Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 15, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 39.
ljLx-JLj jl xj
apan Again
Gives Rts
Naval Battle
Second Muscovite Fleet
Probably Been Sent to
the Bottom
! Japan Has Fotty Steamers Ready to Dis
patch Troops to the Mainland
of Asia
Posponed on Account
of Delay in Getting
Famous Case Where a Wom
an Is Accused of Pois Peis Pois
oning: With Confectionery
London, Fob. 15. Tho Tlcn Tain today Under Secretary of Foreign Af-,
correspondent oi uio star, -wiring uu-uairs rercy saw urcat 11 rl tain was
dor Sunday date, says another Japan-(taking no steps to secure agreement
obo victory at Port Arthur Is con-' of tho powers regarding Now Chang.
flnnod. Thoy sunk eight Russian Tho government would, consider It im
vossols, and captured 10, but that tho practicable to mako any effort to so.
lattor statement la unofficial.
Japanese Ask Protection.
Washington, Feb. IB, Takahlra
called this morning to request of this
govornmont that It intorveno with
Russia in behalf of 400 Japanese res
idents dotalncd at Port Arthur by tho
Russians. This Is taken to mean that
Japan Intends heavy bombardmont of
tho city. Tho govornmont will mako
propor roprosontatlons to Russia, but
entortnlns llttlo hopo of success. No
roply has yot been rocolvod from Rus
sia to Hay's note. Italy announcos It
looks favorably on tho noto, but is not
yet prepared to mako a formal reply.
England Against China.
London, Feb. 15. In tho commons
Special Prices On
Oranges and Ba
nanas at
jLlTltl S
154 State St.
Phone 1971 Main
euro neutralization of any territory
occupied by tho bolllgorents.
Russia and the Vatican.
uomo, i-'oo. i&. jjci la vnl had a
long lntervlow .with tho Russian min
ister today to ascortaln what assist
anco tho Vatican glvo Russia In ex
chango for protection . and tolerance
of Catholic missions wherover Russian
supremacy may bo established) In the,
Far East.
London, Fob. 15. A concerted at
tempt of tho Jnpanoso to land their
soa forcos to Invest Port Arthur Is im
minent. Alt tho dispatches this morn
ing unlto In Indicating that such Is
tho plan of action. Nows of tho first
shot Is momentarily expected. It
would provo an lrroparablo blow to
Russia. Tho fact that only 19,000
Japanoso landed at Chomulpo Is taken
at Cheo Foo to Indicate that tho main
Jnpaneso army Is being doflcctod for
tho land investment of Port Arthur.
Admiral Togo Is still commanding It
from tho ouUIdo, la tho same mannor
as Sampson pldnnod tho Santiago
blockade. Nows that tho Japanese
aro landing on tho eastern Bhoro of
(Continued on elgtlTpage.)
San Francisco, Fob. 15. The sov
ond trial of Mrs. notkinwa called
this morning, but postponed to March
10th, at tho request of tho stato. Tho
defense announced Us roadlnees to
proceed, but tho prosecution pro
duced affidavits showing that thoy
couldn't got Important wltnossos to
como horo from Dolawaro boforo tho
mlddlo of March. Tho dofonse do
niandod dismissal of case, in accord
ance with tho trial Judgo's proraiso to
release Mrs. Botkln, If tho stato failed
to proceed with tho trial today, but
tho court hold that tho stato showed
sufllclont causo for postponement.
Salt Lake Couple En
joy a Little Nice
And Are Robbed of Ornaments
YaluedarOne Hun
, dred Thousand
NIcd, Italy, Fob. 15. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry. McLaughlin, of. Salt Lake,
havo been robbed of Jowelry valued at
?100,0()0. They attontlod a fancy dross
ball at Montono last Tuoedny. Thoy
placed tho Jowol case In a bed room,
and when thoy roturnod It was miss
ing. Tho crooks aro bollovod tq have
Impersonated British ofllcors.
Few Spring Waisting
Our customers tell us wo havo tho bjst assortment of now patterns
shown in tho city.
Thoy'vo soon tho other linos, and ought to know. Wo believe in
soiling goods at prlcos that will closo them out In tholr proper sea
son. Thats why wo havon't an old pattern to show you.
Washington, Fob. 15. Tho chap
lains in both houses oc ongress today
prayed for tho recovery of Sonator
Ilanna. Fryo, of tho senate, .wiped his
eyes, as ho was 6no of Hanna's warm
est friends. A most unusunl scono
occurred immediately after tho read
ing of tho houso journal. Shaforth,
Democrat, of Colorado, whoso seat is
being contested by Robt. Durgylnge,
of Denver, arose. In tho stillness that
followed, ho said: "As It would bo
necessary to separate fraudulent from
gonulno votos in 2D proclncts, It
would bo necessary and fair that thoy
throw all out. This, rogardless of
what congross might decide, convinced
htm that he could not honostly dofend
a tUlo to tho seat Tho frauds woro
not with his connlvanco or to his ad
vantage, hut without tho majorities of
the contested precincts ho could not
hold his seat. Theroforo, ho askod tho
houso to unseat him Immediately, He
thanked tho olectlon cominltteo for the
fairness with which it had troatod lilm,
and concluded by wishing thorn all a
happy and prosperous futuro, and said
goodbya to tho ontlro houso, irre
spective of politics. Ho was wildly ap-
plaudod. Chairman Olmstead, of tho '
election committee, and Hogg, Ropub-1
llcan, of Colorado, aroso and paid a
high tribute to Shaforth's high senso
of Integrity, Shaforth was thon un- j
seated by resolution. Tho coramlttoo
on elections today has under consld- j
oration tho olectlon contest of Roy- U
noms against Jnmos Uutlor, or the 12th
Missouri district
Lincoln at Oregon City.
Orogon City, Fob. 14. Tho Grand
Army post of this placo observed
Lincoln's birthday with appropriate
service at tho First Congregational
church. Rev. Bollinger presided.
Rov. Hammond of tho Episcopal
church mado tho introductory ad
dress , and Col. E. Hofer, of Salem,
spoko on Lincoln. Ho created sorao
astonishment by saying that in his
faculty for taking cases from poor
clients and not putting his legal fee
first in practicing law ho had fow
followers among tho legal profession,
and. Mint, there was only one lawyor
In Oregon who followed bis Illustrious
oxampo da defondlng tho poor with
out monoy and without prico and
that ho was understood to bo a resi
dent of Clackamas county.
German Emperor III.
Now York, Feb. 15. A dispatch to
tho Wall Street Nows from its agency
in London says that roports in
circulation today that tho kaiser had
a sevoro attack of illness is uncon
firmed nyet.
Ohio S
ath Hasina
Passes Beyond
Most Pf omlment Political Figute
of the Nation Is
The Long Battle For Life of the Gallant
Old Republican Leader Ended
at Last
Washington, Feb. 15. Motionless
as tho dead, Sonator Ilanna Is breath
ing out his last hours of life, all hopo
of his Ufo bolng abandoned. Tho 8
o'clock bulletin said "Slnco 3 o'clock
this morning, Sonator Ilanna hns lost
ground, and 1b no longer ablo to take
nourishment by tho mouth, His torn
poraturo Is not so high, but IiIb pulse
is moro rnpld. Ho Is weaker, and res
piration has increased Infrcquoncy."
Shortly aftor the bulletin was is
sued Osier told Merrick that Mr. Ilan
na might dlo at any time, or possibly
survtvo a day, but that tho ond was
near at hand. At 0 o'clock It was an
nounced that tho snmo condition pre
vailed. At 040 tho battlo still hold.
Dover announcod to tho waiting cor
respondents that only horolc moasuros (
woro koeplng him nllvo. Oslor later
said that it was mnrvolous Uiat- ho
was) still alive, and that tho end might
como at any tlmo now.
Nearlng tho End.
At 10:30 Dover announcod that Sen
ator Hanna's condition was unchnngod,
Ho is barely allvo. Oslor has loft for
Baltimore Ho may not return, as ho
has received word this morning that
his mother who is 03 years old, is crit
ically ill in Canada, whither ho may -go.
All tho members of Uio cabinet
called at tho Arlington tills morning,
ns did also nearly every sonator liu
Bulletin 11:40 a. m.
Secrotary Dover said the senator
was weakor, and any symptoms to tho
(Continued on Vourtix Page.)
Those Spring Dess Goods f
Are attracting the attention of Uio best drossors In the city. It's
because thoy know tho stylos are right. Every pattern bought for
this season's trade.
I Our New Dry Goods Dep't
Gives Salem ladles an opportunity of buying high-class goods at
prlcos figured on a cash basis.
ii The New Yo?h, Racket
Is the place for cash buyers to trade. Shoes
Clothing, Ladles and Men's Furnishings.
On a Tie Vote In the Senate After It
Waa Reduced.
waamngion, joo. id. tho bill ap
propriating $$200,000 to Quoon Lll
Houkalanl, taken up on Spoonor's mo
tion for n recommendation, was lost
bjr four votes. Tho amondraont re
ducing It to 160.000 was agrood to. Tho
bill failed In final passage by a'tlo
vote 0 28. Tillman was tho only
Demoorat voting against the rule,
while Alger. Clark of Wyoming. For-
aker, Fulton, Hale. Hoar, Perkins,
Piatt of New York, Stewart, Mitchell
and Foster of Washington, for It. The
senate then entered executive session
-LHfi baJ' L x
Is to sorvo the public, nnd glvo tho most satisfaction possible. Our sucrose depends
upon tho way our business Is carried an. If you will give us an opportunity of serving
you it will be to our Interest to pleaso. Our aim is to satisfy our customors, and wo aro
confldont wo can win tholr approval.
Brief Telegrams.
Gallloq, O, Feb. 15. The National
bank has closed Us doors, on account
If inability to meet 'coming demands.
The assets and liabilities are each half
a million.
The Czar Prostrate,
Berlin, Feb. 15. A dispatch from
St Petersburg announces that the
Czar is prostrated over tho disasters
of the wars, and constantly weeps. I
A swoll lino of Ibo newest
stylos In fine mercerized sat
eens, Tho lino comprises
somo 20 to 30 dlfferont styles
and as many different
grades. Hommod ruffles,
doublo and flat felled seams;
rufllos, flouncos and trim
mings, beaded or covered
with noat tailor straps. Bet
tor come and se them.
$1 to $6
Tho nowost stylos are In
In all tho glory of tholr flno
noss. Tho largest stock of
silk petticoats shown In Die
Wlllamotto Valley is to bo
found hero. Wo havo thorn
lu both colors and plain
And up
Merrill's Dandrtiffene
Is a speedy and permanont ouro for
dandruff. Guaranteed.
50c size 39c, $i size 65c
Wednesday Only
Spoolal sale No. 163. Colobrated
Kirk's Juvenile Soap. Rogular 25o
valuo for Wednesday only.
JOc a cake
i 1
idki ...