned; for semi It was a home on them When the light of morn stole over Tungu lMlnt. ,mirt(et uh inn nmi unsuine came stream lug down the Columbia, from Soap pooeeach shudderlngly admitted m,a nM ,. , . It had been a nlht mare. I ?"? BW.'ew' b ,l ocm anally A Mimmliue waited on the captain I??" wUh "? wlfl. tl..ir .ri.1,,. ,,.,. .;.... " Wlt,ll, comee to tho front, and. taoenle reply then they gave their Ultimatum, elthor the hash must be m numerous, or oteo they would. Thoy got no satisfaction ami m thoy n'ruck. truch like the horoo under Marco Uosutris. for their altar anrf their lire struck far the groan Rinvt of their sire, alto struck out in addition for the malukuO. whero. any whom, out of the world of hush. They aro still stnwk. but not wl'h NKM(sejetttBeK' j X-RADIUMS j Iuls Napoleon will command a brlgodo In Manchuria, and It Is a safe bet that history will not repeat Itself miles he moeUi his Wnterloo. RiimIa Is oro ut this country, nnd Is sending her trade elsewhere. The moral of this Is. he will pay higher price, get poorer goods, and iuorenio her mortgage Just that much. It looks as though Santo Domingo would be the next egg found In Undo There is some lively cuckMng going on down that way. That's What Makes Him See Things Between Stations That Astonish and Interest Him (Editorial Corrospondneco.) February 24: For an hour "before wo rcachod Dunsmulr It rained. We thought wo'wcro back Into Oregon, the way It poured down all night. Wo got a good, largo room in a now building, but rain for a week had driven1" tho moisturo down tho teornice, and before morning It was coming through the ceiling. Wo got a good breakfast at the Palm restaurant, recommended to us by Conductor Amblor, who ran so long on tho Albany local, Ho now punches tlokots botwoen Ashland and Duns mulr, his family living at Portland, last April nearly all of Dunsmulr was wiped out by lire tho canyon was about all that was left, but a groat deal has been rebuilt. Tho town is mostly saloons, rostaurants and lodg ing rooms. At a barber shop I mot Al. McFaddon, a Salem boy, who Is night man at tho Southern Pacific depot slnco last Mny. Ho Is a flne-looklng young man, of good habits, plays tho guitar" beautifully, and his mother may woll bo proud of him. Shaving Is 2G conts hero, and ovorybody seems to bo prosporoue. A tramp tackled mo ror tho prlco of a meal. I told him I was a tramp, too, and ho ought to get a moal from somo of tho people who bolongod horo. Ho wild there woro eo many that nil could not bo fed. Dunsmulr is tho narrow gateway botwoen California and all .tho coun try north. Ho said ho was a brick layor, and thoro was nothing to do, When l got ready to go to tho dortot, and had about modo up my mind to and dark forays required elcctrio lights to bo burned all Jay Wo had only two glimpse of ML Shasta and theta far awaj. Going down the headwaters of the Sacra mento, we saw once tho Jagged tooth- llko croets of the Sierras, glittering snow-white abovo the dark green for ests. We have not seen enough of Shasta to Judge, but local Oregonians declare it does not compare In beau ty to our own glorious Hood. At 10 a m. wo are going down the hoad waters of the Sacramento river, rush ing through the spiro and columns of the endless redwood forests, The silvery sago plant shines undor the palo greon manzanlta. Then there Is tho darker greasowood and tho laurel, and above all tho dark green of the redwood and codar a symposium In groens and grays, with tints of gold. Doforo you arrive at Redding you cross tho Sacramento river 17 times In about 50 mllos. Great oak trees, hung with mistletoe, grow more fre quent as you go down the river. Thero arc many signs of mining, senrcoly a dolta of river gravel but has been worked over. Prospecting pita and minor's cabins, and the miner himself aro frequent sights. At Copley, elevation COO feet, we saw tho flrst fruit trco3 in bloom. Wo havo passed copper nnd quick silver smelting works groat modern, scientific, mining plants that have succeeded tho rudo efforts of the '19or. At noon wo are out In the bright California sunshlno, at Read- ding, nnd seo tho flrst palms. E. HOFER. Avers Cherry Pectoral This is the medicine doeirr. have prescribed for sixty ySI for coughs, colds, croup, bron cnuis, LUjj"''y"on' fc-.yt,cL delegate from New Vork for David 0'-;. Convey B. Hill was turned down , - ' BonHU ,, .T1 "How about Gorman- .0..., .,..-- B ine , .,.- , in It. nnvnor'8 election tlons of glass blowers in the iMu? as senator demonstrates that Gorman gas bolt assembeled 1, 1 convey Is not supremo in his own state, m. . .. . -.. uuject 0( j, ' ..1 t. wtnr na n Catherine which is OXnppfr, I- . sides Gorman woum uo - -- - - - .,.." lufrl campaign manager than ho wou.a oe bw.uu ..,,, s to dl, as a candidate before tho people." the various questions whch 'Then you think Mr. Parker will boon the cnuso of great difficulty somo time nnd to bring about 1 M flnmont If nnKHlliln Tnl. ,.... ! """" rmi president of tho Window Glass ffoA I era 01 jwiiuuuu, iu among tb03e nm ont. be nominated?" "If the nomination comos to Now York ho'll be the man." tstd Time I take a pleasant herb drink, tlie next morning I feel bright and my com-!-rinn la hAttnr. Mv doctor says it acta gently on tho BUJmache, liver and iririnnva nnd is a nle&sant laxative. It Is made of herbs, and Is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's med icine. All druggists sell It at 25c and 60 cents. Lane's Famliy Medicines moves the bowelB each day. If you cannot get It, send for free samples. Address, Orator Woodward, LeRoy, N. Y. OASVOXIIA. 8ure Curo for Piles, Itching Piles produco moisture j causo Itching, hls form, as veil u Bllng, Blooding or Protruding m aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Ru Remedy. Stops Itching and bletfo. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar t j-J gists, or sent by mall. TreatlestJ Wrlto mo about your case, k, sanko, Phlla., Pa. w Havo You Seen Thernf J. L. Stockton & Companj'i u will accept orders for porta wi 'February 27th jjej. OPPOSITION IS A BLIND. Parker Is Unanimous Choice of New York Democrats. From a Staff Correspondent, N. Y. Paper. Albany, Fob. 1C. Accounts that woro sent out from horo of the "launching" of Judge Parker's presi dential boom at tho "Tub" dinner last Tuesday night havo provoked this Btatoment from) a Democrat, who t Is woll-lnformed, usually as to what Is going on In Insldo'democrat- In plrrl.M! 1 "I havo been amused at tho almost absurd stories which havo found eM(MMf)0S9&MSaC609MO0Q8&0MfleeeSflWOgi --. Lots of New uoods ttlu WW a WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Never was better for tteprice White Skirts worth R00 for $.50 Nightgowns worth $1 50 for $J,J5 Muslin Drawers worth 90c for '.$0.62 Embroideries, special lot at ' 5c a yd Insertions, extra good values at 5c a yd A word pbout Umbrellas, did you see those we are selling for "1.75, cannot be duplicated for the money. Rostein &, Gteenhaam 302 Commercial Street. DHiMNMMiMMCiMMeees eoe88eaaa)eMMMf fow wooks concerning candidacy, agreed botwoen all stato leaders, theirway Into print during tho last J . tno I'aritcr In tho flrst placo, It was 44Hff44-f4-eteffeH4-t4 frlonds of Hill and Tammany Hall glvd him two-bits to carry my grips to'mon n,"f0' tnat I'arlor ws tho right strange as It may seem, generally tries hto whip Ixtweon Jolw, In n country Mwn)apr. "Should a husband trim hla wife's Ut?" Auks U lve" Vo. Wo an swer, ym. If he has th tlm. but If they get any larger, nnd the litis Imttd has anvthlnif 1im In iln "" would advlw hlrln a paper hanuer. Tim wwr fls "exceedingly sore." that HibMnuii. f .hi.,- 1....-.1 r-. """ """ orpeio nit him. but never . ot with that eengHHu.; .,., , ., ,. . other iuwiU; tut with what Mark "RJ ",0,W ,,wUy iwiMn Twin MlkNi -iha avtH HHiU m,t m l,ufu- mv of spring lln with Imsli-not oti your lite. I51 vW,,te fron U,e omet wln,,ow Th iHVH aw Idle, so U the dnsdi -" ortm.fr time. Is not entire tint thu ,.i. .i.n. ... . ..,.T" -J" overiookeil. . .n ...... unnv ,-l U II uu w n Die old stund rdy for busJuwu. wkiuimc. ohi) wnltlti. like a dwdb Do It Today. Th time-worn InJuncttOH. "Never A. D. QUREN DEAD. tulcrob tor iu nst batcli of vletlws'uut fr ',n, n.nn' .,... ' . .. -d thm w art, , tulSBV ,a nn .y.' , 4 Id this ferm: Ml)o It today!" That In Ibu tanui n living u-a u-nn. In d.,.. In .1.- -J..- .. I " "" "" w " ." . ivmbh ,, w A-.inrmHii mu niuuii that k,.bu. ...i. .. tJ J tT tk' X,'.fto,tt ".'-' oW wlU. which you have SIT ZTJT tnm m ". m. mmluJZ tZTT1,? mw aio aH4 ,B "t TOtMY-Hti that MHf4r ttwt ttm UMmwihU- ldtltll Mm. b9 Dr. no am Syrun. wktek ITLi lX mHt h a kNly Jto. A few do. of It will uaaoubt, And mj mm. and. as a result of ..My rUv your cough or oold. and hta MHrlw wanly tmlHtng. W pw'ju eagunued w fer few days will tu W fte-av (It vra as a bud km was and elttiH of KrltHg naV U) He vh a o)o4 c4w-- of hu- cure -o MjJitelj-. No matter how data4 your eounh. evea If dread OOHfiUIMBtkMk ban ntlanVo.1 vnu. lu... Matliraiaalwy,maotheUt.OmaH Siyub will rJv .Wm . - ..-,- ,, vhvvw tmreas it has done before la thou loit)l ui of hW kuowledse of the wwW. In HiMtiokil sMUera ha was what mlcht l oalUd a eoMwratlve, .yet when this e4tHt la hU bs(um was voM wlUi hU brwd ooaisaoajAt lr. Stone's drug stored nK so heavv sul fail u i ,.... - . . . " mm hopo4 oweo of caw broko down rTiL -IS IMS trouble, N.w trial botll.. Xoi atlU a iha ZL Jt! .'to,.d,H regular else. Wq. At all dniwIsU. a foot f . 'JTZ . Ru' .. ... -t w " "w"- we jm watjs we wore there. tlio train ho had disappeared. Tho IJatos-Wnteon Thoator nnd Vaudo vlllo Company boarded our train from the Vreka branch. Thoy had playod to hard-luck housos, woro stuck threo days In n landslide, and tho world seemed to be against them. They wont Into Dunsmulr a day ahead of time with no possible means Of Millport. Iltlt thn ln.no . head over heels In lovo with the load ing mnn. a pnlo, Intellectual looking barnstormer. Tho . lending lady soemeil happy with the big-mouthed comedian, nnd tho rest were a happy. go-iuchy crowil. and nuriDortiino seemed ot cast no sable nail ovar uiuir future. ue -Krei nicuwen" was nlo oilled to appear at Dunsmulr. nnd tho mtia scnttered vlllago in the mmm. tains was literally covered with his paper. He had been here before, and nil wore saying what a good show he sav The barber poke of his liber nllty lit giving tickets for the privi lege of porting his lithographs. I.if Is not .without IU pleasure nnd ojc oltwneftU. and even good shows nnd "great" entertainers come to this rail road division town. All Tuesday afternoon we rode through the Shasta valley, a famous stock raising region, where ramjhe are large, nfcd herds of cattle, horsos and sheep are seen on every lmm.1. Dwellings am far apart. Uright. green nlfnlfa imy Is hauled to the Jlocks by the wagon load. Scattered over the valley are dead stock here ami thorn. The stock seems to in good condi tion. This region I the principal sup lly of Oraew toe fat cattle, when Or eow stock U oor. The Sbaeta valley must have been a theatre of gigAHtlc glacial action . a largo soaio, WNtn ,h wUo, fon wvrni win iceberg. StraiuliHl horo antl thoro they melted, atul krft .i. wnii-ni AoaiM of aravul J boulder, some of the hundreOo of w. Hign. a,! rosombUiig moWillJs M a MMfUiOW. At ShjUta Snrio thoro wh the usual ruah for a fro drlak of what wowod to wo to be mvr niMRgo or am apothecary hon. Duiuiulr l Aotoil for hoavy mow falls. Hals, www and luM are tho torror of mtlroaiUiH,. The round. horo hi aa awooAl of sbqwv ltow9. rolartos and vwcklllg nlo. rawtA. Thoro aro tnuMUoA of ton .w w soowfaiL oeo the sstow w 9 man for Now York domocrnts to back for prosldent. It was realized that Parker's nomlneo could bo brought about only by shrewd, clevor cam paigning. "Now York leadors knew that a prejudlco exists ln the Wostern and sjoumern democrats against Now'S ork mon, oepeclally In the section whoro Dryan It or has been strong ost. "It was also rollzed that it would be fatal to Parker's chances If ho become known as Tammany's candi date Southern and Westorn demo crate, rightly or wrongly, rogard Tam many Hall as the porsonlflcatlon of tho evil foroo ln politic and they never would turn in for a man who was understood to bo Sir. Murphy's personal choice. "Another point to be considered was that Parker's chance at the polls, granting his nomination, would be Injured If the Impression gained ground that he was bncked by the money fores of the Bost. Theoo ra'ct explain why Charles F. Murphy came out so irnnu- tn t!lev land, nnd still Is booming the ex- prooident. We all knew that Cleve land would not consent to run again bu' the talk In his favor did not bother him In the least. "It did more. U concentrated the Bryanlto attacks on Cleveland and kept Parker In the background. West ern men. too. became Imbued with tho Idea that Oowland was Tammany's oholce. "In the Kast the notion that Mur phy bad made an alliance with Cleve land helped Tawmaay tt the recent mayoralty cAmpalgn in Gr-atar New York. "Norman H. Mack's talk of Hoarst the npiHiront difference of opinion b twoon Murphy and McCarren ovr Parker aro all various tp ln thf plot which wa worked out carefully J Lest you forget. Wc will say we are still agents for 2 some 01 me oest lines ot stoves and Ranges mantf- factared. "GARLAND" "UNIVERSAL" "MA- jiibllC" and "MONARCH." The combination can't be beat. R. M. Wade' & Co. B-"-M4&'0-Wa rQ-rO-H4iOJga8.Hlf KwOMaaMo9eetie0M9C t I tssutta,n$ nimost universally come to our store Thoy like to be shown tho Ulghest standard of goods, and are doubly pleased when the price , is exhibited to their receptive vision. They foel a kinship to our stab- horn, mulish determination to excel. People of other nationaUtW ' who are willing to be shown will be treated as Missourlans. 190 1 2 rnrnnta nn,i .ii .. . s V ",w MMM " impur uow ready. Mouse FurnisliinffCo 269 Liberty Street c.-. e,. -J AlhaMV. uiuigb oaigui auu I-..M---- wW0MWMOMfM(KaMMM0Wf4 montlw agtS, "l think tho platt wm workod well Tho country At tart believes that Murwhy wd Tajj aro for Cleve load and Ag&Uot Parker. Dowocrats iooorallj-. Are undocldod whether Parker Is friendly with Hill or sot. . V.l. ...... . . ..-.. .ir aiaui OOlogAte i go to St Louis UAlartructed. If the I other detogAtoe cooxodo Now York1 the right to bomIaaIo tho cAodldate' and thoro to aay oooiaorAblo sooti-i meat is other states for Parker it win he an easy matter for the New York- era 10 ran wo lUe graeofully for I'arkor. Hanitt 5 Lawrence Ti..-..,Ae.,,,nioreGrocer,es "4 better Orocerles than ANYBODY mere bwnere you get GOOD treatment-and GOOD m mop in aud see for yourself. , r, n 0. qrocekY. j Burroughs & Fraser i; Roliable Tinninc. Iron Wnri -pi a Most modern plumbing material and methods. ccst Material, Best Workmc ten Ia any event thoro will ba ba r ' I TAT6 STREET. The fog Utloa of 1895 whoa aa lastrueUd WMMMt, and Promptness are our Motto j SALEM, OREGON. .. Jk