SOl oii U "K DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, EEDRUARY 15 1904. . .- . - . J L - THRER SMI tie ini, com at N I 1 IW. IPLENDID LINCOLN BANQUET Two Hundred Admirers of Abraham Enjoy a Love Feast Magnificent Spread of Sub stantiate and Oratory Suitable to the Occasion The Polk County Republican Club of Independence- gavo a Bplondld Lin coln banquet Saturday night that was attended by about two hundred Re publicans of that county, and visit ors from different parts of tho val ley. Tho local managing commlttco covered themselves with glory, and It was tho verdict of all .tho Invited guests that tho Independence Repub licans know how to treat everybody right, Tho utmost hospitality was shown and tho spirit of good will and liberal views prevailed, and the whole affair was a robuko to tho spirit of factionalism that crops out too much In Multnomah county. Ono of tho speakers got great cheors for his dec laration that If factionalism woro pressed too far at Portland tho Re publicans from tho cow countlos would tnko tho noxt state convention Into their own hands. Many young men woro prosont. The Banquet. Tho menu and tho tablo sorvico was pronounced suporlor lu every way to what had boon dono by tho Itopubllcnn clubs at Salem and Port land, and cortalnly Mr. and Mrs. Stark and tholr assistants covered themselves nnd tho commltto on ar rangements of tho Polk County Re publican club with glory. Tho viands and wines woro supplied without re gard to cxpenso nnd included every thing that had been served at tho Mystic Shrlno bnnquot of Rose Croix Jo. 1, at Indopondcnco Inst year. Thoro worobluo points on tho shell, royal consomme, turboln of halllbut, turkoy, braised lamb, Wostphnllan ham, applo souffle, Imported tonguo, crab salad, ice croam, cake, otc. etc., cigars and coffee. All tho spoakors praised tho dlnnor and it was two hours in serving tho difforont coursos. The Musical Features. Tho banquet was finely provided with musical features much hotter than tho samo ovont at Portland, whero ono would think thoro ought to bo a. great amount of talent. Thoro was n. lino orchestra of sovon plocos thnt occupied tho ordlnnry of tho ho tel. A quintet of mnlo volcos sang In a sldo room at tho Republican headquartor rooniB, composed of Hugh Sholloy, Clnronco Ireland, Will McAdams, Glen Goodman and Pearl Hodges. Mrs. Goo. Conkok, a very talented bololst, gavo somo of the finest songs, including "America," to which tho ontlro assombly of tha bnnquot responded by arising and Joining In tho grand strains of tho national nnthom. A mlxod quartot sang in tho dining room, consisting of Mrs. Dorris nnd Mrs. Sklnnor, nnd Mosflra Hedgos nnd McAdams. The Toast. Captain Lyons hold down tho chair as toast master and road telegrams and letters from enthusiastic Repub lican Ieadors in difforont parts of the! stato who could not be present. Mrs. I Perclval and Young wore a commit too to meet all who carao by latq' Lbonts and trains. Tho banquet began lat 10 p. m. and Jt was midnight bo- foro tho cork orator wns drawn and there wa3 nearly two hours of solid Catarrh Invites Consumption It weakens tho delicate lung tissues, deranges tho dlgcstlvo organs, and breaks down tho general health. It often causes hoadacho and dlzzi dcbs, impairs tho taato, smoll and hearing, and affects tho voice Ucing a constitutional dlecaso it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Radically and permanently cures ca tarrh of tho nose, throat, stomach, bowels, and mora delicato organs. Head tho testimonials. No substituto for Hood's nets like Hood's. Bo suro to got Hood's. " I was troubled with catarrh 20 years. Seeing statements ot cures by Hood's Sar suparllla resolved to try it. Four bottles entirely cured me." WttLUM SnKntiAtr, 1030 Gth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Hood's Snronparllln promlsos to euro and koops tho promise. .enjoyment and each speaker vied with tho others In enunciating tho sound ost principles of Abraham Republi canism and Intertalnlng tho packed dining room and tho stnndlng room tnken nt each of tho adjoining rooms. Tho addrross of wolcomo was mndo by County Chairman Perclval In n vory appropriate mannor. The lion- 1 or of responding fell to Hal D. Patton, 'president of tho Young Mon's Repub lican club of Salem, and ho brought down tho house with sevornl happy allusions. Col. E. Hofer gave the toast, "Abraham Lincoln," nnd enun ciated tho fundamental principals of Republicanism as laid down by tha Immortal foundor to be: First Tariff for tho protection of American industries. Second LIboral policies of inter nal improvements, Including roads. Third Tho best posslblo public schools for each community. Fourth Recognition of tho princi ple ot majority rulo In political and government affairs. W. E. Yates responded for tho Re publicans of Donton county, and sot tho ball rolling that It is1 hoped will land tho noxt Ropuhllcnn congres sional convontlon with tho ontorprls ing Republicans of Indopondcnco, which mot with a groat wavo of on thuslnsm from all prosont, whon ho said tho G. A. R. audltoriam was a vory proper placo to hold it. Moro Lincoln Talks. J. C. Haytor and C. L. Starr re sponded for tho youngor Republicans of Polk county. J. L. Hnwklns, of Dallas, spqke as tho representative of tho county In tho last two legisla ture. J. L. Collins rosponded as ono of tho fathors of tho Ropuhllcnn par ty In Orogon, having boon ono of tho original Fremont Republicans, nnd n dolegato to tho first stato convontlon at Eugene In 1857. Marsh Morvin, postraastor of Independence, Bankor Kirkpntrick, of Dallas; Mayor Coop er, of Independence, nnd finally tho modest landlord of tho Little Palaco hotol. All mado good talks appro priate to tho occasion, and nil woro received with tho groatodt applauso and tho utmost onthuslasm. Judgo McGinn, who was to havo boon tho star porformor among tho spellbind- ors, and who was prosont at tho on tlro banquot, disappointed his friends by absenting himself from' tho toasts and was not hoard from. Tho ban qust closod by tho toastmostor pro posing a stnndlng toast and throe cheors for tho Praeldont, now, and for tho nsxt four yoars. which woro glvon with a good will that made the raftors ring. RECLAIM DESERT LANDS TT Large Company Will Operate in Crook County-Begin at Once Tho Deschutes Irrigation & Powur Company, on Saturday afternoon, ap peared before tho state land board by several ot its officers, and filed on 80, 000 acres of arid lands in Crook coun ty, to bo reclaimed under tho Carey act. Tho company has also absorbed tho Pilot Buttcj Development Com pany and tho Oregon Irrigation Com pany, and has secured tho lands held by these two corporations, thus giving tho new concern 210,000 acres to b reclaimed. Tho now company lllfd maps and plats, showing that two flumes, each 30 feet wldo and 10 foot deep, will tnko water out of tho Deschutes river, ono at Bend, tho other olght mllos above, and will bring a largo tract of arid lands under Its ditches. Tho purpose wns to havo at least 25,000 acros un der tho ditch hi four months, or prob ably In loss tiino, as work Is to begin at once. The malidltchos will bo 120 inlls In longth, nnd a couple of bundled miles of minor ditches will bo distrib ute tho wator on the desort. The now irrigation system it Is ex pected will cost $2,500,000. Tho .land will bo Irrigated as fast as settlors will tako up claims, and tho cost ot irrigation will bo ?12 per aero to the sottlors, to bo paid to the stato, In ad dition to thn em of tho land, and for which they will havo a Hon on tho land until It Is paid. Tho Pilot Dutto Dovolopnnnw Com pany, which ownojl tho townslto of Bend, has transferred 'all Its holdings to tho now company, oxcopt tho town slto named, which will bo rotalned by A. M. Drake, president of tho Pilot Butto concern. Tho new company has a capital of $2,500,00, and Its lncorpor porators of record aro W. A. Munly, George H. Hill and E. B. Holmos, of Portland. Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all como from Kontucky. Their main sourco is tho Hvor and all tho flno spirits ovor mado In tho Bluo Grass stato could not remedy a bad Hvor or tho hundred and ono ill offects It produces. You can't havo good spirits and a bad Hvor at tho samo tlmo. Your liver must bo In flno condition if you would foel buoyant, happy and hopoful, bright cf oyo, light of stop, vigorous and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver In flno condition by using Green's August' Flowor the greatost of all modlclnoB for tho Hvor and stomach and a certain euro for dyspepsia or Indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for ovor thlrty-flvo yoars. August Flowor will mako your Hvor healthy and actlvo and thus Insure you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial alzo, 25c; regular bottlos, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stono's drug storos Border Newspapers. Tho Mexican nowspapor men who sought refugo in Tsxas from tho on- presslon of their govornmont propose to establish papers on the border, on tho Texas sldo of tho Hno, of course, and circulato them in Mexico euma tism Is Not a SRin. Disease. Most people liave an idea that rheumatism la contracted llko a cold, that the and pains, or that it is something like a skin diase to be rublwd away with Inn- I .1 ... nln.,Mi Kni 1) U .. hctn nn ai natf II Hi litand mill a I caused by Urea, or Uric Acid, an irritating, corroding poison that settles in mus cles, jotuts and nerves, producing inflammation and soreness and the sharp, cutting pains peculiar to this distressing disease. Bnwllnir Qraan Ky tack of 'Rheumatism after the blood and leas below the knee, I could not mine 1217 system are in the right condition for it nrmtopombmy hair. Dpotora preiorlbed 7i 1 1 1 i ,.iTu. :i. lor ma for over two months wtthout glv- to develop, but have nothing to do with ingrooinyralief. Isaw a. S. B. adertTl the real true causes of Rheumatism, and decided to try it. Immediately Icom- which are internal and not external. mencod lta use I felt better, and r emarked Ti. ..( r.lira nnd rnhlitnrr tomotherthatlwas gladl badat laitlound Liniments, plasters and rubbing Bome relief. I oontfnuod lta uo and am will somotimea reduce tho Inflamma- ontirelr -well. I will always feel deeply tion and swelling and ease tho pain for nter.tert in the nuooets of fl. 8. B. ainoo a time, but fait to relieve permanently m so j0!- nollTO s because they do not reach the seat of 3I1 UIU Bt- mxa' HOBTOS. the trouble. S S. S. cures Rheumatism because it attacks it in the blood, and culation stimulated and huickeRd, and soon the sys tem Is purified and cleansed, the aching muscles ami joints are relieved of all untatiug matter and a lasting cure of this most painful dlteas effected. . SJ, B. IS a narraicso yegewmo icuieu. uusiuin. a a blood purifier and an invigorating, pleasant tonic. Book; on Rheumatism wilt l mailed free. YMF SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, A Shaw Discusses Issues. Chicago, Fob. 13. Lincoln's birth day was obsorved in Chicago latft night by the Marquottto Club with a banquot and public mooting at tho Auditorium. Secretary of the Troas ury Shaw was tho principal spoakor IIo talkod on tho "Democratic Quad rennlol Search for an Issuo," nnd said in part Qundronnlally, since I can remem ber, the democratic party has soarched not always wisely, but vary dlllgontly, for an Issue on which ' a campaign might be won. Whllo It has boen pro lific of measures for retarding cpm merce, and for chocking tho woll nlgh Irroslstible lmpulso of tho Ameri can peoplo for growth and dsvolop mont, and for antagonizing such events as to tend to increaso our international influence, never, In my recolloctinn. has It sought to formu late a wis, proKrewivs policy. The campaign of 1004 cannot be fought upon the monay question or any Issue growing out of our recant war with Spain. Imperialism, which was sounded by the Democratic party as a note ot warning and alarm has been as affectively sllsnced as it was in 1808 and 1878. Neither caa the forthcoming cam paign be fought upon any phrase of the trust question. It will be somewhat difficult to get an Issue out of the tariff. There is considerable talk about hfgh and low protective tariff schedules. But this does not involve a principle, and can not be made an issue. The only other possible Issue that can be carved from the tariff is the proposition that our present protective policy shelters trusts and monopolies. Our political AW&. jMr R m jH Ih. if-'.' " B. J til 'it ' Mfcf " AWM'' &-"' rt,?i, i- . i t "(':;, 'VHw iH av MKf IB ikkF Ar ILLy H Lh JaT jay ) fyAM ko- w&- itMSu fiXoAiuAattK. UUU USpUlM- iL 5cy&AA" IaaJ & qa (dXm-y a t m opponents havo rung tho charges on this so long, nnd rocommondod the removal of duties from trusbmado goods until tho rusts aro dostroyod with such continued vohemonco that a reaffirmation of tholr position can scarcoly be mado paramount, though It may becomo a prominent issuo in tho noxt campaign. Tho American pooplc by this tlmo ought to under stand that any tariff policy that will dostroy monopoly will forbid tho crea tion of n competitor for tho monopoly, and will deprlvo labor ot much pro fltablo employment. CHANGE OF OFFICE. J. . Haas Becomes a Member of a Big Insurance Firm. Tho old-tlmo Insurance firm of J. G. Wright & Co., representing tho Fire man's Fund and tho Connectlcutt Firo Insurance Co., has moved its ofilco in to tho J. II. Haas placo of business. Mr. Unas has purchnsod tho lntcroats of Mr. Wolt in tho company, and will conduct tho affairs nt his ofilco at 211 Comraorclal Btrcot, whoro porsons wishing Insurance can bo served. 2-12-lw "Portland and Return Only $2.20." Tho Southern Pacific is now soiling round trip tlckots to Portland from. Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Sunday nnd Mom day, giving all day Sunday and Mon day in Portland. Tho snmo arrange ment applies from Portland, giving nit: Portland peoplo a chanco to visit vol loy points at greatly reduced rates. W. H COMAN, 0. P. A. 0 OA.BTOX11A.. fitn tu a im mm TM m wan mojb- tfljriMu, 'A-1 wMmmmmmmmmwmmmimwM Eight Beautiful Reproductions f 'rVT'-"-,nmii Illllilllllllli'iill'iltlJ I Bl ' llL H- IPIt i wSmuf lliw''' ISBmWKMM Hi ' " ' p JSfflllii Each 1 1 xi 7 inches; in tones of rich brown, mounted on a plate-marked mount, ready for framing. Each set fur nished with an artistic Port folio Cover, .stamped in gold. Framed singly, they are admirable subjects for adorning the walls of bpu doir, library-or cozy corner. Size, 11x17 inches- The " Portfolio of Beauty" will be given free to all who subscribe now to the MET ROPOLITAN MAGA ZINE at the regular yearly price of $ i .50, All charges prepaid. In no case will this Portfolio be oold separately. A 1 6-p. illustrated folder about this offer mailed free on request. MAGAZINE for 1904 will excel all magazines published. 1)0 Pages of Reading. About lOO illustrations in each issue, ' Its writers and illustrators, and special features are the best as will be seen from the large announcements we arc making in this paper almost daily. A 35-cent Magazine for 15 Cents Av WFvW;rI;Pl1Pt Wui11 ccePtour subscription and forward JL SUULy JLI t? W OV4.C?CJLC7a the $1.50 for you, and so save your time. K. H. SUSflBtl,, PUBMSHBB, 3 WKST 29TII STBB?, tf. V. I47) wmmAwmmmmmmmmm Yjmfi 'mmmmMMmmMimm !