Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    r ryjvgr'-
Baking Powde
Arc delicious arni wholesome a perfect
cold weather breakfast food.
Made in the morning; no yeast, no "set
ting" over night; never sour, never cause in
digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, and
a thousand other dainty dishes, see the
" Royal I3akcr and Pastry Cook." Mailed
free to any address.
Capital City People Passing a Wleny
Winter in Many Ways
One of (ho groat soolal ovontH of tho
Boason In tho rocoptlon nnd dancing
party given thin ovonlng by Mrs. Cat
breath nnd Mrs, OrimUi. Soreral
luinilroil Invltatlonn aro Issued.
The Lincoln Anniversary.
Sedgwick Belief Corps gave a tine
literary anil musical entertainment at
tho Presbyterian church on Friday ev
ening In honor of Abraham Lincoln'
birthday. Tho hours nnd recitations
were all of rt highly patriotic ordor,
and the recitation by MIsh Echo Do
wirt and John (larland would have
honored n collet of dramatic art nnd
oloquenuu. The orator of tho evening
wan uomUdernhly of n falluro. and fell
down completely In tryltiK to tell some
of the well-known Lincoln stories. Tho
aommlltot) would. havo certainly done
better to Imve necured some one clue
Valentino Social.
Monday evttnlni: Rebecca hnluo N'n
me initiation und the regular sdwiIod
: . i
1 -- ' m . i i ii i. fc
Grand Display
Rcmemfce, that we nave HEYWOOD CARTS and that nmT$z
IF NOT SRR Tuiij rcviTri-vvT r r at" &&
1 will glvo n vnlcntlno social, aftor
of Uio lodge. Tho Odd FoIIowb will
Join with tho ladles, and spond a so
cial ovonlng togethor. It Is hopod
there will be a huge attendance.
Alice R. Society Entertains.
Tho members of tho Allco It. so
ciety gavo n delightful Valentino party
to n numbor of their friends last ov
ttnlng nt tho Host Salem school. The
ovonlng was spent very pleasantly In
Playing "Pit," "Flinch" nnd "Crokln
ole." One of the features of the even
ing was tho "valontlno box." In which
Urn young poople sent "unspeakable
tokens" to each other. Miss Marguer
ite Wilson presided at the punch bowl
and served In n most charming man-
nor. Mleeoe Margaret McOeo, Edith
Itagan. Lolah Helle, Perry Hleglemnn
nnd Ralph Mooro assisted In serving!
the refreshments. It was not until a
m.u miur mui mo merry crown ro-
io ineir nomw. liesiues the
Mprmlm"1' " - -
. . ......... I
J 3l JtitJLj
30 raembors present, thoro vrero 15 In
vlted guests.
Valentine Party.
Tho Misses Smith entertained a
number of tholr friends last evening
at their homo In West Salem at a val-
ontlne party, in honor of their cousin,
Mr. Hubert Smith, of Portland. The
parlors wero tastefully decorated for
tho occasion, and tho evening was
spent very pleasantly In playing "Pro
gressive Carum," In which tho first
prize was awarded to Elbert Thomp
son and Miss Ruth Whlto. "Pit" and
other games wore also, played. At tho
cIobo of the ovonlng dainty refresh
ments wore sprvod. Thoso present
woro Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thompson,
Misses Pearl Drannon, Josalo Smith,
Ruth White, Neva and Nettlo Smith
McLnln, Garnet and Mcudo Wilson;
Messrs. Crossan, Huburt Smith, Mc-
Lain, Drannon, Squires, Harold anu
Newton Smith.
i i i
"The Contest Ends."
Tho First M. E. church was a scene
of unusual festivity last ovonlng. It
I was tho result of tho ending of tho
'membership contest which has been
Un progress for sevornl weeks. The
Jlattor part of Docombor tho Sunday
School was evonly divided, and listed
'on sides undor two captains. Miss
Bortha Andrearthur cnptnln or the
tho Pinks and C. K. Ionnon cnptnln of
tho Blues Tho membership has been
raised to 1002, nnd these nlso Include
tho "Home Dopnrtmont nnd "Cradlo
Roll." The Blue aecurod nn ovon
300 now scholars nnd tho Pinks 210.
So last evening the victorious side
was entertained by tho dofoated
Pinks, nnd right royally treated.
Dainty little maidens In white caps,
and aprons, trimmed with their col-1
ors, sorvod tho refroehments, and
nothing was left undone for tholr en
tertainment. The tlmo wns spont very
pleasantly, the older membore In so
cial conversation, nnd tho younger
ones In playing gnmon. Evory ono en
joyed the evenings ontortalnmont,
whether on tho defeated aldo or not.
Euchre Club Meets.
Mm. Wllllnm Brown ami Mrs. S. C
Dyer ontortained tho mouthers of the
Fortnightly ISuchro Club yosterday af
tornoon nt the homo of Mrs. Brown,
on Stnto Btreot. Tho nftornoon was
spont vory plonsnntly In playing six
handed ouchro, and Mrs. Cntlln was
awardod tho first prize. Dainty re
froshmentu woro served during thoiaf
tornoon, and the ladles spont a vfry
pleasant social tlmo together, j?
It Was All Hearts.
One of tho most ploasant ovonts In
tho social realm this woek was a val
ontlno party given by Miss Ruth
Ketchum at hor ploasant home on
State stroet last evening to the mem
bers of her class of Willamette Uni
versity. The Ketchum home was
bonutlfully decorated with Orogon
holly, potted plant nnd streamers of
rwd crapo and hearts. The predom
inating color was rod, and the red
shados over the lights cast a ruddy
glow on the merry scono.
Tho guests
were ontertnlned with many nwol
games. First, ench one was given n
card on which to write nn original
Valentino The re-nlt was vory good,
anu caused n great deal of niprrl-
ment Miss Dot Segmnn and
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Oongrossman John L. Sheppard, Jlcmbcr of Congress from Toxas, writes:
Gcntlcmsn: " have used Peruna In my family and find It a
most excellent remedy for all catarrhal complaints." Congressman
John L. Sheppard.
THERE aib two things that tho wholo
medical profession agrco about con
corning catarrh. Tho first Is that ca
tftnhhJthoinostprcvalcntnnd omnipres
ent dlscaso to which tho pcoplo in tho
United Status nro subject. All classes I
of pcoplo liavo It. Thoso who stay in
doors much and thoso who go outdoors
much. Working classos have it nnd
Ktlontary Clausen liavo it.
Tho doctor finds catarrh to bo his con.
stantand over-present too. It compli
cated noarly overy disease ho la called
npoi to treat.
Tho cond thing about catarrh on
which all doctors agrco, is that It is dif
ficult to euro it. Local remedied may
give Tollcf but thoy fall to cure per
manently. Hprays or snuffs amount to
Sownrd rocolvod first prlzos. "A
heart hunt" was then Indulged In
tiny red hearts being hlddon nhout
tho room. Olive Rlddoll und Mr. Up
dyke succeoded In finding tho most,
nnd woro nwnrd'od tho prlzo In tho
"Moral lovo story," Miss Riddel!
ngnln captured tho first prlzo, nnd
Mnrtln St. Pierre tho gontloman's
first. In ono cornor of tho hall wna
tho fortune toller's don, nnd horo, nrald
weird lights, she told the guests thnlr
past, present and futuro lives, qulto to
their satisfaction. She presented each
young man with n bottle labeled "Cure
for Ive," and, upon pulling out tho
cork, found a pin, on tho ond of which
is Most Excellent," Writes Congressman
John L. Sheppard.
llttlo or nothing except to givo tempo
rary rcllof.
Catarrh in frequently located In inter
nal organs which cannot bo reached by
any sort of local treatment. All this
.a known by evory physician.
To deviso some pystomlo intornal rom-
cdy which would reach catarrh nt its
source, to oradlcato it pormanontly
from tho system this has boon tho de
sire of tho medlcnl profession for a long
tlmo. Forty years ago Dr. Hartman
confronted this problem. Ilo believed
then that ho had solved It. He still be
lieves ho has solved It. no euros thou
sands of pcoplo annually. During all
these years I'cruna has beon tho remedy
upon which ho hu.s rolled.
It was at Unit a private prescription,
was a tiny raltton. Itofroshments
were sorvod by tho hostoss and onjoy
nbly discussed. Bofore tho quests de
parted for tholr homo ench was pre
sented with a unique valontlno. Thoro
were about 35 proeent nt this charm
Igg ovent,
1 0
Wolf Goes to Europe.
Govornor Chamberlain todny com
missioned Adolpho Wolfo, ono of tho
"nreiura unu mo auuuor oi tne lowis
nnd Clark Exposition Co., as a speclnl
commissioner to roprosont tho state
of Orogon In Europe Mr. Wolfo goes
to Europe for nn extonded trip In a
few days, nnd will nddross chambers '
Grand Display
Child ens ion
afterwards manufactured expressly fM
him in largo quantities. This remedy
Peruna, is now to be found in vJl
rlrnn- afnrn ntirl Tinni-lv nvn.. i. .
tho land. It is the only roliablo Intonu
remedy over devised to cure any cm ci
rawiui, uuBuvut iojitf mo caso raj
have been standing.
A Cnso of Jfnsnl Catarrh of Klye Trf
Slaiitlliiir Citrodby Po-ru-na,
Hon. Itutlolph M. l'nttorson, a well
known lawyer, of Chicngo, 111.. .,,
" I havo beon n sufToror from nn,i I
catarrh for tho past flvo years nnd nt ik. l
earnest solicitation of n friend I fni i
Poruna nnd am glnd to say 11 has nConl. I
cd n rompletn euro. It i with nloi.nr 1
I roconrnondi it to othera." Itudolh!,
M. liltoron. , w
A courco of Peruna nevor falU io
bring relief. Thoro Is no olhr rrniedt
llko I'crun i. Its curca aro prompt nj
Air. Camlllm Sonno. 237 West 'nnii.
Btreot, Now York, writes:
"I have fully recovered from u?
tarrjiui uuu
blos. leufforcd
for three years
with catari It of
tho head, noso
and throat. I
trlod nil hinds
of motlioino
without relief,
but nt last I
havo been cured
by tho wondcr
ful romody
called Poruna.
"I read of Po
runa in your almanac, and wrotoyon
for ndvlco, which JC followed. After tak
ing ono undone-half lottlos of Pcran
I am entirely cured, and can recommend
Peruna tonnyono no tho boat nnd suret
remedy for nny catarrhal troublot."
Camlllus Sonno.
Ilonrlui; lAtt by Catarrh Koitared j
M!r. WlUIam Bauor, Burton, Toxu, t
Glnncr nnd Mlllor, wiltea:
" Somo years ago I lost tho liearlng in
my loft oar, nnd upon examination by a
specialist, catarrh was decided to bo the
causo. X took n cburso of treatment and
regained my hearing for n tlmo but 1
soon lost it complotcly. I commenced
to tako Poruna nccordlng to directions
and havo takou eight bottlos in all. and
my honrlng is complotcly restored, and
I shall sing tho praised of Poruna when
ever an opportunity occurs. Wm.
If you do not dorlvo rromnt and satis
factory results from tho uso of Peruna,
wrltontonco to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a
uuiBiaiomonior your caso, ana no win
be pleased to glvo you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, Prcsldont of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.0.
of commorco and othor commorclal,
morcantilo, manufacturing and ship
ping associations on tho forthcoming
iowls and Clark exposition.
Extra Cars to Asylum.
The Citizens' Light & Traction Co.
will run extra cars to the asylum fol
lowing the 8 and 8:20 p. m. cars Sat
urday evening. Cars will also bo In
waiting after the reception.
enii ;lh8 Kind You HaflUW&wjM
and othe Ctihs
Mr. Cnmlllua Sennt, H
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