Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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    j,nr- nr9' V "WiWJfSV"
K.aESKM' -i&:
t fi ARn
H. A. Rawson Shoots
"Himself in the Leg
'by Accident
Revolver Slipped Out of His
Hand and Inflicts a Ser
ious injury '
IL A. llawson, ono of the guard at
the penitentiary, whllo on the wall
7tcrday on Ms way to his post, mot
with an accident that, whllo happily
not sorous, might havo resulted fatal
ly. Ms revolver, In u loathorn hol
ster, dropped out of Mb hand, and as
the pistol strtiak the ground It was
discharged, the bullot cutting a gush
through the calf of tho left log of
the unlucky guard.
Mr. llawson hais boon In tho habit
of carrying his Winchester rifle and
revolver In his right hand, tho last
named wqipon being In a holster, tin
loop of which had been slipped over
the- man's hand. This loop was de
fective, and when Mr. llawson was
passing along the wall to his post, the
strap gave way, slipped out of his hand
And the pistol dropped.
Immediately after the accident the
Injured man was taken to the prison
hospital, where Dr. J. D. Shaw dressed
tho wound, which wan only through
the fleHtry part of the eulf. Injuring
tiothbr nn nrtery nor a muscle. After
tho wnuiid was dressed, Mr. llawson
returned to his post, and, though his
limb was sore and stiff, he was able
to attend to his duties, and no 111 of
foe Is nro anticipated.
Are You Fagged?
That run-down feeling is caused
by your over worked digestive
organs not doing their work
Eropcrly. Set them right, re
lvigorato your system and
restore sound and lasting health
by using
Sold Ertrywh ttc. 1 n ban 10c and Xc
how close these tracts ate to the
city limits. Also the proposed belt
in the street railway lines. The
electric railway which is to be
built out to Liberty Fruit Farms
passes these tracts as shown on the
plat. These tracts are tinder cul
tivation and are selling at $5 a
month. Can you afford to lose
this opportunity of investing in a
sure and safe proposition? You
can buy from one to five of these
tracts at $5 a month, withput in
Salem Abstract & LancC
'I o .
' ':;E0CAL
Interesting BankChap-
ters From the
A Poem Found Pasted Over
the Journal Diamond by
a Well Known Liter
ary Man
(Salem Statesman, Fob. 10th.)
A Demand That One Who Owes the
Gilbert Bank Shall Pay Up.
Kdl tor Statesman :
I see by tho Ollbort receiver's re
port on file at tho court houso that A.
F. ITofor, Jr., owes tho ostato. Why
don't tho rocolvor do his duty and
make him pay? Or If Mr. Hofor Is so
Intorostud In tho deposltlors gottlng
tholr monoy, why don't ho pay with
out bnlng forced to? ORPHAN.
(From the Statesman, Feb. 11th.)
He Has Something to Say About That
Balance and Other Matters.
Kdltor Stntesman:
Since you lwivs seen lit to admit to
your columns nn nnnonymoun Item
signed "Orphan," concerning- tho Gil
bert bank recelvershp, I trust you will
glvo space to tlila reply. The writer
says that I am owing that concorn a
balauco, which Is a fact, but ho for
gets to state that the claims I have
against the bank nro fully four times
as much as my ovordraft. No offort
has over boon mado on tho part of Re
ceiver (latch or any ono olso, to col
loct thlaovudrnftof about $10, nolth
er In person nor by lottor, nor by for
mal notlco of any kind. I liavo twice
received notlco of a smnll dividend
from tho rocolvor, and confidently bo-
llovo that if half as much diligence
wej-o given tho subject of collecting
claims, tho unfortunnto doposltora
would havo received moro dlvldonds
before now. Furthermore, bow did
"Orphan' 'learn about this particular
case? Theso claims havo novor beou
published, nnd tho only conclusion Is
that ho Is nn olllcer of tho court, or
on tho Insldo somewhore. I would like
also to kno whether tho "Orphan
holds collatoral for hie claims, or Is a
common victim, or ono of tho gang
that Is getting fat out of this dis
graceful ombroglfo In our city.
Youra truly,
(Salem Statesman, Fob. 12th)
A Friend of His Takes the Receiver
of the Gilbert Bros. Bank Into
His Confidence.
Salem, Or., Fob. 11, 1904.
Editor Statesman:
Mr. A. F. Hofor, Jr., In hl commu
nication in this morning's Statesman
says that ho confidently bollevos, etc..
oto. Now. Mr. Receiver of Ollbort
Bros, listen to tho volco of "experi
ence," notlco tho word "bolleves.
Why don't you give Mr. Whofer (elth
or ono of tho brothers) $10, thon thoy
will bollove tho other way; why, at
times evon ono dollar will do It.
(Salem Statesman, Feb. 13th.)
An Anxious Inquirer Wants to Know
What Was Referred to So Mys
teriously. Editor Stntesman:
Tho Evening For Sale a day or Uo
ngo made montlon In that peculiarly
mysterious manner In which tho col
onel broaches tho proposition thnt you
had betUr glvo mo nn "ad" or ?
thnt a pleco of poetry had
been written nnd pasted upon some
window. Now what was tho piece of
poetry, and wns It gluod right ovor tho
paste diamond game tho Whofers are
running? qURIOUS.
The Wonderful Poem Referred To.
HOFER for Boodle
HOFER thej ass
HOFER the grafter
HOFER for cash.
IThe abovo Is tho language? of a
woll-known lltorary gontloraan, and
was pasted up on a window adjoining
tho Ixidd & Dush bank, at about 10
o'clock at night. Tho original is at
The Journal ofllco, and can bo seen
by anyone. Ed. Journal.
Extra Cars to Asylum.
The Citizens' Light & Traction Co.
wilt run extra cars to the asylum fol
lowing the 8 and 8:20 p. m. cars Sat
urday evening. Cars will also boln
waiting after tho reception. 2t
Jimmy" Hlcke.
If you want nlco crab salad, dovllod
crabs, wild ducks, como to tho Modol
restaurant on Court Btreot, nar opora
houso. Wed-Sat
Ft - cJZgMj
hkuiT FARMS 'lM' !..!
i f4 3j ' ? ' 1
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Oregon State Conference of
Charities and Correction
Tho executive board of tho Oregon
Stato Conforonco of Charities and
Correction, announces tho following
program for tho third annual moot
ing, to bo hold February 17-18, 1901,
at tho Unitarian church, corner Sov
onth and Yamhill:
At the oponing mooting, February
7. at 8 p. m., judge Lindsey, of tho
Donvcr Juvenile court, will speak on
"Juvenile court work and work among
delinquent boys."
Dr. Samuol Smith, of St. Paul, has
been with us bofore nnd Is too well
known to need any further Introduct
Miss Julia Lnthrop, of Chicago, will
address tho conforonco on tho Inte
gral rolatlons of tho stato to hor child
ren." Miss Lnthrop Is a resident of
Hull Houso, Chicago, and until re-
contly was a mombor of tho Illinois
stato board of charltlos.
A class of chlldron from tho stato
school for tho deaf, will glvo a prnc-
tlcnl demonstration of tho mothod of
teaching which is now being followed
In our state institution. "
T N. Strong, of Portland will deal
with the subject of "prison contract
William Standley will prosont "Man-
ual training as a factor In reformatory
work among boys."
Judge Alfred Sears will address tno
conferonco on a subject of doop Im
portance to all who aro .Interested In
tho problom of tho criminal "tho In
dutermlnato sentonce and tho parolo
Dr. T. Woods Hutchinson will speak
on "tho relation of alcoholism to tho
charity problom."
.,o uuaru uur.u,Hll)- uu your,
attendance, and your co-operation
Tho board earnostly requests your
towards making tho conferonco a sue
Societies aro requested to sond at
least threo dolcgatcs.
"Somothlng now." Tho vory latest
Invention of tho confectioner's art,
and lt hasn't beon named, at tho Spa.
Try lt. 2-ll-3t
i Bears tas yj ' Mna iw liaw Awars
Bears ths yf "8 Kind You Hats Always Boifffl
1004. '
Tells of the Service in the
Infantry of Their Army
K. Shlnoharo, a native of Hri-o-shima,
Japan, a former soldlor In tho
Mlkndos army, was In Salem yester
day afternoon, to bid somo of his
countrymen located horo good-byo, as
ho leaves In a few days for his homo
across tho Pacific, In rosponso to tho
call of tho Mikado for all former sol
dlere who havo not been out of tho
army over four years to return and
fight for tho nation's flag. Shlnoharn
Is a very Intelligent Japancso, and ho
spoko entertainingly regarding tho
war and tho conditions In his country.
"Ono Jnpanoso soldlor is tho equal
... " .. ,, . , ,
of three of any other nation," ho said
with a laugh, "and wo havo proven
.. . ,, . .v. i . -.- .
this. You romombor tho last war wo
had with China, only olght years ngo.
That was the proportion, and wo held
our own, in fact dofoated that coun-
try. Wo are now called home to again
ugni ior our army, imu u jninj ui
.. -.. i ...
nbout COO who aro included In this
first call all soldlors who havo boon
discharged from tho army within tho
nst f0llr yenra will sail from Van-
'couver, II. C, in afow dnys, going dl-'
rect to Jn,mn t0 roi)0rt, for Borvico.i
The wnr mny Ja8t a yonrt nnd lt may
continue a groat doal longor, ospoclal-
ly lf gonlo of the otheP t)OWOr8 should
uocomo involved, and no man can pro- j
dct tho outcome. Of course, I think!
that Japan will win. and that wo canjWrlUt & Co roprosontInB lho .
dofeat Russia without tho aid of any
othor nation."
Ho stated that tho Japanoso soldlor
In time of war received a wago of
about $7 per month, and was well
cared for, receiving good, whole
some food and as good euro as lt was
possible to give. Asked as to a scar
acros8 ,., forohend tho Japanose sald
Umt ,t wn, tho r0Bu)t of ft woun(1
celved by him In a battle during tho
war between Japan nnd China a fow
years aso, and ho spoko entertaining
ly of that conflict which first showed
tho Japanoso as modorn soldiers,
Shinohara stated that, lf ho survived
tho war, he oxpectod to como back to
tho United Statos, for ho was loth to
leave this country. Ho said that many
of tho Japaneso woro sacrificing their
bolonglngs horo to enable them to go
homo to tako up arms for tholr era -
- -
w "' " ,
So Violentlv
-r. a l
its Movement
Could Be Seen!
Through Clothing,
Dr. Miles' Iicdirt
Cured 'Me.
no nuuicr wui u.c inuicr win 0v
heart, it will pay you to try Dr. Mllei' iQ
Cure. It is a crest heart and blood tote
that cures by removln jf the catjte. Trr It f
-i ..I ...... ...... m cj .v.. ' "'
lT- ft... .t..t U. ..-..- ...
uMiunumc w "Hi nuu wiai yenm
no luufci uuit ul u.bftuM ..iici unci czertles
that you can sleep in any position with co
fort and without the dtead of cmnis...
spells. It removes the symptoms and eoiu
the disease. It strengthens the heart,
action, enriches the blood and iraprorts tie
circulation. It has cured heart disease who
all else failed. It has brought relief wha
death seemed nigh.
"Since takine a number of bottles tlDi.
Miles' Heart Cure daring the past rear ar
.I....... ,. uni ... .w. .-.,
usea to Domerme greauy. lne trMUMi
,peiis0f palpitation and fluttering that I ,
' at that time subject to were most alarmist
At times my heart would beat so vloleatfr
that the raoJeroent was noticeable throuX
my clothlne. Doctors said my heart wu
I think Dr. Miles' Heart Cure a ereatmedl.
, "I'iTj TTYS fc'SK
C "l.V. 1.1 -J .!.. 7 ""
ncauu uuw, cuiuiucmii; ui.-ii i am ujyein
neaua now, considering in.ii i am Wye:
om. i wisn you success.- andrew jack
son, Centralis, Wash.
All drucnts Sell and guarantee flnt bot
tle Dr. Miks Remedi Send for free book
on N-rvoits mJ II art Diseases, Addroi
Dr. MUcs Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
I J. H. Haas Becomes a Member of a
Big Insurance Firm.
The old-tlmo Insurance firm of J. 0.
man's Fund and tho Connoctlcutt Fin
Insuranco Co., has moved Its olllco la
to tho J. II. Haas placo of business,
Mr. Haas has purchased tho Interests
of Mr. Wolf in tho company, and will
conduct tho affairs at his ofllco at 211
Commorclal Btreot, whoro persons
" " ;,,,. ' bo ' d
wishing Insuranco can bo served.
Enabling ownors of approved prop
erties to
and similar enterprises. Address with
' full details, J. S. WHITE, Manager,
1 Security Llfo Ins. Co., CI Wall streot,
'now York.
longer experience any trouble from lyinr m
my left side, which disagreeable sympttiai
C. IB.