Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Lr -ass
ao "
1fl04. . ''.'
m )
Poj3tla Loan
Thirty Thoa
and D
f.kat Amount City Bonds Will
Be Offered the People
ONLY $25.00
Foux Percents Payable Semi--Antf natty
-Foil Text of the Ordinance
A bill for an ordinance authorizing standard of weight and fineness, at
tho negotiating of a loan of 130,000 br!tho mc0 of tho clty trea8Urer ot tll
,.,.., , . said city of Salem, Oregon,
tho olty of Balem, Oregon, undor and . j. , . , , . . . . .
' ' Sec. 3. Tho bonds horoln provided
by vlrtuo of section 23 of tho chartorfor shal, ,)0 ,nown aB tho Munlclpal
of tho olty of Salem, Orogon, as .Four Per Cent Itefundlng Bridge
amended by tho act of the leglslaturo
of Uio stato of Orogon amendatory of
ntioh charter, filed In the ofllco of tho
Beatotary of State, on Fobruary 7,
1003, and providing for tho Issuing
of bonds for such loan, tho term there
of, tho rate of Interest thoroon, tho
method of Issuing such bonds, and
tho manner, tlmo, and plnco of pay
ment of the principal and Intorest'of
tho said loan, and matters kind rod
Whereas, tho thirty thousand dol
lars of (he bonded debt of tho said
city of Snlem known as tho Drldgo
Ronds matured on the first tiny of
October, 1001, and no provision tind
been made to pay said IndobtodnesB
and tho mid city was and Is without
money to pay tho Bamoj and
WhoroAs, at on elcatlon cnllcd by
tho common council of tho said olty
of Salem, Orogon, for that purpose
hold on December 7, 1903, pursuant to
15 days' notice thoreof by publishing
such notice In a newspaper of gener
al circulation In tho said city of Sa
lain, and potting the same In threp
pulilla )laew In said olty, a majority
of (he qualified voters of. and who pay
tnx uMn property In sold city, voting
at such election, voted In favor of Is
suing bonds to procure money to pay
sld Indebtedness; now therefore.
lie It ardalued by tho common coun
cil of the city of Snlepi. Oregon:.
Section 1. Nor the purpose of pro-,
en ring money to pay (he Mid (tended
debt, the Mid city of HuUm. Oregon.
doe hereby author! and direct the
mayor ami the city recorder of said
city to execute and Issue thirty thott
MUd dollars In bonds of the Mid city
of Selem. Oregon. iHiyabl to bearer,
oh or before 10 yours from the first
day of April, 1MI, at the option of
the snld city of Salem, and bearing 'est. at the rale of four per oeut per
lutei-vat nt the rate of four per ent annum upon the wr or race value or
per annum on tho pnr or face value! the bond to which the same la attach
of such uomti. the snld Inloreet to
U nnynhle oml annually on the lint
dny of Oviolr and the Hret day of
April of iNMh yr followtng the ac
cruing thereof until the prinelwll
sum of any Itoml hall b paid: nnd;pl.led; and the said Interest coupons
that the sisarmaie f uh bonds stall bo numbered to correspond with
shall not . xo.-wl tho said principal thn nuntber on the bond to which the
sum or Utlny thousand dollars, and saute are annexed,
the snld tit) of Salfttt. Orun, ante-': Se. I. The bond herein provided
by agr to i-aj ald uonda with ( for snail he subscribed by the isaUOr
mid Iniw-Mt tbnrMtt. and It amby of Utn el of taim. Omgon. HtiatKi
atnnda roiever pledpM to the payment tested by the raoordnr of th MI4
,h'rof , .cHy: d the aald reoordw abnll nnav
8 I. That Ut prlnrtpai n the aorlb each of Um ml litiiwi
lateriMt of the said bonds shall be conpona and Mx t eeh of anld
pnyalOe In goid coin of the enlt4 bt4a the aanl of tkn Mu .itv
Hwian of Amnrlca of the nmui
- '
Germ Infected Air.
MaUna is Hot ouiiiHil exclutclv o Uv avanpi
MMt Maohy tvgHMik if the ctiuulr, but wheu-ver tbnrv it
Imd air thu msidioua Iu to healtlt is fouud I'otauuona
vapor and g.uc frtui sewrr. and the iuiut air of damp
eclhuu aro UUcn with the gentta of this mikerabto dieac.
whuii ie brmthl into the lungs and taken up b tl.c
UtHkl and triinxmittrU to ewry jnrt ol th body. Then
you begin to fl out of sotta without ever auspectittg the
cause No euergy ur appetite, dull bemtachra, Ut.-py and
tittvl and conaptetely fagged out from tbt sligbUnt exer
tion, am some of tlw d4orabl ctftcU of thu cufevbting
mwu . tu im uiewu pragrvsana ne Mood becomes
more deeply poiaoond. boils and abaveaaca and dark vr
jMrftow MU aptiaar upon the skin. When the poison is
tbe Uoofl. Ijvrr and Kidnrv tnuil.li
ancn. Aa afalarin begin ami devriotw in the bluotl. ih tntn1.t, t
8. S. . U n gnamnteeU pwrely -egetWe remedy, julld. tdenMHt and
karwleM. Write tu if you want tuettival advice or nay special inform.
Una about your cue. Thui will oot you uothmg
Donds of tho City of Salem, Oregon;
and tho denominations of said bonds
shall not bo less than twonty-flvo dol
lars nor moro than ono thousand dol
lars; and the said bonds shall bo sold
by popular sugscrlptlon, at par, tho
Jeer subscriptions to be filled first.
Winning with tho lowost, not loss
than twenty-five dollars, and then pro
ceeding with those of Ilk6 sum there
with, then with tho next hlghost, and
so on until tho full amount of said
principal sum of Issuo (towlt, ?30,
000 00) shall havo been fulfilled and
sold; tho subscription books or lists
In this bohalf shall bo oponod on tho
first dny of March, 1901, at 10 o'clock
In tho foronoon, and bo closed on the
twentieth day of March," 1004, at 10
o'clock In tho foronoon; and In enso
tho full amount of said bonds shall
not bo wholly subscribed when said
book or lists shall bo closed, tho re
maining unsold nnd unsubscribed
bonds shall bo sold In block to the
highest nnd best bidder, bidding for
the purchaso thoreof In block, In re
sponse to published advertisement
oalllng for bids In that behalf, pro
vided that no bid for Bnld bonds In
block, lew than pnr, shall be enter
tained or fulfill! by the said city,
nor any of Its olllcers or agents hnv
lug (he stile of said bonds In charge
, Sec. 4. That to eaeh of said bonds
ot whatever denomination there shall
' attached twenty (SO) coupons,
printed on the margin or margins of
' lPr iiHin which Is Jirlnted the
bund Itself, and representing the
amount of semi-annual Interest to lie
como due upon such bond iiihiu the
nm. darn of October and April of
each year as aforesaid, and each
coupon pledging the payment of one
. seinl-annual Installment of said Inter
ed. Uaeh of snld uouda shall Iw num
bered tMgJntttag with the nrat bond
Issued a No 1, and toe nut aa No.
I. and so on cutuMeuUvtly. until the
full tame of said bond shall be coin
iiu. rMMU. u v.- .u.n .
' - ' - "i v .
.! i..r ..,.u ....ii ,i ,. .
a eVV
1 Jni e
qw iuw iKgin imnj , jj. i. S. destroys
the Kruta anl ikjuwo nnd purifies the polluted
blood, and under iU touic elect the debilitated
constitution rapidly recuperate ami theaysteta is
register of sold bonds
are lssutd.
Sec 6. The purchase price of the
bonds aforesaid shall bo paid by tho
several purchasers thereof to the
olty treasurer of the olty of Salem,
Oregon, In said city, on the first day
of April, 1904, nnd the mayor and
the recorder aforesaid shall subscribe
attest, seal ana deliver tno uonu or
bonds so purchased and paid for to
the purchaser thereof upon the order
of the said city treasurer.
Sec. 7. Tho treasurer of the city
of Salem, Oregon, shall keep, sepa-
r,,t nn,i ntinrt from all other moneys
of said city, tho funds arising from '
the salo of said bonds, and he shall
at onoe apply the same to the pay
ment of tho principal sum of the
bonds of the said city of Salem.
ll'-dfthe '
gon, known as tho Bridge Bonds of ( Is the arrangement has not been gen
said city, and which matured on the' orally understood, and both theaters
first day of October, 1801, and he
shall hold any roslduo of the funds
arising from tho salo of the bonus.
hereby provided for, after the pay-
ment of said bridge bonds, subject)
to the furthor order of tho common
council of tho said city.
Sec. 8. That should tho said city
of Salem dcslro to pay any bond or
bonds heroin provided for, less than
tho full lssuo thereof, before the ma-
furity of tho samo'. It shall flrit pay
bond No. 1, and then bond No. 2, and
so on, in tho order that tho said bonds
shall havo been numbered and Issued
as aforesaid.
Member of the Typographical Union
Who Was Widely Known and Hon
ored as a Member of the Craft
Edward I. Lamb, for a number of
yoars ono of tho most popular mem-
bore of tho stato printing ofllco force,
nnd a compositor and llnotypo opera
tor, and known throughout tho vtjiolo
wostorn country, died nt his homo on
High streot, noar Center, at 3:1G
o'clock yostorday afternoon, after a
long Illness ot dropsy ot the heart-
Edward I. Lamb was born at Man
chostor, Now Hampshire, In 185C.
With his parents ha came to Orogon
when six yoars of ago. "Ed," as ho
was familiarly known, learned his
trade on tho Orogonlan, and for yoars j About four months ago he was mar
worko.1 on that pnpor. rled to Miss Elisabeth Whltlock, of
In 1802 he went on n "tour" of tho Sllverton.
country, nnd traveled all over the
United Stated. He worked In nearly
every city of any Importance In the
United State. Per two year he
worked In the government printing of
llco at Washington. I). C. No printer
In the United States was more widely
known than the "Sheep," as he wns fa
miliarly called by his more Intimate
friends. lie first came to Salem when
Frank C. Itaker Installed tho state,
printing office lu the rapltol building!
For tho ast alx years he has txian em
ployed in the state printing offldj. ICd.
waa a member of the United Artisans,
aud Is one of the Past Master Atl-
horn that the Umg-exvt.,1 wnr be- to control through llanchu or any
twee Russia and Japan ha broken other Chlueedy nasty the great 3t
L (onatlsee Americans ho have national force In the world Russia
called all ominous news from the Ori-a. friandly with China when other
en "Mwipapw UUk" art wondering nation, fought her; Japan was friend
what It I all about. In the nret place w when Franc. .ti-Ai ,.. t,.
Mlt wttl be well to note that while the
rNnttoburtntt and Korean dispute are
the appaient cans, of conai.t.e es -
u .w .. . . "Ui """P1
br tka ABtttrttH .. i... ,ti.
h7"..:..z: r:r:azv.ior re ,or wrmory- a
. .. . . T . n wv.mw-iH mueh cunning diplomacy
and that of tka Ju ih i in'w. . ,. . "fwc
,T m.." "
' ,
JZTJTZZJ: JTJ,C!!iV,t; ,ri1
, "" " "- I wmwe nas suenglhened Japan's hold
Intel- free hand In Korea and a rigid upon Chinese officials. The Chinese
observance by Russia of hor Uwaty'ar aeaiA wm. ....
oblbjattona; that practical eawatmhi.ere a nolnt bv n..iM ,u " .!
of Manchuria by the Russian troop.
the limiting of the number of mil
way guards and the remrlrtkln of
thslr sphere of action; the absolute
return f Chinese authority aver all
the town and districts of Manchuria,
specially Newchwaug; the epentng
of Manchuria to the trade of the
world upon the same terms a pre
vail In China, and the right of Japan
or any other .country to build rail
ways In Manchuria.
The foregoing demand furnish both
the pretext and the present aeoeeaity
of war. but they serve only to over
iwnty the actual bone of contention.
Both Russia aud Japan are struggling
for the domination of China, seeking
There is some misunderstanding
I ... .!- . ertn
about the oiecinc car 8Uiv. , -
, theators, and the following state-
mont Is made on the. authority of
Manager Springer: There Is regular
I . -11 lt. llnui imitl 11
can service on uu ui n "" "
o'clock. The cars will bo held for the
patrons of the thoator.
Under this ar-
rangement there Is no intenerence
with fhn rnmilnr service, nnd If tho
plays lasts afetr 11 o'clock there nro
Ore-'cars for tho public. Tho fact that this
and car lines havo lost uusiness
State News.
A strong Roosevelt club has been
organized In Albany. .A convention of
such clubs in unn county win oo neiu
thero March 18th.
A Roosevelt club will be organized
nt Eugene February 20th.
Tho Eugcno Guard has enlarged to
an eight- page form", put In a folder
that cuts and trims and pastes tho
'paper. Tho Guard has a great gift of I
gathering local Items In fact a nose
for news to beat tho band.
sans of Capitol Assembly No,
84, of
this city. Ho has served as
dont of Capital Typographical
Union No. 210, and also as secretary.
, No prlntor or other momber of a
union over wont away empty handed
when In need of holp. Ho was always,
ready to holp a follow workman.
Mr. Lamb was a gonorous nnd Jovial
disposition, nnd counted his frlonds by
tho thousands, whorovor ho was
known. Tho past two years ho lias
been a regular mombor of Tho Jour
nal force.
For some months he has been In
falling health, until death came to his
relief last evening. Dealdes his griev
ing bride, he leaves a mother, Mrs.
James Ijunb, of Portland; and Ave sis
ters, Mrs. L. D. J. Clossett and Miss
Mollle iAmb, of Portland, Mrs. New
ton Thompson, Mrs. J. H. Ijuigworthy
and Mrs. Arthur Lelghton, nil of As
toria. The funeral will be held tomorrow
anernoon. from the residence, under
the nuaploes of Cnpltnl Typographical
Union No. 810 and Capital Assembly
No. 8t, United Artisans. Interment
will be had In Rural cemetery.
nation, understood China, but while
Jaunn .feni. w -...-.........
'ceu, wr. , R Mturel Mmlra,;t of
men'. Rf Is impelled soleh
1 .... . . . T. 7ij
iT. T" mw ,ou Mta. one of
which the inoccupation of Mukden
soon a it lies in her power to do so
" Mint, tngt
she will give the custody of the Man
ehn tombs back to China.
Japan stands for the treaty rights
of nil the powers that have treaties
Vith China. A desire to obtain the
Maaehuriaa trade for herself would
not atone eoose her ot go to war. for
the reason that her position Bakes -it
certain- me aggregate share of this
trade would naturally fall to her. To
eheek the advance ot the Russian me-
mm m jitpaaww west rora a great
Mongallan system In which Japan will
he the power behind the thiooe ot
China and the real ruler of it too,
060,000 people.
Russia, and Japan have long been
jSHraMk Five cents.
The I
Only 5c Cigar
So Good That A
It Every Day;
Largest Seller in the World.
The Hand is the
gottlng In each other's way. The
ukoao of Czar Alexander III In 1801
In ordering tho building ot tho Slbo
ran railway first around the Japanese
to tho need of resisting Russia. This
meant that tho Slav was bont on ob
taining his great necessity, a hurbor
that would bo freo from Ico tho year
round. Japan, adopting Bismarck's
system, then whipped China as Ger
many whipped Austria and then mado
frlonds with vanquished, but after tho
Chlonso-Japanoso war, tho Czar frus
trated Japan by proclaiming tho doc
trlno of the Integrity of the Chinese
empire, nnd standing for tho Chlnoso
loan that was designed to pay tho war
indemnity. Russia has not practiced
what sho proachod, but hor retention
of Manchuria Is In lino with England's
policy of holding fast Egypt regard
less of her solemn promise to pnek
up and get out.
Tho aim ot Russia Is to establish an
Immenso Slavonic empire that will
havo not one, but many Ice-free har
bors. For yoars sho has been pro-
paring for tho presont struggle Hor
Hoot In Chlnoso waters today is al
most ns large as that of Japan, and
for six years she has boon storing
Wolsh coal In placos within onsy
reach of this fleet. Sho has 4D0.000
soldiers in the Orient. Against this
force Japan will put approximately
half n million mon, The navies will
undoubtedly clash first and one or
both will be crippled, and thon the
land forces will meet, and In this con
test Japan has one advantage. Her
base of supplies Is much nearer thnn
that of Russia. The outcome may be
that Russian and Japan civilisations
will receive a blow from which they
will never fully recover.
Manchuria, the battle ground, (g In
Itself a magnificent prize. In size It
la more thnn twice as large as New
York, New Jersey ami all New Eng
land combined, and Its resources are
just as rich. It Is in the same lati
tude ns the northern part of the
United States, aud Its climatic condi
tions nre more favorable than those
of any other portion of Asia, and on
one of Its gulfs are two ot the finest
military and commercial ports of Asia
Port Arthur and Tallewan tlie lat
ter better known to tho world by the
Russian nam, Dalny.
In the contest now opening. Jatian
looks to ttnglaud for assistance in
raising war loans and expects the
moral support of lioth England and
v uuitu ataies. u tne war
wuiiBi. ner be will count
BHMVri nfMraa In ...., 1 .......
- " f'wv iiuimiiniine
terms or eace.
nue there are poe
sioumes that other nntinna mnv i,
dragged Into the conflict It is the gen-'
eral belief that Russia and Japan will 1
hare to do all the actual fighting j
Prance has an alliance with Rusela
but the French people are not likely1
to sanction armed asslstnno nwl
ml to tta M of Japan, but the
Boer war has left the British empire
in no londitlon for a teat of arms at
this time Jannn UItq rs, ....-
r .. ..nw Uln-H WI Pn
N- H,
MsmasnnnBnnHsjeyjjflJfl!HM niasinaTnwsBWllinssgmnsfflHlMT
' sho braved tho wrath ot Turke;, tfflj
havo much sympathy, but no top.
Good Spirits.
uood spirits don't nil come trot
Kentucky. Their main source li &
liver and nil tho fine splrltj en
mado In the Dluo Grass state Ms.
not remedy a bad liver or tho huafo
and ono ill effects It produces. T
can't havo good spirits and a ft
llvor at tho samo tlmo. Your fa
must bo in flno condition If you tt
feel buoyant, happy and hop!
bright of eyo, light of stop, vlgojj
and successful In your pursuits. TJ
can put your liver in flno condltioar
using Croon's August Flower-dl
greatest of nil medicines for the Uri
nnd stomach and n certain cure I
dyspepsia or indlgostion. It has l
a favorite household remedy for onj
thlrty-flvo years. August Flower ti
mako your liver healthy and actiil
and thus insuro you a liberal suptf
of "good spirits." Trial size. Jw!
regular bottles, 75c. At all druW
At Dr. Stono's drug stores
For Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Mm
Bears the
Blgnaturo of
I Stopr Look and
Now Is the time to pwhaie
any thing that you may need la J
our line. We have a large as !
we must make room for, and in J
order to do so wo nava aeciueu i
to offer our goods at such prices !
as will cnuso you to buy.
For instance an all-wool
sweater that told orlglnall) at A
$1.75 we will now offer for
$1 nn
t.v. .
Sweaters that we w-r a"'-"1 j
for ?1.2B, $1.50 will now be sold
for 50o and 75c.
Wo have a largp a ovtmi J
of the nbovo goods and (B
please you as to stlc, quall'T
nnd prices.
We have n large line of clott
ing, trunk, valises, hat1, cap
...,- . -t it.nr WA
uiiiirVHnr nnn nnnnns. iuue "- tm
- , can give you bargains on
Ask to see our. lino of fancy
shirts, ties and hosiery. Wo can
quote you prices on thl3 lle
that will astonish you When
you want to gat a bargain go to. j
S. Friedman's Store
4 '
ft hnbS
m mnVnVV
Is standing tsdloue? There is one sspft"10'
yo can turn comfortably while sitting oae lb"
has a .apply can only waist high.
The Sharplcss Tabular Separator
IsTUE ONLY ONB! New Inventlens ntske U
so-make it the moat praotjcal-meit effeetiv
s- All other separators are dangersus and ex
pensive in comparison. I'sn telling lots of tbs
nd giving away catalogues ghont them.
F A, Wiggins Implement House
255 257 Liberty st . Farm Implements. Art
mobiles. Sewin? Mcchlncs and Supples-
BURLEY.Swlae Machine Repairing
PT a?H"S iFP'HsL? 1 tWnsWftS TOT