Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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j-DafllgC8ttf8f Ia6fltai6lna HmHanmHfrfrWMMh!
Doea your eyes trouble you?
Thon corao and sector
Have you pain about tho eyes?
Then como and soeGS
Want good glasses and skilled
Thon come and seci
Wo have the most modern opti
cal appliances for testing tho eyes.
Examinations aro qulto gratuitous.
Corner of State and Liberty
4-H-H-H Mil HUM I I I I M 1 1
t Local
Social Realm!
X In the
4-1 Ml I H 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 lil 8 1 1 HE
W. N. Gatons spent Sunday In Port
land. Chas. Van Nuys, of Aumsvllle, Is In
tho city.
B. B. Smith Is homo from a few
days' visit In Portland.
Prof. Will Graham, of Portland,
spent Sunday in this city.
Sheriff Thos. LInvllle, of Astoria,
spent Sunday In this city.
Prof. Scovoll spont Sunday In Salem,
going down this morning.
L. B. door, of Stlvorton, is in tho
city for a fow days' visit.
Mrs. J. W. Gunn has roturnod to Se
attle, aftor a visit nt Salem.
Hon. L. T. Harris returned to his
homo In Eugene Saturday nlghL
Miss Mao Chapter loft this morning
for a visit with friends In Portland.
Burt McAtco returned this morning
from Sacramento, whero ho hns boen
seriously HI.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rockwell, of
Portland, visited relatives In this city
over Sunday.
Miss Grotta Stowell, of Portland is
ppendlng a fow days with her slstor,
Elizabeth, who attends Willamette.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ilofor and daugh
ter, Florence. left today for points in
Southern Orogon and California, to bo
gono a fow weeks.
Wra. Brown returned Saturday night
from New York, whore ho spont tho
past few woeks. Ho accompanied his
nleco to that city, on her way homo to
J. M. Hafcetly
Tfie Pill
i Da. Simms'
i Red Blood Pills j
J Foir Pale People
Palace Pharmacy
$ itQ State St. Salem.
.j.-H-H-MH-M-frM i 9 1 I OU
SSsSgy e&2)
0-Ba-fOfr8HM-am!Hi8ttai-aM-0 frHHlHHIf 9
TYou K
It makes Httlo dlfforenco how
much you get for tho price the
mora important question is,
"what quality are you willing' to
put up with?" Cheapen tho
quality and you can get almost
any quantity you want for a
given price.
We don't brag on cheapness,
Atwood & Fishes,
fSucceetors to Branson &. Ragan
Phone 571
iif upt-giaf fraiMDiaHiif iPtionmneinniBta
x comma
llHWf WWWWWlf fWllwt
Streets, Salem, Oregon.
R. M. Thompson, of Portland, Is
spending a few days with his family
In this city.
B. F. Wright left today for a visit
to friends at Brownsville and Scotta
Chas. Gray and wife have gono on
a trip to Old Mexico, whero his firm
has somo contracts.
Geo. Grlswold roturnod Saturday ov
enlng from a fow weeks' pleasure
trip to Los Angeles' and Santa Cruz.
Mrs. C. E. Sherwood, for a long
whllo matron of the W. C. T. U. hall,
1; seriously 111 at her homo on South
Commorclal street.
E. M. LaForo has boon confined to
his room with rheumatism for tho nast
week, but ho Is oxpoctoil to soon bo
able to bo about again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Albright left
yoatorday morning for Aberdeen,
Washington, whoro they will make .
thoir homo In tho future.
Hon. Mnlcom Moody, of The Dalles,
spent Sunday In this city, with" his
parents, Hon. and Mrs. Z. F. Moody.
Ho loft for homo last night.
Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Mlnto arrived
homo Saturday evening, and, for tho
presont, aro living at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs, Lon Wain, In South Salem.
n A Tlitrni u-no nn frn.n Pnrllnn,! tn
attend the funeral of tho lato Edward'
I. Lamb, and to visit friends ovor Sun
day. Ho loft for homo this morning.
Mrs. II. N. Lacr left last ovonlnc
for Portland, whoro sho will Join hor,and dovted frlonds
husband, who wont down several days
ago to fit up their now homo. They
will rosldo It Portland in tho future.
J. A. Foland, for many years ono of
tho trusted officials at tho ponltentlary
and who recontly roBlgnod thoro,
loavos tonight for San Francisco,
whoro ho will Iocato permanently. His
ituiiiiy win laiuuiu in allium tut mu
prosent, but will join him In the
Adulteration goes full
length in spices and flavoring
extracts you think it isn't
worth while to cheat in such
trifles four-fifths of "vanilla"
is tonka; cost's one or two
cents for "$i-wort h'
Schilling's Best are entirely
pure ; at your grocer's.
although wo meet prices made
by any grocer In Salem. But
wa do promise to give you 1C oz,
for a pound, and two full pints
for a quart, and a quality evory
time that is fit to put on your
tablo. If It Ln't good enough
for that our Chinaman gets it
for his hogs.
When Time is In Dispute
. .
The watch from 0. T. Pomoroy'a
always decides. A watch from
thoro is reliable. The namo itself
Is a guarantee. Every watch Sent
out of this storo Is accurately reg-
uiaioQ ana can always oo aepenaea &
.flF fcj" I
IX s oo
upon. That a tho only kind of a
watch to carry. A big stock to se
lect from. PRICB9, silver watches
$2.60 to 10; 30-year gold-filled, 10
to ?S0.
Watchmaker and Optician.
2E3 Commercial Streot
Robert T. JudsonDied
Sunday After
noon Born in 1842 and the First
White Child Born in
Present Limits
of Salem
Robert L. Juuon, one of the most
respected citizens of Marlon county,
and who has lived In and near this
city all of his life of over two-thirds of
a century, died nt his farm homo
south of Salem at 5:12 p. m. yester
day, after an Illness of but a few days,
of stomach trouble, aged CI years, 10
months and 9 days.
Mr. Judson's parents came around
tho horn In 1839, arriving In Oregon
In June, 1840, with tho missionary par.
ty headed by tho late Father Waller
and J. Li. Parrish, and settled In Ma
rlon county. Mr. Judson was born
April 12, 1842, being tho first white.
child born lnsldo of-the corporate lim
its of Salem, and ho lived horo or
near hero all his life, oxcopt seven
yoars, which were spont In Clatsop
January 1. .1874, he marrlod Miss
ou,u" ",u;B "" wno rarnvn mm
i Tho fruits of this union woro throo
daughters and four sons, all but tho
ono marrlod daughter being now rest
donts of this city. Thoy are: Mrs.
J. M. Card, Anna Judson and Alice, L.
E O. A., R. T. and Leonard. Tho fu
neral will bo hold from tho Leslie M.
E. church, In South Salem, at 2 p. m
Mr. Judson was not a membor of
any church, but was a regular attend-
nnt tho South Snlom Church. He
was Brcall' blovcd for his many acts
of kindness and charity, and his death
will bo sincerely and genuinely
mourned by n largo circle of warm
Husbands Worth Winning.
A man who professes to hato wo
men usually makos a very kind bus
band. AVhon a girl wins a man who
hatos all other girls, sho Is euro of
his first and only love. Girls llko to
make a conquest, and tho hardor tho
battlo tho grentor tho triumph. A
man who thinks all womon aro an
gols Is not worth having. Ho Is too
easy to get, "for any woman could
marry him," and tho gamo Is not
worth the candlo. Another reason
wny ine -woman nator" maicos a
good husband Is that whon ho dlscov
ors his "ono perfect woman" ho doos
nil In his power to mnko up to hor
for having slandorod tho sex to which
she bolongs, though ho still holds that
all other womon aro trlflors. East Or-
To Superintend Building.
William Travis and W. C. Knighton
came up from Portland this morning
Mr. Travis will remain In this city as
the representative of Mr. Knighton,
to look after the work of that gentle
man horo In superintending the con
struction of buildings now under way,
or about to be started, the construe
tlon of which Mr. Knighton Is to over
see. 0
Alexleff Is Sidetracked.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 22. With Gen
eral Kouropatkln's appointment as
commander-in-chief of the army, and
the presence of Grand Duka Alexis In
the Far East, the opinion is strength
ened that, while Admiral Alexleff may
remain as viceroy, tho aotlve direction
of operations will pase out of his
While th Dance Went On.
The basket ball game Friday even
ing between Oregon and Willamette
resulted In a disappointing score, but
tho young people's good spirits did
not stay down with the score. An In
formal dance followed the game, and
the students tripped away their grief
to the tune of good old waltzes and
two-steps. -Eugene Register.
Mrs. Claud Catch went to Lebanon
this morning for a few days' visit.
Dr. T. I Golden went to his farm
near Marlon this morning, after a
short stay In Salem.
George J. Staples returned to his
farm near Turner this morning after
aa over-Sunday In this city.
R. U Swartz left today for Win
cheater, Douglas county, to locate a
sawmllli (or Portland parties.
W. W. Oglesby, of Cottage Grove,
recently appointed health officer at
Ga"dner- 'eft rr lbere tod7-
Oregonians Come Home Glad
to Get Their. Webs Moist
ened Once More
W. H. Savage and C. F. Lansing,
have returned from a three-weeks' vis
it in California, during which time
they passed through tho major portion
of the state. Mr. Savago reports hav
ing enjoyed tho trip very much, and
says the California people aro tho
most courteous and hospltablo people
ho over met, and sparo no pains to
make tho stay of tho stranger pleas
ant. In San Francisco, whero thoy
spent several days, ho says all of Cal
ifornia can be scon. Ho speaks hi
high terms of tho Sacramento, valley,
but tho San Joaquin ho reports as a
desort. At Nllos ho visited the Kirk
nursery, containing 1000 acres, and at
Los Angeles tho orango groves Were
visited. At San Bernardino, at tho
homo of J. B. Burnnp, a former resi
dent of Salem, Mr. Savago picked or
anges off the trees, and sent them to
his children "horo. At Bell station,
27 miles south of Los Angeles, lands
won; held at $250 per acre. Horo It
was so dry that not a spear of vege
table growth was In sight, and Mr.
Savago statos that ho could "only wish
thoso people the rnln tho WUlametto
Valley could sparo. Thon they would
have the flnost country In tho world.
Tho travelers woro glad to get back
to Orogon, howevor, and Mr. Savago
said this morning that ho would not
give his homo horo for anything ho
had seen In California during his on
tiro trip.
Timber Lands Selling.
County Clork Smith states that
considerable timbor land In tho De
schutes valley Is changing hands. A
largo number of prlvnto holdings hnvo
been sold during tho past six weoks,
and, as a result, tho clerk and his dep
uty are kept busy recording deeds.
Tho highest prlco paid for the lands
Is In tho vicinity of Matoles river,
whoro $1500 has boen paid. Other
claims havo been selling for prices
ranging from $G0O to $1600, according
to location and quality. Prlnovlllo
Will Be at Drug Store.
I will have a flno lot of carnations
on display at tho Rod Front Drug
Storo Wbdnosday, and any ono wish
Ing somo, can loave thoir orclor nt that
plnco, or phono to tho groen houso
2591 Black. Other cut flowors on
hand. C. F. Iteuf. 2-222-3t
1 HI I i I It 1 1 1 H 1 1 H- H4-fr
Wo nro pleased to announce
to our many friends nnd cus
tomera that wo havo now se
cured th ooxcluslvo ngoncy In
Salem for Chaso & Sanborn'i
colebratod Boston coffees. It Is
moro than ordinary pleasure for
us to bo ablo to mako this an
nouncement, for wo know that
this la positively tho best cof
fee over offorod for sale. Our
competltlors may toll you they
havo somothlng Just as good as
Chaso & Sanborn's coffees, but
no one will tell you they havo
better, for neither bottor nor
as good can bo bought. Wo
know tho merits of this line
and anrmoro than anxious far
you to, bo make this liberal of ef
fer: Come nud get a sample
free, or If you buy a pound and
are not entirely satisfied, wo
will cheerfully rofund your
money 26c, 36c and 40o a
pound. Romomber, the only
place you can get this coffee Is
142 State St. 'Phone 2261.
tilllllllllllinUM !
jj Spring
I : Is not here, but the finest dls- I
;; play of serine
: Millinery
'.'. ever brought to Salem, such as ','.
; ; will clease every well dressed ; ;
IIHas Attived j;
They will be on display soon.
. . when all are Invited to Inspect
; ; them
: Hilfce Millinery Parlors
Buccosoor to Mm. J. O. Hooker T
' 317 Commercial St.
niiHnmi mwrintii
J J f 5Sd
;; jl F? JBil
zf ill J
i iW4
The new toppers are in. Como and seo them. You aro iBuro to ,
need ono. Thoy aro cxcollont in design nnd finely tatlorod garmonts.
You can roly on them being tho proper thing for spring.
Wo carry a flno lino of fancy as well as Shawknlt hoslory.
Keep your eye open for our Thursday special sale. '
Salem Woo
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor
Salktn Still Grows.
Bids woro opened this morning for
Uio Improvements to be mado on tho
Murphy block, and wero ns follews:
F. B. Southwlck, $384G.
Erb & Van Patton, $3890.
Campbell & Howltt, $3901.
R. Ely, V108B.
Welsh ft Mauror, $4145.
F. Van Patton, $4077. ( .
Tho contract was awarded to tho
lowest bidder and work will begin nt
onco on what will bo a flno permnnont
Improvemout which will bo n groat
convonlonco to tho tonants and tho
owner of tho proporty as woll as tho
All the furs stolen from tho Silver
field fur parlors nt Portland have boon
recovered. Tho stolon goods amount
ed to $G000 worth of the flnost furs In
tho houso. Matt Culleu and George,
Kelly aro In Jail awaiting trial for tho
Yos, an Immonso bargain,
and one that you can Ill-afford
to miss. Wo rofor to
our -big
Box Stationery
m Sale now In progress.
jg Hero Is a chance to gat n box
2 of paper and envelopes of
J t,l vory latest shape for 2
Regular Bold from 25 to 35
9 cents, Wo must reduce stock M
H beforo taking an Inventory. f$
gg Other sales In preparation. gg
JK m K.
M It's easy to make a desk at a low price (hat LOOKS
m well, It's another thing to make ono that WEARS well. W
Globe-WernlcKo Desks m
V look very much like other desks but they don't wear
M like them. They wear belter and longer than others. m
m The locking device at front of desk Is a distinct I m
m feature a vast Improvement over any dosk lock I B
ML j ever used. Call and see II. W
Bl. 4iflfliBb mO. -dflBHttfeta. aKf
We are the;
First to
Show the .
New Top
Coats for
Spring of
Matt Mattson, a natlvo of Finland,
waB brought to tho asylum from As
torla yesterday Ho is 38 years old.
Shorlff Llnnvlllo nnd E. A, Taylor
brought tho man to Salem.. Tho sher
iff also had with him a prlsonor for
tho ponltentlary. Ho is Thomna How
nrd, a 10-year-man, who was convicted
of assault to commit robbery.
Tho Whlto Houto
Can glvo you a good meal any hour
of tho day or nlghL
! tsr Tr tf 5
;; VY0 WISI1
; Tonotlfy all persons who J
are contemplating pur- J
I i chastnc tracts in 5
ii Smithes
ii Ffftfit
:: Fams
i! No. 2
I to please buy at once.
; ; Nearly half of the whole ; ;
;; number of these tracts m
ll'are already sold.
ii Salem Abstract I
ii and Land Co.
;; F.W. WATERS, Mgr.