Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    r5"T7wjr "" "'$?,"'' "" '
Testing The
Different men, different methods.
Our method Is scientific; Wo havo
tho Instruments!, the oxpcrloncq,
tho knowledge that is necessary,
and your eyes will bo examined
without charge. Then, again-, wo
havo tho proper .glasses that will
bo exactly what your vision calls
for after tho tost Is made. No
haphazard work here. Just the
host there Is In optical work.
Western Oregon a Nature
Butter and Cheese
Corner of State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Oregon.
i ,-h. -M-H !
X Local
I In the
HI I I HrH-C I I 1 1 I III HlfWt
Social Realm
Herman Schellborg, of Sublimity,
Is In tho city for a few days' visit with
his brother, O. Q. Schellberg.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Woods, of
Woodburn,' returned homo last oven
lng, after a few days visit bore.
John II. Albert was a passenger (or
Portland this morning to attend a
meeting of the Lowls and Clnrk com-
for mission.
O. P. Hoff, tho stnto labor commls-
Professor C. L. Smith, Farmers'
Instltuto lecturor for tho Washington
Stnto Agricultural collego, was In
Portland last evening, on his way to
tho Institute, wheh opened at Walla
Walla this morning. Mr. Smith was
all over tho state of Oregon a fow
years ago, In. tho lntorost of tho
farmers, whom he advised to pay
moro attontlon to dairying, and ho
thinks they linvo profited by his ad
vice, so woll that this stato is now
on tho point of becoming tho foremost
on tho Pacific coast in production of
milk, butter and choeso.
"I consider Western Oregon and
Western Washington natural dairy
regions," Mr. Smith said, "and overy
day's progress In theso Industries
proves that I am correct. Lands on
which farmers mado a poor living
raising whent aro now making money
for their owners, who havo quit grain
raising nnd gono Into darylng.
( "A half dozon good cows, woll kept,
will innko moro mono for their own
ors than ono 'would lmnglno who has
not mo actual oxporionco. I enn
C. L. Morgan, of Gervals, Is In Sn
lem today for a short visit.
John Krebs was a passenger
Portland yesterday afternoon.
D. W. Belle, of Seattle, camo to .slonor, went to Portland last evening
Salem last evening on business. for a few days' visit with friends, nnd
Roy Huggott, of Tacoma, came to to attend tho Republican banquet last
Salem last evening for a brief visit. J night.
O. W. Johnson returned last ovon- The Misses A. Dickson and O. A.
lng from a visit with Portland friends. Michel, of Oorvnls, camo up last ov-)Cto you ono jngtanco as an lllustra-
John A. Rotnn wont to Portland this onmg to attend tne aacrou Heart tlon of many:
morning for a fow days' buslnoss visit." Academy entertalnmont at tho Grand. Hi P- Albory. n farmor of Gray's
Governor Chamberlain returned last Opora House. rlvor, cleared $111 por cow in tho
night from a fow days' stay In Port-' Mrs. J. W. Cuslck camo down from yoar 1903i 1Io mj;ed ton cows nnd
land. I her homo In Albany last evening for a fea thom W8ll wIth 40 ncroa ,n cuU.
Hon. D. M. C. Gault wont to Tort- visit with hor son, who recently un-vatlon, though ho had somo outside
lnnd last ovenlng, after a fow days' dorwont an operation for appondlcltls rftnBe A fow . yearg ngo ho startod
visit hero. nt tho Salemi hospital.
Frank Jordan, of Cottage Grovo,,was H. D. Patton, J. G. Graham and J.
In Salem yostorday, returning homo C. Goodale, Jr., were passongors for
last ovonlng. Portland last ovonlng, for a short
R. M. Thompson, of Portland, camo ( stay, and to attend tho Republican
up last night, returning to that place banquet last night, going as tho rop
thls morning. rosontatlves of tho Young Mon's Re-
Harold Sellwood wont to Portland . publican Club, of this city.
tho harmony of which showed most
careful training. Another chorus,
"I'd Liko to Bo Llko Grandma," was
given by 10 llttlo girls, who Indeed
looked very quaint in their grandma
costumes, and created much morrri
ment. Sovoral musical' selections
wcro given, tho piano quartet by Miss
es Hawley, Sutherland, Woods arid
Walsh being rendered in porfect har
mony. Misses Georgia Booth and
Evelyn Wood also gavo a piano selec
tion, showing exceedingly good ex
pression. This was followed by tho drama,
entitled "Tho Magic Bell," la which
all tho young ladles did so well It
would bo hard to say which was best.
Mlso Margaret Sutherland, as king,
carrlod hor part exceedingly woll,
and seemed qidto at homo on tho
stago, as did also Misses Hawley and
Powell. Miss Goldlo Goulct appeared
as a haughty countess and did tho
part full justice Evelyn Wood and
Ollvo McGoe, as tho two sisters,
showed groat talent, as did Miss Hat
tlo Miles. Miss Anna Brlnkly, as
John( tho countess' footman, made
quite a "handsome" one, and played
hor part well. Tho Misses Howard,
Glover, Hoffman, Lebold, Eekerlon,
Molsan and Church, who carried minor
parts, also did romarkably well.
Tho Cecollan Academy Stringed Or
cnostra, assisted by MIbscb Boss Til
son and Lillian Stego as violinist,
then appeared, and wero much appre
ciated. Tho whole ontortalnmont was woll
given nnd tho slstors aro to bo con
gratulated upon the excellent way In
which It was presented.
Miss Nolllo Read, of Areola, Ind.,
camo down from Corvnllls yesterday,
and last night went to Tumor, whoro
this morning, to tako a position in his
brother's Btoro.
Loring K. Adams roturned last night
from Portland, whero ho was on pro- j sho will spend sovoral days visiting at
fesslonal buslnoss. . tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Scott Bozorth was a passongor for ( Thomas, tho formor an old-tlmo friend
Portland last ovonlng for a fow days' . or nor lamuy.
visit with his family.
Miss Leah Martin wont to Pendle
ton yesterday afternoon for art oxtond
cd visit with fronds.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto KrauSso camo
up from Portland last evening for a
fow days' visit with frlonds. ,
W. L. Hathaway, of Portland, was
In Salem yostorday afternoon, visiting
his brother, A. R. Hathaway.
Capt. Mlloy returned to his homo
at Aurora last ovonlng, nftor attending
tho session of tho county court horo
for tho past fow days.
Stato Sonator Squire Farrar wns a
passongor for Portland last evening,
for a few days' visit, and to attond tho
Republican banquot last night.
Miss Read was accom
panied by Mr. Thomas' sister, Mrs.
Farmor, of Cofvallls, with whom tho
young lady has visited for somo time.
Sho oxpects to loavo for her homo in
tho Hooslor stato before long, after
completing her visit with hor Orogon
frlonds. Miss Rend Is a toachor In tho
public schools of hor home, and has
mot with flattorlng succoss In her
chosen profession.
I 1 1 I I I I I 111 I I t-H-M-m-fr-H"'-
1 1
J. M. Hahetly
Tie Pill
A wise woman Judges a man ft grocory wants.
not for his wealth alone but for
hla taste In buying.
Carroll's Chocolates.
;; Palace Phatmacy
!: HO State St. Salem.
MH-tM 9 9 1 0 i 9 19 1 9Q9Q&
. . Upi;
Our storo Is all torn up male- . .
lng needed changes and propar- ;
ing to ropnper and ropalnt ;
throughout, but tho most caro- ;
ful attontlon will bo given to . .
i every order.
Lot us know your
with sovon good Jorsoy cows nnd
now ho has a largo herd, having been
particular In broedlng. Ho chooses
his own according to their product
ive ability, and whon ho has any sec
ond grado In his hord ho brings them
to Portland and soils them to pcoplo
who deslro Jorsoy cows of their own."
Professor Smith goes his pllo on
"silos," which ho so strongly urged
tho farmers of tho Willamette valley
to construct somo years oko. Ho
finds many ofUhem In cxistonco now
and says thoy add to tho winter sup
ply of milk very materially.
"Tho ordinary silo is built of bar
rel staves, Is 1C feet in diameter and
30 foot high," ho said. This is built
on top of tho ground nnd filled with
chopped cornstalks, cobs nnd all. Tho
bottom and sides aro airtight and as
tho foddor is fed from tho top tho
unused portion keeps in good condi
tion until tho bottom Is rcachod. Such
a silo will hold 30 tons nnd sujjly five
cows for 200dny8. Theso olios will
bo moro numorous ovory yoar In Oro
gon and Washington, and tho milch
cows on tho silo farms will glvo as
much milk In wlntor as In summor,
while tho quality of tho milk will bo
bottor than ovor.'' Tologrnm.
i f&f UudUul
;; Bjm mwMM ua sh0WlDS th0;;
ji'jS : kiM&- ym ,ato9fc and n0WC8tJ?
I il(- yfeHA BI.,rlnB Bty,0S in''
? mV JJ nUttl Clearance sale i !
'Vn lvft . f nro unoxcollcd.
fSlmsSm Ml !!
' h yff.BllMb -ttm Roai1 our nla' !
"' vk KM for thoy 'mean ; ;
!! oNJ)Ji WMs something, If notj;
r "LgyMj for today, somo;
Jg' ' othor day. ' '
i ,
i! SaleiWoolenlllStorel
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor
99 1 8 i O I 1-C4 9999999 1 94
(Life's Mysteries Revealei
The White House
Can glvo you a good meal any hour
of tho day or night
: Atwood & Fisher i
C. J. Atwood. D. W. Fisher.
; (Sue. to Branson & Ragan)
Sacred Heart Academy.
Tho dramatic ontortalnmont ron
dored by tho pupils of tho Sacred
Heart Acadomy at tho opora houso
last night was a great succoss, and
tho young ladlos roflectod crodlt up
on their Instructors. Thoy wero as
sisted by Miss Rnby Pholps, who gave
a romarkablo exhibition of club
swinging, also a reading from Hia
watha, which was woll recolvod. Hor
Interpretation of "A Railway Station
In North England," was oxcecdlngly
well given. Tho flrBt vocal class, of
about 40 children, gave a solectlon,
You havo sovoral tooth missing,
which makos you ashamed to laugh.
If you do open your mouth ovorybody
notlcoB tho doflcloncy, and unpleasant
comraonts aro mado about It whon
your back Is turnod. Why not havo a
bridge mado, which will look as woll
as tho original tooth, and fool Just as
comfortable? Call and sco us If you
want tho host work porformed pain
lossly. No Pain No Delay
Special Inducements until
February 15, 1904.
Gold Filling 1-00
8llver Flllln'ns 50
Bridge Work 4.00
Full Set Teeth 5.00
m m
Fee i
Office houre, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.;
evenings, 7 to SSundays, 10 a, ra. to
12 ra.
Telephone Main 2591,
Dental Office.
Rtousloft Block. Corner Court and .
Llborty Streets.
i Smith's
1 Ftuit
No. 2
By a wondqrful man. Occult
Sclontlst, Phllonophor ami Metn-Phy-slolan.
Prof. Jamtson, Bldrleilgo block
Commorclnl strost, rooms B and P.
Tho wonderful demonstration of this
wonderful mans strange powors must S
bo wltnossod to bo believed. At a S
glanco ho will toll you what you came
for. He will rend your life, past,
prosent and future better than you
know yoursolf. He will glvo you novor
falling ndvlcojn nil your understand
ings concornfng marrlngo, dlvorco,
buslnoss, lovo affairs, speculations,
doods, mortgagos, moneys, travels,
and in fact in all things. Ho is ono
of tho most skillful occult scientists
of tho age. As an astrologor ha liasi
Ma mliirntlan In India, the land of
mystonuJ. no is a quauueu ustrojo- t --, . 'yrATFPQI "Mrrt
Skontlcs are invited to call and; " ---'f s-
bo convinced.
7:30 p. in.
Office hours, 9 a, m.
Containing 95 one-acre tracts, X
one-fourth mllo from car line,
Just outside of city limits; 95
a month, and no Interest.
i Salem Abstract !!
and Land Co. i;
9999 i 9 1 o i iM-tK-a-wt-a a )8cimiofttHM-HMj
41 It I I I I I H I I ' I M I I H I II
: : Hllfce MlUlneiy Parlors
DemonSrtratlon of the $ : : 8ucc08Sor to Mrs. J, O Hooker : ;
Eastman Kodak Ma
Not a cheap trust-made article, but t pj best 5 cent cigar on sale.
AUG. HUCKINSTEIN, Manufacturer, Salem.
Monday Afternoon
from 2 to 6 p. m
k "- -- - -- -- -- wajr
Some people, have to spend, but ifx
you have no time, possibly you might jf
like to havo on of our fine 15-Jewel
timekeepers, as they do not require Z
much money for the investment Our J
stock of fine watches for ladles and
gentlemen Is complete, and embraces
everything In Blgln and WalthamS
wntrhaa Vripaa lowar than ever. V
Watchmaker and Optician.
2E3 Commercial Street
m Patton's Book Store.
9 9
iMHiiiiuinmiii nut
Made in Salem I
317 Commorclal St.
Spting Stock i
The finest in the city, will be
arriving soon, and old and new ..
patrons of the store are Invited . .
to call.
ifWHW-n t n--tnfrfr
I Foi? Feed Bags
A pure oroam of tartar baking I
powder. Recommended and T
sold by
Harrlt & Lawrence,
Fuller & Douglas,
A, Daue,
F. Q. Bowersox. f II ?
Your monoy back if you want 11 i
rra ntJB IIP T
....:' I i mi i i I m lai atlfl. HI i(B I JIB it I 1 1
j.HMMII IIIHIIMllnitr .wwww.-.-.-
Robe, Whip, Axle areas or
f. any harneu supplies, go to
F. E. Shafe
2 232 Commercial Street, Salem.
ii -
iiiiiimimiiiiimiM'ii' ,i,mimumamima ,t
I I IIKIfAJeHkWf . - . . .
;; HKlll7jH 6x20Uakandteel
. . lHH"' ! nkjrWB' VJT iIBwii. 1- JOBIA I
!:: Mmlm tfl CU1 i;
' " " Mi i Wmnx. QW9M9m&G
i mWitmi Jtf&tthe thlns for Ilfc ii
I HlBrFlflBlJ size portraits.
z mwLAfflmmbdxmaBammmkmm
: i UWLJB' SSfigimW&mKi
9 9m mmmmmmmmmmwmmUfEN9RK9W9&X9r& '
? 9 pjT,w,r ,;.""T.'"T.ry-,,rT;T:.T,..'i: .:. ..TT.iY."s...ri '.l. .-. ,, , ."JiCtBi
9 !