WOLVES HELD AT BAY A GREEDY, ROUND PACK-OF ILLS 8UR. A CLERGYMAN'8 WIFE. Through the Anrlval of Timely Aid She Escapes' From the Terrors of a Prolonged Siege. Cortaln encounters with physical Ills rosomblo vory closely tho terror of an attack of ravenous beasts, whlgh crowd around tholr victim In a grad ually narrowing clrclo. filling him with a prolonged dread of cortaln de struction In the end. Tho Itov. W. A. Donton, of GIrard, Crawford county, Kansas, tolls tho following story of a harrowing expo rlonco of ono of thoL members of his family: "My wlfo," he says, "was nssallcd for fifteen years by a combi nation of ailments following tho birth of our first child. Fomalo weakness, rhoumatlsm, dropsical tendencies, In digestion, torpid liver, nervousness, Insomnia and Irregularity of tho heart action woro among them. Tho food sha nto fermented In her stom ach, 8ho had frequent dizzy spoils, her limbs wero swollen, hor norves woro quite shattorcd and sho was many times on tho verge of heart failure. "Physicians' gave her only tempora ry rollof. Hor youngest sister had UBod Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo with benefit for stomach difficulty. My brother-in-law had found thorn helpful for heart troublo and several nolghbors had given fa vorablo roports about them, finally my wlfo was Induced to try thom. Sho oxporloncod Improvement almost at onco and continued to uso them. Thoy rollovod her sleoplossnoss, tho smothoring sonsatlons havo disap peared and havo not annoyed hor for years. Thoy freed her from stomach troublo and tho dropsical tondoncy was mitigated. Tho. process of tho tho rhoumntlctc affection, which had begun to mnko hor Angora crooked, was stayed and tho pain was banish od. In ovory respoct thoy gavo her moro holp than any other remedy sho had ovor used, and sho is today la hotter hoalth than for many yeara "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havo earnpd our full confidence. Thoy are our staple household remedy, and I am In tho habit of recommending thom to nil who suffer from troublo llko those which affected my wlfo." AH tho olomonts necessary to glvo now llfo and rlchnoss to tho blood and rostoro shattorcd nerves aro con tained In a condensed form In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People. Thoy aro also a specific for troubles peculiar to fomnlos, such as suppres sion, Irrogularltlos and all forms ofj weakness. Thoy build up tho blood and rostoro tlie glow ' of hoalth to palo and sallow chooks. In men thoy effect a radical euro In all cases aris ing from montal strain, overwork or oxcossos of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold In boxos (novor n bulk) at fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollars and fifty contB, and may bo had of all druggists or direct by -mall from Dr. Williams Modlclno Company, Schonectady, N. Y. 6vER EGYPTIAN TOMBS DISC ED. Became Known to the World Through the Sale of Loot (William E. Curtis' Luxor Letter in Chicago Recdrd-Horald.) . Several years ago a numbor of val uable and Important rollcs of ancient Egypt suddenly and mysteriously ap peared In tho curio market. Several tourists brought to tho museum at Cairo, to tho Drltlsh muBoumiiln Lon don and othor institutions remarkablo "finds" which thoy purchased from dealors and street peddlors at Luxor. "IU , J,., ' , mmmm ff llllllllllllllllllllllll! Field Peas The great hog feed. Very short crop last season; better buy what you need now, while you can secure them. SPRING VETCHES. The finest hay crop produced T In the valley. You will find our prices right CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS. . . We make a specialty of farm ' seeds, and would be pleased to ) quote you prices on anything ) ) In our line. i!D. A. White & Son Feedmen and Seedsmen ; ; 301 Com'l St, Phone 1781; 'mi.iiiii.HiUi.in'nm Tlin mnMAH . - .. - ...... m u reported rrom one museum to another and become, tho subject of gossip among archaeolo gists and collectors, and finally came 10 me attention of the Egyptian au thorltles, who, after a brief Inm.irv becamo convinced that tombs of tho mnraons, unknown to professional archaeologists, had been discovered and wero being rifled by Arab van dals. Tho police took up tho case and Boon developed a most astonishing chain of circumstances. It appeared' that an Arab grave ,uu' vmg among tho nuns of ineues, discovered- tho tomb of a roy al porsonago and rovealed tho secret to his two brothers nnd ono of his sons, who assisted him In securing such portion of Its contents as could be taken away without detection and sold to chanco tourists. From time to tlmo tho lucky discoverers of this "mo or wealth replenished their stores by midnight visits. Among tho articles found wero writings on i'iFiuB, Bcaraos and ornaments of goia and sllvor, and other things usu ally found In tombs, which threw now bui. upon certain dark corners of Egyptian history, and It was proved that tho thieves had revealed a verl tablo musoum of antiquities. When this knowledgo finally camo to tho government a thorough exploration was mado under the" direction of tho director of antiquities. Excavations disclosed 21 tombs cut out of a rocky hlllsldo containing tho bodies of 12 kings and 27 other membors of tho royal families of Egypt from tho sev enteenth to tho twenty-first dynasties, who had been burled between 1900 and 1000 D. C. It was tho most sensational and tho most valuablo discovery ovor maao in Egypt, and you may Imag ino tho gratification that was folt upon unrolling tho first mummy to find that is was tho body of Ramos es II, tho greatest of all tho Egyptian omporors. Among others woro his fathor, Soti I, his grandfather, Ha moses I, and his grandson, Rnmosos III. These tombs, which aro' tho most wondorful In all tho worliil worn chiseled out of tho granlto mountains in a natural amphitheater at tho ond of a narrow gorge about four miles from tho Nile. Somo of them nro reached by long staircases descend ing Into tho earth from CO to 100 feet, and then extending llko tho tun nel of a mlno, a dlstanco of from 300 to 400 and GOOO feet, with chambers for tho reception of presents and of forlngs. temples for worship and apartmonts for tho burial of tho- othor members of tho royal families and their favorlto servants. Othor tombs aro reached by lncllnod planes nnd all of thom aro cut out of tho solid granlto and Includo chambors, shafts, tunnels nnd crosn tunnols that must havo Involved tho labor of thousands of men for Bcoros of years. No such rock work can bo found olsowhoro. And In each of tho tombs woro his torical and archaologlcal treasures beyond comparison, for, as you know whon tho Egyptians buried their dead thoy provided thom with whatovor thoy might need in tho othor world; woro accustomed to worship their kings aftor death, and bring thom trlbuto and oblations from tlmo to tlmo, which woro stored or placed on oxhlbltlon In tho chambers which I havo described. F. E. B. Wo heard a man Bay tho other morning that tho abrovlatlon for Fobruary Fob. means freeze every body, and that man looked frozen in his Ulster. It was apparent that ho needed the kind of warmth that stays, tho warmth that roaches from head to foot, all ovor tho body. Wo could havo told him from personal knowl edgo that Hood's Sarsaparllla gives permanent warmth, it Invigorates tho blood and speeds It along through ar tery and vein, and really fits men and woraon, boys and girls, to onjoy cold weathor and resist tho attacks of dis ease. It gives tho right kind of warmth, stimulates and. strengthens at the samo tjmo, and all Its bene fits aro lasting, Thero may bo a sug gestion la this for you. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause Itching, this form as woll as Bllng. Bleeding or Protruding Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at drug gists, or sent by mail. Treaties free. Write mo about your caso. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla., Pa. Jlmmle Hlcksl Do yoa know him? Com to the Model Restaurant Try It once. Open till 1 a, nx, Court street near opera house. tiur-Mt-tf CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. ThaKy YoisHsve Always-Bouhl Beam the Signature of Cfot&zf&CAZ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEMr OREGON, 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1004. WILL ROOSEVELT BE DEFEATED An Interesting article which recent ly appeared In tho Washington Post, was entitled "History Repeats Itsolf Aftor Two Decades." It mado a com parison of tho political history and progress of Prosldont Arthur and President Roosovolt, saying: "In June, 1880, an Ohio man, James A. Garfield, who had boon conspicu ous la tho lowor house of congress, waanomlnated by tho Republicans forfcSjPrfesldont A Now York man, ChfiBlor ' A. Arthur, was nominated for vice prosldont. Soon aftor his in auguration! Prosldont Garilold was assassinated. Vlco-Prosldont Arthur became Prosldont. Prosldont Arthur soon had to deal With corruption" In tho postal eorvlco. Discord arose among tho Republicans of Now York state. Prosldont Arthur mado no se cret of tho fact thai ho desired tho nomination m 1884. President Ar thur had tho support of tho New York leaders. Tho convention of 1884 was callfd to meet at Chicago In June. Tho situation In Now York state gavo concorn to .tho Republican loaders. Tho Democrats wont to Now York state for tholr Presidential can didate. President Arthur was de feated for tho Republican nomination. In Juno 1900, an Ohio mau, Wiljlam McKlnloy,' who had boon conspicuous In tho lowor liouso of congress, wns nominated by tho Republicans for Presldont A Now York man, Theo dore Roosovolt, was nominated for vlco president Soon after his Inaug uration, Prosldont McKlnloy was as sassinated. Vlco-Prosldont Roosovolt soon had to deal with corruption in tho postal service. Discord nroso among tho Republicans of Now York state. Prosldont Roosevelt has mad'o no socrot of tho fact that ho doslros Uio nomination In 1904. Prosldont Roosovolt has tho support of tho Now York lenders. The convention of 1904 1ms been called to moot nt Chi cago In June. Tho situation In Now York gives concorn to tho Republican leaders. Tho Democrats aro looking to Now York stato for tholr Presi dential candidate. Will Prosldont Roosovolt bo defeated for tho Repub lican nomination?" Reno Journal. Hfi-Hsvonj iaiiaiaiiciaia- t $ The Contrast In tho linen wo laundor and that dono by others Is all In our favor. Wo havo an up-to-dato equipment, and do up-to- 9 rinto work. Wn tnltn Hnivlnl pains with all the work wo do This Is all for your bonoflt, ns you will approclato If you send your llnon hero. Wo call for and dollvor. 4 ? Salem Steam Laundry Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorous D. OlmBtod, Man. Phono 411 230 Llborty St. $ 4BfH)lIPItfrH04 & 4H999&9999 i i Garden i i Seeds If you want to got Boods that will grow, Beloct from The Largest Stock The Purest Stock The Best Selected Stock in tho valley, and romombdr tho only seeds wo carry aro 8EEDS , THAT GROW A handsomo illustrated cat aloguo sent freo by mall on re quost ' j Savage & Fletcher f Dealers In Z FLOUR. GRAIN AND SEED X 322-324 Commercial Street 44-l t i af4-e44MW' "White Plymouth Rocks ENGLEWOOD POULTRY YARDS. C. F. Ruef, Prop. Betting of 1G eggs 1,50. Breedr of pure stock 'White Plymouth Rooks ex oluslvely. They are good layers and seldom set Salem, Or. l-JS-lm JPmIV rt)z- i sflsk 1 1 m i e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 i-t THE PLAN ENDORSED EDITORIALLY. i (From Editorial In the Sunday, January 17, Orcgonlan.) ' "The Salem Capital Journal has Inaugurated a scheme by which It proposes to give away to Its subscrlb- ; ers a $150 diamond, absolutely free. The plan requires, the payment cf a dollar on subscription, which en- ; titles the -subscriber to a gueso as to an unknown- number. The perion lucky enough to guess closest to ; the right number Is entitled to the diamond." -t-H-H 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I H 1 The' Opportunity to Get a,Fee Ring Extended to AH. Old Beautiful Fitst Water Stone Set in a Tiffany Gold Ring Given Away as An Expression of Good Will To ward Subscribers You Choice of 975 Numbers, AnyOne of Which May Be the Unknown Number That Gets the Glittering Diamond .No Possibility of Any Oooked Wotk. QUE88INQ CONTE8T INCREASING IN ITERE8T. It Is loss than a month slnco Tho Journal's diamond guessing contost was launched, and already ovor hnlfof tho subscriptions undor tho plan havo been disposed of. Every poiBon who has paid a dollar subscrlp, tlon slnco January 11th has rocolvtd a guessing rocolpt which onUUo tho holdor to ono guoss on tho urknown number, and all guostjora ox press satisfaction at tho opportunity and tho mannor in which tho con test Is bolng conducted. All nro growing moro and moro anxious to havo tho fortunato day arrive Every porBon who has only ono guoss sooraa to throb with that samo fooling of anxloty as tho ones who havo In moro, and, in fact, their ono guoss Is just as good ns though It woro accompanied by a dozen moro. , ' Scvoral parties havo mado their guosses by drawings throo figures from a sot Just as tho unknown ivfi; ivr imiu ti.vii tuiibiiuiuua u.. It Is realized what a multitude, of numberu aro posslblo from such combinations ovon this process cannot lnsuro success. Tho plain fact Is that ovory gucssor Is on absolutely the- samo ground, for thoro can bo no preferred class and no favored fow. Tho absolute equality and falrnoss of tho proposition Is what pleases ovory participant in tho contest As a result of tho guessing contest subscriptions aro coming to Tho Journal from many unexpected sources. Many porsons in and about Salem, as woll as tho various towns of tho county, aro ordorlng, re nowlng and extending thor subscriptions. All realize that Uioy will moro than got Uiolr money's worth, besides a freo guess on tho olo gant diamond ring. ' ' v Ono of tho most memorablo guessing contests In tho history of this country was that conducted by tho Frank Leslie publishing houso dur ing Uio last Cleveland campaign In 1892. Thoy offorod a sorlos of prlzos to tho persons who could guoss tho nearest to tho winning can didate, and a young gentleman cf Marion county had tho honor of carrying off tho $200 prize. Ho was nono othor than Allon Forward tho young nttornoy of tills city, and, although tho guoss was recorded In his fathor's name, tho lato Blair Forward, the young man mado tho guess. Ho estimated Cleveland's plurality at 375,000 and his fathor received a check for tho cash aftor ho returns had boon canvassed Only ono otlior porson guessed anywhoro near that llguro, but ho was not near onough to win tho prize Not nearly bo much Intorost war taken In that contest In Salem as in tho ono now bolng conductod by Tho 'Journal for tho ?1G0 diamond ring, and whon tho nowa camo of tho winner 'being a Marlon county boy, It was gratifying to all his frlonds. If you do not win The. Journal diamond yourself, somo of your frlonds may, and that will bo noxt to getting It in your own family. , How to Participate. For oach receipt of ono dollar for tho Dally or Wookly Journal, to any addross, Uio porson to whom tho re ceipt is lssuod, will bo given an op portunity, absolutoly without cost, to havo a guess at tho unknown numbor, and tho porson or persons guessing noarost that numbor will rocolvo as a present and without any compensation whatovor, and merely as an oxprosHlen of good will on Uio part of Tho Journal toward Its subscribers, the $160 dla-, mond Tiffany ring advortlsed in this paper and on exhibition at Uio Jowol ry store of C. H. Hinges, 88 State stroot, Salem, Oregon. Tho party paying ono dollar or moro shall re ceive a receipt for oach dollar paid, and havo tho opportunity to guoaa a different number for each such recolpt held. No commission Is allowed to any agent or solicitor for securing subsoribere, and tho person bo eub sorlblug does It with tho understand ing that Uio Dally or Weokly Journal Is accepted as payment in full for the money paid. Unknown Number How Prepared. Tho unknown number that is to be guessed was mado up in tho follow ing manner. Tho ten numbers from nought to nine wore put on separats slips of paper and folded so as to be unseen, and a committee of subscrib r was asked to conduct th as- TIFFANY DIAMOND RING FREE 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 n b m m m i e i-n tin I 1 1 1 1 1 1 till I Ullilll III iH numbor was drawn, and thus thoy vv. t.iu .vituiww vuut uut TTUVll sombllng of Uio ynknown number, furnishing Uio diamond, nor on the This unknown numbor was forrood part of any subscriber. Tho receipts at Tho Journal ofllco on Monday, Jari- for Uiis guosslng conteat will bo nunv uary 11, 1904, in Uio following man- bored In duplicate, but tho stub will ner: Tho ten numbors from naught bo 'only for tho purpose of identify to nine, inclusiro, on aoparato slips of ing tho subscriber who is tho buccobb papor, in small scaled envolopes woro ful guosoor each subscriber writing placed In a box, shaken, and a tho guoss numbor on tho baok of hlu blindfolded person in Uio proeonce of rocolpt oach ono making bis or hor the commttteo drew out throo of own guoss at tho uuknown numbor. thoie ton numbors, marking Uio first As boou as tho rocoIptB aro all sold one, tho second two and Uio third three In figures, and thoy wero thon placed In a largo envolopo, sealed up and placed with tho diamond on exhi bition In Uio Jewolry store show win dow each day during the guessing con test, and will not bo oponod until Uio contost is closed, when tho dia mond will bo glyen to Uio nearest gupssor. Tho unknown numbor. will b formed by putting together Uio throe numbers in Uio order as marked, ono, two, three, on Uio envolopes in which thoy aro contalnod. Tho unknown number will not bo assembled until the guessing contest is completed, and,1011 t0 hlr B"08 n tho w)m publicly announced to subscriber., raannor' "f 0,l,ta w,n h mtt,,oJ thom, and thoy can return tho sam, The Number to Do Guessed At I with tholr guoss written oa the back. There it l, Boalod up In an onvolope ,n a "alod onvelopo plainly marked In tho window with the diamond, and "Journal Diamond Guessing Contot," there it will remain until Uio diamond ani thoy will bo deposited in tho box. is given away to tho lucky guesser. Tho Iderod tin box will not bo cut Written across the faco of a largo, Pn vaili nl1 tuo raoolpta in Uti white enveloDe are the werds: "This B"oi contest are sold 975 r- envelope contalus the unknown nunv SEVEN i m i h 1 1 it m 1 1 m 8 1 n 1 1- - M - M 1 M I III M 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 l4 $J50 Diamond and. New If bor in Tho Capital Journal Diamond Quosslng Contest." This numbor wns formed In oxact pursuanco of tho plan advortlsed In Tho Journal, by a com mittee of buslnoss men and Journal subscribers, who camo. into tho office Monday, Jnnunry 11. Following Is tholr 8lgnod statcmont on oxhlbltlon at Mr. Hinges' show windew: The Unknown Number, Wo, tho undersigned, wero present at The Journal offtco January 11, and assisted in tho forming of tho un known numbor, accordlug to tho plan publ,8noa t0 bo U80d m Tho Capltn, Journal Diamond Queslng Contest 'Under Uio rules of forming tho nunv hot, It Is lmposslblo for anyono, not ! oven 'tho membors of this committee, I tho publishers of Tho Journal, no. tho Jowolor who furnished tho ring to know what the numbor is. (Signed) N. J. JUDAII, " J. O. GRAHAM, ' QUO. C. WILL, HAL. D. TATTOO, CHAS. II. HINOI2S, FIIANIC C. FEItOUSON. Limited Competition. Tho numbor of recolpts iBsuod in this contost will bo II ml tod to tho numbor of guosses posslblo in tho rango of Uio numbers botwoon 012 and 087, as tho unknown numbor must bo composed of a flguro wllhtn thoso limits Tho unknown numbor cannot bo loss than 012 nor moro than 987. To bo a porfootly harmless and in nocont, and amusing gnosslng con tost tho numbor to bo guoseod at must bo and romaln absolutoly un known. Thoro must bo no chanco for any crookod work on Uio port of Tho Journal publishers, of tho jowolor , tho ruoaslne content will hn nvnr nnrf tho nearest numbor awardod Uio dia mond. How the Guesses Are Made. On aocuring a recolpt for ono dol lar or moro, tho person wishing to guoss will writo bis . guoaa be tween tho above numbors on tho back of tho recolpt iu Ink or In dollble pencil, writing only ono guess on each receipt, and depositing the " ,nTtho 8?ld"red t,u ox Irov,llod T ,'""""""" UIUU ,ur " Pn Subscribers out of town will bo al- ceJPU ,ln all, i!